Homosexual laws?

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What are your thoughts on the proposed laws of the homosexual community? I have given mine so what are yours?

Landlords will be required to accept homosexuals as tenants (already the law in some places).

** Q- Should an African American in his right mind? Force himself upon the KKK's property? Will he be one dead nigger? Do not be offended by the language but this law lacks common sense?

State laws against sodomy and other unnatural acts will be overturned.

** Q- So homosexuality got out the closet why open the dungeon? Please name every pro that can come from this?

Private organizations such as the Boy Scouts will be required to accept a gay scoutmaster.

** Q- Beyond the fact that this is imposing upon people's rights look at the laws proposed. Why would any sane parent want homosexuals around their children?

Employers will not be allowed to reject applicants because they are gay.1

**Q- Please tell, how can you spot a homosexual?

Public media will be either prevented or pressured not to broadcast or to print even Bible declarations against sexual perversions--no freedom of speech on this issue.

** Well said, No Freedom of Speech.

Companies will be required to extend marital benefits to employees who live in a same-sex relationship.2

** Q-So if I get 20 live in lovers can I get paid for each one?

States might be required to legitimize same sex marriages.

**Q- Just for money? And when should man and giraffe marriage's be legitimiate?

One who openly upholds biblical truth on these issues will be subject to discrimination.3

** If I get discriminated against for not accepting imposive twisted law's. That's fine, I still have my sanity

Schools will be required to encourage acceptance of sexual diversity and parental guidance in these matters will be ignored.

** Q- And where are the pro's in encouraging kids to accept unnatural sex as norm? And should science be removed from the schools as well?

Churches will lose their tax-free status and become subject to lawsuits when they reject or discipline practicing homosexuals.

** Science has found no promiscious perverse unnatural genes, therefore, quit blamming God for personal decisions.

excerpts by David R. Pharr
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well i'm all for treating gays like, what's the word, people.

laws against people doing things like marrying. are in my opinion silly.

now the whole issue about private clubs. I though the current law on private clubs is that they could do things that would be considered discrimination(a la Augusta National Country Club).

alot dpends on the whole private vs public. if a private group wants to put "homosexuality is a sin" up in big red letters in their place, then what's to stop them. if a public, and government sponsored group does that, well that's another issue.
YAY to all except the last one

why should i be discriminated against because im bi\gay?

and just for the record i actully USED to be a scout leader for the lowest section in scouting, joays which are up to 7 1/2 years old

2 of those kids i babysat privatly for a friend of mums as well

why shouldnt i have a job because im bi?

do you like whips and chains?

its none of my business is it?
its none of yours what i do either

by the same token why should i hide it?

why CANT i kiss my BF in public? (i almost did that but he waited till the lights came back on and i hate having people watching me kiss ANYONE:p)

Public media will be either prevented or pressured not to broadcast or to print even Bible declarations against sexual perversions--no freedom of speech on this issue.

not sure on this one, freedom of speach doesnt exist here but we can say what we like unless its untrue, i personally think thats going to far

* Companies will be required to extend marital benefits to employees who live in a same-sex relationship.2
* States might be required to legitimize same sex marriages.

why not?
who are you to tell me cause im bi i cant marry and DEFINITLY why shouldnt women have meternity leave and EVERYONE family leave because they like the same sex?
again should it be stoped cause you like whips and chains?

* One who openly upholds biblical truth on these issues will be subject to discrimination.3

can you explaine what you mean on this on?
ie do you mean personal opinions or the state goverments making laws using those opinions?

if its personal opinions that goes WAY to far

* Schools will be required to encourage acceptance of sexual diversity and parental guidance in these matters will be ignored.

edit to finish post cause hit button to quick

schools SHOULD teach tolerance of EVERYONE no matter WHAT there race, skin color, eye color, sex, sexual preferance or religion

if you want to change an atitude dont look to parents and family, it has to come from schools because parents are going to just pass on there OWN prejiduses. Its the same reason you get a driving instructor to teach you to drive, so you dont pick up your familys bad habits

* Churches will lose their tax-free status and become subject to lawsuits when they reject or discipline practicing homosexuals.

this is wrong
a religion is a personal belif
i know im going against the rainbow whatever its called in this cause every year they rock up to the catheadral to get comunion and every year they are refused but thats not the way to bring change, not by forcing it on private people, its only through education
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* Private organizations such as the Boy Scouts will be required to accept a gay scoutmaster.
* Employers will not be allowed to reject applicants because they are gay.
* Companies will be required to extend marital benefits to employees who live in a same-sex relationship.
* States might be required to legitimize same sex marriages.

