How bout we all meet in septmeber?

touching comments? nahh.. and anyhow.. i like my quote.. its very me.. and its very true. lol. and it has a little humor in it. if i did change it.. it would probably be something from a song or a movie that i had a strong emotional bond to. i dont take quotes from famous people, i like to take them from myself or my friends.. my last one.. "i am a thumb in a world of fingers" was my mother impression on what would happen if i tried to model. LOL. she's an honest woman.
So are we meeting or-??

We should create threads for each country that would host a party, then people can plan from there. I will be willing to head/co-head a NY trip. I'm creating that thread now within the Site Feedback Section.
I can't go anywhere to meet anyone presently, Funds is a big issue (Sold on a virtual street corner).

Only place I can make it to is a 2600 Meet, and they happen all over the world, every first Friday of every month.
For all of you who think money is an issue, just stop drinking and smoking for two weeks. You will then have the money.
Maybe before actually flying somewhere and meeting perhaps everybody could meet in a chat room or something?
Much more affordable.

I don't know if this idea was though of coz I didn't read the entire thread.
i tihkn the chatroom sounds good.. would be a little easier to discuss things there as well...
I second (or third) the chatroom option. It is:
  • Cheaper
  • Faster
  • Less confusing
  • Easier
  • Can be arranged at any time
And we won't have to worry about what to wear, or make excuses to our parents as to why exactly we would want to go to some obscure location to meet strangers. Too many Internet-related kidnappings have left my mom paranoid. :rolleyes: :D And September is when school starts. I'm sorry to say the 's-word', but school just might be a tad inconvenient.

i think the chatroom sounds good.. would be a little easier to discuss things there as well...

Definitely. :)

You can't have an orgy if you just meet in a chat room.

:bugeye: :eek: :rolleyes: :D :)
Well I've gone ahead and set up a free chatroom on parachat (Hope this form works)

<input type="image" src="" border="0" onClick="'', 'parachat', 'width=600,height=490,location=no,menubar=no')" >

(By the way Porfiry if you want the controls, I can forward you the e-mail)

Anyway, it's up to you do decide what time you want to use it, as it's on 24/7. Just post a time on here with a couple of days for people to rally, and viola, everybody has access. It's 100% Java.
You can't have an orgy if you just meet in a chat room.

Ever heard of a... cyber orgy?

......what are those smilies doing to each other, BloodSuckingGerbile?... :eek:
lol :D

(p.s. is it supposed to be Gerbile, or Gerbil? because every time I see Gerbile, I pronouce it Ger-bile, like coughing up bile) :D
......what are those smilies doing to each other, BloodSuckingGerbile?...
Well, I've asked this question in another thread, but noone answered :(

So I suppose they're f***ing each other in the butt! :D

(p.s. is it supposed to be Gerbile, or Gerbil? because every time I see Gerbile, I pronouce it Ger-bile, like coughing up bile)
You can say Gerbile like Ger-bill or Ger-Bile.
Anyway it's that little furry creature with whiskers.

have fun on your trips.
ill be at work.

id pay 4 the entire sciforum 2 cum with me when i visit the amundsen-scott station, but im about $200,000 short. has anybody been there? theyr building a new dome because the old one keeps getting buried, and they r tired of digging it out.
i'd go by my self, but i'm about $38,950 short.

Some days i wake up and think, "Damn, i really am a dumb american
i dont think ur dumb. i dont know how smart u r. i do think that quote is totally you. i dont know where u get them, but nobody else comes up with quotes like u. its like an un finished film. somethings got to give. lol.
hm. whats the best time for a chat?? lets say everyone met online to chat at 12:00pm eastern time? or is that bad for people. ?? any suggestions to get us all together at once?

Wait a minute, wait a minute, I want to see this line of latitude. This Greenwich Meridian time zone thing. I'll believe it when I see it. Take me out there and show me it on the ground. I want to see where it touches the earth...
There is a line on the ground as Thed's photo shows but the obervatory also shines a giant green laser through the sky that really looks superb at night.

-pouts- i dont have a microphone... for a while i had a karaoke mic hooked up.. -laughs- it kinda worked... but no puter mic.