Homosexual laws?

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On a lighter note I would like to know Lady, other then religion, can you think of a reason why it would be bad for 2 people that are of age and in love with each other to have sex? How is this personally effecting you? Are you angry because if these laws are passed, gays will be considered equal? Are they not equal in your eyes? Do they not breath the same air? Live on the same planet? And deal with the everyday stress that you and I deal with? Sounds like their in everyway just like you and I. (Only in your eyes they will burn in eternal flames. Is this not enough punishment for them that you have to try and make it harder for them while they are alive?)
I just dont understand the reasoning behind your thinking. You believe in God yet you judge so vehemently.

Are you not being judge

** Boo- hoo- hoo, who hasn't been discriminated against? I don't care if they burn in hell or not ( their choice) nor is it my decision. But I stick to my point the law's discriminate against other people.Can you prove me wrong?
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Originally posted by Tyler
"State laws against sodomy and other unnatural acts will be overturned."

Can you please quote a major gay organization asking to legalize sex acts not involving sodomy? And don't quote your little list again - that list is not from a gay organization and it hardly represents the wishes of the "gay community" as their is no political part which represents gays.

** Use your engine - David Parr
Lady, is english a second language, or your just not to good with writting? No offense intended, and I hope you don't take any.

i can see how some of those laws can be seen as unfair. Such as the forcing of private groups to acept gays. But what about marrige and what not? Who does that hurt? Is someone being discriminated against if two men marry each other?
"Can you please quote a major gay organization asking to legalize sex acts not involving sodomy? And don't quote your little list again - that list is not from a gay organization and it hardly represents the wishes of the "gay community" as their is no political part which represents gays."

I felt I needed to ask this again, as you obviously didn't understand it the first time.

Lady - the way a debate works if you can't answer my question it is assumed that I am right. You obviously can either not speak English or cannot answer the question.
Are you not being judge

Actually I am. But the difference is Im not putting down a whole slew of people and trying to justify it at the same time.

** Boo- hoo- hoo, who hasn't been discriminated against? I don't care if they burn in hell or not ( their choice) nor is it my decision. But I stick to my point the law's discriminate against other people.Can you prove me wrong?

Everyone has been discriminated against, myself included. The whole point of these laws would be to try and some of the discriminating.


Bashing? Im trying to get some insight in why she thinks the way she does, she is just not doing a very good job at expressing herself properly;)
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"Boo- hoo- hoo, who hasn't been discriminated against? I don't care if they burn in hell or not ( their choice) nor is it my decision. But I stick to my point the law's discriminate against other people.Can you prove me wrong?"

1) Who's been descriminated against by the laws?
2) If, say, one group of people was descriminated against by the government does that make it alright to descriminate against all groups?
-- Lady, your logic seems to indicate that you believe that it's okay for the government to descriminate against gays because they've descriminated against other people. Well, let's transport you back in time a while. Had you been this age 50 years ago or so this logic would have made you 100% against Blacks having rights. And before that, women.
3) I don't think I've ever been really descriminated against; except for as a drug user which the goverment launches largely lie-filled propoganda against.
Lady--what IS your problem?

Law 2
State laws against sodomy and other unnatual acts will be overturned
Umm ... Lady? That does not constitute evidence. That constitutes an assertion, that needs to be backed by evidence.
You have yet to find the GENE

Damn, now I have to ask: Are you ignoring the point or just stupid?

It doesn't have to be a gene, Lady. Science is an ongoing process. They're still trying to figure out exactly how an XY chromosome set can result in a female human being. All evidence points to testosterone deficiency in utero.

Any number of hormonal issues could turn out to be responsible for one's sexual orientation. Or it could be mere social conditioning. Or it could be a combination of genes. Or it could be a combination of all those factors.

Is that easy enough for you to comprehend? Or is it easy enough for you to ignore?
If law 2 is passed we won't have to worry about human strife or over population? Disease will eliminate us faster than war
Please show evidence of that.

Let me clarify for you, since you have a problem with such issues: Please show evidence supporting the assertion. As noted above, an assertion does not evidence make.
So why are the law's attacking churches? Likewise, Homosexuals need to respect and love those who reject that practice as well
Please provide evidence of laws attacking churches.

How long should anyone, such as a homosexual, respect their persecutor who has no respect for them? Christians have an obligation to turn the other cheek. Not all homosexuals do, as not all homosexuals believe in the Bible.

Again, please provide evidence to support the assertion, and not merely restate the assertion.
Law 2
State laws against sodomy and other unnatual acts will be overturned
For the nth time, please provide evidence to support that assertion.
State laws against sodomy and other unnatual acts will be overturned
Shout it as loud as you can, if you want. It doesn't really mean much until you provide evidence to support your assertions.
This is the correct link go to the Editors note
This is where I got the proposed law's. He doesn't name individual group but as a collection instead. Check it out
Okay ... I see the Editor's Page, but I don't see any proposed laws.

Care to try again?

Tiassa :cool:
iginally posted by Tyler [/i]
"Boo- hoo- hoo, who hasn't been discriminated against? I don't care if they burn in hell or not ( their choice) nor is it my decision. But I stick to my point the law's discriminate against other people.Can you prove me wrong?"

3) I don't think I've ever been really descriminated against; except for as a drug user which the goverment launches largely lie-filled propoganda against.

1) Who's been descriminated against by the laws?

** Read them?

If, say, one group of people was descriminated against by the government does that make it alright to descriminate against all groups?

**Ask the government and while questioning them ask if blacks will ever get reparations?

Lady, your logic seems to indicate that you believe that it's okay for the government to descriminate against gays because they've descriminated against other people. Well, let's transport you back in time a while. Had you been this age 50 years ago or so this logic would have made you 100% against Blacks having rights. And before that, women.

