How can a poster know what will be deemed as pornography?

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"1) You did post porn on this site and was banned for it."

This is what I get told but is it true?

The site rules that I could find on the subject were:
Now the wording in the forum rules was to be No "Posting gratuitous comments or images of an obscene, sexual, violent or graphic nature."

Now the link I posted to had a real blaster of a title "Strip - Hot Girl - oral sex naked female stripper anal porn" but the video that went with that title was quite decent. So I asked myself the following questions and made the following conclusions:
Are the images sexual or just suggestive? (I believe they were sensual not sexual)
I believe the Images are not obscene
I believe the Images are not violent
I believe the images are not of "graphic nature".

Now since YouTube has its own anti-pornography policy:

YouTube Community Guidelines
Here are some common-sense rules that will help you steer clear of trouble:

YouTube is not for pornography or sexually explicit content. If this describes your video, even if it's a video of yourself, don't post it on YouTube. Also, be advised that we work closely with law enforcement and we report child exploitation. Please read our Safety Tips and stay safe on YouTube.
Don't post videos showing bad stuff like animal abuse, drug abuse, or bomb making.
Graphic or gratuitous violence is not allowed. If your video shows someone getting hurt, attacked, or humiliated, don't post it.

So if the offending video is OK for YouTube audiences and passes YouTube's strict criteria, will a link to that video onto the science forums then violate sciforums rules? This particular YouTube video had been there for 5 years so it clearly wasn't UN-acceptable. (It is acceptable to YouTube)
It gets tricky if there are different levels of tolerance.

I think anything acceptable on YouTube should be OK for Sciforums. Otherwise one cannot tell the outcome of posting a link if the standard here is harder to pass that YouTube.

In a letter to Stryder I state:
"Look all I ask the moderators do is to look at the rules themselves and there were things like removing posts and links that could have been done prior to banning me. Especially for that YouTube post which was marginal, but it truly wasn't pornographic, for YouTube monitors it own pornography levels and does it pretty well.
So had the link been removed and a verbal message sent I would have known what level you accept, for it certainly wasn't the worst that has been posted on this thread (and not by me).
You have the rules for the forum but there is no indicator of the level to which is the cut off.
Anything accepted by YouTube should be OK to have on the forum in my opinion."
End of quote.

In a letter to Bells I state:
"It started with B/S trying to mock me by saying she had a dream come true "she fed her cat".
I tried to show her how stupid that was when she'd normally feed her pussy every day, for then how would she know which occasion satisfied the dream? And it deteriorated from there.

My fix was getting over the previous 2 day ban. - Nothing to do with sex, but because the YT was linked at that point, it was a double message. Had it been a Christian song you wouldn't have thought anything of it.

Now the YT was sensual but it was not sexual or pornographic for those with YT accounts and over 13.
It had been on YT for 5 years and most like it. But I said even though it is not pornographic I personally have trouble watching it and staying pure in thought, and i was wondering how the other guys got on watching it?" End of quote.

Just because it was likely to cause the feeling of arousal does that mean it was sexual? For there would be many things that cause arousal.

I think there needs to be a clarification of how the policy is policed for there was no warning that the limit had been exceeded.

I hope this helps the forum develop a fairer policy.

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Or they just haven't deleted it yet.

This is a science forum, not a forum for sexy videos. There are plenty of other forums for that.
It was on You Tube for 5 years and is one of the nicest videos one could watch, you could even show your mother and she wouldn't worry about it. The Beautiful Christian song thread covers all sorts of life situations. It's life, it's biological, it's science when it all boils down to it.
It is not a sexy video, Did you not read that? The title is wild but the video is mild.

This part of the site rules was followed correctly on my part. But see the rule "We reserve the right to remove links without notice." That seems to be the first step in telling a poster where the limit is. If they reposted the same link after having been warned it was offensive sure I can understand that may deserve a ban.

Links and images
6. Sciforums publishes links to external sites at its sole discretion. We reserve the right to remove links without notice.

