Homosexuality (relation to Incest)

ok enmos put it this way, if the loss of one of your sensors lead to a highting of the others would you call that a disability or a benift? (sorry cant think of the correct word to use here)

Now would you really begrude them the right to turn what you would see as a deficit into a positive?
ok enmos put it this way, if the loss of one of your sensors lead to a highting of the others would you call that a disability or a benift? (sorry cant think of the correct word to use here)

Now would you really begrude them the right to turn what you would see as a deficit into a positive?

Yes, if I'm still sane.
How do you figure wishing your child sensory dysfunction is a good thing, no matter how it turned out for you ??
It's selfish to want to take away an entire world of sensory stimulation from your child just so they can "be like you"; being deaf would be horrible.
arguments why incest is wrong

-their children are fucked
- uncles taking advantage of nieces
- family members have a different role to play (platonic love)

if they're sterile, there's no coercion, and accepting people often fight with their families and don't see them, under these specific circumstances shouldn't incest be ok?

someone said they're pathetic for not looking outside their own family for a sexual relations, but what if they truly love the person? at what point, after looking outside the family, have they tried hard enough to earn incest and be happy?
What.. for real ? Some deaf parents wish their kid turns out deaf as well ?

I weep for humanity..

Deaf people have developed an entire subculture. They even resist things like hearing aides and stuff, as they see at as removing them from their culture.

Weird shit, huh?
Deaf people have developed an entire subculture. They even resist things like hearing aides and stuff, as they see at as removing them from their culture.

Weird shit, huh?

Maybe they are religious fanatics and they believe it's a gift from God or something.. I really shouldn't be surprised about shit like this anymore.
Deaf people have developed an entire subculture. They even resist things like hearing aides and stuff, as they see at as removing them from their culture.

Weird shit, huh?

They have their own language, their own schools, etc. My Mom got such grief for not knowing sign language and for getting a cochlear implant. There were deaf people picketing/protesting in front of her doctor's office.
Hmmmmmm.... Even as a gay male, I am having trouble accepting this argument. My morals tell me that incestuous relationships are immoral.

But then again, what is morality? And who's morals are we suppose to abide by?

Morality changes from person to person, culture to culture, country to country, etc. No two sets of morals will be the same, and NO set of morals will be officially accepted or proven as "correct" or "right". Morals are forever chaging day by day.

Now, in America, our morality is now going through a huge shift. This shift is much like the shifts back in the 50's and 60's with African American civil rights, back in the 30's with the voting rights of women, and back in the 1860's with slavery. Only now it is gay rights that fills the spotlight.

Personally, I see it as human beings as a whole growing and maturing emotionally and spiritually towards a more loving and compassionate species. I like to refer to it as "evolving". Some people will refuse to evolve and accept change as it comes. Some will never accept that homosexuality is normal, not just in humans, but in the entire animal kingdom. Some people, out of power, greed, or just plain ignorance, continue to view homosexuals as sub-human and not worthy of equal rights.

There is little difference between those people, the KKK, Black Panthers or skinheads. All act out of intolerance and feel that they are superior to another group of people.

We are all human, and we are all different. No one of us is superior or inferior to another. We just simply have differences in morals and personal beliefs. You can believe all you want that you are superior to another, but by doing so you are only fooling yourself and living with a blind eye.

"If you want others to be happy, if YOU want to be happy, practice compassion." - The Dalai Lama
MZ3Boy84 i was thinking the other day that it may well be we are waiting for 2 generations to die before we can inprove the lives of gays and lesbians by giving them true equality.

If you poll people in gen X and Y the results come in overwhelmingly surportive of full equality but if you poll specifically baby boomers and above the results are more mixed

It is a very sad state of affairs if this is the case:(
In principle, I simply side with P.J. O'Rourke, who noted in Modern Manners that incest is simply pathetic, an acknowledgment that one is incapable of sustaining or building new familial relationships.
Or conversely it could be seen as the opposite- supremely cocky, a statement they don't need new familial relationships, that other families aren't worthy. A good portion of incestuous marriages through history have happened for this reason, mostly amongst dominant noble/royal families.
It's like male camels impress female camels by drooling and pissing excessively in the desert sun, wrecklessly and needlessly wasting their precious fluids. They're not exhibitting an inability to retain fluids, they're showing off that real man-camels don't need to be careful with their water reserves, they're that good at desert survival.
Inbreeding IS risky, for organisms with bad genes, it brings the problems to a head, for quality specimens it simply refines the quality. Ask any breeder of high performance animals (racing horses, hunting dogs, rodeo bulls etc).
A family that inbreeds could be seen as a family that's confident it will only degrade the genetic strain by outsourcing.
thats no reason for it to be an offence however.

of course there is a way around the laws AND the inbreeding.
ie i have only ever herd of incest charges being laid if a) one of the people was under age or b) where it results in pregnancy

otherwise they seem to be unwilling to procute
your oviously not a victorian then:p
bagging tassi is all we used to do all day:p

funny story about that, when i moved to SA i worked with a girl who was born in NZ and grew up in tassi and i was having fun constantly teasing her about it. one of the other waitresses over herd me and asked (seriously) "dont you like tasmainans"
both of us couldnt stop laughing. the SA girl just didnt get it:p
I am not pro-gay or pro-incest but I am pro-Consenting adults must have the right to do anything they want, so long as it causes no direct harm to others.