" Holy Cow"


Go! Canada Go!
Registered Senior Member
Sacred cows roam the vibrant streets of India, where they are revered divine representatives in the Hindu religion and are associated with the gods Shiva, Indra, and Krishna. Milk-producing cows are especially venerated for a range of virtues such as motherhood and nonviolent generosity and are considered unslayable.


DELHI, India—A sadhu (ascetic) lies in a pool of blood, 1966. During anti-cow-slaughter protests, eight people were killed and more than 500 injured by police.


BIHAR, India—A man lies dying next to a holy cow

What are your thoughts about this? It doesn't seem right to me when people are starving and dying right next to a food source. :shrug:
Hindus even the ones who are not vegetarian, will usually not eat beef
Sacred cows roam the vibrant streets of India, where they are revered divine representatives in the Hindu religion and are associated with the gods Shiva, Indra, and Krishna. Milk-producing cows are especially venerated for a range of virtues such as motherhood and nonviolent generosity and are considered unslayable.

What are your thoughts about this? It doesn't seem right to me when people are starving and dying right next to a food source. :shrug:
two points

I think india has more issues with poor sanitation/mosquitoes than starvation (If you've ever had a serious dose of malaria you can easily wind up looking like the guy in the photo, even if you own a delicatesant)

International bodies that deal with issues of world hunger understand that the issue is more about how the international markets tie up the grain industry for their own convenience, and even cite the shift of populations in india and china to a meat based diet as contributing factors.

But this emergency is different and deeply worrying, he reflects on the phone to The Age from his post in Phnom Penh, where he is country director with Save the Children. The crisis now confronting Cambodians and the poor around the globe has been perpetrated by invisible forces: the voracious appetites of new cashed-up demographics in India and China; record oil prices; bad weather and changing climate; profiteering first-world trade investors and third-world grain hoarders; and the massive diversion of land and crops into biofuels to offset the carbon emissions of the world's car-driving habit.


The cow is traditionally seen as one's mother (she provides milk) and the bull as one's father (used to plow the field and provide grains). Even now there are many farmers in India who do not use tractors.
Interestingly (or horrifying) enough, India is one of the world's top countries for cow slaughter. It supplies the western leather garment industry. So the irony is that two different sets of animals have to be killed - one for their skins and another for their meat.


Such is the logic of contemporary economics.
I see where you are coming from. But it is now possible to get clean pork. despite which Muslims and Jews are forbidden to eat it. BTW , my doctor eats pork

There are already enough people going hungry in the world. Meat requires more acreage set aside for feed. So its good that there are vast numbers of people not eating meat.
pigs in future are like, "Yo dudes lets go to Israel...they will not touch us there" and the cows of the future are like "Yo check it out I am spending my bonanza in India, cause I am just safe there"
What are your thoughts about this?
Ok. If you really want to know:

It's one of the most fucking rediculous demonstrations of ignorant stupidity on the planet. And people that die defending it deserve to die. Death by stupidity has a long and glorious tradition in the evolution of our species.
Perfect example of using a fact and arriving at the wrong conclusion:

Meat requires more acreage set aside for feed. So its good that there are vast numbers of people not eating meat.

But the holly cows still eat food, thus you get a double whammy, they are taking away area from other usage and NOT providing a foodsource....

So the correct solution would be to eliminate the holy cows in India.
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Ok. If you really want to know:

It's one of the most fucking rediculous demonstrations of ignorant stupidity on the planet. And people that die defending it deserve to die. Death by stupidity has a long and glorious tradition in the evolution of our species.

You mean like using crops for gas?
There are already enough people going hungry in the world. Meat requires more acreage set aside for feed. So its good that there are vast numbers of people not eating meat.

That's not my point. Why aren't Jews and Muslims given a choice ? I didn't realize the prophets were so far -sighted.

Jews and Muslims could choose to be vegetarians , as many people do.

As far as sacred cows are concerned, are they not eating food on land which could be developed to grow other crops ? They must use up some resources.
Perfect example of using a fact and arriving at the wrong conclusion:

But the holly cows still eat food, thus you get a double whammy, they are taking away area from other usage and NOT providing a foodsource....

So the correct solution would be to eliminate the holly cows in India.

Not as much livestock as would be required to feed the people. And we like having animals around, even when we are not exploiting them. :)
That's not my point. Why aren't Jews and Muslims given a choice ? I didn't realize the prophets were so far -sighted.

Jews and Muslims could choose to be vegetarians , as many people do.

As far as sacred cows are concerned, are they not eating food on land which could be developed to grow other crops ? They must use up some resources.

Most of them are like pets. They live with the family and provide milk.