7. Sciforums is not responsible for and does not endorse the content on external sites.

8. When linking to other sites, include a description and/or meaningful link text – not just ‘Link’ or ‘Click here’.

9. Images that some readers might reasonably find confronting or disturbing should be posted as URL links rather than as images embedded in a post. In such cases, a clear warning should be posted along with the image, including a brief description of the content.
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Well i thought I'd leave some of it up to you.

So did you really have a dream of feeding your cat? That seems like rather a mundane dream, to the point I can barely believe your subconscious mind would be concerned with such a routine event.
Or were you trying to make me look stupid since I was discussing premonitions?
The post before i asked the forum:
Everyone including you? Do you have any dreams that have ever come true? Not just deja vu, but events not just places.
to which you responded immediately after:
In one of my dreams I fed my cat.

Did you ever consider that that statement was a strawman post?
Boundaries and what is and is not acceptable..

How the hell can you think it is acceptable to PM anyone on this site, even moderators (ie me), to discuss or let them know how and why something got you off. And then top it off by asking said person if they found it arousing and whether it made them horny.

No, really..


Do you understand the concept of boundaries?

I didn't respond to that last PM from you, Robittybob1, because frankly, as I advised my colleagues, it made me want to bleach my eyeballs. What the fuck is wrong with you? How could you even ask me such questions?

What the fuck dude?


As I advised you in the previous PM, the fact that you went on a bit of a rant about what got you off and how you liked anal porn, etc, in the thread and made comments like that to another poster in the thread, and then you link that video and said how you can't get through it without getting turned on, you actually have the gall to ask how or why it was pornographic because you can't tell what is or is not pornographic? So much so that you then respond to me by commenting about how it got you off, and then telling me what else arouses you and then asking me if it made me aroused as well.. I like how you leave that question to me out of your quote.



If that wasn't bad enough, you then post it in the forum and ask everyone if it's pornographic and what constitutes pornography...

I am going to say this as a member and as a moderator.

You are fucking pervert.
How the hell can you think it is acceptable to PM anyone on this site, even moderators (ie me), to discuss or let them know how and why something got you off. And then top it off by asking said person if they found it arousing and whether it made them horny.

No, really..


Do you understand the concept of boundaries?

I didn't respond to that last PM from you, Robittybob1, because frankly, as I advised my colleagues, it made me want to bleach my eyeballs. What the fuck is wrong with you? How could you even ask me such questions?

What the fuck dude?


As I advised you in the previous PM, the fact that you went on a bit of a rant about what got you off and how you liked anal porn, etc, in the thread and made comments like that to another poster in the thread, and then you link that video and said how you can't get through it without getting turned on, you actually have the gall to ask how or why it was pornographic because you can't tell what is or is not pornographic? So much so that you then respond to me by commenting about how it got you off, and then telling me what else arouses you and then asking me if it made me aroused as well.. I like how you leave that question to me out of your quote.



If that wasn't bad enough, you then post it in the forum and ask everyone if it's pornographic and what constitutes pornography...

I am going to say this as a member and as a moderator.

You are fucking pervert.
Your language is shocking Bells, I'm shocked. Totally shocked.
Robittybob1, sometimes the best first step when you're in a hole is to quit digging.

Bells told me in one of the forums to write to this section of the Sciforums Science Forum regarding this issue. I didn't quite understand at the time, it would be thereafter discussed so openly. So is this the forum section where you can abuse each other without consequence?
You want me to stop at the same time as making wild accusations that I feel need defending. It is a no win situation. What is the appropriate forum? All I get are questions and accusations from the likes of Balerion (who is reasonable) and Beer w/Straw so it was good, but you have made it impossible.
Am I allowed to respond to your post, or am I going to get banned if I do?
I am not complaining but thanking you for sorting it out.
Site Feedback and Open Government.

As for the accusations. You have been discussing this issue in not just this thread, but others. You have also been cross posting and pretty much lumping all atheists as liars because we do not believe in God, thus, we have no god to fear for punishment if we do lie. Which is obscene. You have, as Balerion pointed out, tried to claim that atheists lack a moral compass because we do not believe in God.

