Hollywood Star Castigated For Attacking Muslims


Shield of Islam
Registered Senior Member
WALES, January 20 (IslamOnline.net) – A Welsh Hollywood movie star was castigated Monday, January 19, by his local community, Muslims and non-Muslims, for his "racist and ill-informed" statements he made about Islam.

John Rhys-Davies, a lead actor in the blockbuster Lord Of The Rings, drew flack after he warned of a "demographic catastrophe" in Europe by 2020 that around 50 percent of the children under 18 in Holland, for instance, will be of Muslim descent, according to the national website of Wales Sunday.

"I condemn these comments as being racist and ill-informed," said Adam Price, the MP for Rhys-Davies' former home town, Ammanford.

"It is obvious that this man who now lives in the lap of luxury in Hollywood is out of touch with realities of the nature of present day European society.

"His attack on Muslims and comments about the threat that they pose to Western society shows his ignorance of world events and the true teachings of Islam," he added.

He told the website that the people of Ammanford "will feel very let down by a man with such close connections to the town".


Europe has ugly disease in the 1930s-1940s called ANTI SEMITISM, now some are trying to create another disease called ISLAMOPHOBIA.

Proud Muslim: Europe has ugly disease in the 1930s-1940s called ANTI SEMITISM, now some are trying to create another disease called ISLAMOPHOBIA

Greco: Not quite right PM there’s a real fear of countries loosing their cultural heritage. It’s not rocket science to figure out what can happen if the majority of a country’s population have a different culture. One culture overcomes the other, whichever culture has the biggest numbers wins. I don’t doubt for a second if the majority of people in a country are muslim that they will aggressively spread their culture to the rest of the host country.

I live in California which has a high Latino population, many of them are still illegal and cannot vote but there’s a political movement to legalize those aliens. Once those Latinos are legal and can vote they can get control of local government and change issues as they see fit. The border between California and Mexico would be essentially open allowing a flood of latinos to come into California and essentially take over all government control. The Mexicans have always contended that California was illegally taken from them and now it’s payback time. This scenario is very believable and has been already proposed by many scholars.

Now lets assume that a muslim country opened its borders and allowed a horde of Chinese immigrants to become the majority population. Do you think that nations culture wont change towards a Chinese bias?

Yes Europe is afraid of muslim immigration looked what happened to my country Greece when they were taken over by the Ottoman Turks. The Greek Orthodox church was not allowed to practice its faith, the Greek youth was kidnapped and indoctrinated and made part of the muslim armies. Greek culture was virtually eliminated.

I don’t know if there’s some sort of conspiracy to integrate all cultures and make the globe one culture but if that’s their intention then I see a lot of turmoil till that end is accomplished.
all he said was "demographic catastrophe"
nothing racist about it.
the MP that distanced himself from the actor said "this man ... is out of touch with realities of the nature of present day European society" is either unaware of immigration (legal and illegal) patterns and birthrates, or he is dancing the political dance with politically correct words.

Greco: u're absolutely right. what's wrong with wanting to preserve your culture? nowadays they call it nazism or fascism....

Now lets assume that a muslim country opened its borders and allowed a horde of Chinese immigrants to become the majority population. Do you think that nations culture wont change towards a Chinese bias?
in this case, the Muslims will call it "crusades perpetrated by Zionists" and start blowing shit up. what, no?
greco, and pothead, a question:

There are approx 3 Billion Ummah worldwide. Do they all have the same culture or different culture?
i thought it was 1 B.

although they come from different countries, they have many factors which unite them, rather than divide them.
Now lets assume that a muslim country opened its borders and allowed a horde of Chinese immigrants to become the majority population. Do you think that nations culture wont change towards a Chinese bias?

in this case, the Muslims will call it "crusades perpetrated by Zionists" and start blowing shit up. what, no?


you firstly must identify "culture" , then realise that within the context of that definition islam cannot be defined by those terms as a "culture" Islam transends that which you term mere culture.
secondly, let's take your example and analyse it more closely:
- define hoards? lest assume these hoards, they would have no effect on the muslims ability to practice their faith, this is the key factor you must grasp in order to fully apreciate the argument.
thirdly what about chinese muslims?

2) good god! I won't even dignify that with a response.
otheadp said:
i thought it was 1 B.

although they come from different countries, they have many factors which unite them, rather than divide them.

1)what's a few Billion here and there between friends eh? ;)

2) yes, and that which unites them are spirirtual factors, issues of faith and belief and as such these factors cannot be defined in terms of culture.
Proud_Muslim said:
Europe has ugly disease in the 1930s-1940s called ANTI SEMITISM, now some are trying to create another disease called ISLAMOPHOBIA.


When Muslims themselves start condenming suicide bombers, stonings, dowries deaths, women rights in Saudi Arabia and elsewhere, dictatorships, terrorist etc., then maybe the Euros would respect you more.
Why should muslims be forced to justify a tirade of media bias and ignorant opinions about their faith? Why should they be forced to justify their faith and beliefs because such fallacious nonsense is reported about their faith by those who know nothing?
Esoteric said:
When Muslims themselves start condenming suicide bombers, stonings, dowries deaths, women rights in Saudi Arabia and elsewhere, dictatorships, terrorist etc., then maybe the Euros would respect you more.
One cannot justify the blaming of the whole for the actions of the few.
Wraith said:
Why should muslims be forced to justify a tirade of media bias and ignorant opinions about their faith? Why should they be forced to justify their faith and beliefs because such fallacious nonsense is reported about their faith by those who know nothing?

