Here you go Christians, something to really pray for!


Objectivist Mind
Registered Senior Member
Hey whatever works, is what I tell the rest of my family. I'm the only atheist in my family, so if I seem a bit bitter sometimes, well ;) Anyhow lets bygones be bygones, here you go Christians a real chance for you to prove that your prayer really works!.

Pray for cheaper gas

I'd really like to see a miracle, and have gas at .90centagallon! Comon you'all can do it! :D

but godless, dont you see that Atheism IS a religion. it has a leader, monetary donation and opeople telling you what to think (proselytizers).

i pray for $10 per gallon gasoline (emissions are killing us) and $10 per hr. min. wage...nah, $15 would be about right.
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This is a great idea, but if someone really does pray for gas being $0.90 a gallon, and few months later gas prices really do become $0.90/gal , all the atheists will say that it was merely a coincidence, and had nothing to do with prayer, and if nothing happens, all the athiests will say is that prayer doesn't work and doesn't affect anything.

therefore being a LOSE/LOSE situation for theists and a WIN/WIN situation for atheists in terms of arguments.

So whats the point?
Alejandro, atheism is not a religion (by definition), atheism does not have a leader, and atheists are not told what to think. saying such a thing conveys a profound stupidity (no offense).

firstly, to be a religion, its followers must believe in supernatural powers, which atheists don't. secondly, very few atheists are organized into any group, let alone have a leader. finally, few atheists get their points of view fed to them by others. if atheists were susceptible to such a thing, they would have been pulled into a religion long before getting to atheism.

that being said. if you Christians pray for $0.01/gal gasoline, and it comes true within the next year, I promise here and now that I will go to church for the rest of my life. how about that?
VitalOne said:
This is a great idea, but if someone really does pray for gas being $0.90 a gallon, and few months later gas prices really do become $0.90/gal , all the atheists will say that it was merely a coincidence, and had nothing to do with prayer, and if nothing happens, all the athiests will say is that prayer doesn't work and doesn't affect anything.

therefore being a LOSE/LOSE situation for theists and a WIN/WIN situation for atheists in terms of arguments.

So whats the point?

Conversely, a good result will cause Christians to gloat, whereas a quadrupling in price will cause them to say "Oh, He's just working in those oh-so-mysterious ways again...".

How about having Him put the price at $0.90 overnight? That would even make cynical old me sit up and think.
redarmy11 said:
Conversely, a good result will cause Christians to gloat, whereas a quadrupling in price will cause them to say "Oh, He's just working in those oh-so-mysterious ways again...".

How about having Him put the price at $0.90 overnight? That would even make cynical old me sit up and think.
Overnight? Thats possible, however, according to Jesus you would have to have 0% doubt in your brain about it and you would have to believe that you've already recieved it (its already happened) for it to work.

This makes it extremely unlikely that any prayer will happen overnight or at all since almost everyone has unconscious uncertainty about things and fill their minds with thoughts directly contrary to what they pray for.

And Jesus said: "I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours" Mark 11:24

"Because of the littleness of your faith; for truly I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed you shall say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it shall move; and nothing shall be impossible for you." Matthew 17:20

Unfortunately ignorant people do not pray in this manner, they simply pray in any manner and expect the greatest results, and if they do not get results they foolishly question God.

so, you are saying that no person in the history of the world has had complete faith? if a person had complete faith, they could do anything, and we would have certainly seen some seriously awesome stuff (like moving mountains).

I love how christianity works ^_^
cato said:

so, you are saying that no person in the history of the world has had complete faith? if a person had complete faith, they could do anything, and we would have certainly seen some seriously awesome stuff (like moving mountains).

I love how christianity works ^_^

No, I never said that, I said most people do not pray properly, according to Jesus and yet they expect the greatest results.

There were many people in the past known for doing miraculous things.
PROBLEM IS.... scripture... especially the old testiment makes it clear...
God helps those who help themselves, and in the case of gas prices, ...

im sorry to say, old testiment scripture and even the koran would call for rising up and burning the evil ones, and changing things for the better....

unfortunately... gas stations burns very easily.. and setting them on fire defeats the purpose of making gas cheaper and easier.

so, maybe we should leave religion out of it....

since JESUS, and KRISHNA, and BUDDHA, are generally pacificts.

GL said,

I'd really like to see a miracle, and have gas at .90centagallon! Comon you'all can do it!

But I'm hoping it will go to $10 a gallon so we'll stop relying on foreign oil, the gas sucking car companies will go out of business, and the environment will get a lot cleaner.

Gas money pays for arab suicide bombers. ;)
*(Gas money pays for arab suicide bombers.)*

Tell that to your buddies in Washington, who think they can manipulate world oil market through prayer ;)
It won't work for selfish things such as that. If you pray for those things, then you don't have enough faith. If you pray for money or to save on money when you have plenty, you more than likely have no faith. Any excess is against God's will for us. In excess, you always have more of what someone else less fortunate could have. There are plenty of low paid workers in the oil industry who may just wind up getting the highest cut per their income. If it harms someone else, it's not wise to pray for it. You are asking God to harm someone or make them worse off. There is a lot to the oil industry so that would be a complicated prayer but nothing for God to handle if it's for true good. I hate to be a bummer and speak of that but even religious people today are being antagonistic to God by asking harm to others. That's why it's time for a change.
usp8riot said:
It won't work for selfish things such as that. If you pray for those things, then you don't have enough faith. If you pray for money or to save on money when you have plenty, you more than likely have no faith. Any excess is against God's will for us. In excess, you always have more of what someone else less fortunate could have. There are plenty of low paid workers in the oil industry who may just wind up getting the highest cut per their income. If it harms someone else, it's not wise to pray for it. You are asking God to harm someone or make them worse off. There is a lot to the oil industry so that would be a complicated prayer but nothing for God to handle if it's for true good. I hate to be a bummer and speak of that but even religious people today are being antagonistic to God by asking harm to others. That's why it's time for a change.

Yeah, but you could solve that by praying for "the gas price in the US being $.90/gal in ways that are for the highest good of you and everyone else concerned". Problem solved. Who really knows what is good and what is bad?

And also it should work for anything according to Jesus, regardless of what type of desire it is.
Everyone has turned down the challenge, for reasons oh too convenient.

Imagine that.
a prayer that would be easier to acco plish and sustain would be that the gas in your tank lasted a lot longer than it does. or if your belief is really strong that your gas never runs out.

or buy a hybrid car