He was busy... doing nothing.


Valued Senior Member
Most if not all theists belief God always was.
If that were true what did he do for kicks the eternity before he created the heavens and earth and all that ?? :confused:

Not trying to bash religion here, im just curious as to what believers make of this.
Most if not all theists belief God always was.
If that were true what did he do for kicks the eternity before he created the heavens and earth and all that ?? :confused:

Not trying to bash religion here, im just curious as to what believers make of this.

worked on his abs.
Most if not all theists belief God always was.
If that were true what did he do for kicks the eternity before he created the heavens and earth and all that ?? :confused:

Not trying to bash religion here, im just curious as to what believers make of this.

Why should he be doing something?
What would you consider a point?Of your existence for example?

My existence is pointless. :shrug:
But do you really belief God always was and did nothing, for an infinite amount of time ?? That strikes me as extremely odd.
My existence is pointless. :shrug:
But do you really belief God always was and did nothing, for an infinite amount of time ?? That strikes me as extremely odd.

So God should be an industrious fellow turning out worlds by the dozen? Does it disappoint you that he didn't?:)
So God should be an industrious fellow turning out worlds by the dozen? Does it disappoint you that he didn't?:)

It just doesnt make any sense to me that he did nothing for an infinite amount of time and then one day came up with creation.
This was supposed to be a friendly thread:

I guess youre sticking with your belief that he didnt do anything for eternity and are perfectly happy with it ?

No, I'm just wondering when the universe became purposeful.:confused:
what if he creates it, destroys it and creates it all over again? Over and over. He could be creating another dimension right now.
what if he creates it, destroys it and creates it all over again? Over and over. He could be creating another dimension right now.

So you mean he created this universe over and over again ? Or do you mean that he keeps adding dimensions ?