Help Me Understand This

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I'm serious. I'm trying to understand Islam (the religion of peace.) :)

A new Pew Research Poll shows interesting facts about surveyed American muslims.

Why do 25% of American muslims support suicide bombings to defend their religion?

Why do 60% think the 911 murderers were not muslims/refuse to answer?

65% immigrated here but don't like us or the USA.

82% think of themselves as muslims first, not Americans.

26% refuse to assimilate. 39% of the younger ones.

75% oppose our war on terror.

32% have a favorable/refuse to answer view of alQaeda.

83% want bigger government/hand outs.

85% disapprove/refuse to approve Bush.

89% are democrat/independent. 11% claim to be Republicans.

I am perplexed.:confused:
1) ...umm...poll is flawed.

2) You are in what pool? American pool. What fish are you surrounded by? American fish. Every air bubble American fish breath is every air bubble you breath...the reality of your own...the reality they want you to see and nothing else...the only truth there is...the so called freedom

So while you are in this will be tough to understand outside fish are still in the American thought pool
I'm serious. I really want to understand this. If they come here and hate us/my country, why do they stay? :confused:

Many Americans believe the muslims want to take over. That I could comprehend. But when I ask my muslim friends, they say they just want a chance at a better life here. They contribute/assimilate, and are productive members of society. :)
Although this is a weak attempt of a raging christian pointing out the fake fact that muslims are evil, I will lower my expectations on discriminating people, and try to answer your questions with an honest heart.

Why do 25% of American muslims support suicide bombings to defend their religion?
Because they are told that dying for God (same God as Christians) is a certain way to reach heaven. But they have been manipulated into killing people in the process. I think most people can be easily manipulated with their beliefs, like Christians and Catholics joining the army, and killing fellow humans.

Why do 60% think the 911 murderers were not muslims/refuse to answer?
Because they are afraid of people like you stereotyping all muslims for that.

65% immigrated here but don't like us or the USA.
65% of people around the World don´t like you, or the USA.
Most people stereotype, most people judge, and given you have such a president, stereotyping is easier.

82% think of themselves as muslims first, not Americans.
I bet 82% of christians, are christians first, not americans; same with every religion cult.

75% oppose our war on terror.
Just 75%? I bet the others were afraid of speaking out.
Or are you not aware that USA is truly the only country that support your "war on terror", which I believe is more like "War on innocent people to take their Oil and resources".

32% have a favorable/refuse to answer view of alQaeda.
Well, they have been brainwashed, the same as the government brainwash you, or a Religious belief system brainwash you.

85% disapprove/refuse to approve Bush.
They have common sense after all, anyone that approve Bush is just ignorant, and not to blame. But disapproving Bush is a sign of common sense.

89% are democrat/independent. 11% claim to be Republicans.
I'm serious. I'm trying to understand Islam (the religion of peace.)
Trying to understand is always a good start.

Why do 25% of American muslims support suicide bombings to defend their religion?
Concentrate on the 75% that don't for a start. I would imagine 25% of any group that currently feels itself to be persecuted would support (to greater or lesser extent) someone that may have an answer to that persecution.

Why do 60% think the 911 murderers were not muslims/refuse to answer?
For the same reason you would think that a self-professed christian suicide bomber was not actually a christian I would imagine.

65% immigrated here but don't like us or the USA.
You'd have to ask them.

82% think of themselves as muslims first, not Americans.
If you, for any reason, moved abroad, say France, would you consider yourself christian or rench. Muslim is not a nationality. Are you christian first or American?

26% refuse to assimilate. 39% of the younger ones.
Wooh. Some people don't fit in and don't want to... any culture anywhere has non-conformists.

75% oppose our war on terror.
75% of members of a pacifist religion don't support a war? Wow. Heinous.
In addition to which the "war on terror" is a fiction. It's political rhetoric.

32% have a favorable/refuse to answer view of alQaeda.
Couldn't say

83% want bigger government/hand outs.
If asked most people would want bigger handouts - it's self-interest

85% disapprove/refuse to approve Bush.
That's a crime?

89% are democrat/independent. 11% claim to be Republicans.
Hmmm, 89% Democrat and 85% don't support Bush. Strange.
Most of those things are just opinions and preferences(other than the bombings thing);what are you confused about?
65% immigrated here but don't like us or the USA.
I've lived here for my whole life, and even plan to enlist, and I don't like America.
82% think of themselves as muslims first, not Americans.
Just an excuse not to think of themselves as Americans first. What I get from the internet is that Americans are stereotypically fat and ignorant.
26% refuse to assimilate. 39% of the younger ones.
1. Muslims are the new black people. 2. Everyone likes their own culture better.
75% oppose our war on terror.
So do quite a few non-Muslims.
85% disapprove/refuse to approve Bush.
Many Americans believe the muslims want to take over.
That's insane. Who believes that?
*I* am not bombing anyone. My troops are fighting off evil terrorists who refuse to let Iraq blossom as a democracy. :mad: They (terrorists) hate that idea so much they are killing their own people.:mad:
I'm serious. I'm trying to understand Islam (the religion of peace.) :)

I say you're lying and you're not out to understand Islam at all.

