Homosexual laws?

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So the monkeys justify homosexulity amongst humans? Quit blaming the animals
Who's blaming the animals? You keep mixing terms like "homosexuality" with "unnatural".

Homosexuality is natural. Nobody's blaming the animals.
State laws against sodomy and other unnatural acts will be overturned.
While state laws against sodomy will eventually be overturned by popular demand, the Supreme Court of the United States presently holds that English Common Law is a good enough reason to continue to permit the states to make antisodomy laws.

As to bestiality and genuinely unnatural matings--I just don't see it happening. Please provide some evidence of the potential legalization of such unnatural matings.
Unlike sexual preferences, gender and ethnicity is beyond our choice, futhermore, if I proposed imposive laws I don't deserve to have them.
What about supporting the existence of intrusive and unnecessary laws?

Nonetheless, you have yet to demonstrate that sexual orientation is a mere "choice".
This is how people know your gay without telling them.
Well now, I do believe I have grounds to complain to our moderators about your harassing conduct. I'll have to decide whether it's worth it to do so, or to simply let you continue to make a fool of yourself.
Will you teach the children homosexuality and all other unnatual acts come from nature, therefore, good for humans?
I fully expect my daughter to understand that homosexuality is acceptable. I'm not sure that I'll need to broach the subject of bestiality; I don't expect her to be out fucking horses.

Homosexuality good for humans? Perhaps. More accurately, it's a part of humanity. Is heterosexuality good? Well, the breeders are overpopulating compared to the species' present resource production and distribution. Heterosexuality, therefore, contributes directly to poverty and, through that condition, human strife.
I just don't yeild to demonic spirits. If this makes me a sinner in your eye's I'm fine
It makes you a sinner in Jesus' eyes, too:
"You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your heavenly Father, for he makes his sun rise on the bad and the good, and causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what recompense will you have? Do not the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet your brothers only, what is unusual about that? Do not the pagans do the same? So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect. (Matthew 5.43-ff)
Do I really need to bust out Matthew 25 ("Whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren ...")?

You're welcome to ignore Jesus' words all you want. It makes no difference to me except in measuring your ... credibility :bugeye:
The homosexual community should dedicate their lives finding cures for the disease since they proposed legalizing unnatural acts.
You make no sense here. Homosexuals do not propose legalizing unnatural sexual acts.
Where's the unnatural perverse gene? And I'll shut up
Doesn't have to be a gene. Why are you so insistent that a lack of evidence is evidence of a lack? Beyond genetics, it can be any number of things, such as hormonal balance in utero and social conditioning.

After all, genes aren't the bottom line, Lady. Did you know that a person can carry the XY chromosome set (male) and still be female? Such a condition is documented and seems to arise from an inadequate testosterone supply to the fetus.

Seriously--just because there's nothing new coming from the Bible doesn't mean science is finished.
O.k. from a justice perspective?Where in those laws are hetersexuals respected.
Which laws, specifically?

After all, there's the Defense of Marriage Act, numerous tax benefits available to married couples, and in the case of death without a will, a gay partner (of decades' endurance) are not entitled to their partner's estate.
She needs to get away from you.
Why's that? Would it break your heart to see a child raised to be a decent human being?

Why are you afraid to direct me to these mysterious laws you refer to? Why do you ignore issues like hormones in utero and social conditioning? Why do you ignore the fact that homosexuality is a natural phenomenon? Why is it that you can only resort to paranoia about demons? Why is it that you ignore the contents of the Bible you claim to advocate?

I'm also curious as to your age and education, and also your native language. Your sentence structure (or lack thereof) often makes it difficult to figure out what you're referring to, and I'm trying to figure out why this is.

Honest consideration given any of these issues will help me figure out just what the hell your problem is. Furthermore, I would like to make sure that you are of legal age to consent to sexual intercourse so that I might recommend that you go out, find any partner you like, and have a few screaming orgasms. If you are not of age, I will be left with no option but to recommend medication, something along the lines of chlorpromazine.

In the meantime, please refrain from such harassing language as you have undertaken. Otherwise, I shall have to do the rest of my fellow posters the favor of lodging a complaint against your insensitivity, aggression, and bigotry. I can quite easily classify you as a fuckup merely on the grounds of your Biblical advocacy. However, I generally maintain a trust that human beings are better than that, and thus it would be inappropriate of me to presume that you really are this stupid and belligerent.

Request to the moderator: It seems best to move this topic over to the Religion Forum, as the primary argument of the topic poster seems to have something to do with demonology and Biblically-derived paranoia. I would like to formally and openly request that transition at this time.

Tiassa :cool:
it can stay here seeing as it was posted here but as i origionally said if the post are going to consist of religiouse garbage they can be deleted (if i can be bothered) or the thread can go

that was the condition it was reopened

cris and um whos the other mod:p dont need to deal with this garbage

tiassa if you read this again then i would just like to add i offered to move it to religion and they said there was no point. there sugestion was i close it and if people want to debate it religiously make a new thread in religion and make a whole NEW thread here
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Thank you

Fair enough, Asguard.

