help me out guys

to go to heaven, do i have to:

  • 1. believe that jesus is son of god

    Votes: 6 26.1%
  • 1. + 2. make an effort to be a good person

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • 1. + 3. live how the bible wants me to (to best of my ability)

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • 1. + 4 live how the bible says (meeting all/most criteria, effort irrelevant)

    Votes: 1 4.3%
  • 5. just be a good person, your religion/beliefs are irrelevant, morality is rewarded.

    Votes: 12 52.2%

  • Total voters
being a christian, i think the idea of christianity and baptism is the idea of associating with how Christ lived his life and believing that he is the way to the God. Jesus' life was his message and that was for the people around him and those to come. I think the idea of christianity has been so muddied in the water for so long that people miss the fundamentals about it. It is about loving others and treating them better. It is about helping those in need. It is about faith. It is about belief. It is about life.
Is this the same jesus that steals and lies, etc... If so then he is not a good example to follow.
and yes, i have quite thoroughly studied the bible.
Then you need to take another look, you missed quite a few lines, or are you just being intellectually dishonest, it's a christian trait, they follow by example.
If you have thoroughly studied the Bible, how have you dealt with the inconsistencies and contradictions?

I am honestly of the belief that even with no bible, God would still reveal salvation to men...and though not a popular notion, have my concerns with the Bible and how the books of the bible were picked and others weren't. For instance, Jude quotes the book of enoch, of which Jude made it and the Book of Enoch didn't. Maybe I haven't scrutinized looking for errors, but do understand how text being translated can cause microerrors. Other than that, some books were written as poetry, others were written as metaphor, and others literal. This can also be dangerous when the only thing people try to do is prove it wrong instead of take into consideration the writing styles of the day, the superstitions of the day, the themes of a day (in Pauls day, woman had a minor role and it comes through in some teaching)
Other than that, some books were written as poetry, others were written as metaphor, and others literal.

What is the criteria to determine which books are literal,poetry or metaphor?
What is literal to many conservative Christians is metaphorical to liberals,etc,etc...purely subjective.
Is there a source outside the bible to determine what is and what is not literal?
What is the criteria to determine which books are literal,poetry or metaphor?
What is literal to many conservative Christians is metaphorical to liberals,etc,etc...purely subjective.
Is there a source outside the bible to determine what is and what is not literal?

Thats the thing you know, smarter men than I, theologians and Historians, have debated this for years. For instance, Noahs flood is considered to by some historians to be a local flood only and not a global flood, while others feel that based on a variety of people from different religions and parts of the world have a similar story in their sect, so they feel it was on a larger scale. gotta back later

Originally Posted by Zakariya04
even though i am not a christain, any normal christain would say that is a load of fuckin bullshit. Being a muslim (ok a bloomin crap one) then the same rules apply, a rapist is a rapist in other words an evil fucking prick!!! (literally)

Originally Posted by codanblad
why is it? can't jesus forgive anything? everyone has reasons for what they do, maybe jesus understands rapists better than you and i.
i'd hope jesus would be considering that this person has to burn in eternity for something they might have done once. what crime is big enough for that?

<b>Originally posted by Adstar
Why ask these questions to a mulsim that does not believe in Atomenent for ones sins through believing Jesus?</b>

All Praise The Ancient Of Days[/QUOTE]

Mathew 7:12
all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them

i think you're a religious nut, but i'd ask you questions. some people have smart things to say, regardless of what they believe in. he might have the best understanding of christianity of everyone in sciforums. just like a creationist can understand evolution, though disagree with it.

side note: i think you're just taking a shot at the infidel. is that what the bible teaches? how will he bask in the glory of christ if you don't even talk to him. doesn't jesus want you to love your neighbour? how are you looking after god's flock if you're not helping people find god? bad christian!
I was raised that you had to ask God to become your saviour and beg him to forgive your sins. You could be Hitler and do it 1 second before you die and get into heaven.
I was raised Southern Baptist...and their belief is that we are all stained with sin, and you have to accept Christ so that his blood with wash away the stain of sin, and allow you to be in the presence of God...because apparently God is allergic to sin. :)
Under SB rules...if Hitler would have prayed and accepted Christ before he died, he would have made it to Heaven.
Under SB rules...if Hitler would have prayed and accepted Christ before he died, he would have made it to Heaven.

yep, Southern Baptist rules. Its what I was rasied. We had all kinds of rules which were broken Mon-Sat and forgiven on Sun.
i dont think that is true for murder or similar crimes.

Now you are going to judge who will go to heaven, and who will not? This is rich!

Scriptures say that not even angels know whose names are written in the book of life.

Making it to Christian heaven is easy to conceptualize, but nearly impossible to do:

Believe in Jesus, that he is the son of God, the truth, the life, and the way.

