Homosexuality: What’s the big deal?


Adult Supervision Required
Registered Senior Member
Ok, this thread may seem a little redundant, but I still wanted to start a fresh discussion specifically on this topic. People bitch and harrumph and raise a fuss, but I don’t see what the hell the deal is. You can stop over at godhatesfags.com and see a bunch of freaks getting completely uppity about it, or just take a look at our very own ‘lady’ to see it, or if you’re a gay man, just go out in public with your boyfriend, it’ll become evident pretty quickly that people hate you.

What I wanna’ know is this: Why can’t I, like a normal young heterosexual couple, make out with my partner in a public place, like say a dark movie theater, or the like, while receiving only casual snickers or glances of disapproval from the elderly? Why is it that I can’t take a walk down by a lake, holding my boyfriends hand, without having to stop holding hands and move away from him every time some other person comes by? Why is it that when I first politely, and discreetly asked a guy if he was into guys, that the result is threats upon my life?

Why can’t I do these things without people having to take some sort of demented stand against it?

My question to all of you (though I know many of you here aren’t exactly the one’s I have a problem with) is what is wrong with homosexuality? Where is the inherent evil in it? What makes it so wrong? And if you only wish to answer that your God doesn’t approve of it, then please do go into WHY he hates it, there must be a reason, as only madmen think or act without reason, and I don’t think many of you would like to say that God is a mad man.

Lets just get the records straight, and write down in the books, once and for all, what is so damn wrong with who I have a relationship with, that you’d make my life a living hell because of it.
Hmm, just a little extra information, and some observations for the hell of it:

I've seemed to notice that there are certainly 2 definite camps in this particular issue, and though they essentially boil down to those who know what the hell they are talking about, and those who don't, I'll mention them both here.

The first camp recognizes several separate sexual orientations, which are more or less immutable. They see them not as some sort of behavioral disorder, or mental problem, but as a simple fact of nature, some people are just put together different than others. A person can be Heterosexual, homosexual, and bisexual. Each individual sexual orientation is just an inherent characteristic, and its not something which can really be changed, it's not something chosen of free will, a heterosexual can't just decide to be gay, nor does the reverse work, it' the way we are made.

The other camp tends to view only heterosexuality as a normal, healthy and moral way to be. They recognize only heterosexuality and homosexuality, and almost never acknowledge the existence of bisexuals. They don't believe in 'sexual orientations' and instead think of homosexuality as a 'life style' as if it takes a conscious choice to be a homosexual. (Though ask them to sit down in the comfort of their own homes and just make a conscious choice to be gay for 5 minuets and then go back, and it usually doesn't play well). They tend to offer up vague and mystic reasons for why they believe homosexuality is wrong and immoral, and ironically act as if THEY are the ones with something stuck up their collective asses.
Yes.I think Homosexuals are part of our own society.We have to accept them as they are and not convert them.Did you see Philadelphia,BTW?

There are people out there who believe that the earth is 10,000 years old because of what the bible tells them. You really expect someone like that to be reasonable about homosexuality?

As for the 'genetics vs. environment' issue, I believe it is still open to debate.
This is a topic i rarely discuss because it gets me heated. But im going to try and stay as level headed as i can and try to help you understand shy society is the way it is towards homosexuals.

Homosexuality DOES NOT WORK!!
sorry but if we stuck all homosexuals in one are of the planet sooner or later they would all disappear from that location do the fact there methods of sexuality doesnt produce offspring

homosexuality mainly not accepted because its not understanded.
but to me person i dont think it is anything that can be understood

I have no hatred for homosexuals, i dont understand them and yes im sorry it makes me sick to my stomach to see two men makeing out. Thats when i turn my head and go on with my life

If you're gay thats your thing keep it away from me

And yes if a guy was to ask me if I was "INTO" guys or whatever i would be very INSULTED. mainly because I think its wrong

but thats why gay-bars/clubs exist

so they can find people who are "INTO" guys without getting their life threated by asking the wrong person.

I hope I kept my cool enough as to not insult or affend anyone that was not my intention
if i did I apologize

Its all media. Kids are fed the idea that everything has to be a certain way. When they get older, they get confued by many things. Correct, homosexuals do not produce offspring, but not everyone is homosexual.

They might see heterosexuality as stupid, you never know. Anyway, "God created everyone equal." So, blame God.
True, Media is a BIG reason homosexuality is not accepted. People laguh and ridicule it and everyone wants to be cool so............:rolleyes:

But thats not why i dont understand it. Not because the media doesnt understand it but because its an odity that through my sence of logic doesnt make sense

but maybe someday I'll understand :D
Well of course homosexuals don't breed! (Hence the deragatory term 'breeder' used in many circles, hehe, I always thought that was cute, sounds better than 'het' anyway). But that doesn't matter at all! No one is trying to push homosexuality on others, I can't think of anyone who's been saying that EVERYONE should be gay, that heterosexuality is immoral, and everyone should start sleeping with members of the same sex. When was the last time you were told to "get in touch with your inner rainbow" Or to "take it in the ass like a man."

