Help Me Understand This

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What if you where born in Egypt around 3200 BC, would you have the same beliefs/opinions about "America" or "Christianity" as you do now?

Just open any Encyclopedia and look at the civilizations at different ages through history. I assure you that in the next 3500 years, if humankind manage to exist we are gonna be another civilization of the past, just like we see the Maya or Sumer civilizations now.

I'm sure that you and I agree that it's important to discuss any current issues, but let's not forget about the bigger picture.

Take Care,

The bigger picture is we're trying to stay alive over here in the USA but our butt-nugget government keeps letting in people who want to kill us and destroy our country.:mad:
The bigger picture is we're trying to stay alive over here in the USA but our butt-nugget government keeps letting in people who want to kill us and destroy our country.:mad:

You are one extremely angry individual, sandy. Have you thought about taking anger management courses? You should probably do so considering your anger will most likely manifest into violence.
The bigger picture is we're trying to stay alive over here in the USA but our butt-nugget government keeps letting in people who want to kill us and destroy our country.:mad:
That's what your 'butt-nugget' government wants you to think Sandy! Neocon political strategy is about conflating 'support for the Government' with patriotism by creating a dangerous external enemy. In the consequent atmosphere of fear and mistrust of outsiders, disagreeing with the policies of the Bush regime e.g. "The War on Terror" is seen as siding with terrorists i.e. unpatriotic and unamerican!

I visit the States quite a bit, and have a number of good american friends. I can tell you as a pro-american outsider, that the US is not looking good in the world at the moment. From out here you look paranoid, bullying and ruthlessly aggressive. The US (and UK) governments are trying to impose pro-western democracies by force of arms while riding roughshod over human rights e.g. at Guantanamo Bay. The allegations of torture by US servicemen and the CIA sponsored use of 'outsourced' interrogation have done nothing to improve your image.

You may feel surrounded by people who want to kill you, but the US is inflicting far more damage in other countries by it's policies of aggression and human rights abuses than it is suffering itself. The only way you will reduce Islamic terrorism is by winning the 'hearts and minds' of the average reasonable muslim. By believing they are all 'terrorists', 'illegal immigrants' or 'insurgents', you will continue to alienate idealistic young muslims and push them into the arms of alQueda.

Mark 4:24 "Take heed what you hear; the measure you give will be the measure you get, and still more will be given you."
We have stopped/prevented dozens of terror attacks since 911. The threat is real. Thank God we have a president who is tough on terror.
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