Replace gay or homosexual with the terms black or women, where applicable, and see how much sense it makes.

* Public media will be either prevented or pressured not to broadcast or to print even Bible declarations against sexual perversions--no freedom of speech on this issue.
* One who openly upholds biblical truth on these issues will be subject to discrimination.

Only if such demonstration interferes with someone else rights, ie the 1st amendment holds.

* State laws against sodomy and other unnatural acts will be overturned.

Simple privacy invasion. And who defines "unnatural" anyway? What qualifications and experience should they have? :) If it's two consenting adults, stop peeking!

* Schools will be required to encourage acceptance of sexual diversity and parental guidance in these matters will be ignored.

I'd agree with this...education of the real world is important. To deny that it exists or to teach that those who feel this way are somehow "evil" is wrong. This doesn't mean that homosexuality should be promoted, no more than heterosexual behavior should be promoted.

* Churches will lose their tax-free status and become subject to lawsuits when they reject or discipline practicing homosexuals.

Hmmm....I assume currently a church is treated as a private club, so the person doesn't necessarily have a "right" to be a part of it. It's not the same as job discrimination. Why would you want a part of that church if they're going to be like that, anyway?
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i have been persweaded to reopen this thread, (xev i cleared away our discussion simply cause its in the way) but if this thread remaines a "gays are evil because god said so" it will be deleted

i would also like to remind you that this is ETHICS and NOT religion so posting "gays are evil cause god said so" actully is a reason to close this thread so please dont do it

The "proposed laws of the homosexual community"?

At any rate:

- State laws against sodomy: These are secure according to the Supreme Court. Bowers v. Hardwick maintains the right of the states to make antisodomy laws. Of course, the sick part of that decision, above all else, is that the majority had to reach back to 16th century English common law in order to build their precedent. The dissent, of course, called this aspect repugnant.

- Boy Scouts: The courts are, so far, on the Boy Scouts' side, so they won't be crushed that way. If their funding dries up because people have had enough of their hatred, so be it. I hated Boy Scouts. While skills training is a good thing, my experience in Boy Scouts was thick with God & country indoctrination to be accepted without question.

- Employers: Under what conditions should homosexuality be a criterion for refusing someone employment? Should I be allowed to ban other choices from my workplace, such as heterosexuality and religion?

- Public media: Pressured? How so? It's a ratings and money game. "No freedom of speech" implies government intervention. Please do enlighten us.

- Employee benefits: Easy answer--legalize gay marriage.

- Legitimize same-sex marriages: What, aside from religious assertion, should prevent this? Marriage has certain benefits in American law, and preventing homosexuals from access to these benefits is discriminatory. Reservation of marriage to heterosexuality on the grounds of religion therefore violates the First Amendment to the US Constitution.

- Discrimination against religious folk: Happens every day, whether homosexuality is involved or not. To the other, I've heard a person of Biblical faith assert to a school board that their refusal to remove Robert McCammon's Demon Walk from a school library constituted discrimination. I've heard gay-bashers claim that the hiring of gay persons as teachers in public schools violates their First Amendment rights. The first issue is what constitutes discrimination to that person, and the second is why single out gays?

- Schools: Imagine a medical school where they teach doctors to withhold vital, possibly lifesaving information from patients. It almost happened in Oregon. As to high schools and down, why is "parental guidance" a school issue? Isn't "parental guidance" a family issue? Or should "parental guidance" be part of the official curriculum? And then, whose parents, for you cannot subject students to such varying curricula.

- Churches: They shouldn't be tax-free in the first place. Please provide some information suggesting that this assertion is anything more than a paranoid fantasy by a sexually-obsessed individual.

What's on your mind, Lady, that you spend so much time worrying about what people do in their bedrooms? (Or their showers, or hanging from the basement ceiling ....)

I tend to think that the folks who worry about the "gay takeover" are merely people with some form of sexual-identity issue. After all, they put so much consideration toward sexuality--and the sexuality of other people, I might add.