**Unlike ethnicity and race homosexality is not viewed as something inborn or designed by God, but rather a sexual choice. One group is hated for that which is beyond their control unlike the other. Futhermore, not all are going to agree with homosexuality- that's life.
Re: Lady--what IS your problem?

Originally posted by tiassa
Umm ... Lady? That does not constitute evidence. That constitutes an assertion, that needs to be backed by evidence.Sigh.

Damn, now I have to ask: Are you ignoring the point or just stupid?

It doesn't have to be a gene, Lady. Science is an ongoing process. They're still trying to figure out exactly how an XY chromosome set can result in a female human being. All evidence points to testosterone deficiency in utero.

Any number of hormonal issues could turn out to be responsible for one's sexual orientation. Or it could be mere social conditioning. Or it could be a combination of genes. Or it could be a combination of all those factors.

Is that easy enough for you to comprehend? Or is it easy enough for you to ignore?Please show evidence of that.

Let me clarify for you, since you have a problem with such issues: Please show evidence supporting the assertion. As noted above, an assertion does not evidence make.Please provide evidence of laws attacking churches.

How long should anyone, such as a homosexual, respect their persecutor who has no respect for them? Christians have an obligation to turn the other cheek. Not all homosexuals do, as not all homosexuals believe in the Bible.

Care to try again?

Tiassa :cool:
gain, please provide evidence to support the assertion, and not merely restate the assertion.For the nth time, please provide evidence to support that assertion.Shout it as loud as you can, if you want. It doesn't really mean much until you provide evidence to support your assertions.Okay ... I see the Editor's Page, but I don't see any proposed laws.

** I'm sure he didn't pull this out of thin air?His email address is available if you really want to find out more info. Anyways are you saying the homosexuals don't want any of these law's? That it's all just a big mix up?

It doesn't have to be a gene, Lady. Science is an ongoing process. They're still trying to figure out exactly how an XY chromosome set can result in a female human being. All evidence points to testosterone deficiency in utero.

Any number of hormonal issues could turn out to be responsible for one's sexual orientation. Or it could be mere social conditioning. Or it could be a combination of genes. Or it could be a combination of all those factors.

** They need to figure Aids out? And it's a choice.... You do it or You don't
"This is where I got the proposed law's. He doesn't name individual group but as a collection instead. Check it out"

I checked it out. It's basically someone on your side of the arguement who is making an assertion without any backing. Again, you're going to have to quote some homosexual group asking for this otherwise it's a simple assertion. So far, you don't seem to understand the difference between "proof" and "assertion".

"I'm sure he didn't pull this out of thin air?His email address is available if you really want to find out more info. Anyways are you saying the homosexuals don't want any of these law's? That it's all just a big mix up?"

Often, people do pull things out of thin air. Creationists have been known to do it all the time. And we're not saying that homosexuals dont want some/all of these laws. Personally, I don't know all homosexuals in the world. And I've yet to hear of a homosexual group requesting beastiality or other such acts to be legalized. Lady, listen, in debate there is a difference between assertion and proof.

Please choose which one you wish to make.
Originally posted by Tyler

QUOTE]Often, people do pull things out of thin air. Creationists have been known to do it all the time. And we're not saying that homosexuals dont want some/all of these laws. Personally, I don't know all homosexuals in the world. And I've yet to hear of a homosexual group requesting beastiality or other such acts to be legalized. Lady, listen, in debate there is a difference between assertion and proof.

checked it out. It's basically someone on your side of the arguement who is making an assertion without any backing. Again, you're going to have to quote some homosexual group asking for this otherwise it's a simple assertion. So far, you don't seem to understand the difference between "proof" and "assertion".

** Email the Guy if you really want to dig into this. I don't know a specific group but I don't believe he would pull all that out of nowhere. So I would have to bet he has some sort of proof. He is a journalist he should know what group(s) he spoke to.
How long should anyone, such as a homosexual, respect their persecutor who has no respect for them? Christians have an obligation to turn the other cheek. Not all homosexuals do, as not all homosexuals believe in the

** Has the Hilter of the homosexuals hit the nation? Quit whining
Start making sense. Please?

I'm sure he didn't pull this out of thin air?His email address is available if you really want to find out more info. Anyways are you saying the homosexuals don't want any of these law's? That it's all just a big mix up?
Well, stop giving bad links. :rolleyes:
They need to figure Aids out? And it's a choice.... You do it or You don't
Stop making sense.

Oh, wait, that's an album title.

Please start making sense.

You have yet to provide evidence of these laws. Whether they are good laws or not depends on how they are written. If you would be so kind as to provide an iota of evidence to back up your assertions (e.g. the proposed laws) I might be able to make an assessment.
Has the Hilter of the homosexuals hit the nation? Quit whining
If that made any sort of sense, it might be funny. As it is, its only laugh value comes if I decide to be cruel enough to enjoy the absolutely amazing lack of intellect you display.

If you don't want to talk about it, Lady, then don't bring it up. How simple is that? :rolleyes:

What is your stake, then, in Biblically-oriented values if you're not a Christian?

--Tiassa :cool:

im bowing to public pressure

in NOT DELETING this thread i mean

henceforth it will remain AS A REFERENCE ONLY

it will NOT be reopened

however 2 new CLEAN THREADS will be opened (i really dont know what im going to put in the opening post but oh well)

one will be opened HERE and one in RELIGION

any posts that dont belong in those threads will be deleted

so no god said so in ethics anymore
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