Love God with all your heart, all your mind, and all your soul. Love your neighbor as yourself.

According to Jesus, he said this fulfills all the commandments, and he also said that he is the way. Period.

John, Jesus made it clear that all sin was equal when he said that not only doing the sin, but just thinking about the sin is like doing the sin.

There is also more scripture that reads that his blood is sufficient to cover all sins. And also, Jesus was asked how many times would they be forgiven, and he stated 7 times 70. So, if you have faith in Jesus, you are covered, you just have to take care of the commandments.
None of the options list the only valid method.

The first and only essential part of being a Christian is to accept that you are a sinner and to sincerely ask Jesus for forgiveness. The bible aserts that the only way to heaven is through Jesus by this method.

That you will continue to live a sinful life is assumed and that there is little you can do about it, it is your essential nature. But having asked for forgiveness you will be helped through the Holy Spirit to live a better life. You are considered too weak to do it by yourself. But none of that is critical to gaining access to heaven - that you will have achieved by the sincerity of your request to Jesus for forgiveness.


just trying to get a better idea of what people think. some christians told me i can be a rapist so long as i believe in jesus, and still go to heaven. i wondered what other christians might think of that.
it's true. you could have been the worst serial killer in history and still go to heaven provided that you give your soul to christ and spread the faith.
you cannot simply say you gave your soul to christ, you actually have to believe you have.
this implies that you believe christ is the savior.
it's true. you could have been the worst serial killer in history and still go to heaven provided that you give your soul to christ and spread the faith.
you cannot simply say you gave your soul to christ, you actually have to believe you have.
this implies that you believe christ is the savior.

i don't get that part, why does jesus let you into heaven just because you believe in him? what purpose does that serve? cos ur gullible i'll spare you from eternal damnation? your beliefs depend on what kind of person you are, and god determined what kind of person you are.
God really likes keeping a close eye on the boring, prudish, irrational and gullible types. Can you blame him?

Originally Posted by Zakariya04
even though i am not a christain, any normal christain would say that is a load of fuckin bullshit. Being a muslim (ok a bloomin crap one) then the same rules apply, a rapist is a rapist in other words an evil fucking prick!!! (literally)

Originally Posted by codanblad
why is it? can't jesus forgive anything? everyone has reasons for what they do, maybe jesus understands rapists better than you and i.
i'd hope jesus would be considering that this person has to burn in eternity for something they might have done once. what crime is big enough for that?

<b>Originally posted by Adstar
Why ask these questions to a mulsim that does not believe in Atomenent for ones sins through believing Jesus?</b>

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Mathew 7:12
all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them

i think you're a religious nut, but i'd ask you questions. some people have smart things to say, regardless of what they believe in. he might have the best understanding of christianity of everyone in sciforums. just like a creationist can understand evolution, though disagree with it.

side note: i think you're just taking a shot at the infidel. is that what the bible teaches? how will he bask in the glory of christ if you don't even talk to him. doesn't jesus want you to love your neighbour? how are you looking after god's flock if you're not helping people find god? bad christian![/QUOTE]

Where did i take a shot at the infidel? Actually i am a Christian and as such i am an unbeliever in the quran so i myself am an infidel, Maybe you would have been more correct in your speech if you had said i was taking a shot as a heretic. But even then you would have been wrong because i was just genuinely puzzled at why anyone would seek deep insight into the one faith from a person who's quran calls my faith blasphemy.

He and every other muslim that comes to this site can read what i have said. I don't need to address an answer to any particular person all people can read. And another thing Only people who believe Jesus are of His flock, no unbeliever is of His flock.

So please before you go judging me a bad Christian try and get your facts right.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
i don't get that part, why does jesus let you into heaven just because you believe in him? what purpose does that serve? cos ur gullible i'll spare you from eternal damnation? your beliefs depend on what kind of person you are, and god determined what kind of person you are.

Believing Jesus takes one to come to acknowledge they are sinners needing saving. And that is the truth of our situation. Believing Jesus takes believing in the truth of Gods will as given through the prophets that what God calls sin is sin and what God calls good is good. It is salvation by agreement with God, and that is the only way we could ever have salvation because no person has ever gone through life being perfect or even becoming perfect. As has already been stated those who resist sin in the flesh never succeed and many of those who are struggling under the bondage of false religions to be sinless are full of sinful thoughts. As Jesus said a thought is the same as an act. to even look at a woman and think of committing adultery with her is the same as having done it and to hate another person is to be a murderer.

There is no way to God but by accepting the truth. The fullness of that truth came to us through the Messiah Jesus.

It is not gullible to have an accurate measurement of yourself, it is gullible to think your something better than you are and try for the rest of your life to brain wash yourself into maintaining that delusion.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days