How can Humans be Primates?

post by a biologist

the reason i post here is to teach and to prevent idiots from misleading people who want to learn.

i was teaching you humility wellcookedfetus, though i doubt it will take, you aready know too much.

swedefish, you should take Twain's advice, "it's better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you're stupid than to open your mouth and prove to them that it's true."
Humility from you? Ya I lean over and get ass-raped by people that need to come here of all places to enforce some shrivel of respect to make there pitiful failures of a life worth something, obviously all those years in grad. school did not give you what you wanted. I feel very sorry for you and hope then if that happen to me I will be sane enough to shoot my self.


If he is a kid then here really does not have a life, to try to be that accurate. Well we can assume the possibility he is a PHD and has had recent training in this field, but he suffers from ego problems: perhaps his penis size has something to do with it or perhaps he was fired recently, only the all mighty force of random events and simple physical laws knows the truth.
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reply to Xev

don't worry, wellcooked fetus is NOT a biologist. he's a wannabe. he's also anonymous, so he feels safe to spew crap
Xev you know how I feel about people that like to insult me if only paulsamuel knew (don't tell him!) :D
My 6666th post, just for you

I can't tell him? Where's the fun in freaking him out?


I hate you, Fetus.
Wowzers . . .

Interesting thread turned to shit.

I laughed at Xev's post about how she didn't know biologists were that aggressive. Hee.

I'd say something about humans and non-human primates, but what the hell do I know about this topic. I'm in kindergarden.

And when I grow up to be a big adult, I hope that I am never in Paul Samuel's class. He would try to rape me. Although, Hawaii seems like a nice place to hang out.
I don't know. It is quite possible to have a good scientific discussion with Paulsamuel.

see for instance this thread

Sometimes someone just pisses you off, for whatever reason. He doesn't piss me off, and probably I don't piss him off. Even though we were having differences of opinion in forementioned thread.

c'est la vie
or perhaps this one:

See once we were allies, but recently he made an Appeal to Authority fallacy that I got angry about, he sticks to the fallacy and now we are enemies. Spuriousmonkey once made the same fallacy and I pointed that out and there was much spiting and scratching, but he got over it and did not hold a grudge or brought it into other threads (at least not ones I know about). Now let us not speak of it again.
We all make mistakes, I my self have made that one before. Do you want me to post reference I can't remember the thread from the first time but I do remember a more recent event on in which you made a ad hominem on that gun pic thread. by the way wasn’t this thread about monkeys or something? :confused:
I actually never dropped a discussion with you because I thought you were right. I just couldn't be bothered to continue it seeing it is pointless.

that's fetuses strategy. he never, ever drops a thread. he will guide the thread away from his misleading statements and his lies, and continue to insist that he's been misunderstood or that his statements were misrepresented, until one finally drops out of the conservation through sheer exasperation.

he's a bully plain and simple and states opinion and misapprehension as fact.

i think he forgot who i was when he attacked me and i nailed him but he still couldn't let it go, and i wouldn't

i'm afraid he'll never learn anything (including humility) cause he already knows so damned much
I love how paulsamuel blams all problems on me, it not like I have not tried to move this thread back to the subject before, its you two that won't shut up about it, I'll repeat let us not speak of it anymore and wasn't this thread about monkeys or something???
Looks its a fallacy for him to go around saying he’s a professor so there for he is the final and definitive answer on the subject, I though that was rude and ill choice on his part only used to attempt to get others to just kiss his butt which is kind of weird because if he was a professor you think he would be getting the respect and treatment he desires. Also being called a “Dumbass” ever other post makes the logical insults I made against him look like mild complements in comparison, so I refuse to apologies until I hear one from him first.

Ok I’ll try this again by being active in the subject: does anyone know if lemurs are apes or monkeys? :confused:
half monkey? Come on there either classified as ape or monkey unless those dam taxonomist can make up there minds?