He is risen...


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
...because he never made it to the tomb. Scholars are now discussing why the empty tomb. Even the church didn't know where Jesus' real tomb was, but never fear, National Geographic found it outside the city wall of Jerusalem, and it was still empty.
" hey man...this tomb is empty......hmmmmm...are you sure it is empty?....mmmmmm.....maybe it is empty afterall...hmmmmmm.....but it can't be empty?......hmmmmhmmmmm....but it is empty .......mmmmmm.....maybe it needs to be filled?....hmmmmm ahhhh so it isn't empty afterall.....no it isn't empty afterall.......but it's empty now?......mmmmmm yes it's empty now........was it empty before?......hmmmmm.......no it couldn't have been empty before.......mmmmmm....funny that....I thought it was empty........
Jesus ( Pbuh ) never put on the cross, never died, it was CRCUI-FICTION.

"That they rejected Faith; That they uttered against Mary A grave false charge; That they said (in boast): 'We killed Christ Jesus The son of Mary, The Messenger of Allah.' But they killed him not, Nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjunction to follow, for of a surety they killed him not. Nay, Allah raised him up Unto Himself; and Allah Is Exalted in Power, Wise. And there is none of the people of the book (Jews and Christians) But must believe in him (Jesus) Before his death; And on the Day of Judgment He (Jesus) will be a witness Against them." (The Noble Quran 4:156-159 )

jinchilla said:
Geraldo Rivera works for NG now?
M*W: Apparently so. I vaguely recall that incident, but I don't remember the whole episode. I was out of the country at the time. What was it Geraldo was looking for?
ConsequentAtheist said:
Anyone else notice a problem here? :D This is Medicine Woman at her best!
M*W: Why, thanks for the compliment, CA! I certainly don't consider my research to be anywhere near the magnitude of what National Geographic does, but I am flattered you would think so!
§outh§tar said:
A living Man doesn't belong in a tomb... how can the tomb be empty if He is omnipresent?
M*W: You're are so correct! He is obviously omnipresent everywhere BUT the tomb. A crazy little thing here is that up till now, archeologists were digging in the WRONG place according to NG. Of course they dug where the RCC told them they could dig, but it wasn't the right place at all! The Church of the Holy Seplecur was built over the WRONG tomb! When they found the right tomb, he wasn't in there either! What gives?
MW could you please enlighten us as to why NG's location was indeed the correct location and the tomb did belong to jesus?
DoctorNO said:
MW could you please enlighten us as to why NG's location was indeed the correct location and the tomb did belong to jesus?
M*W: Hey, because that's what they said! Who am I to differ? Well, the jury is still out if the other tomb they found belonged to Jesus. (He still wasn't inside). Personally, I never thought he ever made it to the tomb anyway. I'm just glad NG questioned the location of the tomb, since they didn't consult with me first. That just goes to show you how the RCC has manipulated us with lies and deceit for the past two millenia. The Church of the Holy Seplecur was built inside the city wall, but I would guess the NG crew said, "Hey, wait a minute, look at that mount outside the city wall! Don't you think it looks like a skull carved in the rock? Then they all picked up their shovels and headed outside the city wall to Golgotha, the place of the skull, and started digging. Low and behold, they found yet another tomb which was also empty, and they said 'eureka' we've found another empty tomb that may be the burial place of Jesus. Had I been there, I would have pulled the head archeologist aside and said, "Psst... psst.... ahem.... hey, are you deaf or what? Come here! Now you dug up the Church of the Holy Seplecur and found zilch, and then you went outside the city wall and dug up Golgotha and found zip? Do I have this right thus far? Okay, take a little tip from me... You might want to take your digging a tad west along the Mediterranean to the South of France where your chances of finding Jesus' bones are a thousand-fold. Au revoir.
Proud_Muslim said:
Jesus ( Pbuh ) never put on the cross, never died, it was CRCUI-FICTION.

"That they rejected Faith; That they uttered against Mary A grave false charge; That they said (in boast): 'We killed Christ Jesus The son of Mary, The Messenger of Allah.' But they killed him not, Nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjunction to follow, for of a surety they killed him not. Nay, Allah raised him up Unto Himself; and Allah Is Exalted in Power, Wise. And there is none of the people of the book (Jews and Christians) But must believe in him (Jesus) Before his death; And on the Day of Judgment He (Jesus) will be a witness Against them." (The Noble Quran 4:156-159 )

You'll have to excuse my laughter here. This is a most amusing indeed.

Christians believe that Jesus died on the cross. They based their whole belief system on it. Whether it is true or false, no one here knows for sure. Unless we were there to watch the man get nailed to that cross or to watch him live out his life to old age (with thoughts that he'd fooled them all), no one knows jack. Do we even know he really existed and was not the figment of the imagination of people who'd had just a tad too much wine? No we don't. He may have existed and he may not. Fact of the matter is... we can read in the bible and the Quran and we don't really know anything at all. Therefore one must ask, why do Christians believe it so? They believe in the crucifixion of Christ as a Muslim believes in Mohammed. Are we to tell them that they are wrong? Actually, who are we to tell believers anything when we ourselves don't really know the truth of whether it happened or not. Therefore, wouldn't it be best that one respects others beliefs as we expect others to respect our own beliefs?