1) You did post porn on this site and was banned for it.
2) You did stalk and harass a member to the point where you were banned and said member had to shut down her PM's, after repeatedly asking you to stop and others repeatedly asking you to stop.
3) You claimed yourself you dated 3 women at once and dated a married woman.
4) All of which is on public record, put there by you.

It seems that your believing in God does not always guarantee a moral compass, as you are clearly showing the rest of us on this site.

And as I just proved to you, atheists do tell the truth and having a moral compass is not dependent on merely believing there is a God.

It these points raised by Bells that were transferred to a PM for "safety".
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@Bells - I have only quoted information that I wrote, and nothing of what you have said to me other than the original judgement
""1) You did post porn on this site and was banned for it.""
for that is the point of this thread - was it pornography or not?

Now in your "rant post" you make some quite unsubstantiable claims about me and I am rather horrified by some of the things you've said about me, for this forum has the tendency to believe whatever a moderator says without question, so shall we open up all our PMs to open examination by the forum so the truth of what was discussed can be read in full?
Your language is shocking Bells, I'm shocked. Totally shocked.


Well I was shocked by your sending me a PM describing what makes you aroused and then asking me if it or anything else gets me aroused.

You don't want to be sworn at?

Stop acting like a pervert and then perhaps people won't swear at you.

How can you not understand the very concept of boundaries and what is and is not acceptable? How? How, after it was explained to you in detail by me, can you still not get that your posts and then that link were deemed pornographic?

Just because it is on youtube does not make it acceptable on this site.

And as I explained to you, even though an administrator told you that you could post about your dreams, it does not mean you can post or describe your wet dreams. Not just because we don't want to know, but because it is inappropriate.

How can you have difficulty understanding this?

How can my saying that to you then result in your sending me a PM and describing to me how and what gets you aroused, asking me if it makes you aroused is what makes it pornographic and then.. really.. this just blows my mind.. asking me if it got me aroused and trying to find out what I find arousing.

Really, you actually think this is appropriate?

You don't understand how or why that is not appropriate?

Well I was shocked by your sending me a PM describing what makes you aroused and then asking me if it or anything else gets me aroused.
It was in a PM and we are are adults.
You don't want to be sworn at?

Stop acting like a pervert and then perhaps people won't swear at you.

How can you not understand the very concept of boundaries and what is and is not acceptable? How? How, after it was explained to you in detail by me, can you still not get that your posts and then that link were deemed pornographic?
Well why did you not just delete the link?

Just because it is on youtube does not make it acceptable on this site.
Well, I want that explained in the rules, and is the purpose of this thread. To improve the site rules.

And as I explained to you, even though an administrator told you that you could post about your dreams, it does not mean you can post or describe your wet dreams. Not just because we don't want to know, but because it is inappropriate.

You were the only one who has ever used the words "wet dreams". I was shocked when you wrote that!

How can you have difficulty understanding this?
Because it is a trap. Moderators use it to ban Christians but let Atheists get away with murder. Fairness/even-handedness is what i am asking for. I showed a whole series of rough post on the forum and no one got banned but me. I feel picked on bells!

How can my saying that to you then result in your sending me a PM and describing to me how and what gets you aroused, asking me if it makes you aroused is what makes it pornographic and then.. really.. this just blows my mind.. asking me if it got me aroused and trying to find out what I find arousing.
Well I was wondering how someone tells whether it is pornographic? What was it about the link that made you decide it was pornographic? Did you watch it and did it made you think? Was that it? I want to know how you determine the cut off point?

Really, you actually think this is appropriate?
It is in a PM but now you have brought it out in the open.

You don't understand how or why that is not appropriate?

I wanted an explanation and not just a judgement. Especially why you didn't just remove the post and issue PM warning before a full on 7 day banning on top of the 2 days I had already incurred.
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Your link was pornographic. You were banned for it. The ban was extended when it was believed that you were attempting to bypass said ban with other accounts.

To reiterate..

It is not acceptable to post pornography on this site.

It is not acceptable to discuss your sexual dreams or wet dreams on this site.

It is not acceptable or appropriate to ask others about their wet dreams on this site.

