

..... but what factor of God would be in this new scientific development?

I believe one of the prophet Muhammads hadiths (discourses from the prophet himself) says when the population reaches and exceeds 50 women to every man, the last days will be upon us.


I believe the greatest wildlife shows are english (call me a sentimental patriotic, and bias if you like), and if there was any NATURAL homosexual hanky-panky he (Sir David Attenborough just to mention one source) would have picked up on it.
I think all this "homosexuality in the animal kingdom" is homosexual propoganda. Of course animals in some sort of captivety, or domesticated animals even, may display such behaviour, dogs may even try and hump your leg out of desparation, but I doubt very much that homosexuality is a natural, sexual act. If it was, it would be shouted from the rooftops in this the most secular, atheistic country in the world, England.

Jan .
shouted of the rooftops, my arrse. you dont even see lads kissin in soaps, or see ANY Gay films, plays, or see ay characters anyfukin where on mainstream media except for a ...rather silly american gay comedy. so whats your point.....and what are your qualifications to claim what you do?
Jan Ardena said:
...I doubt very much that homosexuality is a natural, sexual act.
You mean, it doesn't occur in nature and there isn't sex involved?

Or is there some other meaning to "natural" and "sexual" that I am unaware of?
john smith said:
Really? I honestly didnt know that. Could you give me some examples? ( Im not being a snooty retard, im genuinly intrested). :)
They had a news report earlier on CNN on these gay pengiuns at a zoo who did nothing but fuck each other all day, so the zoo tried to introduce a female into the exhibit, but it didn't work, obviously, because homosexuality is a natural phenomenon, obviously.
Hapsburg said:
They had a news report earlier on CNN on these gay pengiuns at a zoo who did nothing but fuck each other all day, so the zoo tried to introduce a female into the exhibit, but it didn't work, obviously, because homosexuality is a natural phenomenon, obviously.
M*W: Ever so true! Who would you trust more? A homosexual who has accepted his true identity, or a christian who believes in Jesus' false identity?

I'll trust the person who is true to himself.
Who would you trust more? A homosexual who has accepted his true identity, or a christian who believes in Jesus' false identity?

I'll trust the person who is true to himself.
yeah, I hate all these people who are so egocentric and think they know it all that they think they know what others think feel, etc, what's natural and what's not, so paranoid that they think everyone is against them and everything that goes against their own beliefs is propaganda from some huge conspiracy against them.
plase, grow up.
ask some gay people, they'll tell you they didn't choose to be gay, and yes it is true love. And if you're not going to trust national geographic, CNN, and others, you truly are paranoid.
funkstar said:
You mean, it doesn't occur in nature and there isn't sex involved?

Or is there some other meaning to "natural" and "sexual" that I am unaware of?

By that logic, we can shag any and everything that moves, children, animals, ducks, cars, you name it. And nobody should bat an eyelid.


shouted of the rooftops, my arrse.

Are you suggesting that if animals were gay, their act would not be captured on film and displayed?
In England?
I'm sorry I thought you were english

you dont even see lads kissin in soaps, or see ANY Gay films, plays, or see ay characters anyfukin where on mainstream media except for a ...rather silly american gay comedy.

I've seen a few plays where lads and girls (homo/les) were kissing. There was recently a tv drama series called "Queer as folk" which showed a little more than kissing.

so whats your point.....and what are your qualifications to claim what you do?

My point is if animals were naturally homosexual (in their natural environment), we would have seen their acts a long time ago.
My qualifications...eyes and ears.

Jan, You are british? I thought going by your anti evolution and anti gay threads you would've been an American fundie!

It's strange because you commented on the UK having the best nature documentaries, yet you don't believe in evolution! I put the yanks lack of 'belief' in evolution down to poor education and lack of decent documentaries on their (by the way, crap...) public television.

Now to gays. Of course it's not natural, but it happens... In the animal kingdom too I might add. I need not look any further than my own street to see two male dogs merrily fucking away only a few days ago.

But it does happen, and if you understood anything about it you would realize people are born that way and more often than not grow up wishing they were straight so they could fit in (no pun intended). Your God, creator of all life made them that way, so the 'sin' lies with him I'm afraid.

In short: Please drop this religion of yours and learn to be more tolerant and... well smart.

Jan, You are british? I thought going by your anti evolution and anti gay threads you would've been an American fundie!

Just because I have doubts about things does not make me anti this or that.

It's strange because you commented on the UK having the best nature documentaries, yet you don't believe in evolution!

Since when is evolution something to believe in?
Evolution is truth, I just don't agree with the macro side of things.
I totally understand your enquirey though, british nature documentaries explain everything with macro-evolution. :rolleyes:

I put the yanks lack of 'belief' in evolution down to poor education and lack of decent documentaries on their (by the way, crap...) public television.

How can you blame someone for not believe that macro-evolution is a fact?
Especially as the evidence is, at best, circumstantial.

Now to gays. Of course it's not natural, but it happens... In the animal kingdom too I might add.

I don't dispute this.

But it does happen, and if you understood anything about it you would realize people are born that way and more often than not grow up wishing they were straight so they could fit in (no pun intended).

I have nothing against people who are gay, or evolutionists for that matter.

Your God, creator of all life made them that way, so the 'sin' lies with him I'm afraid.

By that logic He created the scientific method, and all the great scientists.
So why do you not believe in Him? :D

In short: Please drop this religion of yours and learn to be more tolerant and... well smart.

What religion would that be?
We've never even spoke and already you have accused me of being intolerant and dumb. Would you rather a forum where everybody agreed with each other, or dare not go against the grain? You should lighten up and argue for the fun of it, there's no point taking everything so seriously.

