Help! I am scared stiff

Banshee you missed my last post on the first page before this because you were typing your's while I posted mine :confused: I have the link there. Talk to the discovery channel, they can proly send you a copy of the tape
Thanx Clarentavious, :) I will check that out completely. I am really most interested in this.

If it is alright with you, I will be back tomorrow with a reply. It is 08.21am and I need to go to sleep. Have been up all night and rather tired now.

I surely be back tomorrow. Let's go on some more about this. Ok? :)
My parents talk about seeing it all the time in their house. I just saw it once though, out of the corner of my eye, pass right by me very quickly.
I am going to contact Discovery and find out more about the Wyrick family, bet on it. I will let you know what I found out and what response they gave at Discovery...:)
Yes Sinecure, sometimes they appear like a kind of "Shadow". Pay attention to it, good chance you will be able to see something.

It happens more than people know, or what's more true I think, people are not willing to admit it out of fear others might call them crazy or delusional.

And that is a real shame.

See you people later on the day, first sleep. Even the typing gives problems at he moment...:p
Oh, did I mention how attractive Amy Allen was? :D She was quite nice. She was dressed in all black (guess that comes with her profession), even had long black hair and black rims to the metal on her glasses :D And she was nice. She did a good job of expressing herself. She talks well. And I think she helps people in these situations for free as she wants to study these things and help people get out of these bad situations (maybe she has another source of income).

She looks like she might be about 30 years old. Mmmmmm, what an attractive woman :D Guess I just thought I'd mention that. Somehow I don't think most guys would want to be involved with someone like her, they would probably consider her a real weirdo. Being in the business she is, I'm not sure she wants a man though :(

Even if the movie were based on fiction (it's not, but let's say it was), it was just terrifying. The way it was filmed. The voices, the camera angles, the music, just everything about it. Scared the living daylights out of me. I think I counted 5 times that my hair stood up on my head and I got chills in my spine. And now I brought my dog into my room (which I am not supposed to do because of my allergies) so I can get some sleep. Maybe she will be a good guard dog. At least alert me if a spirit is there, then I might be able to dart out the window really fast :D
I checked the website, looks like it'll be playing at 2PM this saturday. I'll do my best to watch it, looks interesting.

As for this whole spirit business, I'd like to put my open minded yet mildly skeptical conjecture on the whole subject. I hope those of you on both sides of the paranormal spectrum would think me a moderate, neither a prissy skeptic or an all

I was talking to a friend a few weeks ago, with another friend, it was dark, we were on the beach, and gradually our conversation drifted from that of our liberal political views to that of the paranormal. My friend is a self proclaimed wiccan, a religion he says is much older than the rest (I'm unsure of this) of them, and one he not only believes but regularly questions (something I think everyone should do from time to time, no matter their religion). He eventually got to the point of telling me of how, in the corner of his eye, late at night just after he had been doing his homework, he had seen, for only an instand, a dark shape, humanoid, with two white glowing eyes. Of course, when he turned to look at this apparition, it was gone.


This friend of mine has BEEN a friend of mine for upwards of six years I believe, and I do trust him a lot more than just the average person. So, in a pre-conclusion, beyond the shadow of a doubt, my friend believe's he's seen something. Of course you don't have to trust my opinion if you don't want to, but here it is.

In conclusion, I would have to say that it is possible that he merely saw something out of the corner of your eye, he had been awake for awhile, whatever. That seems to be the problem with some sightings of ghosts, the fact that they are seen in the corner of the eyes suggests that they may have been mistaking one thing for something else. That, or they could be lying

Simply put, the other possibilty for my friend in particular is that he saw something. I have to say that right now, from my viewpoint, (to reiterate) I believe he is telling the truth, so there are really only two possibilities. That he saw something, or that he thought he did but didn't. Me, personally? I think he saw something paranormal, because I trust him, he's been in this religion of his for awhile, and there is a lot of evidence out there, a lot of truth, that points to the possibility of something beyond modern science.

There's my take, I guess. Be skeptical when dealing with these things, but open too.
Discovery is contacted. E-mail's been sent to see what they come up with. Also I've asked for a copy of the tape from the broadcasting. (or is it broadcast :p ?)

Now I hope I will get an answer pretty quickly...:)
By the way, Clarentavious, how did you sleep? Dreams or nightmares about it? Sometimes it can leave a rather frightening impression for days...
I probably slept about 3 hours total. I slept for 1 hour, woke back up, went to sleep 5 mins later, then woke up an hour later, I think a cycle about 3 times.

I was itching in bed and my clothes felt dirty, but I was too scared to take a shower :eek:

If you tape it on Sunday, during the credits they have all of the names of the people who contributed to the film. I think you can contact the company that helped publish it.

I think broast cast refers to network television (non cable). Of course, the Discovery Channel is not on normal TV. It if like if you have a traditional anntena attached to your TV instead of a cable wire/box. But I don't know for sure ;) :D
It might be an idea to turn up the radio. Then, sounds which you didn't notice before but now do, because of the TV show, may disappear to the background and makes you sleep some better.

Take a shower and tell yourself that there is absolutely nothing there, why you should not take a shower.

Fear/uneasiness is the most common "thing" to play on your imagination.:)

Sorry to hear it is bothering you so...
Yes, Bag Of Bones in particular. :D

Though, may you want to watch a nice, cool movie, I highly recommend Rose Red... :p
Do not let this thread die!!! We peeps of the world need to find out once and for all if spirits do really roam about in some places.

I've realized I can't live my life in fear, so I am trying to get over it :p
Oh no, this thread is not going to die. :) I am still waiting on an answer from discovery and I will do some search for this case. It is really intriguing

Also I shall look for other case, which have resemblesess(? spelled correct?) with the case you described, Clarentavious. Bet on it. I am not forgotten about it, on the contrary. :)

May be that I am not that much online, as I have other things which ask my attention too, outside the internet. But the search for truth continues...;)
what are you so alarmed about?

ok- bad dead guys come back and terorize one family in Georgia
so what...

don't understand the source of your fear
Bad guys come back? No, I do not think this is so. I think they've always been there.

Why don't you tell your story, Avatar? :) I think Clarentavious has not read about what you experienced. Anyway, it is interesting enough to write it down once more...:)