Heaven + Free Will

There is no such thing, so the question is null and void.

Ignoring that fact, I will say this: I went to a Catholic high school (which eventually turned me atheist), and I had to take religion class every year. The Christian's idea of Heaven is a place where you are accepted as one with God. They believe that it is not an actual place where you walk around and do things, it is a state of being in which your soul has transcended to a place of worship and existence with God. So asking if we have free will in Heaven is an invalid question. And on top of that, no living person could possibly know for sure anyway.
Prester John said:
Do you have free will in Heaven?

Yes, those very few who are allowed into Heaven can retain their free will. They have proven that they can be trusted with it.

In the 4th Volume of "Life of Jesus" by Catholicism's foremost seer and visionary the Venerable Catherine Anne Emmerich, we have her description of an instance of Free Will. After the Crucifixion, the ArchAngel Michael, Chief of the Avenging Angels, was so enraged that he was going to flatten all of Jerusalem that very moment. He began with the Temple by rending the Veil before the Holy of Holies. The Spirit of Christ instantly appeared to Michael and asked him to stay his rage, and that revenge was already adequately determined. Michael consented. This shows us that even the most trusted of God's Agents are accustomed to operating in their own discretion. God, apparently, is happy enough with the decisions they make. And then on those occasions when an Agent seems to intend to overstep a bit, communication and persuasion are applied, and God knows that He can trust His agents to do the right thing.
We have always had free and we will always have it forever. In our pre-mortal life with God we had the choice to follow his plan or be cast out. We chose to follow God's plan but 1/3 of all of God's spirit children chose to go against God and come to Earth without a physical body to tempt man and try to bring us down with them. In this life we still have the choice to accept God or reject him. In the next we will also have free will. When we are finally assigned to our respective kingdoms we will still have free will. When you are standing at the throne of God to receive your final judgment you will still have free will to accept him or not. If you do not at that time accept him then you will be denying him with a perfect knowledge of who He is and who you are. You will be committing the unpardonable sin and be cast to outer darkness were there will be no glory. There will never be a time that God takes away our free will.

The difference between free will here and after this life is you will no longer be tempted and beguiled by Satan. After the resurrection your body will not be subject to the ills and weakness that our mortal bodies are subject to now.
Prester John

The truth is you do not have to be tempted by Satan in order for you to do evil. Man has a natural evil nature and Satan exploits that for his own purposes. He is only the catalyst for evil in the world. It is man that decides how much good or evil exists in the world. Not Satan or even God.

God created Lucifer but did not create him evil. He was once one of the very elect of God. He became Satan by rebelling against God and taking many of God's spirit children with him. Lucifer had free will and all that he took with him also had free will.

God did not create good, and he did not create evil. He gave us free will. Good and evil are simply manifestations of our will.
So evil is possible without Satan. Thus evil is possible in heaven? (because we have our free will)
Prester John

Very good question. I will have to check on that and get back to you. My gut feeling is that there is no evil in heaven because if you do evil there you will be cast out. But you would be given a chance to repent before you were.

But then again how could you sin in heaven. What commandment could you break?
Well you could start to worship someone else for a start.

If you can get chucked out of heaven, sooner or later you're bound to slip up. Everyone has sinned at some point in their lives. How long before heaven is empty?
Prester John: Do you have free will in Heaven?
M*W: No, but I hear they have a hellova buffet.
the preacher said:
you have'nt answered pavlos's question, so can you or cant you do evil in heaven.

Those who are in heaven chooses to do good, if they do evil, they are no longer in heaven.
In Heaven or in my church our ultimate destinations are Celestial, Terrestrial, and Telestial Kingdoms we will have free will but we will be in a glorified state. Therefore we will not have the weakness that we have now. In this life we are mortal and are easily turned to evil. We will have no evil nature like we have now, and there will be no Satan to tempt us. In our pre-Earth life we were spirits but we were not perfect and we were not glorified. Lucifer and even Adam were able to fall because they were not glorified beings. In the Celestial kingdom you will be eternally glorified and perfect so you will not fall. In the other Kingdoms you will not be as glorified but still enough that you can live without sin. You can have free will and not sin in a glorified state.
yorda said:
Those who are in heaven chooses to do good, if they do evil, they are no longer in heaven.
so they can do evil in heaven but they get thrown out.

Brutus1964 said:
In Heaven or in my church our ultimate destinations are Celestial, Terrestrial, and Telestial Kingdoms we will have free will but we will be in a glorified state.
so no free will, you cant have free will, and be brainwashed to.
Brutus1964 said:
Therefore we will not have the weakness that we have now.
then you wont have free will.
Brutus1964 said:
In this life we are mortal and are easily turned to evil. We will have no evil nature like we have now, and there will be no Satan to tempt us.
if we have none of the things we have now, or only some of the things we have now, we have had our free will taken away, we are infact just slaves.
Brutus1964 said:
In our pre-Earth life we were spirits but we were not perfect and we were not glorified. Lucifer and even Adam were able to fall because they were not glorified beings.
adam had no free will, until after the eating of the fruit, so could not have fell in, as you say, his pre earth life.
Brutus1964 said:
In the Celestial kingdom you will be eternally glorified and perfect so you will not fall.
then as I said you have no free will.
Brutus1964 said:
In the other Kingdoms you will not be as glorified but still enough that you can live without sin.
that sounds a little better but you still lacking, your free will if not totally gone, has been seriously deminished.
Brutus1964 said:
You can have free will and not sin
exactly we atheist do it ever day, but not glorified.
Brutus1964 said:
In Heaven or in my church our ultimate destinations are Celestial, Terrestrial, and Telestial Kingdoms we will have free will but we will be in a glorified state. Therefore we will not have the weakness that we have now. In this life we are mortal and are easily turned to evil. We will have no evil nature like we have now, and there will be no Satan to tempt us. In our pre-Earth life we were spirits but we were not perfect and we were not glorified. Lucifer and even Adam were able to fall because they were not glorified beings. In the Celestial kingdom you will be eternally glorified and perfect so you will not fall. In the other Kingdoms you will not be as glorified but still enough that you can live without sin. You can have free will and not sin in a glorified state.

Thats good, so you're saying that it is possible to have a world with free will, but no evil. Why didn't god make it like that to start with?

(Also i'm confused as to how an Angel is not a glorified being, and as to how adam/eve knew it was wrong to eat from the tree if they didn't know good or evil yet)