How can Humans be Primates?

Well I don't know either that way I'm asking. Dutch? They have there own form of taxonomy?
Lemurs aren't monkeys or apes, apes and monkeys evolved from prehistoric lemurs. Only on madagascar did they remain lemurs. Its kind of like the first mammals were marsupials but marsupials only remain in certain places.
I think scientifically lemurs have a class of their own although I'm not sure because I don't know much about that stuff.

I neglect this forum for a month and a half and this is what happens. tisk tisk. I do recall when I first starting reading here that WCF and I had a similar sort of argument, though I don't believe I ever resorted to name calling nor did it go on so long. If everyone in this place felt the need to point out every technical error people made all we'd have is posts like these.
Well, at least WCF now has someone else to call arrogant and a know-it-all. :rolleyes:
The jist of the problem is no one likes to admit they're wrong, even on tiny technicalities, and people like to correct those technicalities in an all too "holier-than-thou" sort of way. Scientists are, by their very nature, very protective of their ideas, and to have those ideas questioned is seen as an insult. The same problem that caused this excessively long bitch-fest keeps scientists from working together and making science better for everyone and not just themselves.
I Agree . . .

I am especially repulsed by researchers who are more into protecting their own ideas than exploring new knowledge.

And while I am thinking about this, I am even more repulsed by researchers who are into research because they thrive off of some "eliteness" factor. They use lots of big words and talk about all sorts of ideas, but it never appears to be about the knowledge itself. It is more often about feeling "elite." In terms of creating new knowledge, they often come up short.
I wasn't calling anyone arrogant or elites (initially), I was simply pointing out a Appeal to Authority fallacy and how rude I thought that was.