As for understanding us, there isn't much to it, Most people are aroused by members of the opposite sex, some are aroused by both the same sex and the opposite sex, and others still are aroused only by the same sex, and that's all there really is to it. Each are capable of having normal, healthy, and happy emotional and physical relationships with another person.

I find your comment about "That's why there are gay bars and nightclubs" to be pretty degrading. What about those of us who aren't into those genrealy seedy and shallow scenes? Do you mean to imply that homosexuals are just to be shuffled off into dark corners, away from the view of others, so that you don't have to think about it? We're here too, and just trying to live our lives, all we want is the same decensy, respect, and rights afforded to everyone else, why? Because there really isn't such a big difference between us and you! Come on now, people, can't we get along? We're all made of the same stuff.

Also, you hit upon exactly the thing that's bugging me here. You said that if someone were to ask you if you were into guys that you'd feel insulted, because it is wrong. . . that's what I don't understand, where's this mystic undefinable 'wrongness' comming from? If it's a simple and honest question I dont' know why it should seem threatening or insulting, or whatever, either you do like guys, or you don't, not much to it, more than that isn't implied in the question, after all, there is only one thing that makes you gay. No one is implying that you perhaps wair panties, shave your legs, and wair a bunch of makeup in hopes that some older guy will think you're one cute twink and wanna' be your suggar daddy (heh).
sly1, I am just interested, do you believe homosexuality is just something that exists amongst humans? There was a study released a month or so ago that showed 10% of sheep were gay.

Oh please, if you think gays should only pick up people in gay bars, then you must also think hetro's should only be allowed to pick up other people in single clubs.

What about lesbians sly1, do they raise your flag?

Mystech, I think a lot of it is fear. Religion is part of the problem as well. Of course location is a problem, I find my American friends put up with so much crap for being gay where my friends and I here haven't had to deal with any kind of crap. Sure it is here, but not as common as other countries.
unfortnatly people like sly exist and some of them carry guns and knives

i know for a fact that SCHOOLS have a lot to do with scaring people

i am bi so i AM atracted to girls but i am to guys too

i used to belive there was something wrong that i used to day dream about kissing whatever guy was around and it turned me on

this is due mainly to kids in school using "gay", "fag", "homosexual" to indercate BAD

insted of going thats crap ect this one friend of mine in paticular would go thats gay

and it made me scared to look at who i was (untill i started talking to xev actully:p, god your a bad infulance:D)

now did these kids get it from the media?

i would say no because rather than being potraide badly in the media its RARLY portraide at ALL

i can only think of ONE TV program with a gay in it (will and grace)

so where does the bad image come from?

FAMILY, friends, religiouse nuts but mainly FAMILY

i have a friend whos terrifide his father would kill him if he found out because his dad is VERY vilont to him and his whole FAMILY is very anti gay

my grandfather would hate me, (not that i really care because he couldnt even be bothered coming down for my 18th b-day party), DEFINITLY my grandmother would (she would start up ANOTHER fight with my parents about that)

i cant even see my other grandmother taking it well (and shes great)

the point to all that is if you want things to change DONT look to family to do it

dont blame the media either

the change HAS to come in schools

we already have the classes that SHOULD teach it but they dont

there is sex ed in primary school and health in secondry schools

hell i know EVERY form of contraceptive from health (including some i would NEVER let a girl use, the wire is EVIL), but they didnt have ONE class on sexuality

you cant blame red necks in australia either because religion doesnt control the education department.

so WHY when they had a huge campaine on "together we do better", against harasment in the work place, is the goverment not putting effort into education in SCHOOLS????
Mmmm... true...

Yep, you do have a point, the evil isn't media, or schools, its two things:

1. Religion = Ok, seriously, who looks to a 2000year book for advice on how to act in modern society? The bible is a book created for advice BEFORE the middle ages. All teachings that book carries are outdated or morally wrong. We must remember, primitives wrote that book, and primitive like at godhatesfags.com follow it.

2. Family = It's true, the older generations destroy the good we as the generation of today could achieve by brainwashing their children. Hence, until the brainwashing can be stopped, there will always be a portion of society brought up to believe outdated customs and views.