It is not acceptable or appropriate to discuss or tell others what gets you off or makes you horny or aroused on this site - because really, how or why this needs to be explained still astounds me.

It is not acceptable or appropriate to ask others what makes them aroused or horny on this site.


I'll put it this way.

We are all strangers to you.

Would you walk up to a stranger and tell them what makes you aroused and ask them what makes them aroused?

No, you would not. At least I hope you understand that. Do you understand that? Do you understand what is and is not appropriate in public?

The reason you were banned is because what you posted - not just the link on its own, but also coupled with your posts about what turns you on, etc and what you like sexually - was inappropriate. This does not mean you get to PM me and ask me the same god damn thing. Really, how you thought that would have been appropriate or acceptable because it is in a PM is beyond me. It is not appropriate in a PM either. Understand?

I don't know you. We are not even friends. That is the kind of question you ask your lover. Not complete strangers.

To remind you of the rules and why you were banned:

I. Unacceptable behaviour that may result in a temporary or permanent ban

Gratuitous posts of an obscene, sexual, violent or graphic nature
11. Gratuitous comments and/or images of an obscene, sexual, violent or graphic nature will, in most case, be deleted.

When you were told that you could post about your dreams, that did not mean you could also post in detail about your "sexual dreams", or as others see them, as your wet dreams. You were shocked I said that? You were shocked I told you that you should refrain from making such posts or posting such descriptions? Tough luck.

I have wasted enough of my time trying to drill this into your thick skull.


Do you understand now?

Do I need to put it in big letters and big colours for you to understand that it is inappropriate for you to act like a pervert on this site?

Because what part of that do you still not god damn get?
What has it got to do with you?

I'm a member of this site, and this site's quality has deteriorated steadily ever since you joined. The way you behave with the women on this site is borderline illegal, and you're a lying troll on top of that. We are better off without you.
@Bells - I have only quoted information that I wrote, and nothing of what you have said to me other than the original judgement
""1) You did post porn on this site and was banned for it.""
for that is the point of this thread - was it pornography or not?

Now in your "rant post" you make some quite unsubstantiable claims about me and I am rather horrified by some of the things you've said about me, for this forum has the tendency to believe whatever a moderator says without question, so shall we open up all our PMs to open examination by the forum so the truth of what was discussed can be read in full?

You STILL don't get it.

YES, it was pornography. That is why it was deleted and you were banned.

Whatever claims I have made about you are not unsubstantiated. You did post porn on this site, after making a slew of posts which were wholly inappropriate. Since your return, in attempting to point out to you and again explain to you why it was not appropriate, you then sent me some PM's.

I again explained why, in absolute detail, how and why it was not appropriate.

Your last PM was, in one part, to explain to me what arouses you and why you found that particular video sexually arousing and then even went so far as to tell me what else turns you on and then you asked me if that turned me on as well.

No, really.

Who does that? Who PM's complete strangers and says crap like that?

Believe me, my saying you are a pervert is not unsubstantiated. Just on that last PM alone.

As for this forum believing what moderators say. Ha! Talk about ridiculous!
Your link was pornographic. You were banned for it. The ban was extended when it was believed that you were attempting to bypass said ban with other accounts.

To reiterate..

It is not acceptable to post pornography on this site.

It is not acceptable to discuss your sexual dreams or wet dreams on this site.

It is not acceptable or appropriate to ask others about their wet dreams on this site.

It is not acceptable or appropriate to discuss or tell others what gets you off or makes you horny or aroused on this site - because really, how or why this needs to be explained still astounds me.

It is not acceptable or appropriate to ask others what makes them aroused or horny on this site.


I'll put it this way.

We are all strangers to you.

Would you walk up to a stranger and tell them what makes you aroused and ask them what makes them aroused?

No, you would not. At least I hope you understand that. Do you understand that? Do you understand what is and is not appropriate in public?

The reason you were banned is because what you posted - not just the link on its own, but also coupled with your posts about what turns you on, etc and what you like sexually - was inappropriate. This does not mean you get to PM me and ask me the same god damn thing. Really, how you thought that would have been appropriate or acceptable because it is in a PM is beyond me. It is not appropriate in a PM either. Understand?

