Hello Board!


Registered Senior Member
This post was originally intended as a reply to "Ivan Seeking's" "Hello" thread below. I just registered and the board would not allow me to post. So I'm trying again with this new thread. Below I've pasted the post I'm trying to submit:

Hello Ivan Seeking, and the rest of the board. My name is Ives. I have been posting on the UFO discussion board at Junjun.com (which is known as "Whispers") for some time. I was referred here by a fellow poster who thought I would appreciate "Ivan Seeking".

I don't have much time tonight, since I am at work waiting for my wife to pick me up (after kids soccer, etc). But I like this thread. I find UFOs fascinating from an Epistemological point of view. I am a trial lawyer well accustomed to constructing and deconstructing arguments, and like no doubt many of you here have realized the transparent nature of debunker arguments, including those of James Oberg, a frequent visitor to Whispers. I am wondering if old Jimo is registered here. . .

Many of you have incidents in mind that shape your views on UFOs. Mine happen to be the UFO sightings near Malmstrom AFB in the 1960s and 1970s. These incidents squarely place the UFO within the parameters of national security consideration, and by themselves establish that the Air Force public positions on UFOs are, shall we say, disengenious.

Having said that, I believe that a major problem in the study of UFOs is a tendency to not acknowledge when we traverse from the examination of data to speculation about that data. Specifically, this seems to happen often when addressing the core identify of the UFO. My own definition of UFO would be something like, "from time to time a phenomenon manifests in such a way to become detectable by our senses. This manifestation is often presented as an airborne object that exhibits behavioral characteristics consistent with intelligent operation and control." The Iran incident mentioned above may fit this descripion. "Intelligent control" is a reasonble inference based on the observable evidence. To suggest that the core nature is that the UFO is an alien spacecraft is speculation. I'm not necessarily arguing that some UFOs are not alien spacecraft, that is certainly one of several possibilities. It may even be reasonable speculation.

Personally, I will confess to a strong hunch that some UFOs are in fact, alien spacecraft. But I have to admit that this conclusion is a leap I have made that is not directly supported by (credible) evidence. If I were to make the case in court, I believe I could make a case beyond a reasonable doubt for the UFO as a manifestation of intelligence. I do not feel I could prevail on the specific assertion that the source of that intelligence is an alien species.

I must go. I will check in later and look forward to conversing with you all.
Originally posted by Ives
This post was originally intended as a reply to "Ivan Seeking's" "Hello" thread below. I just registered and the board would not allow me to post. So I'm trying again with this new thread. Below I've pasted the post I'm trying to submit:

Hello Ivan Seeking, and the rest of the board. My name is Ives. I have been posting on the UFO discussion board at Junjun.com (which is known as "Whispers") for some time. I was referred here by a fellow poster who thought I would appreciate "Ivan Seeking".

I don't have much time tonight, since I am at work waiting for my wife to pick me up (after kids soccer, etc). But I like this thread. I find UFOs fascinating from an Epistemological point of view. I am a trial lawyer well accustomed to constructing and deconstructing arguments, and like no doubt many of you here have realized the transparent nature of debunker arguments, including those of James Oberg, a frequent visitor to Whispers. I am wondering if old Jimo is registered here. . .

Many of you have incidents in mind that shape your views on UFOs. Mine happen to be the UFO sightings near Malmstrom AFB in the 1960s and 1970s. These incidents squarely place the UFO within the parameters of national security consideration, and by themselves establish that the Air Force public positions on UFOs are, shall we say, disengenious.

Hello Ives. A trial lawyer...Fantastic! Let's take these guys apart. :D It is widely reported that after reviewing the evidence for UFOs, a trial judge concluded that [loosely] "if this were a murder trial instead of a UFO case, there would have been a hanging long ago".

As far as Malmstrom:

A very good case indeed.

Having said that, I believe that a major problem in the study of UFOs is a tendency to not acknowledge when we traverse from the examination of data to speculation about that data. Specifically, this seems to happen often when addressing the core identify of the UFO.

I agree

My own definition of UFO would be something like, "from time to time a phenomenon manifests in such a way to become detectable by our senses. This manifestation is often presented as an airborne object that exhibits behavioral characteristics consistent with intelligent operation and control." The Iran incident mentioned above may fit this descripion. "Intelligent control" is a reasonble inference based on the observable evidence. To suggest that the core nature is that the UFO is an alien spacecraft is speculation. I'm not necessarily arguing that some UFOs are not alien spacecraft, that is certainly one of several possibilities. It may even be reasonable speculation.

Personally, I will confess to a strong hunch that some UFOs are in fact, alien spacecraft. But I have to admit that this conclusion is a leap I have made that is not directly supported by (credible) evidence. If I were to make the case in court, I believe I could make a case beyond a reasonable doubt for the UFO as a manifestation of intelligence. I do not feel I could prevail on the specific assertion that the source of that intelligence is an alien species.

I must go. I will check in later and look forward to conversing with you all.

I think we land close to the same spot on the page. It is very tempting to completely buy into the basic premise that in some fashion, some UFOs are alien [I could mean many things by alien]. On the other hand, this still requires a leap of faith that goes beyond the hardest core of evidence.

Why don't you make your argument for the Malmstrom case?
But I have to admit that this conclusion is a leap I have made that is not directly supported by (credible) evidence.

