Here we go again


Valued Senior Member
Here is yet another attempt to insert religion into public schools. No suprise it's in Texas.

I especially like:

in Texas with the state's education board about to consider recommendations that children be taught that there would be no United States if it had not been for God.


Another of the experts is Reverend Peter Marshall, who heads his own Christian ministry and preaches that Hurricane Katrina and defeat in the Vietnam war were God's punishment for sexual promiscuity and tolerance of homosexuals.

He's an expert ? Expert in what, hate speech.
thanks man, you just put a whitesnake song in my head. rock on.
Here is yet another attempt to insert religion into public schools.

Is this a problem?

If public schools are funded with taxes, which they are, and ignoring the illegitimate nature of taxation, then don't the people funding the schools have a say in what is taught? Public or not, since it's funded with taxation then the majority gets to decide what is taught.

Of course, this is no surprise considering the problems of public property and public service.
The majority is too stupid to decide what's good for them, and certainly where schooling is concerned.
And you support that ?

No, I don't support democracy:bugeye:
I support [in theory] laissez-faire capitalism; in laissez-faire capitalism, such issues like religion taught in public schools would be non-issues.
The majority is too stupid to decide what's good for them, and certainly where schooling is concerned.
Then government is not a good idea, because government is made up of people. Or, we can have government, but we need a way to determine how "stupid" someone is; but hey, you're preaching to the wrong guy here. I'm all for intellectual elitism in government; IQ tests for voting rights, etc
What? That's what liberals like you say all the time! That's democracy, the oh-so enlightened system which is really just another form of barbarism and theft.

Look closely: I said it's the oh so enlightened system that is really just another form of barbarism and theft. I never agreed with it.
I'm saying that is the position of the common liberal; if they're going to be consistent, then they can't object to the teaching of religion in schools if it is based on what a majority wants, because the majority fund it.