No, it isn't.First, it is the very thesis of AGW that humankind has some control over the average temperature
One of the more strident warnings from the AGW researchers is that our current behavior may - a small but far too large probability - set off a positively reinforced runaway of some kind and duration, for example - that we are not in control of this situation, and once started some of the possibilities will be unstoppable. The next degree or two of rapid average temperature boost is out of our hands now, for another example - we can't stop it with our current means.
You can't make that meaningless stupidity relevant no matter what you assume.Which is what makes the question which temperature would be optimal interesting for human behavior and politically relevant
Another falsehood.The AGW proponents are, clearly, arguing that we should invest a large amount of money to make the temperature lower than it would be if we would care at all.
Bizarre and incoherent bs. You will never make sense until you drop that silly notion of an optimal temperature.As already clarified, such action could be reasonable if the transition costs would be much higher than those proposed investments, even if the optimal temperature would be higher than now.
By which posting you prove I was correct, and that idiocy is in fact your argument.If you would be correct about this, and even in those regions which are now too cold AGW would create in the long range more harm, then the idea that they are too cold would be wrong, and this would be evidence for the thesis that the optimal temperature would be even lower than it is now.
I do no such thing. I may illustrate what's wrong with your ignorant presumptions by specific example, sometimes, especially if (as with the overheating destroying agriculture matter) you insist that I provide specific examples - no limitation of your error to those examples is indicated. Exactly the opposite is the case.You are known to like arguments which pick out a small exception where the average is wrong, as if this would question the average.
Not your doubt. Your doubt is based on assumptions of bias, assumptions of fact, and assumptions of political agenda, which are not legitimate themselves and not legitimately employed in your assessments. Your assumptions are ignorant, and wrong. Your employment of them is mistaken. Doubt based on such an approach is a denial of established reality and sound estimation.Doubt is legitimate in any case, even in cases where to doubt is absurd for those who have studied the literature.
You are denying AGW, and your denial is absurd.
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