House On Fire?

I have this decal on my door

Yet it still seems that everybody except the mormons feels themselves free to go ahead and ring the doorbell. I always ask if they saw the decal(it's at eyelevel, 6" from the doorbell) and the blankeyed xians say
" I didn't think you meant that"
"Surely you want to know jesus"
After physically removing one young man from my property his cult camped out at the end of my driveway to "pray for me". They only left after I reported the little handouts and prayer booklets that they would place in my mailbox to the postmaster.
The tatics that I would prefer is that xians,
Act in a rational manner!

Such a simple thing. You've had 2,000 years to practice and you still can't get it right.:shrug:
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I have this decal on my door

Yet it still seems that everybody except the mormons feels themselves free to go ahead and ring the doorbell. I always ask if they saw the decal(it's at eyelevel, 6" from the doorbell) and the blankeyed xians say
" I didn't think you meant that"
"Surely you want to know jesus"
After physically removing one young man from my property his cult camped out at the end of my driveway to "pray for me". They only left after I reported the little handouts and prayer booklets that they would place in my mailbox to the postmaster.
The tatics that I would prefer is that xians,
Act in a rational manner!

Such a simply thing. You've had 2,000 years to practice and you still can't get it right.:shrug:

so are you saying that if rational theists cannot be encountered on your front door they cannot be encountered anywhere?

Careful - you might sway and fall over from that programming of yours.

uuuuh - must ..... somehow -uuuuh - resist .... the programming ......nnngggghh of ..... supe uuuuhhhh

so are you saying that if rational theists cannot be encountered on your front door they cannot be encountered anywhere?


Yes, absolutely yes. The very belief system of a theist rules out rational thought. And if they act, following the rules of that system, then they are acting irrationally. I hope that I have made my point clear? Unless you can come up with a definition for the word/s 'logic' & 'rational thought' that includes believing in the supernatural? If you can then please post it. Until then I'll just note that it must be nice living a life completely unburdened by reality.
Theist have weekly meetings, all sorts of study aids, An inerrrant guide book that is full of contradictions, a support system that includes their own brainwashing summer camps, their own TV channels! But an atheist who slips their bonds is programmed?
Oh logic, I feel like letting go:bugeye:
Yes, absolutely yes. The very belief system of a theist rules out rational thought. And if they act, following the rules of that system, then they are acting irrationally. I hope that I have made my point clear? Unless you can come up with a definition for the word/s 'logic' & 'rational thought' that includes believing in the supernatural? If you can then please post it. Until then I'll just note that it must be nice living a life completely unburdened by reality.
How can you make such a judgement without the proper training in theistic matters? Are you a trained theologian? No? Then there is no reason for you not to believe in all matter of gods and amazing supernatural stuff.

LG can explain.
How can you make such a judgement without the proper training in theistic matters? Are you a trained theologian? No? Then there is no reason for you not to believe in all matter of gods and amazing supernatural stuff.

LG can explain.

Well I was trained as an engineer and I spent 30 years in the aerospace industry removing extraneous B.S. from real world problems be of more value than training in super oops theistic matters?
The reason not to believe in supernatural stuff is (pay attention LG;)) is that it is not rational.
Yes, absolutely yes. The very belief system of a theist rules out rational thought. And if they act, following the rules of that system, then they are acting irrationally. I hope that I have made my point clear?
No you haven't.
For a start, ALL systems of knowledge begin with belief (or inductive knowledge) and not all systems of theistic disciplines (in fact i would say hardly any of them) maintain that belief is the end in itself.

thus it's not clear why you say that if you follow the rules of that system it is irrational