Homosexuality: What’s the big deal?

I'm just wondering if you believe in being bi-sexual? More specifically, do you believe it is possible?

Public opinion seems to be that it is just a gay person trying to 'fool themselves.'

(I ask because I've been dating a girl for 3 years who used to 'swing the other way' with one of my friends, and it just sits in the back of my mind.)
umm YES

i know cause i AM

i get off at looking at a naked girl as much as a naked guy
sly1, you are doing what some people don't do, asking questions and trying to understand, that is good.

Hmmm, I've never really taken any notice of what public opinion is. I'm bi also, I just tend to find that the love and connection is deeper with males, so I sway more to the gay side than the bi side. Of course there is the age old problem, can't find the damn mute button on a female :D
can't find the damn mute button on a female
lol... I here ya there... but they are so much more attractive... 8)

thanks for the response guys
Originally posted by sly1
I have already learned one thing that i did not know through this thread. I did think homosexuality was only in humans. I had no idea there were gay animals.

Heh, in packs of wolfs or wild dogs its not uncommon for males to mount eachother for sport. That's a direct quote which relates to a picture on a website I once saw. . . I'll spare you the URL, hehe.

Originally posted by sly1
The reason I said i would be insulted if someone asked me if I was into guys was correct and I would. at the time i said it i couldnt really explain why but upon thinkin about it I came to realise why it insults me. Its social. My friends dont bash gays but they do use Gays as a cut down and a way of tease. My friends still tease like that but its to the point where I dont think about it anymore and to be honest the word GAY to me anymore doesnt mean homosexual. It is a way of saying, thats stupid, thats dumb, that makes no sense. so on and so fourht. That is a term learned through my childhood. This may sound like the same cop out eminem gave when he got in trouble for useing the gay term. But its not. Im serious when I say that im probably a learned homophob. I have had no gay friends nor talked to anyone gay. Im usualy a very understanding persona nd try not to tell anyone they are wrong mainly because who am I to say I am right. I have thought about this subject a lot and I have come to an acceptance but not to a full understanding. Now at least im trying to understand the situation rather than bash it all together. I just hope that all in this thread try to understand what im saying and try to give me some knowledge to change my thoughts rather than use me as an example of why the world sux today.


That's a problem I can understand, even for a while after I had come to terms with my own sexuality I still caught myself calling something 'gay' now and again as an insult, heh, as a result now I'm a bit over sensitive when someone uses the word in this fassion, I tend to make a big stink about it, and ask people to please not use that as an insult, as I don't think the association between gay and bad things is really the PR situation I want to be in! Heh, probably makes me seem like some sort of upity militant or something though. . . probably doesn't help that I cap my own teamates on the Army game whenever they call someone or something 'gay' either, heh.
Originally posted by Persol
I'm just wondering if you believe in being bi-sexual? More specifically, do you believe it is possible?

Public opinion seems to be that it is just a gay person trying to 'fool themselves.'

(I ask because I've been dating a girl for 3 years who used to 'swing the other way' with one of my friends, and it just sits in the back of my mind.)

I think Bisexuals have it a bit harder than gay guys in some situations. There's a bit of resentment and even flat out misunderstanding about them, even in the homosexual community

Some gay guys tend to be angry at them whenever they are down about general public dislike of bi/homosexuality, as they tend to get into a "Well at least you can really hide it" sort of mood. Or sometimes if a bi guy is into another guy, and he's asked if he's gay, and answers that he's bisexual, some guys will take that as "Oh, you mean a slut?" and I don't really think that's terably fair, heh.

And then, yes there's always the idea that "Well you're just a non-commital/confused gay guy" and I don't think that's particularly accurate either.
Originally posted by Persol
I'm just wondering if you believe in being bi-sexual? More specifically, do you believe it is possible?

Public opinion seems to be that it is just a gay person trying to 'fool themselves.'

(I ask because I've been dating a girl for 3 years who used to 'swing the other way' with one of my friends, and it just sits in the back of my mind.)

I think Bisexuals have it a bit harder than gay guys in some situations. There's a bit of resentment and even flat out misunderstanding about them, even in the homosexual community

Some gay guys tend to be angry at them whenever they are down about general public dislike of bi/homosexuality, as they tend to get into a "Well at least you can really hide it" sort of mood. Or sometimes if a bi guy is into another guy, and he's asked if he's gay, and answers that he's bisexual, some guys will take that as "Oh, you mean a slut?" and I don't really think that's terribly fair, heh.

And then, yes there's always the idea that "Well you're just a non-committal/confused gay guy" and I don't think that's particularly accurate either.
I'm not bothered by homosexuals but I am bothered by the extreme gayness like a gay couple adopting a child. Think about the child that has to grow up knowing that he has two gay fathers or two lesbian mothers. It messes his life up and his sexual orientation.
One more thing are the gay parades, which I think are absolutely unnecessary and can be done without the whole world knowing it and seeing it in gay friendly clubs.
Personally, watching two men french kiss each other makes me extremely sick.
And besides, <b>in my opinion</b> homosexuality is against the laws of nature, and this phenomenon should not be expanding.
And besides, in my opinion homosexuality is against the laws of nature

watch the monkeys at the zoo. nature seems to disagree with you.

