hey - what about pedophilia, is it wrong?

to lucy

I think that it is perfectly natural and harmless.
People these days engage in sex for pleasure.
Procreation can eb controlled.
My girlfriend who i love deeply is 45, im 20.
When you love someone, its about satisfying their needs.
love is :

The active care and concern for anothers well being.

Anyone who has ever fallen in love with someone who is older than them will know the feeling.
its a very natural, pure feeling of mutual care.
Its really beautiful.

Mothers can wash thier children.... why not continue and satisfy another need by jerking him off?
love is about giving pleasure and care to another .

Think of a mother who has been through a rough break up and it deprived of affection. her son wil always love her. He wont leave her or hurt her. And they can pleasure eachother with trust and care.
A mother wants to provide for her son...she provides food, clothing , shelter, if those are all natural human needs, what about sex? why doesnt she provide that as well.

Procreation would be a problem.
And , if mother and son were fucking, what about father?
what will he be doing? cahnces are, he wont like it very much.
another possible problem would be the fact that neither the mother or son would find someone else outside of themselves.
Also, when one partner changes and starts having sex with someone else...
what happens then?
Who knows.

Nice to think about though.
My girlfriend cares about me like im her child, and her lover.
Its not about age, its about love, and caring about one another.
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To Squashbuckler: Well I guess it depends on what we are talking about. There isn't anything wrong with your relationship with your girlfriend. The thread is about pedophilia not wide age differences in consenting adult relationships. I mean you are old enough to consent to this relationship and though she may love you 'like a child' you are not a child. It is safe to say that most people as adults would not choose to have a sexual relationship with their parent. The only case I have know of was in a biographyThe Erotic Life Of Anais Nin. Nin was abused physically and sexually by her father when she was a very young child and then the father abandoned the family. She had become obsessed with seducing men and often fantasized of seducing her father. At the age of 30 her father returned and for a short while became a part of her life. She seduced him while they were vacationing in the Riviera and then left him...her desire to take back her power through seduction and abandonment like she had experienced by him was a replay of her childhood abuse (she has written a poetic mythological version in "House of Incest"). It is by no means a "natural" thing to have an affair with a sibling, mother or father as an adult but the players involved ARE adults...and consenting. If a mother or father sexually stimulates a child then it is abuse, not affection not love but abuse. Children do not need to have their genitals stroked in order to feel love or security. A parents natural instinct is not to sexually stimulate a child, if that happens then you will usually find some other psychological impetuous at work.

I will respond in depth later.
i was referring to mainly a single parent, say , 40 years old, and her 20 year old son.


my relationship is something totally different.
But also similiar.
If a parent and a child (consenting), or lovers want to please one another, then what is the problem?
To Squashbuckler: I don't know if it is available as an ebook but the title is The Erotic Life of Anais Nin by Noel Riley Fitch. It is an INCREDIBLE biography, a must read. I don't know you but from what I gather you seem the type of person who would truly appreciate and understand it.


A child cannot consent to having sex with an adult because there is an issue of POWER and POWER is even more an issue when the person is a parent to whom you cannot say NO. Sex with a child (and by child I mean anyone 14 and under) is a VIOLATION. You have to violate their innocence and take from them. Sex is an act for the self-aware, self-possessed and a child is neither. Anyway like I said I agree with you if the parent/offspring sex is between consenting ADULTS, in which case the act and its positive or negative consequences is theirs to carry.
incest is cool if it is someone else's family. i could get off on shit like that. is that a sin?

I've got to say that I don't really understand why any adult would get pleasure from having sex with children. Children are beautiful, but their beauty is in their innocence. How do you get off on taking from them the very thing that makes them attractive?
The only explanation I can think of is that pedophiles confuse the "attractiveness" of childhood innocence with sexual attraction ("lust").
Originally posted by Xev

Since when did beauty have anything to do with fucking?

I specifically said that people perhaps confuse the "attractiveness" of a child's beauty with a sexual attraction. Does that clarify the link?:rolleyes:
I specifically said that people perhaps confuse the "attractiveness" of a child's beauty with a sexual attraction. Does that clarify the link?

No, because it doesn't even make sense.
Originally posted by Xev
it doesn't even make sense.

I said I didn't understand it:D

Seriously. There's really no reason. The mechanics are the same (I'm pretty sure), so it has to be about lust...I'm just trying to figure out why.
I don't think so. There's a definite biological imperative to want to fuck fertile adults. I suspect that the motive is much "darker" than simple sexual attraction.

I'm bored again now.
Forgive me if I am parroting someone here.
I have read through this whole thread yet.

Originally posted by coolsoldier
Children are beautiful, but their beauty is in their innocence. How do you get off on taking from them the very thing that makes them attractive?

There lies the whole problem.

Children ARE beautiful because of their innocence (mainly).
People want to hold, own and protect what they find beautiful and alluring.
Believe it or not, MANY pedophiles are well intentioned.
That does not excuse their behavior at all.
They are sick and need treatment.
What they don't seem to realize is that by acting on those urges, they rob the child of what made them attractive in the first place.
Therefore, they no longer want them.
Which is why so many pedophiles are serial.
Once you obtain what you wanted, it is no longer desirable.
You fixate on another.
You always think you will not break the next one.
You will take care of her because you love her.