Think about it. If I want gay sex I can go to a local bar and ask a guy if he wants a throw. Lon Mabon, however, spent millions of donated dollars so he could talk about sex while asking Oregonians to ostracize and disenfranchise homosexuals. That one started over a freaking library book, of all things.

Take homosexuality out of it for a moment and look at the concept.

All Bill Clinton did was get a hummer and masturbate a woman. Ken Starr, however, spent $40 million, and a majority of Congress committed felonies just so they could talk about blowjobs.

Forty-million taxpayer dollars on a blowjob? And people were outraged at Hugh Grant for spending $60 of his own money ...! :bugeye:

Or to put it another way:

- One of the things I've promised myself to not do is obsess on my daughter's sexuality. It's 13 or 14 years away, you know (well, we would hope). But one of the most striking reinforcements I have of that concept came when the Congressional blowjob committee finally hit home. A couple years ago, a friend of mine had a daughter. Before that child was even out of the womb, he could be found on cigarette breaks raving about what he would do to her boyfriends. Day after day, until I asked him, "Why the hell are you spending so much time thinking about your daughter having sex?"

I actually suggest to people, every now and again, to undertake some perversion of their own, just to see if they like it. I'm not going to say everyone needs to have gay sex before they talk about it, but I do wonder if all of the focus and discussion is a surrogate for a lack of satisfaction in the critics' psyches. So my advice to anyone is to get down and get dirty. It doesn't have to hurt. There are plenty of quiet, painless perversions. Heck, if you need a list, I'll dig up the OCA's 1992 Voter's Guide entry, which went to the point of listing and describing some thirty perverse practices including coprophilia and watersports while pretending that heterosexuals never did any of these things. It had to be the hottest, sweatiest night of Phillip Ramsdell's life when he typed up that list.

thanx, or, perhaps, enjoy,
Tiassa :cool:
What's on your mind, Lady, that you spend so much time worrying about what people do in their bedrooms? (Or their showers, or hanging from the basement ceiling ....)

** So your a little girl trap in a boy's body? Is this correct? I don't care what you do in the jungle but the laws impose upon others.Can you not see that? And what's on your mind, where are the pro's in legalizing unnatural sex? Aids not enough for you
"I don't care what you do in the jungle but the laws impose upon others"

And that's why we're discussing the possibility of changing laws. You say that we should just do whatever the law states and leave it that way? Fine, by that logic you should not be allowed to vote. Being a woman and all.

"And what's on your mind, where are the pro's in legalizing unnatural sex?"

Some people believe in freedom. Others do not.
Secondly; what do you mean by unnatural? Gay sex is natural. It occurs in the animal world with some frequency.

"Aids not enough for you"

For one, I don't know if you actually believe this but AIDS is not a "gay" disease.
Two, no, AIDS is not enough for me to think homosexuality should be outlawed. Personally I'm all for letting people choose what risks they take. I'm not big on making it illegal for people to choose how to live their life.

Lady, allow me to make it clear that if you are against homosexuality being legal for religious reasons you are clearly one of the lowest forms of human being. You seem to (and I may be wrong on this) believe that you have the right to enforce your religious beliefs on everyone else. How dispicable.

So your a little girl trap in a boy's body? Is this correct? I don't care what you do in the jungle but the laws impose upon others.Can you not see that? And what's on your mind, where are the pro's in legalizing unnatural sex? Aids not enough for you
You and your identity issues. You should try addressing an issue honestly. It's slayer irony that you complain about homosexuality in light of the Bible but can't manage to be honest for a second. Try answering the question: What's on your mind, Lady, that you spend so much time worrying about what people do in their bedrooms?

In the meantime, please tell me how the laws impose on others. How is it that allowing people liberty is a violation of your liberty or rights?

Despite the fact that people have established (in your prior topics, to boot) that homosexual contact does occur elsewhere in nature, you seem to insist that something that occurs in nature is unnatural. Reconcile that, please. It would lend great weight to your argument.

How is AIDS not enough for me? To ban homosexuality? Perhaps a "good Christian" shouldn't have let his prejudices against gays get in the way; Reagan stood by and did nothing of substance about AIDS, and considered the disease a "gay measles". Sure, the Reagan White House managed the largest executive-branch mass-mailing in history, but only to prescribe the religious solution (e.g. abstinence) and not give any real consideration to the actual medical issues at hand.

