He is risen...

Bells said:
Ermm Flores... the "it was a CRCUI-FICTION" was of his own accord. I've seen PM make the same statement many times. Or else I would have made the distinction.

I have never once stated that reading the Quran was hateful, nor would I ever make such a statement. While I am agnostic, I have a sort of admiration that people can be so religious... regardless of their religion. But the way I see it, if you want people to respect your beliefs, then you should respect the beliefs of others. Whether you're religious or not.

PM and others like him are a very clear case of a person that is trying hard to convince themselves. The problem is that PM is not convinced with his own words and believes and that's why he is using a million words to say the same thing over and over again, and no matter how many times he repeats, he remains unconvinced....It's actually very sad, because he'll never know peace of mind and serenity in his own relationship with god.....a relationship that should not involve every other irrelevant person.....PM is so insecure and uncomfortable with himself and his religion that he would rather distract himself 24x7 to showing others how it should be done and in refuting others and calling that Jihad or effort or strive....little does he know that Jihad or striving is againest one self and not a match with others...Jihad is literally making oneself a better person, not forcing everyone to become better...unfortunately he got it backward... he is refuting a wild goose of his own imagination.....and much like Bush's "no child is left behind", PM is looking for "A no human left without Islam"...the problem with this philosophy is that in reality "No child will get ahead", or "All children are left behind" or "Everyone will loose their own Islam".
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Medicine Woman said:
However, the self-proclaimed Apostle Paul invented this religion, therefore, it should be called Paulianity, since Paul never knew Jesus, and no one in the world knows if Jesus even existed.

But Paul was just one of the many contributors to this religion. Sure he made the most impact but that doesnt imply that he owned the whole shebang. It would be ridiculous to say that he invented the said religion.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Hey, because that's what they said! Who am I to differ?
Im just hoping you could tell us what you heard from them. Why people should believe that their findings was more accurate.
Bells said:
Oh and just another quick point PM... next time you dare to start ranting at me for using answering-islam.com and claiming it to be a hate site, I'll be sure to keep this post close at hand to tell you the same in regards to Christians. You call others on here haters and islamaphobes and you are quite right to do so because that's what they are. But don't forget that by insulting the very basis of other people's religions in the manner that you are, you are also at risk of being called a hater and a christianaphobe.

CRUCI-FICTION....always remember that !!

As regarding answering christianity webstie, it was BUILT to answer ANSWERING ISLAM HATE SITE.........get you facts right before you open your mouth.

Proud_Muslim said:
CRUCI-FICTION....always remember that !!

As regarding answering christianity webstie, it was BUILT to answer ANSWERING ISLAM HATE SITE.........get you facts right before you open your mouth.

Oh the humanity. if Freud could see you now :D
DoctorNO said:
Im just hoping you could tell us what you heard from them. Why people should believe that their findings was more accurate.
M*W: Oh, okay. Seems these archeo's were looking at some, possibly ancient, maps. After digging up the Church of the Holy Seplucer, they found nothing (did we think they would?). So one of them says, "hey, look over there, that place looks like a skull." In the rock the features of a skull were identified, so they went over there and started digging. What was so strange about this was that for about 1400 years the Holy Seplucer was supposed to be the church atop the tomb of Jesus, and for whatever reasons the RCC had, the tomb of Jesus was NOT where the RCC said it was. Coincidentally, the first tomb was manned by RCC folks. The second tomb outside the city wall was manned by Eastern Orthodox priests. Right there, that paints a scene of confusion between both churches. So the archeo's dug up Golgotha, and low and behold, they discovered a tomb underneath the Place of the Skull. Now, I ask, why the hell did it take 1400 years to find this out? And, what did the RCC have in mind by faking a false place for covering up the tomb? Or were they just that stupid?

Needless to say, Jesus wasn't there, and he left no articles like a shroud or blood (surely he would've been bloody!). There was, in fact, a track for the big round stone to roll across the entrance, but the tomb looked to be brand new!

