Heaven + Free Will

Adam and eve had only two choices. Stay in the garden forever alone. This was not God’s plan. Or eat the fruit and fall allowing them to become mortal and have mortal children. They chose the latter and the rest is history.

You could ask why didn't God just tell them to eat the fruit so they would become mortal?

There really was nothing special about the fruit itself. The fruit was not what made them fall. It was disobeying God that made them fall.

God had to do something to cause them to fall but not make them do something inherently evil.

God could not force man to fall, they had to do it on their own so they could learn good from evil.

The only way to fall is to disobey God.

If He told them to eat the fruit then they would not be disobeying God and so they would not have fallen. He had to get them to disobey him somehow so they would fall and allow man to enter the world.

God could not flat out tell Adam and Eve to disobey him because by doing so they would be obeying him.
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Brutus1964 said:
Adam and eve had only two choices. Stay in the garden forever alone. This was not God’s plan. Or eat the fruit and fall allowing them to become mortal and have mortal children. They chose the latter and the rest is history.

D__it is a myth whereby the patriarchy/"God" writes a myth so as to subvert and demonize
the pre-patriarchal peoples understanding of the Garden myth with its Goddess. son/lover, and inspirational Fruit, and Serpent. I suggest Brutus you put you Mormom bible down for a while and look at other books...spread yer wings. for example read Joseph Campbell's Masks of God volume, 'Occidental Mythology' where he goes into this in more depth

You could ask why didn't God just tell them to eat the fruit so they would become mortal?

D_-The FRUIT is the inspirational fruit and is THe very same fruit that is on the Tree of Life. They are referred to as the same tree in a deeper etymological reading of the mythic text. so the eating ot DOESn@T make them 'mortal' but immortal. As i say, this patriarchal version is a SUBVERSION of the much more ancinet motif of the eating of the hallucinogenic fruit which gives the eater a sense of eternal

There really was nothing special about the fruit itself. The fruit was not what made them fall. It was disobeying God that made them fall.

D__ No, the Fruit is IS. is THe central mystery. for it gives the partaker a sense of eternity. But you are right that the central warning of the patriarchy is 'DO NOT DISOBEY MALE AUTHORITY' that Is the 'original sin'

God had to do something to cause them to fall but not make them do something inherently evil.

D__you are taking it literally, as though there really is A 'God'. no, it is a male priestly elite writing this

God could not force man to fall, they had to do it on their own so they could learn good from evil.

We inherently KNOW good from evil, as do animals. so the whole idea of some 'God' telling our ancestors in an actual Garden of Eden what is the difference is prepostrous, and patronizing

what has actually happned now as a result of such divsive myths like the Hebrew creation myth, and Judaic Chrstianity, and Abrahamic religious belief, and the secualr materialistic belef--all influenced by the idea of a split between spirit/consciousness and matter-energy is that all eithics have really gone out of the window. Now the ones who preached to us about good and evil have-through theie absured belief-systems-lost the plot completetly (if they ever had it) and really do NOT know the difference between good and evil. for example, many now belive that 'good' is non-stop consumerism which is stripping the planet that is the home for A L L species of the NECESSARY resources!
Purhaps the fall itslelf wasn't so much about choice, but it was God giving us the ability to experience good, evil, pleasure, pain, joy, health, sickness, sadness, happiness, love, hate, and everything life has to offer.

God wanted to us to experience all of this, but the only way to do it was for man to fall, and the only way man could fall is for them to disobey God.
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We live in a deterministic universe, if there was a god it would already know all that we would do. The list to heavens gate would be open to a list it created in the beginning, god would have created some of us to expressly go too hell. Why should we bow to this evil power when our destiny has been recorded..

If there was free will then even god its self would not know whether man himself may one day surpass it and open an uncontrolled path into heaven. Why should man bow too such a pitifully power.