Of course AIDS isn't enough. To be fair, I would have to ban blood transfusions--technically a most unnatural act that can transmit AIDS and other diseases despite the best precautions.

Please do give some consideration to these issues, for a change. Address them honestly, and perhaps my opinion of you will raise to something qualifying as decent.

Tiassa :cool:
Despite the fact that people have established (in your prior topics, to boot) that homosexual contact does occur elsewhere in nature, you seem to insist that something that occurs in nature is unnatural. Reconcile that, please. It would lend great weight to your argument.

** Find the perverse gene and give weight to your arguement? It's spiritual degradation by choice- just for the sake of time. Nevertheless I'm still waiting on a list of the PRO'S it will bring to the World. [/QUOTE]

In the meantime, please tell me how the laws impose on others. How is it that allowing people liberty is a violation of your liberty or rights?

** These liberties discriminate against and run all over those who don't agree with them.

What's on your mind, Lady, that you spend so much time worrying about what people do in their

** Not yours be assurd.:cool:

Please do give some consideration to these issues, for a change. Address them honestly, and perhaps my opinion of you will raise to something qualifying as decent.

** Listen princess, decent doesn't live in you so your opinion of me is nought. ;)
Jesus Christ Pose

Q- Should an African American in his right mind? Force himself upon the KKK's property? Will he be one dead nigger? Do not be offended by the language but this law lacks common sense?
I'm more offended by the punctuation, which makes the questions a little hard to figure out.

Thank you, though, for equating homosexual and race issues. Until homosexuality can be shown to be universally and definitively a conscious choice to deviate from heterosexuality, this is, truly, a fair comparison. And just like you can't discriminate against race, you can't discriminate against sexuality.

In the meantime, force himself how? By applying to rent an apartment, ignorant of the landlord's KKK membership, and expecting a Constitutionally-guaranteed right to equal protection before the law?

Why are you so fixated on homosexuals that you would want to undo the same Constitutional rights that protect you? Is it worth the sacrifice to lose your right to be treated equal despite your gender, religion, or ethnicity just to have your way about homosexuals?
Q- So homosexuality got out the closet why open the dungeon? Please name every pro that can come from this?
- Stable relationships among gays
- Greater social psychological stability (one less thing to fight and worry over)
- Population control (heterosexual breeders are solely responsible for the world's population crisis)
- We can focus attention on more legitimate issues than sacrificing our Constitutional rights just so we can be mean to gays
- Disease control (it is much easier to control the spread of disease if the affected are not hidden in the underground)

Hopefully, that's enough to start. We all benefit from these things.
Q- Beyond the fact that this is imposing upon people's rights look at the laws proposed. Why would any sane parent want homosexuals around their children?
Because, in their sanity, they are able to realize that it doesn't matter. I still laugh at the statistical assertion by the OCA that 95% of child abusers who abuse little girls are homosexuals.

You fixate too much on homosexuality, and I don't understand why. Parents should want good people around their children, and if that good person should happen to be gay, I'm not sure why it matters.
Q- Please tell, how can you spot a homosexual?
Depends on where you are. In the workplace, it's a little tougher. Nonetheless, people don't ask me if I'm gay, they tell me I am. I pretend to be surprised, but it's such an old hack by now that I find such idiocy to be a testament to bigotry. Hmm, I have long hair, own two Broadway-cast CD's, and won't hate another person for being a homosexual. Yep, must make me gay. :rolleyes:

Besides, if your resume says you were employed, say, as an accountant for LGBA or even Oregon's "After Eight PAC" or "No on 9 PAC", the employer may well just assume you're gay.
Well said, No Freedom of Speech.
Support that assertion. Please show government intervention in the public media to prevent the discussion of Biblical declarations against homosexuality or, as you have it, other "perversions".
Q-So if I get 20 live in lovers can I get paid for each one?
No, it's usually according to domestic-partnership rules. Minimum cohabitation is usually an important criterion. But legalizing gay marriage will solve this problem.
Q- Just for money? And when should man and giraffe marriage's be legitimiate?
Homosexuality and bestiality are two entirely separate things. Please stick to the topic of your own topic.
If I get discriminated against for not accepting imposive twisted law's. That's fine, I still have my sanity
Depends on how you go about it.

