Homophobes. Your nipples prove that you could have been Gay.

Has Homosexuality got anything to do with hormones?
Obviously you have to be male to be a homosexual, but has level of testosterone got anything to do with it.

I doubt Freddy Mercury, for example, was lacking in male hormones.



Homophobes. Your nipples prove that you could have been Gay.

They do? Doubtful science doesn't suddenly become sound credible science just because it's being used to promote a laudable social goal.

Zygotes are conceived as female.

I thought that what determines whether human cells are male or female is their genetics, the X and Y chromosome stuff. The earlier stages of human embryonic development are devoted to forming basic anatomical structure such as defining the anterior and posterior ends, creating internal cavities, establishing a notochord and limb buds, and so on. Male and female sexual anatomy appears later.

We are all whatever we are by the luck of the draw and we are all somewhere between heterosexual and homosexual. We likely all have a proportion of both and we mature to whatever nature, Gay or straight, predominates within us.

That's probably true, but I don't think that has very much to do with nipples or fetal anatomical development. If fetal development is involved, it's something a lot more subtle involving neurophysiology.

If you are a male, just look at your nipples and recognize that you could have been born a female and that it is just chemical activity that made you a heterosexual male. Nipples are quite useless on men.

The suggestion seems to be that gay equals anatomically effeminate or something. If you believe that, then go visit a Folsom Street leather bar and check out the leathermen. Hypermasculine is the word for it.

Having said all that, I do agree very strongly and emphatically with your basic point and purpose in this thread. Unthinking "homophobic" hostility towards gays causes no end of harm, to the point of driving many young people to suicide. Tolerance of and friendship towards gays is vastly preferrable to that.
Just because I looked up Freddy Mercury to get a picture, google thinks I'm Gay.
The last site I was on, it offered me a gay holiday in California.
"We know what you want", was the headline.

Will it continue to think I'm gay till I switch it off and on again?
Having said all that, I do agree very strongly and emphatically with your basic point and purpose in this thread. Unthinking "homophobic" hostility towards gays causes no end of harm, to the point of driving many young people to suicide. Tolerance of and friendship towards gays is vastly preferrable to that.

No argument on all former and thanks for your last.

Most everyone is religious. Nice selective response. I'll take what you did not respond to as tacitly agreed to.

Most people belong to a religion. Few people are religious.
Religious people do not hate without a good reason.

Can I have some of whatever it is you've been smoking? Religion does not preclude irrational hatred by any means. Have you seen the Twin Towers lately?

Right, neither have I.

No twhat I said. Read it again slowly.

I do not see tower 7 either. The same building that Silverman miraculously pulled in an hour, for what normally takes months of preparation.

No twhat I said. Read it again slowly.

I do not see tower 7 either. The same building that Silverman miraculously pulled in an hour, for what normally takes months of preparation.


Gods help me, you're referencing a fucking conspiracy and you can't even get the name right. Silverstein allowed the building to collapse, as it was on fire and bloody well going to anyway. The only pulling that was done, was pulling the fucking firemen out so they didn't go with it.

Maybe some pulling needs to be done on your head though, I think I see it somewhere around your appendix. And then you can tell me how you thought that was relevant.
Most people belong to a religion. Few people are religious.
Can you link me to some studies that demonstrate this?
Religious people do not hate without a good reason.
I suppose I agree, in the sense that people hate for some reason, even if they often end up aiming this hate in unjustifiable ways. This would hold true for the non-religious also.

But, after my little above mulling on this sentence, I really have no idea what point you were trying to make with it.
I've always believed that homosexuality is a learned behavior, a misplaced sexual identity. But I could be wrong. Any thoughts on bisexuality?
Can you link me to some studies that demonstrate this?


I have no study but I do have a logical inference above.
Religionists follow tradition and culture. Not a God.
I also have a personal reference as I grew up R C and know what those around me were thinking of God. Not much of anything at all.
I suppose I agree, in the sense that people hate for some reason, even if they often end up aiming this hate in unjustifiable ways. This would hold true for the non-religious also.

Yes and no.

A non-believer can justify his reasons for his hate even if misguided.
All a believer has quite often is, the bible tells me to.

But, after my little above mulling on this sentence, I really have no idea what point you were trying to make with it.

Simply that most believer are hypocrites or do not admit to their lack of faith.

I've always believed that homosexuality is a learned behavior,

:rolleyes: Seems you do not have any Gay friends.
Learned from who?

Rachel Maddow interviews David Bahati - Part 1

Her research denies your nurture argument.

a misplaced sexual identity. But I could be wrong. Any thoughts on bisexuality?

I think that we are all somewhere between Gay and straight.

The fact that we all come from natural humans and can go either way points to this fact and being bi just says that some are smack dab in the middle.

I think that we are all somewhere between Gay and straight.

The fact that we all come from natural humans and can go either way points to this fact and being bi just says that some are smack dab in the middle.


I think that if it was that simple, everyone would be more accepting of homosexuality. The fact that sexual preference is so deeply ingrained seems to suggest something more at play. However, past cultures did flirt with homosexuality...

Gods help me, you're referencing a fucking conspiracy and you can't even get the name right. Silverstein allowed the building to collapse, as it was on fire and bloody well going to anyway. The only pulling that was done, was pulling the fucking firemen out so they didn't go with it.

Maybe some pulling needs to be done on your head though, I think I see it somewhere around your appendix. And then you can tell me how you thought that was relevant.

Show me the facts, Show me the photos of the base of the tower without it having a diagonal cut. Just like demo's do it. Show me why every building around the twin towers still stands but the 7 is collapsed. Having heard terrorist as most pronounced word in the last 8 years of media. Its obviously a brainwash. And people believe it, so they will fight for their country. Blowing up countries that dont even have an army uniform.... America has never ever attacked a county with a decent army. Try attack holland for selling weed, we will see what happens with america when EU doesnt fond them so much.