Jan Ardena.
c7ityi_ said:
If a person is true to himself it means that he's true to God.
M*W: I'll accept that, but if a person is true to himself, it could mean that he's also true to Napoleon or to Hitler or to the Queen of England. Being true to oneself could manifest in many ways. It's all in one's mind... and that is where any god would reside.

Nice try though.
Jan Ardena said:
By that logic, we can shag any and everything that moves, children, animals, ducks, cars, you name it. And nobody should bat an eyelid.
Oh, so your problem is one of morality, then. See, I get confused when people use words like "natural" and "sexual", when what they really mean is "evil", "immoral" and "I just don't like them nasty gays".
My point is if animals were naturally homosexual (in their natural environment), we would have seen their acts a long time ago.
And, of course, we have.
My qualifications...eyes and ears.
Blind and deaf, eh? Well, tough break, but that doesn't make homosexuality any less natural. Oh, and here's another kicker: We don't actually need to see homosexuality in other animals, because (tada!) some humans are homosexual. That means homosexuality is a natural phenomenon.

Maybe you're thinking of "normal", or "healthy", or "in accordance with my personal superstitions" or somesuch. Of course, that's another thing entirely.

Oh, so your problem is one of morality, then. See, I get confused when people use words like "natural" and "sexual", when what they really mean is "evil", "immoral" and "I just don't like them nasty gays".

Firstly, I don't have a problem, ultimately people live as they want to live.
Secondly, my point had nothing to do with morals or right and wrong, you have automatically assumed this. My point was based purely on your logic, which implied, sex is natural, and sex is involved with homosexual sex, therefore homosexuality is natural.

And, of course, we have.

Then you have the advantage over me.

Blind and deaf, eh?

No, just haven't seen it.

...because (tada!) some humans are homosexual. That means homosexuality is a natural phenomenon.

Fair point.

Maybe you're thinking of "normal", or "healthy", or "in accordance with my personal superstitions" or somesuch. Of course, that's another thing entirely.

You could well be right.

you know, i've seen a cow and a bull fuck...yip. and know what--it is quick. does tis man a long human fuck is unnatural?

i have heard amongst all mammals, the highly inteligent Dolphins are prone to same sex activity......a hint?

thing is Jan, a big stumbling block is the very term 'homosexuality' it is a fairly recent invention and was/is designed to 'other' a category of people. and it is a false category. you get to know this --in actual filedwork as it were WHEN you are Gay.......for example many married men like to have same sex....and all types of people are willing to experiment.

we are sensual animals, and love the pleasure of touch
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: I'll accept that, but if a person is true to himself, it could mean that he's also true to Napoleon or to Hitler or to the Queen of England. Being true to oneself could manifest in many ways. It's all in one's mind... and that is where any god would reside.

Nice try though.

You're talking about persons. I don't mean that we should be true to our persons, but to ourselves.
c7ityi_ said:
You're talking about persons. I don't mean that we should be true to our persons, but to ourselves.
M*W: No, I was talking about how we see ourselves -- our persona's -- our psyches -- our egos. But, since you brought it up, why shouldn't we be true to our persons, ourselves, too?

I believe there is two personalities in each of us. The 'person' on the inside is how we see ourselves. Then there is the 'person' on the outside that everybody else can see. Rarely area these two 'persons' ever the same.

The 'person' inside is who we desire to be. The 'person' on the outside is who we appear to be. There's a big difference.
Yeah, of course. It's not so easy to really see the inside of someone else. I think we are what we want to be, and when we are what we are, when we're not lying to ourselves and wearing masks, we're all the same. Two persons, masks, are never exactly the same though, but the face is, since there is only one face, the face of "God", our real self. There's only one truth. Infinity.

you know, i've seen a cow and a bull fuck...yip. and know what--it is quick. does tis man a long human fuck is unnatural?

You miss my point. Sex desire, and the sexual act (in whatever format) is entirely natural.
i have heard amongst all mammals, the highly inteligent Dolphins are prone to same sex activity......a hint?

thing is Jan, a big stumbling block is the very term 'homosexuality' it is a fairly recent invention and was/is designed to 'other' a category of people. and it is a false category. you get to know this --in actual filedwork as it were WHEN you are Gay.......for example many married men like to have same sex....and all types of people are willing to experiment.

we are sensual animals, and love the pleasure of touch

Your absolutely right. Upon looking at the situation in more depth, homosexuality is as natural as anything else deemed natural.

Non-Logical-Idea-Guy said:
hey guys,

Maybe god intended for humans to be homosexual so that we didn't reproduce so we didn't advance and damage the world and/or we were the test batch

Any thoughts?

No, I'm sorry. I don't think that at all. I'm not saying that i agree with this but in the bible it says "if a man lies with a man the way he lies with a women, both have commited an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them." So not only is the Bible against homosexuals it's talking about killing them. That's not cool.
sorry if this upsets anyone.
Well, well, well!......What do we have here.

It seems we have a thread to accomodate all the losers who left the thread on "there is no evidence for heterosexuality in animals" and "Heterosexuality is unnatural" in deep frustration, when they were presented with evidences and when they could not come up with even one incidence of heterosexuality.

I can see many of them here, and inspite of the fact that they lost the debate, they are going on about the same old 'homosexuality is unnatural' thing. It is typical of the real faggots --- cunningness is a typical 'heterosexual' quality. Let me list some of them:

Baron Max,

John Smith,

Medicine woman (what do women know about this anyways),

and let me make a special mention of Jan Ardena, who had almost begged me to opt him out of a discussion (was it last year --- on a thread on homosexuality) because well he couldn't keep up.

I'd mention Emptyforceofchi separately, for I don't view him so harshly, even though he has not done a very honorable thing after losing a debate.

It seems while the lion was away, the Jackals were having fun. Well, the Lion is back now! So!

(I can see though that their are real men who have no qualms about changing their opinions when they are convinced.)
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