I just don't understand how sane people can seam to know the meaning of god, free will, soul, spirit and many other so called truths, that these words are merely metaphors that hold no meaning of any kind. Grouped in the warm glow of brotherly love the endless self-effacing rhetoric goes round and round on an endless trip to utter boredom. I thought paying attention to the religious forum would give me insight into new ways of thinking. No, its just a pit for the chronic fundamentalist.

Goodbye religious forum.
Prester John said:
So that would be your own interpretation of the story then,, the bible according to Yorda. Which other parts are parables, which are literal, how do you differentiate between them?

Everyone who has ears can hear which parts are parables and so on...
Brutus1964 said:
Purhaps the fall itslelf wasn't so much about choice, but it was God giving us the ability to experience good, evil, pleasure, pain, joy, health, sickness, sadness, happiness, love, hate, and everything life has to offer.

D--what a minute. that Is life! that is natrual life...the whole potentia of experience. it is here. we dont need no 'God' 'givin' is us in the Genesis chapter about a mythic garden. No, we have it anyoldhow. animals have it, insects have it. they too can fly and explore and suck honey and get eat, just like us.
As said, the ORIGINAL meaning of the Garden and Fruit was the FREEDOM to explore DEEPEr this amazing life experience with the aid of inspirational fruit. And this deeper inspiration makes you see, feel deeper and thus makes you respect Nature. not damn it, like the patriarchal version does

God wanted to us to experience all of this, but the only way to do it was for man to fall, and the only way man could fall is for them to disobey God.

Not. what the patriarchy wants is total control. that is why he banned the Fruit then, and why he bans it now!
Adam & Eve= MYTH!! not real, stories stolen by the Jews from other civilizations before them.

Heaven & Hell= MYTH!!. Two assumed realms of existence, depicting another dimention elsewere. To believe such tripe, is to deny this existence, this dimention, this realm of existence. The myth is used to fool the masses, to follow blindly to a false promise of Nirvana, while if you don't follow blindly they at the same time, threaten you with the abomination of eternal suffering in a place they chose to call hell. Only idiots and suckers believe such BULL SHIT!!.

Brutus1964 said:
Purhaps the fall itslelf wasn't so much about choice, but it was God giving us the ability to experience good, evil, pleasure, pain, joy, health, sickness, sadness, happiness, love, hate, and everything life has to offer.

God wanted to us to experience all of this, but the only way to do it was for man to fall, and the only way man could fall is for them to disobey God.

Were the choice came in is that God did not tell them not to do something that they had to do such as don't breath, or don't eat anything, or don't stand up. They had to make an actual decision whether to eat the fruit or not. In that sense they did have a choice to eat or not to eat.

Just like we have to do every day. Do I follow God and allow Jesus Christ to make me clean or do I continue to disobey him and fall all over again.
Godless said:
Adam & Eve= MYTH!! not real, stories stolen by the Jews from other civilizations before them.

Heaven & Hell= MYTH!!. Two assumed realms of existence, depicting another dimention elsewere. To believe such tripe, is to deny this existence, this dimention, this realm of existence. The myth is used to fool the masses, to follow blindly to a false promise of Nirvana, while if you don't follow blindly they at the same time, threaten you with the abomination of eternal suffering in a place they chose to call hell. Only idiots and suckers believe such BULL SHIT!!.


The reason so many civilizations and religions have such similar stories and myths are because they are based on real events. Adam and Eve did exist, Noah and the flood actually happened, Abraham lived, along with Moses. Their stories were passed down from generation to generation, people to people, and faith to faith. Cultures from all over the world have similar stories. They are almost universal. It is because God reveals truth to all people.
Brutus1964 said:
Were the choice came in is that God did not tell them not to do something that they had to do such as don't breath, or don't eat anything, or don't stand up. They had to make an actual decision whether to eat the fruit or not. In that sense they did have a choice to eat or not to eat.

