If something is supernatural, then it should appear to the scientific eye that there is nothing to study. It's a silly concept in its common usage, I think, but so many people use it that it merits discussing. Ghosts and the like may not be supernatural phenomena, but they are at least somewhat subjective. Some people are apparently more sensitive to them than others. My uncle saw them all the time; I have only encountered the unexplained a few times in my life, and many, as you, never have. Whether they are merely the hallucinations of hysterics or something else is difficult to say unless you have experienced them yourself, and even then it is easy to doubt. I heard breaking glass downstairs at night once, but nothing broken was to be found. Could that have been in my head? What about coming home to an empty house and finding the master bedroom and upstairs hallway full of recently sprayed perfume? What about lights and radios turning themselves on in sequence - one turns on in the middle of the night, you get up and turn it off, and then another one turns on - how can that be explained? It is easy to call the first a hallucination. The second and third are much more difficult to explain; science might be able to provide answers to these, but they may sound even more far-fetched than the conclusions of a superstitious person. To me, the question of who to believe depends not on the "truth" of their theories, but how well they work. Superstitions and theology both persist because they somehow agree with the experiences of people. When they are very old, it is an indicator that they work well.