Keep in mind that most of the entertainment sex symbols have an innocent doe-eyed look.
Keep in mind that most of them are or look young and pure.
Keep in mind that MANY of the most successful porno web site advertize girls that are "barely legal" or "look like" young, innocent "lolitas".
More men than not have fantasies about young innocent girls.
Young is relative, of course, most of them are attracted to girls in puberty... 13, 14 or 15 and up.
It is hardly surprising that men are attracted to girls when they reach the age of sexual procreation.
Nature designed it that way.
The difference is that some people indulge in those fantasies, and some don't.

Finding girls (young women) who have reached the age of sexual procreation sexually attractive is hardly wrong, nor is it in any way rare.
The thing about it IS...
In our current society and the way we raise our children, the way we try to coddle, protect and shelter them from the evils of the world, it is not often that a young girl will be as emotionally and intellectually mature as she is sexually mature.

In conclusion, finding sexually mature young women sexually attractive is not wrong, but acting on that attraction and preying on emotionally and intellectually immature little girls IS.

(I used "her" rather then "him" not because I don't think little boys get sexually abused, I don't want to slicght anybody's experiences. I just used it as a matter of convenience, and from a point of what I understand and can relate to better.)
To Coolsoldier: How do you explain a pedophiles sexual attraction to a 4, 5, 6 or 7 year old? Belive it or not these are often the ages targeted by a pedophile. And pedophiles do repeat performances on the young even after they have 'spoiled' thier innocence. Some rapists walk away from their victims believing they have engaged in mutual sex and have not done anything to harm their victim, the intention behind such exploitation is irrelevant. I understand what you mean about the adult male attraction to young women but their advertisements for the almost legal are still young women of 19, 20 and 21. They have bodies of adult women. Most pedophile men who target females would not approach a girl who is of menstruating years ie. they have not yet grown pubic hair, fully formed breasts etc. Pedophilia has absolutely nothing to do with perceptions of beauty but rather the comfort of engaging in sexuality with someone who cannot say no, someone who is unconditionally yielding, someone who does not even know they are being manipulated.
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Lucysnow: Was your last post directed at me? If so, you misread my username.

Originally posted by Lucysnow
To Cool River: How do you explain a pedophiles sexual attraction to a 4, 5, 6 or 7 year old?

I believe I answered that to the best of my ability when I said "I've got to say that I don't really understand why any adult would get pleasure from having sex with children. " :)

I was just conjecturing that a pedophile might confuse a plutonic attraction (such as finding a child's innocence attractive) with a sexual attraction. Even prepubescent children can be thought of as nonsexually attractive.
I think you meant me, not Cool River.

Originally posted by Lucysnow
To Cool River:

Pedophilia has absolutely nothing to do with perceptions of beauty but rather the comfort of engaging in sexuality with someone who cannot say no, someone who is unconditionally yielding, someone who does not even know they are being manipulated.

I am sure this is the case for many child molestors.
But I am not quite as sure as you seem to be about it being the case all, or even most, of the time.
From what I have read, most of the child molestors think they are in love with these children.
They see them as innocent and unspoiled by the cruel world.
They want to protect them and keep them safe from the world.
They are in love with the innocence and purity the children posses, and they can't find that anywhere but in children.

As for the reaction most people have towards child molestors:
I can definitely understand being outraged by it.
I, like most people, want to keep people that have no way of protecting themselves safe.
No crime is as bad as a crime against a child.
Nothing even comes close.
But I don't think that is the whole story...

The reaction to people who physically and mentally abuse children is rarely as intense as the reaction to people who sexually abuse them.
Even the murder of a child doesn't often bring the same gutteral utterly violent and vicious reactions that the molestation of a child brings.
Why is that?

I think it is because people recognize a part (no matter how small) of that same instincual animal inside them.
They think of how they have felt in the past when they saw a very young girl and had a fleeting thought of her in a sexual manner. (granted, most people don't think of 6 year olds that way, but 13, 12 maybe even some 11 or 10 year olds)
They feel guilty about how they felt...
no matter if they had any intention, or even desire to act on it...
no matter if the child was 6 or 12 (it is still seen as horribly wrong)
and they want to kill that animal inside them.

They try to supress their natural urges and emotions rather than addressing and accepting them as normal and responsibly repressing their actions.

Not a whole lot different than the theory that most homophobes that react in a violent manner to homosexuals have "latent homosexual tendencies".
People want to destroy in others what they hate or fear in themselves in an attempt to feel somehow justified.
Originally posted by Lucysnow
To Coolsoldier: How do you explain a pedophiles sexual attraction to a 4, 5, 6 or 7 year old? Belive it or not these are often the ages targeted by a pedophile.

I can't.
I CAN speculate, however.

Partly, it is the protective instinct I was talking about, but that would be applicable to young pubescent girls, not specifically pre-pubescent.

They, like most other men, are instintcually drawn to healthy, clean, young fertile women.
(Propagation of species and all)

Perhaps they see the characteristicts in these "ideal breeders" (evolutionarily speaking) exaggerated in the younger girls?
Innocence, purity, optimism, happiness, honesty etc...

Like I siad, though, just speculation.
I don't know.
Originally posted by one_raven
Finding girls (young women) who have reached the age of sexual procreation sexually attractive is hardly wrong, nor is it in any way rare.

As the saying goes, if there is grass on the feild, play ball!