Here you go...

Here is your line.

No more excuses, let's see what you have.

Not sure about this strategy Swarmy.

LG will wear this thread like a badge of honor. I can see him perched high upon his gallant steed, the white knight, his shield reflecting the rays of the setting sun as he cuts a swath through the atheist throng bent on destroying his life's devotion. His superiority on the field of verbal battle is only matched by his reservoir of knowledge of things there can be no knowledge of. My hero, my champion.
Not sure about this strategy Swarmy.

LG will wear this thread like a badge of honor. I can see him perched high upon his gallant steed, the white knight, his shield reflecting the rays of the setting sun as he cuts a swath through the atheist throng bent on destroying his life's devotion. His superiority on the field of verbal battle is only matched by his reservoir of knowledge of things there can be no knowledge of. My hero, my champion.
And I guess this little rant doesn't imbibe you with a sense of superiority, eh?

Anyway, when the rush is over, feel free to actually discuss the topic.
sift though this to see what contributions you have already made on the subject

Ah, some good stuff there. Its too bad you aren't as clear and consise as I am. Of course it doesn't make your position clear.

and how would you propose to tell whether I am lying or telling the truth (especially without any normative descriptions to go by)?

Its really simple. Just answer the question.

Yes or no, have you personally perceived god?
Ah, some good stuff there. Its too bad you aren't as clear and consise as I am. Of course it doesn't make your position clear.
It does however establish that you have some very clear ideas about how god is a contradiction, so its kind of pointless to rehash them at this point.

Its really simple. Just answer the question.

Yes or no, have you personally perceived god?
so suppose I say yes.

Now what? Does it get simple?

/grabs popcorn
It does however establish that you have some very clear ideas about how god is a contradiction, so its kind of pointless to rehash them at this point.

I have lots of ideas, but I'm interested in yours at the moment if you can manage to formulate them coherantly.

so suppose I say yes.

No suppose. No weaseling around. Just yes or no straight up. Have you personally perceived god?
I have lots of ideas, but I'm interested in yours at the moment if you can manage to formulate them coherantly.
So I guess in regards to the statement "god is a contradiction" you know exactly what its about ... so maybe you could pain yourself to reading the rest of the post.

No suppose. No weaseling around. Just yes or no straight up. Have you personally perceived god?
I did.

I also went to pains to explain that this line of questioning is futile.

I guess the next stage is for you to bring to bear some normative descriptions that attempt to invalidate my claim by calling upon a corrupted sense of theory .... but, hey, surprise me.
now we can see what percentage are present within the present folds of theistic communities or what practices they hold are systemic from ancient Germany, since you want to hold the worship of Thor as typical of them ( hint - 12th century Scandinavia might warrant special attention).

Actually the community of Thor worshipers wasn't convenient and since you said I didn't need to participate in the community I went with something more local. BTW, Scandinavia has some shared beliefs but is not home to the Germanic peoples and 12th century is a bit late, but you're at least on the right continent - good job!

you can't even rebuke

You are starting to get pathetic again. Asking you to specify which position you hold is not "rebuking the claim."

I'll try dumbing it down further.

There are two ways of considering normative statements:

1) that they have practical application and therefore can be discussed rationally


2) they are merely socio/emotional expressions of preference and cannot be discussed rationally.

In light of your revelation that you see them as being goal directed (a practical application) I'll just assume you live in group 1) unless you say otherwise.

it's not a case of T/F

Then what do you see it as being a case of?

I am suggesting that there are actions typical of the community, and that these actions are the critical element in resolving the claim

So provide some concrete examples already.

If you don't believe me, try and give an accurate measurement of temperature with a tape measure or an accurate measurement of distance with a thermometer.

Oh I love this one. Obviously you don't realize just how interrelated the too are. Thermometers actually measure the distance a substance expands when it is heated.

Take your tape measure at stp and make a reference mark at your starting temp. Heat the tape measure to the degree you wish to measure. Make your second mark. Cool tape measure back to STP and measure the change. Look up coefficient of expansion for the material your tape measure is made of. Calculate the temperature.

Measuring distance with a thermometer is even easier. See those nice regular tick marks on the thermometer? Calculate the conversion to the scale of choice. Measure the length using the thermometer. Convert to scale desired.

So is a lack of imagination and creativity essential to finding god?

IOW if you have no capacity

You provide some tasks and I'll worry about my capacities.

Enough excuses.

unless one is seeking a (possible) means on being free from suffering

Already got 2 lines on that - thanks though.

You don't find any clues there on how a person free from suffering ought to act?

How you are acting right now is what is pertinent. "Ought" is worse than irrelevant, it is a source of suffering in and of itself.

you chose to focus on a question of what was the reference to a small quote of small part in post 184

Silly me. I thought the fact that you linked there meant it was what you wanted me to consider.

