He is risen...

Now now medicine woman. Maybe tomasito is just playing games with you and is probably roaring with laughter. I wouldn't take it seriously.

I'd still like to know how allah faked jesus' crucifiction. Proud muslim quoted that a "likeness" of jesus was crucified. Was it a specially made clone or robot?....

allah: "Ok listen up...go in there and substitute for jesus."
fake jesus: "I hear and obey."

Or did allah pick on someone out of the blue and changed this person's features to look like jesus?....

unwitting person: "Strange...I didn't have this beard yesterday. WHAT THE HECK!!! Why are these people chasing me???"

I wonder how the koran explains it. :)
then the fake jesus saw the tomb and decided to stay somewhere else and.....you guessed it, he left the tomb empty.......( sorry MW I couldn"t help it)
mario said:
Now now medicine woman. Maybe tomasito is just playing games with you and is probably roaring with laughter. I wouldn't take it seriously.
M*W: Thanks for the consolation, but I do take it seriously. He's been asking for this for a long time now harassing me with PMs.
I'd still like to know how allah faked jesus' crucifiction. Proud muslim quoted that a "likeness" of jesus was crucified. Was it a specially made clone or robot?....
M*W: I'm a bit confused about 'Allah faking Jesus crucifixion.' The latest theory is that there was a stand-in for Jesus. Some scholars think it was Barabbas (Bar Abbas - Son of the Father), and some scholars think it was Thomas, Jesus' twin. It could have been anybody BUT Jesus! That's why Pilate put the little sign on the cross "INRI" to indicate whomever was hanging there was "the King of the Jews." Coulda been anyone who couldn't get away. That's where my belief that Jesus 'got away' and sailed to France and missed the crucifixion.
allah: "Ok listen up...go in there and substitute for jesus."
fake jesus: "I hear and obey."
M*W: I cannot speak for Allah.
Or did allah pick on someone out of the blue and changed this person's features to look like jesus?....
M*W: You know, I'm not familiar with Allah making these switcheroos. Maybe the Muslims can answer this one.
unwitting person: "Strange...I didn't have this beard yesterday. WHAT THE HECK!!! Why are these people chasing me???"

I wonder how the koran explains it. :)
M*W: Probably more truthfully than the Bible.
EVERYONE - a lot of people here are denying the exsistence of Jesus in the fiirst place. however, it is an actual HISTORICAL FACT that he;

1) exsisted
2) Brought down the Bible
3) did the miracles stated in the Bible (brought back dead, fed loads of people with fish and bread)

you can't say he DID NOT DO THESE becasue he did

the only DEBATABLE thing is

1) exsisted - but was he a Prophet
2) Brought down the Bible - did he fake the Bible
3) Did the miracles stated in the Bible - Yes he did do the mircale but people can argue that he was just an ancient version of "David Blane" and a hoax.
Vienna said:
And definetley more truthful than that bag of shit called the Qu'ran
M*W: Vienna, why do you hate Muslims so much? I don't even hate Christians as much as you hate Muslims. I hate their false religion, but I don't hate them. You condemn the people, though, and I fail to see what good this does. Can you prove Islam is a false religion? No, you can't. Can you prove Christianity is the one true religion? No, you can't. All that hatred comes from the dark side. It's hurting you more than its religious followers. The Bible and the Qur'an may be outdated, it's true, but what else do you have to offer that is up with the times? There is only ONE creator, and we don't need a savior, so what is it that you find is wrong with the bag of shit you call the Qur'an?
Medicine Woman said:
Vienna said:
And definetley more truthful than that bag of shit called the Qu'ran
M*W: Vienna, why do you hate Muslims so much? I don't even hate Christians as much as you hate Muslims. I hate their false religion, but I don't hate them. You condemn the people, though, and I fail to see what good this does. Can you prove Islam is a false religion? No, you can't. Can you prove Christianity is the one true religion? No, you can't. All that hatred comes from the dark side. It's hurting you more than its religious followers. The Bible and the Qur'an may be outdated, it's true, but what else do you have to offer that is up with the times? There is only ONE creator, and we don't need a savior, so what is it that you find is wrong with the bag of shit you call the Qur'an?

Good answer M*W.

I don't hate all muslims, but I have no time for any of them. - I hate the ones who support terrorism - the ones who danced and cheered in the area I live when 9/11 happened, that was the turning point. I hate the fanatical muslim groups. I also hate the backward ideals of Islam, I find it crude and offensive.