Bottom line, there's still no proof that Jesus ended up in a tomb just as there's still no proof that Jesus was crucified or even that he was born. If some people demand on believing Jesus died for their sins. So be it. They're in the minority. The RCC knows the truth. They've known the truth for 2000 years, but they'll never tell because that would doom Christianity. The truth is leaking out however, and it's just a matter of time.
Proud_Muslim said:
CRUCI-FICTION....always remember that !!
Remember what exactly? I wasn't there to witness it. So how pray tell can I remember something I haven't seen? Were you there to remember it? You reek of hypocrisy PM. Absolutely reek! You moan and rant about how people don't understand your religion and how everybody is a hater (and many are)... yet here you are... a hater. You have become what you hate. Ironic isn't it?

Christians believe in the crucifixion, they do not believe it to be fiction. What's wrong with that? If they wish to believe that it is true, why should you tell them differently? Does it give you a sense of power over them? Makes you feel as though you're better than they are? They can say the same to you and state that Mohammed did not exist, etc. It gets you and those who make such comments nowhere. Only place you and every other hater in here is in... is a vicious circle. You keep going round and round prattling about this and that with hateful little messages and at the rate you and everyone else here is going in this little circle, you're going to be biting your own arse soon enough... It's a shame we couldn't harness all this hate for power. You'd all light up a city for nights on end.

So again I ask, who are you to tell them that their belief is false? You have no direct knowledge of it being false, you weren't there.... so please tell me, since you weren't there at the time of Jesus, how are you in any way qualified to deem it to be fiction? Hmmmm?

As regarding answering christianity webstie, it was BUILT to answer ANSWERING ISLAM HATE SITE.........get you facts right before you open your mouth.
I shall open my mouth whenever and however I please. You mean zero and therefore have zero influence on what I do. :)

Now, as to the website itself, I've read through both and they are much of a muchness. So if you call answering-islam.com a hate site, Christians would have every reason to call answering-christianity.com a hate site as well. Both compliment each other if you'd actually bothered to look closely enough.
Since this thread is titled 'he is risen' i shall assume you mean since the tombs empty he must have risen, when the much simpler explanation would be, the tombs empty, perhaps he never existed or we are looking in the wrong place? Just a thought.
Oh and dont expect islam and christianity to go hand in hand with what their holy books say, they are after all completely different religions, thats why what they say about jesus is slightly different.
Lemming3k said:
Since this thread is titled 'he is risen' i shall assume you mean since the tombs empty he must have risen, when the much simpler explanation would be, the tombs empty, perhaps he never existed or we are looking in the wrong place? Just a thought.
M*W: Well, I was making a mockery out of it. You should know me by now! I said 'he is risen' because he never made it to the tomb. He was whisked away by Joseph of Arimathea, Mary Magdalene, and some others whom history suggests. Actually, I don't think he ever made it to the cross. He was late for his own crucifixion thanks to wifey-poo and friends.
Ah reminds me of the spiritual christian days waving my arms and singing...

  • He is riiiisen!

    He is rihihihiisen!

    And he lives forever more!

    Its time to celebrate! (echo)

    The resurrection of our lord.

It was good to be christian. But its better to be an enlightened agnostic. :)
DoctorNO said:
Ah reminds me of the spiritual christian days waving my arms and singing...

  • He is riiiisen!

    He is rihihihiisen!

    And he lives forever more!

    Its time to celebrate! (echo)

    The resurrection of our lord.

It was good to be christian. But its better to be an enlightened agnostic. :)
M*W: Go, bro!Amen, Amen, Amen!
DoctorNO said:
Ah reminds me of the spiritual christian days waving my arms and singing...

  • He is riiiisen!

    He is rihihihiisen!

    And he lives forever more!

    Its time to celebrate! (echo)

    The resurrection of our lord.
You waved your arms about as you sang? LOL.. I'm sorry I shouldn't laugh.. but LOLOL! I was a Catholic so we were all anally retentive and showed no emotion at all while in church;). I still remember sitting in those pews next to my mother as a child and looking at the other people around me thinking.. I really hope they've washed their hands... before the exchange of peace.. heh.. ah the memories..

It was good to be christian. But its better to be an enlightened agnostic. :)
Ye Gods!!.. Now I'm agreeing with you :eek:..

But in all seriousness.. well said!
ConsequentAtheist said:
Anyone else notice a problem here? :D This is Medicine Woman at her best!