I don't know you. We are not even friends. That is the kind of question you ask your lover. Not complete strangers.

To remind you of the rules and why you were banned:

When you were told that you could post about your dreams, that did not mean you could also post in detail about your "sexual dreams", or as others see them, as your wet dreams. You were shocked I said that? You were shocked I told you that you should refrain from making such posts or posting such descriptions? Tough luck.

I have wasted enough of my time trying to drill this into your thick skull.


Do you understand now?

Do I need to put it in big letters and big colours for you to understand that it is inappropriate for you to act like a pervert on this site?

Because what part of that do you still not god damn get?

It is not acceptable to post pornography on this site.
So that is the question how is any post determined to be pornography? How does one know if it is pornographic or will be judged pornographic? This is the reason for this thread and you are not answering the question.

It is not acceptable to discuss your sexual dreams or wet dreams on this site.
Well when James R gets back I'll ask him again what will be allowed on the BCS thread.

It is not acceptable or appropriate to ask others about their wet dreams on this site.
Who did that? It wasn't me.

It is not acceptable or appropriate to discuss or tell others what gets you off or makes you horny or aroused on this site - because really, how or why this needs to be explained still astounds me.
Bells get real. Who knows what people talk about in their PMs?

It is not acceptable or appropriate to ask others what makes them aroused or horny on this site.
Is that right, and you think that is clearly spelt out in the rules, is it?


I'll put it this way.

We are all strangers to you.

Would you walk up to a stranger and tell them what makes you aroused and ask them what makes them aroused?

No, you would not. At least I hope you understand that. Do you understand that? Do you understand what is and is not appropriate in public?
Who knows what a person could ask you out of the blue.

The reason you were banned is because what you posted - not just the link on its own, but also coupled with your posts about what turns you on, etc and what you like sexually - was inappropriate. This does not mean you get to PM me and ask me the same god damn thing. Really, how you thought that would have been appropriate or acceptable because it is in a PM is beyond me. It is not appropriate in a PM either. Understand?
That is surprising when you compare that to the questions you were asking me in the open forum.

I don't know you. We are not even friends. That is the kind of question you ask your lover. Not complete strangers.
Well not in NZ we don't. Maybe your society is a bit narrow-minded.

To remind you of the rules and why you were banned:

When you were told that you could post about your dreams, that did not mean you could also post in detail about your "sexual dreams", or as others see them, as your wet dreams. You were shocked I said that? You were shocked I told you that you should refrain from making such posts or posting such descriptions? Tough luck.
I'll run it passed James R if I have to.

I have wasted enough of my time trying to drill this into your thick skull.
I'm not thick!

Does that same rule apply to everyone? How are you going to police that? You are being a bit over the top. Have you got the backing of the entire site management on this issue. It doesn't sound right to me. What is said in PMs is private. OK what is said in the open forum needs to be decent, I understand that.

Do you understand now?
I want James R to make a stand here!

Do I need to put it in big letters and big colours for you to understand that it is inappropriate for you to act like a pervert on this site?
Calm down Bells. You make it sound like it is only me who is behaving badly. I don't believe that. You are singling me out again.
The question in the OP is still not answered "So that is the question how is any post determined to be pornography? How does one know if it is pornographic or will be judged pornographic? This is the reason for this thread and you are not answering the question."

OK you are thinking of posting a photo or a YouTube link - how do you know if it will be deemed pornographic?
There seems to be no real test.

So some will get picked on and that will be used as an excuse to ban them. Prove to me that that scenario is not happening?
The evidence shows that it is.
I'm a member of this site, and this site's quality has deteriorated steadily ever since you joined. The way you behave with the women on this site is borderline illegal, and you're a lying troll on top of that. We are better off without you.

Now you have stepped over the line but no one will do an iota to help me.

You say I am a liar but cannot find an incident of this.

"Deteriorated" - don't tell such BS. How could you ever prove that?

"The way you behave with the women on this site is borderline illegal" What law are you talking about?

You had better come up with some hard evidence of your claims otherwise apologise please.
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