You are not talking about hinduism, since it includes the broader picture of the various schools of dvaita and visishtadvaita Vedanta, which offer contrary conclusions to what you advocate.

No problem, you don't want to merge with the godhead - got it.

err .. like getting anal over a footnote 183 posts away from a referenced OP?

Made up quotes catch my attention.
No need to guess. I asked for further explanation because I would like further explanation of what you mean.
What part of the statement "god is a contradiction" don't you understand?

No, you said "suppose." I'm not supposing. Give me a clear answer. Yes or no. Have you personally perceived god?

It really isn't that hard. Just answer honestly.

For the third time in a row.


Now what? Does it get simple?
Actually the community of Thor worshipers wasn't convenient and since you said I didn't need to participate in the community I went with something more local.
I don't follow.

What was your local alternative to thor worshipers?
BTW, Scandinavia has some shared beliefs but is not home to the Germanic peoples and 12th century is a bit late, but you're at least on the right continent - good job!
Erm .... it was probably the most recent time that worshipers of thor bore any political influence on the country ... just in case you want to confound us with your dazzling observations of them.

You are starting to get pathetic again. Asking you to specify which position you hold is not "rebuking the claim."
I guess I was put off by about 75% of your posts that attempt to circumvent the necessity of normative descriptions in approaching application.

I'll try dumbing it down further.

There are two ways of considering normative statements:

1) that they have practical application and therefore can be discussed rationally


2) they are merely socio/emotional expressions of preference and cannot be discussed rationally.

In light of your revelation that you see them as being goal directed (a practical application) I'll just assume you live in group 1) unless you say otherwise.
talk about taking the long route

Then what do you see it as being a case of?

So provide some concrete examples already.
I've provided you two examples already.

One is a scriptural quote, which for some reason you can't extract a normative description from, and the other was a more involved thread I did on the subject, which is causing you problems because it opens with the assertion "god is a contradiction".

Oh I love this one. Obviously you don't realize just how interrelated the too are. Thermometers actually measure the distance a substance expands when it is heated.

Take your tape measure at stp and make a reference mark at your starting temp. Heat the tape measure to the degree you wish to measure. Make your second mark. Cool tape measure back to STP and measure the change. Look up coefficient of expansion for the material your tape measure is made of. Calculate the temperature.

Measuring distance with a thermometer is even easier. See those nice regular tick marks on the thermometer? Calculate the conversion to the scale of choice. Measure the length using the thermometer. Convert to scale desired.

then I guess we could further examine why professions that have a need for measuring temperature don't use tape measures ... and why professions that have a need for measuring distance don't use thermometers .....

So is a lack of imagination and creativity essential to finding god?
If the imagination extends to thinking that there is no impediment to the measurement of distance by utilizing a thermometer and that there is no impediment to the measurement of temperature by utilizing a tape measure , then yes.

You provide some tasks and I'll worry about my capacities.

Enough excuses.
If you're just as happy to utilize a tape measure to measure temperature as you are a thermometer, there's plenty to worry about.

Already got 2 lines on that - thanks though.

How you are acting right now is what is pertinent. "Ought" is worse than irrelevant, it is a source of suffering in and of itself.
so one ought to not use "ought" then?

No problem, you don't want to merge with the godhead - got it.
well sort of ..... but its quite clear that its quite distinct from becoming a "god", as you put it

Made up quotes catch my attention.
Since our values underpin whatever we deem to be real or made up, why would it be any other way?
What part of the statement "god is a contradiction" don't you understand?

Well, how it went from "god is not a contradiction" to "god is a contratiction" would be a good starter. Followed by what your point is would be nice.

Interesting. Lori seems to be under the impression you told her otherwise. You might want to straighten that out.

Tell me more.
Well, how it went from "god is not a contradiction" to "god is a contratiction" would be a good starter. Followed by what your point is would be nice.
It was an affirmation of the atheist challenge to god. I can't for the life of me figure why you, as an atheist, have some problem with it.

Interesting. Lori seems to be under the impression you told her otherwise. You might want to straighten that out.

Tell me more.
more details in the referenced thread

(as for Lori, don't know what she is referencing)
Yes, the insane continuously make those claims. That's why they're insane.

Keep judging without understanding Q. I still love and respect you the same even though you are an ignorant fool.

More insane gibberish, sorry to inform you.

More tunnel vission, sorry to inform you.

Sorry, I'm not planning to give myself a lobotomy or drop too much acid any time soon.

I hope you don't want to cut out part of your Brain!!!
The brain is a terrible thing to waste.
I've never had a labotomy, I don't take acid.
Quick judgements with no foundation.

You're awfully quick to be gullible.

LOL - I got my own info from within me. So you can call it what you want, I know what I need, you're still lost, and you assume just because you're lost, everyone else is still lost too. LOL WAKE UP!!!!

I don't take offense to your coments, I find them amusing. But I do feel a little sympathy for you.