Don't pay her any attention .She is not worth any.
She "Medicine old lady" is a hater of Jesus christ and all christianity stands for.
The Light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot understand it.
Christ said,"I am the light of the world. He that follows me shall not walk in darkness .
In Him(Jesus) was and is life and that light is the light of men, that shines on whoever believes.
[Thou hater of Jesus christ and the holy church of God, may the blood of jesus rebuke you.

Medicine woman you are still pursuing your wicked motive of fighting christianity.
May the blood of jesus wash you free of all anti-christ demons.

The God of heaven rebuke your anti-christ spirit.
It is appointed for humans once to die and after this the judgement.
Medicine woman you will see the lake of fire reserved for the devil and his angels.
May the lord Jesus have mercy on your wicked soul!!!!!!
Doctor No ,remember more than everything you had true peace during your christian days. You heard that Jesus is the prince of peace. he still lives and whoever returns to him he will in no wise cast away.
He says come and let us reason together. though your faults,wrongdoings/sins could be red as scarlet he will wash them white as snow.
I have lived all over the world;Greece,germany,egypt,usa and everywhere miracles happen in jesus name.
Jesus is real.
LOL! Did you just call someone wicked? And wicked soul no less... Oh that's precious. LMAO! I didn't know people still spoke that way... :D Beautiful...

The God of heaven rebuke your anti-christ spirit.
It is appointed for humans once to die and after this the judgement.
Medicine woman you will see the lake of fire reserved for the devil and his angels.
Ermmm who are you to pass judgement on MW? Who are you to say what she will see and not see after her passing? Have you been there? Seen it all first hand? For all you know, MW might get prime real estate in heaven while you broil in the lake of fire.

You believe in God? So allow him/her the grace of judging people. Only God is meant to be the true judge of all beings. Not you. Don't take that away from him/her as well. He/she might end up getting bored.;)

I have lived all over the world;Greece,germany,egypt,usa and everywhere miracles happen in jesus name.
He's refused to give you his home address huh? You do know that the anti-stalking laws are there for a reason dont you?
tomasito said:
Don't pay her any attention .She is not worth any.
She "Medicine old lady" is a hater of Jesus christ and all christianity stands for.
M*W: For a Christian, you sure are judgmental. Judgmental Christian! I have never said that I 'hate' Jesus. You made that up! Liar. Christian liar. I don't hate Jesus anymore than I hate Santa Clause or the Tooth Fairy.
The Light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot understand it. Christ said,"I am the light of the world. He that follows me shall not walk in darkness.
In Him(Jesus) was and is life and that light is the light of men, that shines on whoever believes.
M*W: Lucifer claimed to be the Morningstar. Jesus also claimed to be the Morningstar. Luci- means 'light'. Lucifer means light. Christ didn't say that, Paul did. You're confusing Jesus with Lucifer just like your confusing Jesus with Paul. Why don't you get your story straight? tomasito loves Lucifer. tomasito is Lucifer. Lucifer will control you all the days of your life, and you will be with Lucifer forever. You can't tell the difference between true light and true light. You've already lost your soul in your own web of darkness. How dare you talk as if you know me!
tomasito said:
[Thou hater of Jesus christ and the holy church of God, may the blood of jesus rebuke you.
M*W: There is NO Jesus Christ, and there is NO holy church of God, and there is NO blood of Jesus.
Medicine woman you are still pursuing your wicked motive of fighting christianity. May the blood of jesus wash you free of all anti-christ demons.
M*W: tomasito, you are still pursuing your wicked motive of fighting the truth! Jesus shed NO blood for you. You're a fool. There is NO savior. You're a buffoon. I will fight Christianity to the moment I take my last breath, and there is nothing you can do about it. The world is now realizing what a farce Christianity is and IT IS DECLINING WORLDWIDE. Just because I don't believe what you believe you say I have demons. If I were you, I'd stay out of the darkness and look behind your back every once in a while. You think I have demons? Maybe so, and I'm going to send my demons to you so you will remember me and what you said about me, and everytime you think of me, Medicine*Woman, there will be a demon sucking your soul right out of you.
The God of heaven rebuke your anti-christ spirit.
It is appointed for humans once to die and after this the judgement. Medicine woman you will see the lake of fire reserved for the devil and his angels. May the lord Jesus have mercy on your wicked soul!!!!!!
M*W: tomasito, you are one sick fuck.