Anecdote for you: At an insurance company where I worked, one of the things that was banned was open display of religious materials. One day, someone from HR noticed a desktop wallpaper on my computer that can be considered religious (see Warath-Blossoms, and Perdurabo's "Seal of Babalon"). The HR agent reminded me that such displays were prohibited, but advised that she would not make me take it down unless someone complained. I asked her what she would do if someone complained about the public displays of Christianity, and she said, "Like what?" I then rattled off the names of about five employees who had Biblical symbols and phrases tacked all over their work area, emblazoned across their marquee screen-savers, and so forth, reminding her that I wasn't complaining about them at all, but rather that I was happy to share equal rights all around.

What, then, constitutes "upholding biblical truth"? Believing what one chooses? Or actively demanding that others be stripped of the rights the one enjoys according to equal protection under the law (a Constitutional standard)?

And, as you note, "If" you get discriminated against. Provide some theoretical examples, please. (See preceding paragraph.)
Q- And where are the pro's in encouraging kids to accept unnatural sex as norm? And should science be removed from the schools as well?
Funny you should ask that second question, since it is people alleging to espouse biblical truths who would destroy science in schools (demanding that Creationism be given as much credibility as the scientific method).

In the meantime, the pros include:

- Less bigots like you dragging down society with petty spite.
- Better-prepared doctors, psychologists, social workers, and schoolteachers (the OCA's anti-gay measures in Oregon would have affected the Universities as well)
- A better learning environment for gay students, who are regularly persecuted and alienated by their classmates
- Hence, better-prepared students all around
- Greater comfort with human sexuality in general, leading to less internal conflicts--people are happier and more secure when they have fewer internal conflicts
- Greater productivity for society, as several stumbling-blocks thrown in society's way by religious fanatics and bigots evaporate under the weight of knowledge
Science has found no promiscious perverse unnatural genes, therefore, quit blamming God for personal decisions.
Do biblical advocates ever bust out of their dualistic notions, or is the condition a permanent handicap? You should check into the DSM and which of its listed disorders are included under the ADA. You might be entitled to government assistance in your life.

And blaming God for the personal decision to be a raging, lunatic bigot is only partly inappropriate. Atheists, operating without a presumption of God, can only blame the bigots. Theists can blame God for Its contribution to neurotic and psychotic bigotry.

And given that churches have doctrines which (when Christian or Judaic) are protected by the Constitution, I'd like to see some of those lawsuits (if any exist) and what the courts say. If the Boy Scouts can teach hatred, why can't a Christian church?

However, if a Church body chooses to slander or libel someone while campaigning for the enactment of their favorite bigotry, they should be held responsible. It would seem that Christ protects liars and haters, but the Constitution does not.

-Tiassa :cool:
Lady, allow me to make it clear that if you are against homosexuality being legal for religious reasons you are clearly one of the lowest forms of human being.

** Did you bother to read the proposed laws?And why are the Christians gettin on your nerves?

You seem to (and I may be wrong on this) believe that you have the right to enforce your religious beliefs on everyone else. How dispicable.

** Say 25 hail Mary's, smack yourself, then cut me a check.. NOW.. guess what? I'm not the Pope. Sorry if my beliefs make you feel judged:confused:

Some people believe in freedom. Others do not.
Secondly; what do you mean by unnatural? Gay sex is natural. It occurs in the animal world with some frequency.

** Why people blame animals for their deeds?. Just say the devil made me do it.g
Aren't you going to answer Tiassa's questions with substance? I'm interested to hear your response to:
And, as you note, "If" you get discriminated against. Provide some theoretical examples, please. (See preceding paragraph.)
I think you can show a homosexual that it's wrong to be that way, and I think most already know it. My standing is, if it is found that you can not help someone, than by what are they profitted by the continual torment of you reminding them of their wretchedness.
Binary ... do me a favor, please, and show me

I think you can show a homosexual that it's wrong to be that way, and I think most already know it.
I've had sex with another man before. Now, show me that it's wrong, because I don't know that, and I don't believe the assertion.

Indulge me, please. I would love to see how that is structured. And you never know, you might actually pull it off. ;)

Tiassa :cool:
I would like some time to prepare a some what through reply. I hope to be finished by tonight(emphasises on "hope").

