

Fat people can't smile.
Registered Senior Member
hey guys,

Maybe god intended for humans to be homosexual so that we didn't reproduce so we didn't advance and damage the world and/or we were the test batch

Any thoughts?
Non-Logical-Idea-Guy said:
hey guys,

Maybe god intended for humans to be homosexual so that we didn't reproduce so we didn't advance and damage the world and/or we were the test batch

Any thoughts?
hey...first i dont beieve in A'creator god/architect'- you know- uuuuing and rrring about how 'his' moving model world....'like i will make a few homos to even te balance' type of thing. i believe Nature, reality IS Intelligence. ie., that matter/energy is sentient, and doesn't NEED an outside agency to plan it, manipulate it etc etc...the whole patter, process is living!

so, if yu understand where i am comin from, i'll try and answer yourquestion.
'homoexuality'--the term is a recent invention---about 1950s and is created by the predominant 'heterosexual'--ie., another invented term', in order to @OTHER' A group. to categorize a specifically conceptualized group so as o put down, and protect te mindset of te one who has created it from A M B I G U I T Y. an important word, because it means that things are never just black & white......sexuality amongest human beings and all animals is much more flexible than that. you must look into all this, it's fascinating and liberating. doubt yer school will learn ya it tho/ so you have to be independent in your research

Actually some gay coples Do now seem to want to have babies, and there are techniques no which can help them acquire one. do i agree with that?...a truly difficult question. i personally feel that all people should be not making babies like i being done. overpopultation and much pressure on Earth's resources, and for future generatins. it is the MYTHitself that needs challenging. the idea that this is it. that you can just grab whatyou want now--even babies cause you only live once. tat may be so, but tere is not though for yor children's future and generations tp come and other species............Many Indigenous peples woul regulate their numbers....but for example Europeans were told by their myth to be procreeative and multply....the Founding Fathess of U.S also pushed that propagada too!
This isn't properly a philosophy question. Moreover, it is far too speculative, and I doubt any homosexual is conciously caring about not reproducing.
well, nobody said they consciously thought about not reproducing. If his premise that god created homosexuals for that purpose were right, who cares what homosexuals think? they're serving their purpose.
but anyway, no i don't buy it. First off, most homosexuals/bisexuals end up marrying the opposite sex because of pressure from society.
and secondly, there have been homosexuals as far back as the first societies. Back then overpopulation wasn't an issue, so saying homosexuals were created for overpopulation is kind of silly.
and thirdly, there are homosexuals in hundreds of other animal species. Bonobos are a fully bisexual species (yeah yeah they're not homosexual but that's beside the point).... Isn't the australian black swan endangered? well, there are homosexual black swans, so the overpopulation argument breaks down there too.
in short, no homosexuality isn't some sort of population regulation measure.
Homosexuality is common place in the animal world. It is a natural phenomenon.

With cloning technology gays will be able to have as many of their own children as they want. So, no, the god and the lack of reproduction idea can't be true.
Cris said:
Homosexuality is common place in the animal world. It is a natural phenomenon.

Really? I honestly didnt know that. Could you give me some examples? ( Im not being a snooty retard, im genuinly intrested). :)
yes that I would like to see cris, animals all rely on pheromones, they may make mistakes, but I dont think they are literally homosexual.
Yer, that would actually make more sense.Anyway, i didnt think many animals 'enjoyed' having sex, so that would mean very few would have a 'sexual orientation' in the first place, wouldnt it?
I personally have seen male cats and male dogs having sex with other males of their species. I have even seen my Egyptian male tortoises trying to have sex with each other.
that dosent make an animal homosexual,

i bet the animal would still mate with a female at every oppertunity it got, so that dosent make it homosexual, just horny,

EmptyForceOfChi said:
that dosent make an animal homosexual,

i bet the animal would still mate with a female at every oppertunity it got, so that dosent make it homosexual, just horny,
M*W: I think it's a domination thing. My spayed female retriever always tries to hump my chocolate lab who is bigger than her. He was neutered early on and appears to be asexual, if not downright feminine. My dog is the alpha dog, and dang, she lets him know it. My other dog is a spayed female, and I've never seen the two humping. I don't think it's a sexual gesture. It's all for control of the territory.
Really? I honestly didnt know that. Could you give me some examples? ( Im not being a snooty retard, im genuinly intrested).
well, here's a list of some species that have been observed having homosexual behavior. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_animals_practicing_homosexual_behavior
and here's another article (look at the references... there's an article in national geographic and stuff) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexuality_in_animals
as for those of you who say they're just horny or they're too crowded or it's their form of masturbation or whatever... bonobos have opposable thumbs and could masturbate. They don't need another individual of the same sex.
"Some black swans of Australia form sexually active male-male mated pairs and steal nests, or form temporary threesomes with females to obtain eggs, driving away the female after she lays the eggs"
Obviously they ARE homosexual as the only reason why they have sex with the opposite sex is to have babies...
"Bremerhaven Zoo in Germany attempted to break up the male couples by importing female penguins from Sweden and separating the male couples; they were unsuccessful. The zoo director stated the relationships were too strong between the couples."
again, obviously homosexual.
"Studies have shown that ten to fifteen percent of female western gulls in some populations in the wild prefer other females."
key word: prefer (meaning if they had a choice, they'd prefer the same sex.)

I also knew a cockatiel that had a female and just would not mate with her. He preffered to look at himself in the mirror... is that being homosexual? I dunno... it could be he was asexual... but don't they say that they can't recognize themselves in the mirror? if they can't, I'd say he was gay as he prefered to be with "another" male instead of a female.

i didnt think many animals 'enjoyed' having sex, so
They have no other reason to have sex. They are certainly not aware that sex leads to reproduction.
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Hello Everyone,

I have been long reading these forums, but have dared not to express. Well, I feel it is about time to just be a little something in this community. Seeing all the prior links about animal homosexuality, I feel as if nothing I say will be anything else different or different than just re-emphasizing what has been established.

Instead, I'd like to bring up this semi-relevant article I have seen sometime ago. Maybe you have all seen it and made a thread about it; howver, I would like to bring it up on how the future of mankind and the natural world may change. Homosexuality will not be a rare and odd thing anymore, as supported by this article: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2004/04/22/MNGHD692EA1.DTL

Okay, so maybe this has nothing to do with Non-Logical-Idea-Guy's post, but what factor of God would be in this new scientific development? Maybe I should have made a new thread for this, but it's pretty old, so what the heck? Sorry all, I'll be quiet from now on, and good day.

Hi Renrue,

Welcome to sciforums.

Nice article. Makes me think that even if there was a virgin birth of Jesus then that wasn't so miraculous after all - science can do the same thing.
If God didn't intend homosexuality to happen, then it wouldn't happen. I believe it is as simple as that.