Is it media tirade when they tell us women can not even vote or participate in Government in Saudi Arabia, or that they are not even allowed to go out without a male chaperone?, is this an ignorant assertion?. Why arent their muslim leaders condenming this?, why should we do it?...
Even in Latin America this would be condenmed to the fullest extent, do you know how many Che revolutionaries would pop up?.


"My question for non-Muslims is equally basic: Will you succumb to the intimidation of being called "racists," or will you finally challenge us Muslims to take responsibility for our role in what ails Islam?"
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irshad manji! grrrrreat!

now she's the great oracle is she?

I'll get back to you on this one eso.
Wraith said:
1)what's a few Billion here and there between friends eh? ;)

2) yes, and that which unites them are spirirtual factors, issues of faith and belief and as such these factors cannot be defined in terms of culture.

You got to be joking, every waking moment of a muslims life is governed by the Koran. Islam shapes and morphs every facet of a muslims life. I got to laugh real hard on that one.
Wraith said:
laugh at what exactly??

The fact that you take such a poetic tone in regard to religions. What binds them is a book called the Koran that commands them to follow a number of orders to recieve eternal bliss... If it was really about "spirituality," they would be buddhist.
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Wraith said:
laugh at what exactly??

Dont play naive Wraith, you know damn well that the objective of your religion is to convert every one to islam. Any one who doesnt believe in Allah is an infidel, a virtual sub-human. Any religion that castigates others of different beliefs is a very dangerous religion.

Nasser went through ethnic leansing when he got rid all Greeks from Alexandria. Turkey is even a worst monster by killing over a million Armenians and throwing all greeks (that have lived there since the ancient times) out.

Yes Mr Wraith I know a few things about your Islamic intolarance for any one non-muslim.
the Qur'an, as Pakman said in another thread, gives specific instructions to Muslims regarding religion, economics, and society.
now, even without the Qur'an, there are cultural binding aspects.
political opinion, language, "us vs. them" mentality, similar political reality, etc.

irshad manji! grrrrreat!
now she's the great oracle is she?

1) this woman deserves her name to be Capitalized
2) i've heard her speak. she came to my campus once.... my God... that woman is a saint. what's your beef with her anyway? and you're not even Muslim, Wraith!!!

Why should muslims be forced to justify a tirade of media bias and ignorant opinions about their faith? Why should they be forced to justify their faith and beliefs because such fallacious nonsense is reported about their faith by those who know nothing?

there's a saying in Russian: "Silence is a sign of agreement".

let's assume now for argument's sake, as the Islamist apologists claim, there is a media propaganda campaign to demonize Muslims worldwide. if Muslims do not distance themselves from what this imaginary campaign is accusing them of, how can people which are not-in-the-know (the majority) not be afraid of them? not dislike them?

the reality today is that Muslims are doing many horrible things with the name of Allah on their lips. if that is not denounced by mainstream Muslims, they will be put into the same category by the average Joe. it is not blind racism, it is simply the logical, inevitable outcome.

in this case, the Muslims will call it "crusades perpetrated by Zionists" and start blowing shit up. what, no?
2) good god! I won't even dignify that with a response.

why not? lol
Esoteric said:
The fact that you take such a poetic tone in regard to religions. What binds them is a book called the Koran that commands them to follow a number of orders to recieve eternal bliss... If it was really about "spirituality," they would be buddhist.

buhdism hasnt got the monopoly on spiritualism. your true knowledge regarding the spiritualism of islam is lacking, I suggest you study the concept if deen.
and in anycase this discussion wasnt about spiritual matters but more about cultural matters
Greco said:
Dont play naive Wraith, you know damn well that the objective of your religion is to convert every one to islam. Any one who doesnt believe in Allah is an infidel, a virtual sub-human. Any religion that castigates others of different beliefs is a very dangerous religion.

Nasser went through ethnic leansing when he got rid all Greeks from Alexandria. Turkey is even a worst monster by killing over a million Armenians and throwing all greeks (that have lived there since the ancient times) out.

Yes Mr Wraith I know a few things about your Islamic intolarance for any one non-muslim.

my religion? you know nothing of me.

is to convert every one to islam
there can be no compulsion with regardds to faith (quran)
the objective my friend is to teach, and spread the word through education. Not to force.

Any one who doesnt believe in Allah is an infidel, a virtual sub-human.
absolutely not true. You draw conclusions based on fallacious and biased viewpoints. Your perception on subject X doesnt equate to reality about X.

Any religion that castigates others of different beliefs is a very dangerous religion
you are sadly very very misinformed.

Is it media tirade when they tell us women can not even vote or participate in Government in Saudi Arabia, or that they are not even allowed to go out without a male chaperone?, is this an ignorant assertion?. Why arent their muslim leaders condenming this?, why should we do it?...
Even in Latin America this would be condenmed to the fullest extent, do you know how many Che revolutionaries would pop up?.

fallacy #1: you eqaute saudi govt with Islam

1)women voting:
they cant vote in saud, no. But they do in:

etc etc....funny that? see the problem with your line of argument?

see 1)

any more questions eso, I'll be more than happy.