Homophobes. Your nipples prove that you could have been Gay.

Homophobe is a unisex term and 95% of those here are male.

Why is it in the religious section?
Because religions are fueling the fires of hate against women and Gays.

Nipples do seem a bit gay.
But they are natural appendages.
They are only really gay if you pierce them.
And not so much as a single comment on my Scaramanga joke.

For shame.
If you are a male, just look at your nipples and recognize that you could have been born a female and that it is just chemical activity that made you a heterosexual male. Nipples are quite useless on men. Although I must admit that when my wife gives mine attention, I like and notice. That aside.

That's definitely gay.

Nipples do seem a bit gay.
But they are natural appendages.
They are only really gay if you pierce them.

Are you being facetious, or are you an emotional 12 year old?
Sorry, I was indulging in a little homophobic banter.
I stand admonished.:eek:
I shall be henceforth silent on the matter.
Speak, Rav.
What is your opinion on this grave subject of debate.
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Just so you know.
The debate is not supposed to be about nipples and if you go there, you are not as mature as you should be.

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You have to remember that the planet has been infected with the religious virus for hundreds if not thousands in some cases of years. Homosexuality has been dis-classed as a mental illness only for about 40 years.

Incidentally there is a ruleset (in the UK at least) where a person can not hold a political office if they suffer a mental illness, so obviously if a politician happened to be homosexual they would likely lose their position, thus the overturning of homosexuality as a mental illness.
The thread is not about nipples? :confused:
What is it about then? Drainpipes?

Did you not read the O P my friend?

If you read but may not have understood.

It basically asks.

Do you give Gays and women full equality and all the right you take?

Do you step up to protect their rights against homophobes and chauvinists?

Do you see that as your duty to humanity?

You have to remember that the planet has been infected with the religious virus for hundreds if not thousands in some cases of years. Homosexuality has been dis-classed as a mental illness only for about 40 years.

Incidentally there is a ruleset (in the UK at least) where a person can not hold a political office if they suffer a mental illness, so obviously if a politician happened to be homosexual they would likely lose their position, thus the overturning of homosexuality as a mental illness.

Some have become more civilized over time and some have not.
Shame on those who have not.

I have no idea what this thread is about, and I love it.

My bad folks.

It seems that I let my artistic liberty get away from me.
I tried to entertain as well as open a decent discussions on equality but failed.

To KIS, please allow me to state more clearly what this O P is all about.

The O P basically asks.

Do you give Gays and women full equality and all the right you take?

Do you step up to protect their rights against homophobes and chauvinists?

Do you see that as your duty to humanity?

I have no idea what this thread is about, and I love it.

Well, if you want to know what it's about, don't just read the thread title.
That's the mistake I made.
It's not about that at all. It's not even about nipples.
I will read the OP as soon as I get some time.
Don't talk about nipples, or they will get really mad at you.
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Homophobe is a unisex term and 95% of those here are male.
Yes, I know homophobe is a unisex term, however....

Be you R C or Protestant, how about giving woman equality as well. They have earned it putting up with you.
this was aimed at men.

Why is it in the religious section?
Because religions are fueling the fires of hate against women and Gays.
Sure, they do, but the OP is written as if it is only a religious issue.

And my experience is that in secular environments it has its own steam.
Yes, I know homophobe is a unisex term, however....

this was aimed at men.

Sure, they do, but the OP is written as if it is only a religious issue.

And my experience is that in secular environments it has its own steam.

True but what section of the forum are we in if not religion.
If my target was secular, I would have posted in the political section.

True but what section of the forum are we in if not religion.
If my target was secular, I would have posted in the political section.

yes, given the first sentence and 95% of the posts, the political section or the ethics section perhaps would have been better.

IOW you start off addressing 'Homophobes.' Not religious homophobes, but as if you are addressing all homophobes. And as we know non-religious people can be homophobes.

So it seemed like you weren't aware that not all homophobes were religious and perhaps even that all religious people were not homophobes.

If the point was to take on homophobia, with this nipple argument - and argument much more likely to work on secular homophobes - I would have expected a different kind of post in the religious section.

And one not just directed, as it seemed to be in the section that most directly dealt with religion, at religous men.

Conservatives of all stripes tend to be more homophobic.
Has Homosexuality got anything to do with hormones?
Obviously you have to be male to be a homosexual, but has level of testosterone got anything to do with it.

I doubt Freddy Mercury, for example, was lacking in male hormones.

yes, given the first sentence and 95% of the posts, the political section or the ethics section perhaps would have been better.

IOW you start off addressing 'Homophobes.' Not religious homophobes, but as if you are addressing all homophobes. And as we know non-religious people can be homophobes.

So it seemed like you weren't aware that not all homophobes were religious and perhaps even that all religious people were not homophobes.

If the point was to take on homophobia, with this nipple argument - and argument much more likely to work on secular homophobes - I would have expected a different kind of post in the religious section.

And one not just directed, as it seemed to be in the section that most directly dealt with religion, at religous men.

Conservatives of all stripes tend to be more homophobic.

Exactly and most of those are religious and somewhat retarded.