I am bothered by the extreme gayness like a gay couple adopting a child

are you bothered by the straight couples getting divorced at a 50% rate? i'd rather have two loving dads than many of the screwed up situations some kids are in with straight parents

Personally, watching two men french kiss each other makes me extremely sick

hey, it's not my bag either. but to each his own. no one said you had to watch. but some people like to watch;)
BloodSuckingGerbile, oh wow, adopting a child is extreme gayness? Pity you didn't spare a thought for the homeless child that is being adopted into a loving caring family. I know an 11 year old boy who has two dad's, yeah a gay couple adopted him, he is extremely happy in his family life. Actually the only research I have seen against gay adoptions is the fake crap religious groups put out. The serious research show s a child raised in a gay family is more stable in their relationships, and less violent, to name a few. Do some research instead of going along with bigoited ideas.

Why do so many straight people go to the gay parades? Obviously they aren't closed minded people and love the atmosphere and the parade. Maybe it is just that there are happy people there, proud of who they are, can't remember the last straight pride parade I saw. Hmmm, are straight people not happy enough to shout it out to the world?

Once again, do some research, because they have found that homosexuality is in other animals.
Originally posted by BloodSuckingGerbile
I'm not bothered by homosexuals but I am bothered by the extreme gayness like a gay couple adopting a child.

How is adopting a child "ereme gayness" ? What exactly is "gay" about it? A heterosexual couple can adopt a child without it being "gay". I'm not sure what you're trying to say here.

Why should a homosexual couple be denied the chance to raise a child if they are capable of doing it (and yes, there are people who's specific job it is to decide if a couple is capable of doing it right). Why don't you do a little more research before you say that the kid will turn out 'fucked up and queer' (To paraphrase your own comments on the matter). You have to realize that this is peoples LIVES we are talking about here. REAL people REALY living out their lives just like everyone else, so why the hell do some people feel the need to say that such and such a person doesn't have a right to what we usually accept as everyone else’s basic human rights? Are we just untermenchen, fit only to eke out pathetic existences, out of sight, and with only the rights that YOU so kindly give us?

Originally posted by BloodSuckingGerbile
One more thing are the gay parades, which I think are absolutely unnecessary and can be done without the whole world knowing it and seeing it in gay friendly clubs.

You've really only got people such as yourself to blame for the whole gay pride thing. With so many people out there constantly bashing us, telling us how we are wrong, and evil, and even trying to maim or kill us, don't you think it's to be expected that within the homosexual community there would be a move to try and keep our spirits up, and feel good about who we are? Without the pride movement it's something like a Pygmalion situation, everyone keeps telling us that we're worthless shit, and eventually we'll believe it (still happens, anyway, very high suicide rate among homosexuals). Anyway, the result is a big display where we march down the damn street not giving a shit what the world says and putting on a show for all nay sayers that we're really quite secure in the invalidity of their opinions.

Well, that’s the theory behind it anyway, heh, I've gotta' admit some of those things can be pretty stupid and needlessly pervy, wont find me marching in one anytime soon, heh.

Originally posted by BloodSuckingGerbile
Personally, watching two men french kiss each other makes me extremely sick.

So just look away, it's your problem, not theirs.

Originally posted by BloodSuckingGerbile
And besides, <b>in my opinion</b> homosexuality is against the laws of nature, and this phenomenon should not be expanding.

Well this comment is unfortunately vague, as not even the FDA has guidelines for what 'natural' means. I've got a long rant about the invalidity of this argument all cued up, I'll see about sharing it with you tomorrow, as for right now I should be getting to bed, I've got an early start, and a 10 hour day ahead of me.
Originally posted by Mystech
Why is it that I can’t take a walk down by a lake, holding my boyfriends hand,

The truth of the matter is, you can, as far as i know there is nothing in the law (in UK anywayz) which says it is unlawful.

Why is it that when I first politely, and discreetly asked a guy if he was into guys, that the result is threats upon my life?

Because some guys find the whole idea of homosexual intercourse repulsive, please forgive the harsh wording, surely you can understand that.

what is wrong with homosexuality?

Not everybody thinks homosexuality is wrong, some do and some think it is an unatural act, not the loving or caring side, but the sexual act.

Where is the inherent evil in it?

Basically because it is contrary to God-consciousness.

What makes it so wrong? And if you only wish to answer that your God doesn’t approve of it, then please do go into WHY he hates it,

God doesn't HATE it, He knows perfectly what the consequences of such acts are and does not want those consequences to occurr as it would be a detriment to the person(s)/society involved.