Believe me, I know. Family hates me and the Church rejects me. That doesnt mean, however, that God will not have me (if he exists...)
Originally posted by sly1

If you're gay thats your thing keep it away from me

And yes if a guy was to ask me if I was "INTO" guys or whatever i would be very INSULTED. mainly because I think its wrong


are you asserting that at no point in your life you looked at a guy and said "cute butt"!


homo stuff is a big deal! these guys catch every sickness under the sun. i recently heard they were getting staph! they are dying like flies!
hell i know EVERY form of contraceptive from health (including some i would NEVER let a girl use, the wire is EVIL), but they didnt have ONE class on sexuality
I think it's required by practically every (USA) state to have health education and sex ed. My high school offers a class dealing with modern issues in society (American society). That hits sexuality head on. Many other electives brush on the subject but aren't centered around them. There has always been a small lesson with sexuality in health classes but they have taught to be accepting of the idea of homosexuality that is tied in with "everyone is different and unique." Not in any class, that I've taken, have I had an open discussion on the subject.

Schools advocate tolerance not acceptance of homosexuality. And that's not including schools where there are problems deemed more important, like yearly budget spending, getting the essentials (math, writing, history) taught, and domestic problems such as guns (violence, not including hate crimes), drugs, and overcrowding. If the problem in fact lies in schools, there cannot be a solution. A public school cannot teach children what parents consider unnatural moral beliefs. One parent that feels homosexuality is evil can prevent the school from teaching homosexuality is normal. Schools can't teach that it's normal, they can only teach tolerance or avoid it and can claim bigger, "realer" problems like budget, drugs, and overcrowding.
Originally posted by RichardJA
Of course location is a problem, I find my American friends put up with so much crap for being gay where my friends and I here haven't had to deal with any kind of crap. Sure it is here, but not as common as other countries.

Heh, where exactly is "here"? Got room for one more? I may start packing my bags.
Originally posted by Asguard
unfortnatly people like sly exist and some of them carry guns and knives

Hey, to be fair, I don’t think sly’s reaction was that bad. He’s a little homophobic, but most people are, he just seems to have a case of the nameless fear that so many people seem to have, when it comes to dealing with homosexuality. I don’t want this to turn into a “lets hate so and so” thread, I really do want to talk about what sort of problems people have with homosexuals, retorts afterward are fine, but lets try not to demonize those who post here, after all I asked spacificaly for their opinions.
i apologise

as a mod i should be above that (unfortnatly im sick of dealing with lady and its making me iratable)

still the truth IS that there are people who would be "insulted" at being asked out by a guy and some of them DO take it to the beating up or even killing level
Im not a gay basher, I dont go around saying gays are wrong and spread hate and crap like that. you may have heard me say that "I" thought it was wrong. I didnt not say that IT all together is WRONG. In what i said i was simply trying to give some insight as to why maybe there is a problem with homosexuals. I no way shape or form am i trying to change peoples minds about homosexuality and heterosexuality. Im sure through this thread we can accomplish something, maybe I will get rid of my misunderstanding of gays through this i dunno. I have already learned one thing that i did not know through this thread. I did think homosexuality was only in humans. I had no idea there were gay animals. Its not my religion that keeps me from understanding as I have no realigion that tells me whats wrong or right. As for the gay-bar and night club statement I guess i didnt really think about what was implied when i said that. Sorry for the comment I look back and realise it made me seem one sided and Im sure i lost some credibility in my word. The reason I said i would be insulted if someone asked me if I was into guys was correct and I would. at the time i said it i couldnt really explain why but upon thinkin about it I came to realise why it insults me. Its social. My friends dont bash gays but they do use Gays as a cut down and a way of tease. My friends still tease like that but its to the point where I dont think about it anymore and to be honest the word GAY to me anymore doesnt mean homosexual. It is a way of saying, thats stupid, thats dumb, that makes no sense. so on and so fourht. That is a term learned through my childhood. This may sound like the same cop out eminem gave when he got in trouble for useing the gay term. But its not. Im serious when I say that im probably a learned homophob. I have had no gay friends nor talked to anyone gay. Im usualy a very understanding persona nd try not to tell anyone they are wrong mainly because who am I to say I am right. I have thought about this subject a lot and I have come to an acceptance but not to a full understanding. Now at least im trying to understand the situation rather than bash it all together. I just hope that all in this thread try to understand what im saying and try to give me some knowledge to change my thoughts rather than use me as an example of why the world sux today.

i understand what your saying because i went through the same thing

its easy if you dont happen to be atracted to guys to ignore that but if you do you end up in a fight with yourself "god hes cute, wish i could kiss him", "no gay = bad" (that is a verbalisation of what was running through my own head for 2 plus years)

this is why i think that something needs to be done in the education systems

WITHOUT parental choice
. I have had no gay friends nor talked to anyone gay.

i bet you have, you just didn't know it. they don't all wear signs on their backs you know;)

i don't wanna single you out sly, it's good that you're trying. a lot of people just get set in their minds and refuse to really listen.

you don't have to really, understand being gay per se. just accept that some people are into things that you aren't. if you can't really see what gay guys see in other guys, well, that means you're straight.