Help! I am scared stiff

Many people believe in a human soul. The human soul is believed to remain in

existence even after the death of the physical body. Therefore, it is believed

by many that human beings are spirits in the material world. Furthermore, it is

hypothesized that spirits exist at a higher vibrational frequency than living

beings in the material world.

The Law of Thermodynamics, might well be used in trying to explain the

antidotal evidence and observable phenomenon that continue to reinforce

this belief. The First Law of Thermodynamics (Conservation) states that

energy is always conserved, it cannot be created or destroyed, but it can

change from one form to another. Hence,

- A "Cold Spot" may be a sign that a spirit is trying to draw energy from the


- Depletion of batteries may be a sign of a spirit drawing energy from a

material source

The following is a good example of the type of evidence one

might encounter when investigating paranormal phenomenon:


As the scientific method is often limited by the current state of technology,

one should not totally discount the existence of spirits but only say that at

the moment more research needs to be done.

Energy isn't the same thing as consciousness. When you die, your energy is in the form of heat, and chemical potential energy. When your body decomposes, that energy goes back into the environment. I can totally discount the existence of spirits until someone proves otherwise.
"...Any claim that postmortem personality survival is impossible that is based solely on the belief that it is incompatible with the contemporary laws of physics is not rationally supportable. Rational science-based opinion on this question must be based on the content and quality of the empirical data, not on the presumption that such a phenomenon would be strictly incompatible with our current scientific knowledge of how nature works..."...

"Based on the content and quality of the empirical data", the only allowable objects within a space-time matrix field would be planck-size, of quark-like composition and dynamics, such dynamics being presentable anywhere along that matrix, and not exclusive of the Wyricks house in Georgia, or other isolated ritual holy or burial site.
Realizing such "content limitations" can give one a satisfying rest through any long windy, creaking, sleep interval.
Chances are greatest that there is nothing "weird" happening at the Wyricks that a dietary change (including less lead-based wallpaint and mold spores), and an occasional enema, would not remedy.
Quantum Immortality

If you are a total materialist and you only believe in hard-core material reality, then you must take into consideration the fact that many physicists say that hard-core material reality cannot be the true picture. That picture is fraught with errors, experimental errors which show that picture can't be true. Modern science understands so little about consciousness that one cannot really refute claims about consciousness with absolute certainty.

What evidence rules out a reality beyond ours of which the soul might be a part? I agree no verifiable evidence suggests it, but are there not other phenomena that are not verifiable, or at least not yet verifiable?

The equation for electrons is presented as evidence against the soul since it does not include terms for a soul, and experiments performed are consistent with the equation. But digging deeper, we need other particles to exist, particles we do not have direct evidence for, or our standard model does not work.

In fact, current scientific theories being developed such as string theory describe multiple dimensions or multiple possible universes. String theory is a very powerful set of ideas with deep connections to almost all of theoretical particle physics. Concepts such as these do not prove the existence of an afterlife, but they do open the door for a rational person to accept the concept of invoking an unseen concept to explain the observed phenomena of our world.
If you are a total materialist and you only believe in hard-core material reality, then you must take into consideration the fact that many physicists say that hard-core material reality cannot be the true picture. That picture is fraught with errors, experimental errors which show that picture can't be true. Modern science understands so little about consciousness that one cannot really refute claims about consciousness with absolute certainty.

What evidence rules out a reality beyond ours of which the soul might be a part? I agree no verifiable evidence suggests it, but are there not other phenomena that are not verifiable, or at least not yet verifiable?

The equation for electrons is presented as evidence against the soul since it does not include terms for a soul, and experiments performed are consistent with the equation. But digging deeper, we need other particles to exist, particles we do not have direct evidence for, or our standard model does not work.

In fact, current scientific theories being developed such as string theory describe multiple dimensions or multiple possible universes. String theory is a very powerful set of ideas with deep connections to almost all of theoretical particle physics. Concepts such as these do not prove the existence of an afterlife, but they do open the door for a rational person to accept the concept of invoking an unseen concept to explain the observed phenomena of our world.
Claims of things that cannot be verified are usually unverifiable because the claims are false- not because of the gobbledygook you just wrote.
TV Shows

The following is a list of paranormal shows in which people communicate with the dead:

1) Ghost Hunters - syfy channel

2) The Dead Files - travel channel

3) Long Island Medium - tlc channel

4) Ghost Adventures - travel channel

5) I Survived...Beyond and Back - biography channel

6) Psychic Kids: Paranormal Children - a&e channel

I believe in life after death, but I don't think in most cases there is anything to fear.
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The following is a list of paranormal shows in which people communicate with the dead:

1) Ghost Hunters - syfy channel

2) The Dead Files - travel channel

3) Long Island Medium - tlc channel

4) Ghost Adventures - travel channel

5) I Survived...Beyond and Back - biography channel

6) Psychic Kids: Paranormal Children - a&e channel
Ok, so a fool and his money are soon parting. What's your point? That sensationalist shows pander to ratings?
None of this supports your beliefs in any way whatsoever.