So on this point, PM, who are you or anyone else to tell others that Christ was never crucified? Were you there? Nope. Not unless you are older than you let on. The crucifixion of Christ is one that all Christians hold dear. It is to them what Mecca is to Muslims. How would you feel PM if someone told you that Mecca and its site was worth nothing and that Mohammed had not really been born there but really born in ummm say Greece as an example and that the Hajj was just a ploy by the Saudi Government to get more out of tourism. Now you'd be pissed off wouldn't you? In fact you'd be right to be pissed off about such a claim because it goes to the very basis of your religion. That someone was daring to insult your religious belief in such a manner. You bitch and moan about people bringing down Islam and the very basis of the Muslim's belief structure, yet you go out and do the same thing to others. So next time it's done to you PM, don't complain. Remember what goes around comes around.

Oh and just another quick point PM... next time you dare to start ranting at me for using answering-islam.com and claiming it to be a hate site, I'll be sure to keep this post close at hand to tell you the same in regards to Christians. You call others on here haters and islamaphobes and you are quite right to do so because that's what they are. But don't forget that by insulting the very basis of other people's religions in the manner that you are, you are also at risk of being called a hater and a christianaphobe.
Bells said:
You'll have to excuse my laughter here. This is a most amusing indeed.

Christians believe that Jesus died on the cross. They based their whole belief system on it. Whether it is true or false, no one here knows for sure. Unless we were there to watch the man get nailed to that cross or to watch him live out his life to old age (with thoughts that he'd fooled them all), no one knows jack. Do we even know he really existed and was not the figment of the imagination of people who'd had just a tad too much wine? No we don't. He may have existed and he may not. Fact of the matter is... we can read in the bible and the Quran and we don't really know anything at all. Therefore one must ask, why do Christians believe it so? They believe in the crucifixion of Christ as a Muslim believes in Mohammed. Are we to tell them that they are wrong? Actually, who are we to tell believers anything when we ourselves don't really know the truth of whether it happened or not. Therefore, wouldn't it be best that one respects others beliefs as we expect others to respect our own beliefs?

So on this point, PM, who are you or anyone else to tell others that Christ was never crucified? Were you there? Nope. Not unless you are older than you let on. The crucifixion of Christ is one that all Christians hold dear. It is to them what Mecca is to Muslims. How would you feel PM if someone told you that Mecca and its site was worth nothing and that Mohammed had not really been born there but really born in ummm say Greece as an example and that the Hajj was just a ploy by the Saudi Government to get more out of tourism. Now you'd be pissed off wouldn't you? In fact you'd be right to be pissed off about such a claim because it goes to the very basis of your religion. That someone was daring to insult your religious belief in such a manner. You bitch and moan about people bringing down Islam and the very basis of the Muslim's belief structure, yet you go out and do the same thing to others. So next time it's done to you PM, don't complain. Remember what goes around comes around.

Oh and just another quick point PM... next time you dare to start ranting at me for using answering-islam.com and claiming it to be a hate site, I'll be sure to keep this post close at hand to tell you the same in regards to Christians. You call others on here haters and islamaphobes and you are quite right to do so because that's what they are. But don't forget that by insulting the very basis of other people's religions in the manner that you are, you are also at risk of being called a hater and a christianaphobe.

Actually Bell, PM didn't say anything of his own accord. He merely recited a 1500 year old scripture concerning the matter of jesus. Whether the scripture is wrong or right is not the problem of PM. The Quran seems to hold Jesus in extremely high regards and also seem to recite a more logical scenario of what could have happened. Reading the Quran should not be considered a hatefull thing by christians, because in that case, muslims can label all bibles hate documents and they really are not....please make the distinction.
Bells said:
You'll have to excuse my laughter here. This is a most amusing indeed.

But don't forget that by insulting the very basis of other people's religions in the manner that you are, you are also at risk of being called a hater and a christianaphobe.
M*W: Bells, you make a good point. However, in the interest of being more politically correct, calling someone a Christianaphobe is a misnomer. According to your post, "Christianaphobe" would mean someone who is afraid of Christ or his followers. However, the self-proclaimed Apostle Paul invented this religion, therefore, it should be called Paulianity, since Paul never knew Jesus, and no one in the world knows if Jesus even existed. I, myself, am not a Christianaphobe, because that would mean I'm afraid of Christians which I'm not. Those of us who don't believe in Christ or Christianity are more correctly called anti-Paulinians, because we oppose what Paul taught. That's just like saying some are Iraqiphobes when the truth is that they are anti-Saddamites.
Ermm Flores... the "it was a CRCUI-FICTION" was of his own accord. I've seen PM make the same statement many times. Or else I would have made the distinction.

I have never once stated that reading the Quran was hateful, nor would I ever make such a statement. While I am agnostic, I have a sort of admiration that people can be so religious... regardless of their religion. But the way I see it, if you want people to respect your beliefs, then you should respect the beliefs of others. Whether you're religious or not.
Bells said:
Whether it is true or false, no one here knows for sure. Unless we were there to watch the man get nailed to that cross or to watch him live out his life to old age (with thoughts that he'd fooled them all), no one knows jack. Do we even know he really existed and was not the figment of the imagination of people who'd had just a tad too much wine? No we don't. He may have existed and he may not. Fact of the matter is... we can read in the bible and the Quran and we don't really know anything at all.

Exacto! :D