
I think he was arguing with her regarding her 'nobody is born gay' comment.

I don't know either individual in this case. But, I would have to say move on, Asguard. It's gotta be tough to lose the one you love, but you weren't honest with her, and you have to accept her decision. And, like others have said, you'll eventually find someone who's ok with your sexuality...just make sure you don't hide anything next time, or you'll be heading down the same path. Lay all of your cards out on the table, and the next time someone accepts you as you are, you'll be happy.
Hang on Asguard... You say it's a proven scientific fact that sexual preference is determined before 5 years of age? I was under the impression it is determined in early adolescence
early adolescence.. as in.. pre-teen years? ill have to disagree. first girl/girl expirience: age 8.......
first girl i ever seduced...;)

But asguard, you may find it easier to be in a relationship with someone else who is bi. they will be more understanding. if you are with a straight girl, and you try to explain to her that you are attracted to other guys, she will want to know why she isn't supposed to be... but if you are with a bi girl, and you are attracted to other guys, she wont be as.. alarmed... because she is attracted to other girls, and she will understand much better.
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*Xev pokes her head in to yell*

Agree with Nightfall. My first "sexual experience" with another female was in fourth grade.

I don't think sexuality is ever fully formed. I know that certain of my attitudes towards sex have remained constant from a rather young age.

Now, Anth, forget her. If she's unwilling to be a friend 'cause you're bi, she isn't worth being friends with. If she's unwilling to be a girlfriend because you're bi, she's not going to change and there's nothing for you to do.
Agree with the women. First ever experience was 9 (witha girl BTW). Many experiences with different girls up till 16/17.
First (and only) experience with a lad (best mate)- 17. If shes reacted so hostile ant maybe we should question why!!! :bugeye: I could understand it more if she just wasnt comfortable but to be so 'anti-' it!? :bugeye:

Much is being said around Ant's supposed dishonesty, yet he plainly states in a previous post that as soon as he knew.. she knew.
The amount of confusion sexuality puts us thru is phenominal.
If this thread proves anything it's the old saying

Eaten bread is soon forgotten.

Anyone who sailed thru adolescence and the formation of sexuality is lucky. Not everyone does.
Ant's first post indicated that he wasn't sure until he was sure.
That has to be the right time.
Give the guy a break

And Ant... Before you decide it's all too much, let me refer you to the last line of my Sig'

Fuck anyone who wants to fuck you, and in the end, fuck em all!! :D