I hope you don't mind, then, if I take the liberty of thoroughly enjoying myself in this one ....

Tiassa :cool:
Originally posted by Jaxom
* Private organizations such as the Boy Scouts will be required to accept a gay scoutmaster.
* Employers will not be allowed to reject applicants because they are gay.
* Companies will be required to extend marital benefits to employees who live in a same-sex relationship.
* States might be required to legitimize same sex marriages.

Replace gay or homosexual with the terms black or women, where applicable, and see how much sense it makes.

can anyone see history repeating itself again?

i mean sounds to me like what the feminist movment had to fight

just for the record the "boy" scouts ADMIT females (the guides dont admit boys, just a bit of reverse discrimination for you) so that they dont breach the antidiscrimination laws and because its RIGHT

and whos next on the are evil list?
mentally retarded people?
i had a slightly handycaped leader when i was in cubs
had female leaders

so whats so wrong about gays?

oh THATS right we are all pedifiles arnt we

apart from that sugestion being INSULTING and wrong (if you dissagree PROVE IT), i would rather bbcboy look after a child of mine than YOU

i put up with gay = bad all through school to the exsted that i begain to belive it

NO one should be afraid of themselves, not because they are female, black, white, male, gay, straight or in between
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[As to bestiality and genuinely unnatural matings--I just don't see it happening. Please provide some evidence of the potential legalization of such unnatural matings.

Law 2
State laws against sodomy and other unnatual acts will be overturned

[Nonetheless, you have yet to demonstrate that sexual orientation is a mere "choice".

** You have yet to find the GENE

[Homosexuality good for humans? Perhaps. More accurately, it's a part of humanity. Is heterosexuality good? Well, the breeders are overpopulating compared to the species' present resource production and distribution. Heterosexuality, therefore, contributes directly to poverty and, through that condition, human strife.

** If law 2 is passed we won't have to worry about human strife or over population? Disease will eliminate us faster than war

"You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your heavenly Father, for he makes his sun rise on the bad and the good, and causes rain to fall on the just and the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what recompense will you have? Do not the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet your brothers only, what is unusual about that? Do not the pagans do the same? So be perfect, just as your heavenly Father is perfect. (Matthew 5.43-ff)

** So why are the law's attacking churches? Likewise, Homosexuals need to respect and love those who reject that practice as well

[Why are you afraid to direct me to these mysterious laws you refer to
You make no sense here. Homosexuals do not propose legalizing unnatural sexual acts.

Law 2
State laws against sodomy and other unnatual acts will be overturned

The homosexual community should dedicate their lives finding cures for the disease since they proposed legalizing unnatural acts.
You make no sense here. Homosexuals do not propose legalizing unnatural sexual acts.

Law 2
State laws against sodomy and other unnatual acts will be overturned
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read the section your in ETHICS MORALITY AND JUSTICE, read my post where i said if you bring religion into it i would close the thread and tell me again why its still open?

** Morality perspective likewise justice
Lady, I think you're really making people who don't believe homosexaulity is acceptable look bad, with your incomprehensible answers. Can you please give a logical reason why homosexuality is not acceptable.

Also, for those who may be making negative "assumptions" about the words I use, I would suggest you looked them up before disregarding the logic of my statements.
Then what makes you think there is one for homosexuals? Maybe its a preference? Im sure you have a preference towards a certain kind of man.

And I have to agree with Binary on this one. Your not a bad person because you think homosexuality is bad, but at least give some descent answers geez.
UOTE]Originally posted by Binary
Lady, I think you're really making people who don't believe homosexaulity is acceptable look bad, with your incomprehensible answers. Can you please give a logical reason why homosexuality is not acceptable.

If there are people in this world that believe homosexuality and other unnatural acts is unacceptable. They should consider the logic behind the laws?A deeper issue, and I did digress to paranormal evaluation,( sorry) but if legal minds are present here debate the law's( no rush) they'll never pass anyways.

Peace:D g
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... through interacial marriages you still fulfill the need to multiple or reproduce. This is the only reason for "sex" in the first place. Doing anything else is illogical
If this were so and if what you call "righteous judgement" or "higher judgement" were a concern, then (as I think Asguard was suggesting) we would never have sex with anyone except to have a baby. And obviously people do, and always have, for the obvious reason that sex is about more than that. It's about pleasure and intimacy and thus has a purpose beyond and independent of reproduction.