Would you then classify your conclusion as a belief in that you really, really want to believe in aliens visiting Earth?

It is very tempting to completely buy into the basic premise that in some fashion, some UFOs are alien [I could mean many things by alien].

Actually, it is not tempting in the least. I have a polka-dotted dragon living in my basement – do you buy into that too?

A trial lawyer...Fantastic! Let's take these guys apart.


Originally posted by (Q)
But I have to admit that this conclusion is a leap I have made that is not directly supported by (credible) evidence.

Would you then classify your conclusion as a belief in that you really, really want to believe in aliens visiting Earth?

Want? No. This could be a real bad thing.

Actually, it is not tempting in the least. I have a polka-dotted dragon living in my basement – do you buy into that too?

No but I think you had better tell your doctor about your dragon. Are you on medication?

...gosh I'm concerned about you. Do you always see dragons?
Does your dragon talk? Does he tell you secrets? Does he give you great wisdom?
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Is that the best you can muster?

Is that your version of "take these guys apart?"

Originally posted by (Q)

Is that the best you can muster?

Is that your version of "take these guys apart?"


If you ask an intelligent question then you'll get an intelligent answer. Your goal was to make my position look silly by using an inane example that has no bearing on this discussion. If you have something of significance to contribute I would then be interested in your remarks.
Originally posted by PuPuPlatter42
VERY wise decision. (I 'know' Ivan, and have learned NOT to take him on!)

Why? because he backs up his claims or just keeps going and going to no end with a debate?
Originally posted by sargentlard
Why? because he backs up his claims or just keeps going and going to no end with a debate?
He is more than able to handle almost any debate topic, and never makes a 'claim' without full substantiation and a pantload of evidence to support it. If it appears that there will be no full resolution to a debate, he is very willing to 'agree to disagree' instead of dragging it on and on. He's pretty awesome. I've seen him on other forums.
VERY wise decision. (I 'know' Ivan, and have learned NOT to take him on!)

Ah, he is to be feared - I quiver.
Thanks for the kind words PuPuPlatter42 - may I call you pupu? :D

Now really, could we try to stay on topic?

All I hear from the skeptics corner so far is garbage.

Can't you do any better? An intelligent conversation that is actually on topic is always appreciated.
All I hear from the skeptics corner so far is garbage.

Believers usually consider skepticism garbage. It’s a foreign topic they would much rather avoid.
Originally posted by (Q)
All I hear from the skeptics corner so far is garbage.

Believers usually consider skepticism garbage. It’s a foreign topic they would much rather avoid.

I understand. You are hereby ignored junior.

Is there anyone over the age of 15 present on this board?
I don't really see much to argue about.

Are you claiming that some UFOs are caused by aliens? By aliens, do you mean extraterrestrial?

As you've said, I don't see evidence which actually points to this. It seems much more likely that this are research projects or MUFOs (mystaken as unknown flying objects).

As for the Malmstrom, I can only see the claims from the site you posted. I can't even access the CUFON documentation. As such, I don't really see it as evidence of anything... but an interesting 'story'.
Persol, I didn't have any trouble getting the FOIA documents.
Try this:
Declassified USAF Documents
Use these links to view representative pages from the declassified and released 341st Strategic Missile Wing unit history obtained under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act as amended.

* USAF declassification release letter
* 341st SMW unit history cover page
* 341st SMW unit history page 32
* 341st SMW unit history page 33
* 341st SMW unit history page 34
* 341st SMW unit history page 38
* Strategic Air Command message

Thet are close to the bottom of the page.
I understand. You are hereby ignored junior.

Was there ever any doubt? How else can the believer preserve the façade without his fill of ignorance?

Is there anyone over the age of 15 present on this board?

Perhaps, but most have grown up and don’t fantasize about visiting aliens anymore.
Originally posted by Persol
I don't really see much to argue about.

Are you claiming that some UFOs are caused by aliens? By aliens, do you mean extraterrestrial?

As you've said, I don't see evidence which actually points to this. It seems much more likely that this are research projects or MUFOs (mystaken as unknown flying objects).

As for the Malmstrom, I can only see the claims from the site you posted. I can't even access the CUFON documentation. As such, I don't really see it as evidence of anything... but an interesting 'story'.

If you mean me...I see it this way. We obviously don't have the smoking gun physical evidence for UFOs to satisfy science. On this point there can be no argument...if we consider the information in the public domain. I'm not found of conspiracy theories so let’s say that there is no other evidence. I’m willing to assume for now that we can now get whatever evidence exists.

So does this end what we can say about the subject? No. If this were the case, trial lawyers would be out of business. Something can be true even if we don't have the definitive evidence to satisfy science.

Next, evidence for what? Aliens? I Dunno. I haven't made up my mind what I think is going on. I often entertain many different explanations for this phenomenon. However, it is false to say that NO evidence exist for this ET explanation. Tens of thousands of personal accounts surely are evidence; though not scientific evidence. Again, something can be true even if the evidence does not satisfy science. To say the no evidence exists is to make the same argument for most of history. I don’t see debunkers running around to history classes. Why are UFOs any different?

A person doesn't have to make the big leap to aliens to consider the core of hard evidence for this subject. At the least, I think we have a rare and unexplained EM/chemical phenomenon. Unfortunately or not, this explanation does fall significantly short of explaining many details of many well documented incidents.

What is your take on Malmstrom?