Indeed, it appears obvious that you're creating a front of "plausible deniability" by cherry picking some unrelated and possibly spurious facts about Islamic Americans in order to paint a pejorative picture of their values and delusions compared with the values and delusions of Christianity.

Clearly you're religiocentric and bigoted about Islam, and refuse to question or criticize your own religious delusions or the many faults that lie within your own beliefs, both religious and political.

Yes, it is clear that your statement that you truly want to understand the delusions of those that believe in Islam is lie. If you truly wanted to understand, you'd read the Koran, attend a mosque with some Muslim friends, make some Muslim friends if you don't have any, and so on.

Instead, you create a post of hatred and bigotry. Very "Christ-like" of you.
"That's insane. Who believes that?" Many Americans. They also think illegal aliens want to take over. They think many immigrants have evil motives. They have witnessed L.A. and Dearborn/Detroit turning into hell and they fear for the rest of their country.
I say you're lying and you're not out to understand Islam at all.

Indeed, it appears obvious that you're creating a front of "plausible deniability" by cherry picking some unrelated and possibly spurious facts about Islamic Americans in order to paint a pejorative picture of their values and delusions compared with the values and delusions of Christianity.

Clearly you're religiocentric and bigoted about Islam, and refuse to question or criticize your own religious delusions or the many faults that lie within your own beliefs, both religious and political.

Yes, it is clear that your statement that you truly want to understand the delusions of those that believe in Islam is lie. If you truly wanted to understand, you'd read the Koran, attend a mosque with some Muslim friends, make some Muslim friends if you don't have any, and so on.

Instead, you create a post of hatred and bigotry. Very "Christ-like" of you.

:confused: No. I am asking sincere questions. Stop the personal attack. You hate me because I don't understand then you attack when I ask questions.
I give up.:mad:
Stop the front. You're being hateful and *not* asking sincere questions. You've cherry-picked what you consider to be faults and listed them in the form of questions.

To expect that those that read and post in this forum wouldn't recognize your true intentions is to insult their intelligence.
"That's insane. Who believes that?" Many Americans. They also think illegal aliens want to take over. They think many immigrants have evil motives. They have witnessed L.A. and Dearborn/Detroit turning into hell and they fear for the rest of their country.

Do they believe Jews blew up the towers too?
Why do 25% of American muslims support suicide bombings to defend their religion?

82% think of themselves as muslims first, not Americans.

That's easy.
The "will of God" revealed in the Koran suggests crucifixion and mutilation for anti-Moslems (Sura 5:33) and teaches that Islam should be the only religion on this earth and that some day it will be (Suras 61:9, 3:110, 48:28, 12:40, and 9:33).
Stop the front. You're being hateful and *not* asking sincere questions. You've cherry-picked what you consider to be faults and listed them in the form of questions.

To expect that those that read and post in this forum wouldn't recognize your true intentions is to insult their intelligence.

There is no front. I am serious. I want to understand this. My muslim friends tell me one thing. I read another. The truth of the poll infuriates many people. No, not all muslims think like that. Only a small number was sampled. I want to understand the thinking of this group.

I have studied Islam and continue to be perplexed. I was starting to have a clearer picture until the attacks started.

Do you want Americans to remain in the dark about Islam? Do you want people to like/trust/accept muslims or to fear/profile them? When people attack us for our questions/ignorance, it makes some people fear/dislike them. Do you get this?
That's easy.
The "will of God" revealed in the Koran suggests crucifixion and mutilation for anti-Moslems (Sura 5:33) and teaches that Islam should be the only religion on this earth and that some day it will be (Suras 61:9, 3:110, 48:28, 12:40, and 9:33).

Yes man, you are right, that is what I call brainwashing for political reasons.

The thing with Islam is, the same as most religions, the original message was lost with all the egocentrical reasons of people who act like monkeys, that get crazy drunk on power.
*I* am not bombing anyone. My troops are fighting off evil terrorists who refuse to let Iraq blossom as a democracy. :mad: They (terrorists) hate that idea so much they are killing their own people.:mad:

The fact is, just in Iraq, there have been more than 65.000 homicides, and I call it homicide because that is what it is, killing a fellow human.

Do you seriously believe those 65.000 people were terrorists?

I´m not counting Afganistan here, all the "terrorists" that were killed there too. While Osama was drinking a Tequila Sunrise in Saudi Arabia with his family and friends that arrived from the US after the 9/11 incident.
No I don't think "everyone killed in Iraq was a terrorist".:confused: I know the terrorists are killing innocent people. They don't want democracy. They want continued chaos.

They are doing their best to win. So are we.;)
blah blah blah ...

65% immigrated here but don't like us or the USA.

A far larger percentage of US citizens are descended from immigrants, and they changed a lot of things. Maybe these ones think they can do the same. It's the American way!

82% think of themselves as muslims first, not Americans.

Yeah, and a lot of Americans think God is more important than the constitution, and trample on the constitution daily.

75% oppose our war on terror.

75% are quite sane then.

85% disapprove/refuse to approve Bush.

Make that perhaps 85%
No I don't think "everyone killed in Iraq was a terrorist".:confused: I know the terrorists are killing innocent people. They don't want democracy. They want continued chaos.

They are doing their best to win. So are we.;)

You don´t sound like you know what Jesus was here to teach.
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