This purpose, in this sense, is a logical activity between two people who care for each other, irrespective of gender. No one has the right to make intimacy and shared pleasure wrong, legally or otherwise or to in any way encroach on the ability of one person to express love to another.
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And take into consideration consequences of actions, the rippling effect, while in your chambers, and I'll be back.
So far as I can tell, you haven't as yet given any clear, hypothetical examples of the "rippling" effect yourself. How, in real-life terms - give us a day-in-the-life-of-Lady example - would any pro-homosexual laws affect you? Give us one example of how they'd affect you when you go shopping, or to the bank or to work. Anything that explains your evident fear.
Originally posted by MacZ

So far as I can tell, you haven't as yet given any clear, hypothetical examples of the "rippling" effect yourself. How, in real-life terms - give us a day-in-the-life-of-Lady example - would any pro-homosexual laws affect you? Give us one example of how they'd affect you when you go shopping, or to the bank or to work. Anything that explains your evident fear.

** Did you bother to read the proposed law's? If not, what's the point?

Homosexual laws

What are your thoughts on the proposed laws of the homosexual community?

Landlords will be required to accept homosexuals as tenants (already the law in some places).
* State laws against sodomy and other unnatural acts will be overturned.
* Private organizations such as the Boy Scouts will be required to accept a gay scoutmaster.
* Employers will not be allowed to reject applicants because they are gay.1
* Public media will be either prevented or pressured not to broadcast or to print even Bible declarations against sexual perversions--no freedom of speech on this issue.
* Companies will be required to extend marital benefits to employees who live in a same-sex relationship.2
* States might be required to legitimize same sex marriages.
* One who openly upholds biblical truth on these issues will be subject to discrimination.3
* Schools will be required to encourage acceptance of sexual diversity and parental guidance in these matters will be ignored.
* Churches will lose their tax-free status and become subject to lawsuits when they reject or discipline practicing homosexuals.

excerpts by David R. Pharr
* State laws against sodomy and other unnatural acts will be overturned.

This is a good thing. Sodomy should only be considered bad when it is forced, ie rape!

* Private organizations such as the Boy Scouts will be required to accept a gay scoutmaster.

They should accept a scoutmaster on his merit not on his sexual preference. What does sexual preference have to do with being a scoutmaster? Are you afraid he will bring his boyfriend and give a demonstration on "How to give good head" in front of your kids?

* Employers will not be allowed to reject applicants because they are gay.1

Employees should be picked based on their experience and education, not on their sexual preference. Again what does sexual preference have to do with how you do your job?

* Public media will be either prevented or pressured not to broadcast or to print even Bible declarations against sexual perversions--no freedom of speech on this issue.

I think this is to prevent more people like you from being brainwashed.

* Companies will be required to extend marital benefits to employees who live in a same-sex relationship.

They should legalized same-sex unions. If you were living with a guy for 10 years shouldn't you be entitled to his health benefits?

* States might be required to legitimize same sex marriages.

So? Who is this hurting?

* One who openly upholds biblical truth on these issues will be subject to discrimination.

You mean like the same way you discriminate against gays?

* Schools will be required to encourage acceptance of sexual diversity and parental guidance in these matters will be ignored.

Good! Lets encourage diversity! Lets uphold and praise it! How is this bad? Do you honestly think that if we start treating gays as equals, they're "disease" will spread to straight people?

* Churches will lose their tax-free status and become subject to lawsuits when they reject or discipline practicing homosexuals.

I firmly believe a church can practice whatever they want. I dont think they should lose certain statuses for not accepting certain behaviors. Just as I think gay people should not lose certain freedoms you and I share, simply because he is a little different.

On a lighter note I would like to know Lady, other then religion, can you think of a reason why it would be bad for 2 people that are of age and in love with each other to have sex? How is this personally effecting you? Are you angry because if these laws are passed, gays will be considered equal? Are they not equal in your eyes? Do they not breath the same air? Live on the same planet? And deal with the everyday stress that you and I deal with? Sounds like their in everyway just like you and I. (Only in your eyes they will burn in eternal flames. Is this not enough punishment for them that you have to try and make it harder for them while they are alive?)
I just dont understand the reasoning behind your thinking. You believe in God yet you judge so vehemently.

Are you not being judged this very minute?
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"State laws against sodomy and other unnatural acts will be overturned."

Can you please quote a major gay organization asking to legalize sex acts not involving sodomy? And don't quote your little list again - that list is not from a gay organization and it hardly represents the wishes of the "gay community" as their is no political part which represents gays.
This thread is really starting to look like another "feelings" thread, where the correct perspective is determined by strength of numbers. If we're going to have a reasonable, or at least logical disscusion, then lets drop the little Lady bashing, and focus on presenting the reasons for our preferences. There is no such thing as "just is right" or "everyone is entitled to their oppinion". The world is relative, meaning there is allows a relation. Through what is the connection lost between the mind and the physical world? There is always only one correct, or logical solution to a problem, no matter how the problem is expressed. Is not this what your mind is for? To gain understanding of the world trough reasoning, so that you can overcome any perplexities or problems, through logical deduction of a accurate answer based on your current gathered intelligence? I believe all of us here would agree that 1+1=2, and do not have a problem with the expressed logic, but how many here have ever truly considered the dictation of this same logic, and it's impact as the principle for determening accurate analysis and correct judgement?
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