D-- ahh, but remember, in the same myth--and remember i am stating the two trees deeply mean one single Tree--the Tree of Life is barred from use. 'God' takes AWAY that freedom of choice to eat ITS Fruit by placing angels with flaming swords by it. so. like said, this myth is not about FREEDOMS for us as individuals, like if we choose to experience ecstasy and sriticize with Nature. It is more a patriarchal statement of 'either obey or disobey me, but if the latter you are committing 'original sin' cause i am your 'God')

Just like we have to do every day. Do I follow God and allow Jesus Christ to make me clean or do I continue to disobey him and fall all over again.

in other words you are tied to a patriarchal authority which TELLS you what 'God' is, instead of allowing you freedom to explore in your own UNIQUE way
Hey Bruto, I mean Brutus. What color was Adam & Eve?.

Explain black people.
Explain Chinese.
Explain different races. If we all come just from one mythological crapological origin of Adam & Eve?

Adam and Eve did exist

No they did not. I am not saying this because I am atheist. I have been told on more than one occasion by Catholic priests and nuns that they did not exist. It is just a story to explain the idea that they believe all humans are born with original sin. Of course, this is just their interpretation of the Bible, but tell me this: how can you base your life around ONE book that can be interpreted so may different ways?
Aborted_Fetus said:
No they did not. I am not saying this because I am atheist. I have been told on more than one occasion by Catholic priests and nuns that they did not exist. It is just a story to explain the idea that they believe all humans are born with original sin. Of course, this is just their interpretation of the Bible, but tell me this: how can you base your life around ONE book that can be interpreted so may different ways?

I do not base my life on ONE book. Besides the Bible I also have the Book of Mormon, The Doctrine and Covenants, The Pearl of Great Price, plus the words of a living prophet and modern day twelve apostles.
Godless said:
Hey Bruto, I mean Brutus. What color was Adam & Eve?.

Explain black people.
Explain Chinese.
Explain different races. If we all come just from one mythological crapological origin of Adam & Eve?



Modern science acknowledges that the entire human race sprang from a single source. Our DNA is too similar even among different races. I do not know for sure how other races came about. There have been many theories over the years. Some theories that were common among all of Christianity have been repudiated such as black skin being the mark of Cain. The LDS church no longer espouses that belief and really has no official doctrine relating to races. I tend to believe that race is in fact a product of adaptive evolution. Most dark skinned peoples originate from equatorial regions that required them to adapt to more sun, while lighter skinned peoples originated from the north. Adam and Eve were not necessarily the first Humanoids to walk the Earth. They were the first to contain the spirit children of our Father in Heaven and every human after them also contains a spirit. The LDS church’s stand on evolution is neutral. If in fact evolution is true then that was God’s way of creating mankind as we know it.

What race was Adam? We really do not know. If we just look at race scientifically we have to wonder how the white race came about in the first place. White skin is made from a regressive gene. "Black" genes are dominant. If the first humans were black then how did they ever produce the "white" gene?
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Yorda said:
Everyone who has ears can hear which parts are parables and so on...

That would explain why all christains can agree on which are parables and which aren't, hey wait a minute, they can't.......
Brutus1964 said:
Were the choice came in is that God did not tell them not to do something that they had to do such as don't breath, or don't eat anything, or don't stand up. They had to make an actual decision whether to eat the fruit or not. In that sense they did have a choice to eat or not to eat.

Just like we have to do every day. Do I follow God and allow Jesus Christ to make me clean or do I continue to disobey him and fall all over again.

I can't believe you're still clinging to this. You said god designed them to fall, it was part of his plan. Its like me building a computer, the computer has a choice, it runs windows or it doesn't. Ha it ran windows like what i designed it to do, so i'm gonna chuck it out coz its not Linux. That sounds bizzare but thats what god did!!!!!!! (according to the bible)
Prester John said:
I can't believe you're still clinging to this. You said god designed them to fall, it was part of his plan. Its like me building a computer, the computer has a choice, it runs windows or it doesn't. Ha it ran windows like what i designed it to do, so i'm gonna chuck it out coz its not Linux. That sounds bizzare but thats what god did!!!!!!! (according to the bible)

Prester John

I'm not clinging to it. People keep bringing it up.