Jan Ardena.
ok Jan, I'll bite, explain why it would be detriment to the persons and society involved. Is it wrong that a person is happy being who they are, the way they were created? Is it wrong for the person to be in a loving, caring supportive relationship. Or would you prefer they are in a heterosexual relationship where they are lying to the person they are involved with, and lying to themselves, they are miserable, and hate their life. You will no doubt tell me homosexuality is wrong. Would you like to tell that to the two bulls I have out that back that were mounting each other last night.

The problem with homosexuality isn't religion or God. No, the problem is the religious fanatics that think it is their right to interfere with people's privates life's just because they believe that the hurt and hatred that they preach is doing god's work. Such religious people have caused more harm to people than they will ever be able to comprehend because their heads are so stuck up their ass that they don't even have the ability to comprehend the tears that are cried because of the hatred they preach. The people's lives they make a living hell and drive to drink, drugs, and suicide. And the violence and hatred they bring into peoples lives with their hatred. So what is religion about again? Oh yes, it is about fear of people that don't fit into this small mind box that they have created and are unable to live outside of.
I do not wish to offend homosexual people in any way. That would be childish. All I want to say is that I am bothered by public homosexuality.

are you bothered by the straight couples getting divorced at a 50% rate? i'd rather have two loving dads than many of the screwed up situations some kids are in with straight parents

The majority of young children is straight, thus the majority of the kids' classmates will be straight and they will be mocking him because of his parents. It can be very depressing for the child.

You've really only got people such as yourself to blame for the whole gay pride thing. With so many people out there constantly bashing us, telling us how we are wrong, and evil, and even trying to maim or kill us, don't you think it's to be expected that within the homosexual community there would be a move to try and keep our spirits up, and feel good about who we are? Without the pride movement it's something like a Pygmalion situation, everyone keeps telling us that we're worthless shit, and eventually we'll believe it (still happens, anyway, very high suicide rate among homosexuals). Anyway, the result is a big display where we march down the damn street not giving a shit what the world says and putting on a show for all nay sayers that we're really quite secure in the invalidity of their opinions.

I don't care that there are people who have homosexual relationships, but it does bother me and almost any other non homosexual person to look at it. People should show respect to people around them. Even a heterosexual couple kissing in a public place is a sort of disrespect in my opinion and that is considered normal by the majority of the population.

Edit: P.S. I'm a total atheist, I don't believe in God. For me he doesn't exists, so my opinions about homosexuality have nothing to do with religion.
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Mystech, Asguard

** Keep my name out your mouth and respect my opinion. I don't have to agree with homosexuality or any deviant sex. And if a person really wants to know how God feels they can ask him- he neither sleeps nor slumbers. Therefore we are without excuse.
God you people make up some bullshit.

The minority of people, a very few small minded people think that the vast majority of heterosexuals are bothered by homosexuality. What world do you live in? Have you created you own fantasy land where such things must be true just because you believe them to be? One of the gay parades here one year, under 10% of the people that turned up to watch and support it were gay, so there is a hell of a lot of people out there without the same closed minded stupidity as you, and you have the nerve to make up in your head things like most people don't like to see guys or girls together. Shit, obviously you have never been out in the real world.

No lady, you keep your mind out of homosexual's private lives and stop preaching your shit, cause your shit is what causes such a high rate of suicide amongst gay youth. Your bigotry is disgusting and you claim to be religious with all the hatred you spread. Yeah right. Hell, if I knew where you lived Lady I would arrange protests in front of your house and at your work against you, just so you could see what it is like. I find people like you Lady to be an insult to God because you are so closed minded you only see the fantasy you want to see. You live in a small closed minded box and cannot accept anything outside of that box. Well guess what lady, I promise you that your box is about to collapse.
** Keep my name out your mouth and respect my opinion.

Your opinion is verbal shit. Nobody with an IQ above that of a cauliflower would respect it.

I don't have to agree with homosexuality or any deviant sex.

None of us would want to sleep with you, Lady dear. But you will have to succumb to us in the political sphere.
i would rather sleep with a GOAT than lady

atleast a goat wouldnt keep bleating "god said so" at people who either dont belive in him\her or have a totaly DIFFERENT view of him\her
No lady, you keep your mind out of homosexual's private lives and stop preaching your shit, cause your shit is what causes such a high rate of suicide amongst gay youth.

** O.k.. and I'm the one trying to normalize homosexuality. GET IT RIGHT.

Your bigotry is disgusting and you claim to be religious with all the hatred you spread.

** What hatred did I spread? That I don't agree with it?

Yeah right. Hell, if I knew where you lived Lady I would arrange protests in front of your house and at your work against you, just so you could see what it is like.

** Oooo the poor homosexuals the only group in the whole wide world being discrimiated against........please quit crying

I find people like you Lady to be an insult to God because you are so closed minded you only see the fantasy you want to see.

** And God finds homosexulity to be a abomination...hmm.. so what does that make you?So what does that make you
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