In the mean time I'd just like to state that I don't hate homosexuals. They just made a error in judgement. An to any one who might be thinking that they are so far above a "Homo" that they have the right to hate them, you dont. An if you are truly to consider the implications of the fact that they where able to make this error, can you truly say as also being a man, that it couldn't have been you? An in a manner of speaking, wasn't? An that goes for anything.
Why are you so fixated on homosexuals that you would want to undo the same Constitutional rights that protect you? Is it worth the sacrifice to lose your right to be treated equal despite your gender, religion, or ethnicity just to have your way about homosexuals?

Unnatural Sex legalized what are the con's?

- Greater social psychological stability (one less thing to fight and worry over)

** How? Everybody getting everbody animal poop included, psychologcial stability? NOT:D

Support that assertion. Please show government intervention in the public media to prevent the discussion of Biblical declarations against homosexuality or, as you have it, other "perversions"

** Try reading the proposed law's?

Homosexuality and bestiality are two entirely separate things. Please stick to the topic of your own topic.

** And both are unnatural

In the meantime, force himself how? By applying to rent an apartment, ignorant of the landlord's KKK membership, and expecting a Constitutionally-guaranteed right to equal protection before the law?

** Still private property is just that and people have a freedom to hate or simpliy disagree. God given right.

- Less bigots like you dragging down society with petty spite.
- Better-prepared doctors, psychologists, social workers, and schoolteachers (the OCA's anti-gay measures in Oregon would have affected the Universities as well)
- A better learning environment for gay students, who are regularly persecuted and alienated by their classmates
- Hence, better-prepared students all around
- Greater comfort with human sexuality in general, leading to less internal conflicts--people are happier and more secure when they have fewer internal conflicts
- Greater productivity for society, as several stumbling-blocks thrown in society's way by religious fanatics and bigots evaporate under the weight of knowledge

Now the con's

Depends on where you are. In the workplace, it's a little tougher. Nonetheless, people don't ask me if I'm gay, they tell me I am. I pretend to be surprised, but it's such an old hack by now that I find such idiocy to be a testament to bigotry. Hmm, I have long hair, own two Broadway-cast CD's, and won't hate another person for being a homosexual. Yep, must make me gay.

** It's a identifable demonic spirit? Like Aids it mutates and changes the host?

[QUOTE ]You fixate too much on homosexuality, and I don't understand why. Parents should want good people around their children, and if that good person should happen to be gay, I'm not sure why it matters.

** Just say the devil made me do it? Good people don't blame God

[QUOTE ]- Stable relationships among gays[/QUOTE]

** Stable? You mean't promiscious

I still want to know why we should open the dungeon?


[QUOTE ] Disease control (it is much easier to control the spread of disease if the affected are not hidden in the underground)[/QUOTE]

** Earth to Princess; what makes you think we can cure those disease's?J Is Aids not potent and complex enough?Do you want more?

you can't discriminate against sexuality.

** But those laws are? Pro's for the heterosexuals? Where?

Because, in their sanity, they are able to realize that it doesn't matter.
Thank you, though, for equating homosexual and race issues. Until homosexuality can be shown to be universally and definitively a conscious choice to deviate from heterosexuality, this is, truly, a fair comparison. And just like you can't discriminate against

** Your not welcomed due to lack of gene

[QUOTE ]However, if a Church body chooses to slander or libel someone while campaigning for the enactment of their favorite bigotry, they should be held responsible. It would seem that Christ protects liars and haters, but the Constitution does not.[/QUOTE]

** Find the gene and prove Christ a liar & hater

[QUOTE ]Reminding her that I wasn't complaining about them at all, but rather that I was happy to share equal rights all around.[/QUOTE]

Yet the law's aren't comming from this emotion.

And, as you note, "If" you get discriminated against. Provide some theoretical examples, please. (See preceding paragraph.)

** These law's are oppressive& destructive and in the midst of spiritual darkness, and I am discriminated against for passing through Satan's Dominon with my soul.
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you know, "natural" is a highly subjective term' Lots of things were considered unatural and were outlawed in the past. Like if you wanted to marry some one who wasn't the same ethnicity as you. There were actual laws against this. it was considered unatural and wrong. now most people think that is a childish view(i hope).

so what's the difference in wanting to be with some one of the same gender as you? is it cause people can qoute the bible to back up their claims? people did that for the interracial marriges as well. quite frankly using the bible to back up your opinion has at best, a mixed track record.

It seems like some people think that if they find something odd and strange then that makes it wrong.

I'd like to see how you can argue that being gay is an error in judgement.
That will be interesting.
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