I hate the idea the muslims that are so anti-UK yet the government here give them hand outs for them to live here. The imams who preach so violently against this country and the United States, are allowed to live here without fear of arrest, yet if I spoke about Islam and muslims in the same tone and outdoors as they do, I would be arrested. The British government is guilty here of one set of rules for one and a set for another. The majority of muslims who live in the UK hate this country and its people, so excuse me when I reflect this against them.

Islam and muslims bring these attitudes upon themselves, the typical muslims in my area are no different to Proud Muslim, and the recent arrests of so many muslims in the UK plotting terrorist activities does nothing to favour British opinion of Islam and muslims.

I don't hate all muslims, but I have no time for any of them.

Aren't you contradicting yourself?

I also hate the backward ideals of Islam, I find it crude and offensive.

Which ones are the backward ones?

The majority of muslims who live in the UK hate this country and its people, so excuse me when I reflect this against them.

You speak for the majority of Muslims, do you?

Islam and muslims bring these attitudes upon themselves...

No, I think you bring your attitudes to them.

the typical muslims in my area are no different to Proud Muslim, and the recent arrests of so many muslims in the UK plotting terrorist activities does nothing to favour British opinion of Islam and muslims.

How many Muslims have been arrested for plotting terrorist activities in the UK, exactly? I imagine the number is significantly less than 100. And what's the Muslim population of the UK?
James R said:
Aren't you contradicting yourself?


I hate the terrorists and their supporters - I do not hate the rest but I do not particularly like them.

Which ones are the backward ones?

If you don't recognise them, then you don't know enough about Islam. Or perhaps you can't see what is wrong with Sharia law - your call.

You speak for the majority of Muslims, do you?

Yes, the majority of muslims that I have spoke to - do you know any different?

No, I think you bring your attitudes to them.

What like my disgust at 9/11 - Bali - Madrid - And the imams who stand outside in London preaching how great it is to terrorise the West, burning the Union Jack in view of everyone in London. The riots of Oldham, Bradford etc.

Tell me James - how do I bring my attitude to them? - Do I smile and shake their hand and say what a great job they are doing - You might but I wont.

How many Muslims have been arrested for plotting terrorist activities in the UK, exactly? I imagine the number is significantly less than 100. And what's the Muslim population of the UK?

Yes, we've identified less than 100, but how many more haven't we caught?
It only takes one James, and the UK isn't going to sit back and let a 9/11 happen here.

Defend them all you want James - I'm just telling you how it is here in the UK - Do you live here? - No! - So what do you know?

I hate the terrorists and their supporters - I do not hate the rest but I do not particularly like them.


Yes, the majority of muslims that I have spoke to - do you know any different?

I know that Muslims are a diverse group of people - as diverse as Christians, to take another example at random. Christians don't share the same views on everything, and neither do Muslims.

Tell me James - how do I bring my attitude to them? - Do I smile and shake their hand and say what a great job they are doing - You might but I wont.

Your attitude is plain from your posts on this forum. I don't know to what extent that also manifests itself in your daily life.

Yes, we've identified less than 100, but how many more haven't we caught?
It only takes one James, and the UK isn't going to sit back and let a 9/11 happen here.

So is your gripe against terrorists, or Muslims, then? The two are not synomymous.

Defend them all you want James - I'm just telling you how it is here in the UK - Do you live here? - No! - So what do you know?

I read newspapers, watch TV, and ask the opinions of people who live there, some of whom I know personally. I even consider your opinion. Given all that information, I think I know a reasonable amount.
James ...name one act of mass terrorism perpetrated in the name of a Christian God in the last 30 years.......
your silence would indicate failure to do so......
James - Your placid view is dangerous. You will be a victim or a target yourself one day - unless you are a muslim . Just remember that!
James R said:
So is your gripe against terrorists, or Muslims, then? The two are not synomymous.

So you are saying that Muslim terrorists who terrorise in the name of Islam are not the same as Muslims who do not terrorise in the name of Islam but support it. How can you believe the Muslim who says he/she does not support terrorism when Islamic teachings support terrorism

Tell me James when you see Muslims, how would you determine whether they have the potential to be or, are, Islamic terrorists. How do you tell the difference?

Tell us your secret James - because it would save the CIA & MI5 a lot of work.