hey - what about pedophilia, is it wrong?

That much out the way, you must not assume that all paedophiles are monsters. Too often the crowd that are baying for blood are full of people guilty of much more horrible things, and thoughts.

So you're an advocate of the Nazarene's simpering, cowardly injunction to "judge not, lest you be judged"?
Originally posted by Xev

So you're an advocate of the Nazarene's simpering, cowardly injunction to "judge not, lest you be judged"?
No, yet every day I see self righteousness. Though not a Christian, there is much to be said for the doctrine: "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."
A perfect philosophy if you're willing to suffer the consequences of it. When you are killed by the murderer let free because there was nobody sinless enough to accuse him, come back and talk to me about "not throwing the first stone".

Ultimately this foolishness is as destructive as most Christian morality.

Though not a Christian, there is much to be said for the doctrine: "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

What is there to be said for it?
My argument is simple. Too many people judge when they are not fit too. Paedophiles are a like the boogey man, people can blame so much of the failings of society on them, when the problem is far greater than that.
My argument is simple. Too many people judge when they are not fit too. Paedophiles are a like the boogey man, people can blame so much of the failings of society on them, when the problem is far greater than that.

Your argument is unsubstantiated as well as simple.
To Siddhartha who wrote: "That much out the way, you must not assume that all paedophiles are monsters. Too often the crowd that are baying for blood are full of people guilty of much more horrible things, and thoughts.

The moral of the story: Do not use labels, they will only fail you."

I don't think anyone suggested in this thread that people with this particular paraphillia are monsters and I do not recall anyone calling for their blood. The question asked was what is wrong with it.
I live in a town where Paediatricians have been hounded out of their homes by vigilantes who are also themselves violent criminals and drug dealers. It is just a knee jerk reaction when people come on and start bashing paedophiles to think "Why are they so hostile?" - Not that I do support in any way the acts of paedophiles, it's just so rarely that someone manages to criticise them in an intellectual manner. If you see what I mean?
To Siddhartha: I think it is very difficult for people to behave rationally when they think their children's safety are at stake and so there is the mob mentality which takes over. But pedophiles are predators, spoilers of innocence. It is not unusual for pedophiles to sometimes be the product of the same kind of abuse which they then perpetuate on others. Sexual abuse of a child is a crime and should be treated as such, sexual abuse in my opinion is also an aberration and when someone decides to abuse another for their own satisfaction they cannot then wonder why they are not perceived with high-esteem.
Originally posted by Siddhartha
My argument is simple. Too many people judge when they are not fit too. Paedophiles are a like the boogey man, people can blame so much of the failings of society on them, when the problem is far greater than that.

I tend to find that many failings of society are indeed not attributed to pedophiles. Instead, according to my own admitedly limited observations, people only tend to attribute child molestation to pedophiles. Funny how that works out, don't you think?
Originally posted by Siddhartha
No, yet every day I see self righteousness. Though not a Christian, there is much to be said for the doctrine: "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

I've never committed the sin of child molestation and never will, so I would be more than happy to start casting stones at kiddie-rapers.
Originally posted by Mystech
I tend to find that many failings of society are indeed not attributed to pedophiles. Instead, according to my own admitedly limited observations, people only tend to attribute child molestation to pedophiles. Funny how that works out, don't you think?

What kind of loon would attribute child molestation (the physical expression of pedophila) to pedophiles? Next thing you know, people will be trying to establish a connection between gravity and things falling to the earth!
Originally posted by Galt
Next thing you know, people will be trying to establish a connection between gravity and things falling to the earth!

Now, sir, you are having pipe dreams!
Originally posted by Mystech
I tend to find that many failings of society are indeed not attributed to pedophiles. Instead, according to my own admitedly limited observations, people only tend to attribute child molestation to pedophiles. Funny how that works out, don't you think?
I admit that my wording was open to misinterpretation and I apologise for that. What I meant was, I find it quite... sad when I see someone (a paedophile) who may be in that position because they themselves were abused, or indeed may not even be a paedophile, but is someone who genuinely does get on with people younger than them (I know someone like this) who then is hounded and abused by a mob which is comprised of self righteous vigilantes who would normally be those people that would be selling your children drugs, stealing your car and mugging you. I'll stress once again that I don't sympathise with paedophiles, I just don't like the fact that so often we as a "civilised" people will resort to the dark ages in seeking "justice" whenever they are concerned.
Just because someone has been abused as a child does not excuse them or create sympathy in others. I don't think this discussion is about whether someone has or has not been wrongly accused of pedophilia but whether pedophilia is or is not in its very essence wrong.
Originally posted by Lucysnow
Just because someone has been abused as a child does not excuse them or create sympathy in others. I don't think this discussion is about whether someone has or has not been wrongly accused of pedophilia but whether pedophilia is or is not in its very essence wrong.
It is wrong to abuse another. However, like that other thread that's floating about "Then the judge is an ass" I think it's called, you have to be careful. If I (being 22) fell in love with and had relations with a 16 year old girl, how would that be seen? It's kinda... borderline, even if the girl and I are very much in love, there's something "not right" about the age gap, but does it constitute something morally wrong?
Well lets see here most pedophiles target children 14 and younger because they like CHILDREN!!! Not young teenagers who's bodies are beginning to look like a young woman.
right and wrong

Right and wrong

Are determined by pain and pleasure.
Even if the child enjoyed what was happening, he is not old enough to formulate the idea of "consent"

Whether or not it was enjoyable at that time si irrelevent.
If he enjoyed it, then nothing was wrong.
Once he grows and realizes that society says its so wrong, he will be tormented by the fact.
He will also be upset if he realized that he was unable to make a decision at that time.

I dont think that thier is anyhting wrong with a son fucking his mother, if the son is past the age of consent.
If protection is used, and they both consent to mutually pleasuring eachother, what is the problem ?

The mother should not have a child though!
To Squashbuckler: Well I am not sure if one would feel violated later simply because society has created a taboo around sex with children but I understand your point very well. Funny I was saying the same thing to someone recently...that I have no problem with an adult deciding they want to engage in sexual relations with a relative if they are both of sound mind and consenting. It is not a choice I would make but it is certainly their business.