I believe in life after death, but I don't think in most cases there is anything to fear.
Do you have any evidence to support that belief?
If you do not, that is fine. After-all, what good is "faith" if it is well supported by independently verifiable evidence?

However, if you are going to PROMOTE a belief, then you bear the burden to provide verifiable, solid evidence that it's worth promotion.
Well I've seen 2 strange things happen. A coin (a quarter) hover up from a stand an flip, land in mid air, an then hover back to the spot near where it was. An a picture on a wall hung for like 5 years all of a sudden fall. An land face up. Now in both cases some one was there, with me.
One saw the quarter the other heard the picture. Neither was able to be caught on tape. But they happened. Are there ghosts I don't know. it was a strange occurrence. An strange occurrences happen. For sure. Thought I'd post this.
Once I saw this really ugly girl...

But, I downed a bottle of bourbon, and I looked at her again...

And she looked different...She looked hot...

It must have been the spirit world intervening.:cool:

A coyote ugly. Most guys have one of them. But some girls do too.
The spirits seem to help the less fortunate once in a while.
Well I've seen 2 strange things happen. A coin (a quarter) hover up from a stand an flip, land in mid air, an then hover back to the spot near where it was. An a picture on a wall hung for like 5 years all of a sudden fall. An land face up. Now in both cases some one was there, with me.
One saw the quarter the other heard the picture. Neither was able to be caught on tape. But they happened. Are there ghosts I don't know. it was a strange occurrence. An strange occurrences happen. For sure. Thought I'd post this.

I really wonder why atheists never see these things...
I really wonder why atheists never see these things...

Who says they don't, a couple of atheists using clandestine equipment could possible reproduce such phenomena at of course the expense of a theists credibility. (The distance ghostly sound of laughter as the atheists chortle at the theists misunderstanding could be heard...)
Eeeek. Last night I watched a movie on the Discovery Channel that truly disturbed me..... I was terrified, and am not afraid to admit it......

It was called "A Haunting in Georgia" It was about a family (the Wyrick family, they live, or lived not far outside the Atlanta border) that was being terrorized by people that had died around the property they lived - and IMO, they are quite stupid for remaining there. I think I'd rather leave my material items in the house and escape with my life - when people's houses start burning down, you don't see them stay inside do you?

The thing is, many parts of it seem to be undeniably true..... You can actually call the people who were involved in this (or go visit them if you wanted....) to confirm that these things actually happened. Some of these people are respected scientist/psychologist, mediums and psychics.....

I haven't been able to sleep. I feel like I am a 5 year old kid sitting in my room with a nightlight who just got through watching Nightmare on Elm Street.

I figure, well at least this way, if I wind up disappearing or being murdered, you'll know where to point the finger. If you are going to die anyway, might as well leave evidence behind as to who killed you, so you can catch em' (small payback I guess - though I guess killing a spirit that's already dead would be kind of hard). Then there might be witnesses to ghosts for once. It would be a new discovery for the world if it could be almost proven that in some parts of the earth, spirits of the dead do roam about.

And the Georgia border is not that far from me. You peeps probably think I am being ridiculous, but I feel a bit more comfortable now that I have revealed this info to the public! :eek: :eek:

I don't know why I was stupid enough to continue watching the movie. Now I suppose I will have to wait a few days for this fear to subside.......

SO how you feeling ...better!
Discovery is contacted. E-mail's been sent to see what they come up with. Also I've asked for a copy of the tape from the broadcasting. (or is it broadcast :p ?)

Now I hope I will get an answer pretty quickly...:)
I take it nothing yet?
Keep us informed
...What evidence rules out a reality beyond ours of which the soul might be a part?
... Concepts such as these do not prove the existence of an afterlife, but they do open the door for a rational person to accept the concept of invoking an unseen concept to explain the observed phenomena of our world....

I'm reverse-forming here:
One has a very limited window of observation when discussing the planck realm (that environment the "purported soul" would emanate "into" and "out of" the world).

"Into"--Female womb/uterus

"Out of"--Planck realm dissipate area

My further interest will focus on the "Into" portion of this "thought experiment"
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