He feels a "presence" while asleep????

4) The paranormal doesn't exist.

That's a headrocker isn't that an oxymoron as thats why is para AKA latin aka as in beyond normal or known existing state therefore non-normal or non-existant therefore doesn't exist therefore is classed as paranormal yet you give it existence by giving classification as having existance as a nonexistant enitity....woah I'd need therapy to unravel that one the rest i'd agree with as logical
Well, I can probably help you narrow down the causes. Sleep paralysis with hypnopompic hallucination is 100% normal and will happen.

1) Drugs might influence it.
2) Anxiety might influence it.
3) Night terrors are likely unrelated (that's a sleep disorder).
4) The paranormal doesn't exist.

Quite some bold statements to make. This is an interesting thread.
That's a headrocker isn't that an oxymoron as thats why is para AKA latin aka as in beyond normal or known existing state therefore non-normal or non-existant therefore doesn't exist therefore is classed as paranormal yet you give it existence by giving classification as having existance as a nonexistant enitity....woah I'd need therapy to unravel that one the rest i'd agree with as logical

par·a·nor·mal Audio Help /ˌpærəˈnɔrməl/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[par-uh-nawr-muhl] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–adjective of or pertaining to the claimed occurrence of an event or perception without scientific explanation, as psychokinesis, extrasensory perception, or other purportedly supernatural phenomena.

I'll issue some paranormal words and anyone is welcome to provide objective evidence for them: ESP, telekensis, pyrokensis, remote viewing, werewolves, vampires, God, angels, demons, devils, souls, and ghosts.
The paranormal doesn't exist. If such things as ghosts, ghoulies, ESP and all that crap existed, they would be normal, not outside normality.
Well, I can probably help you narrow down the causes. Sleep paralysis with hypnopompic hallucination is 100% normal and will happen.

1) Drugs might influence it.
2) Anxiety might influence it.
3) Night terrors are likely unrelated (that's a sleep disorder).
4) The paranormal doesn't exist.

I agree, just offering some friendly thoughts to the things I considered when it first happened, especially since it's the only instance I can really remember. But thanks for the summary. ;)
Hello...im someone who has little knowledge of sleep paralysis and the things that occur in sleep. But im putting this post up to help a friend of mine.

He recently confessed to me that he feels a strange/bad presence next to him while he sleeps. He says that he's been feeling it for years, since he was a child. He says that it doesnt happen everynight but when it does he feels it strongly through out his sleep...at times he feels like he's paralized and cant move. He thinks its a "demon" but im out to find a more scientific explanation for him.

I'm asking anyone with knowledge in this realm of science for a hypothesis about why/how they think this happens to him

pleeease contact me.


Pour hot water on him, no make it hot oil, when next he feels a presence. I guarantee you he will be alright. No but I heard its because he is more concious or awake than usual.
I think your best bet would be to build it :).

I already have a nice house. I think it's strange to have more than one dream about the same non-existant place. It's not a dream like a wish, just a place that I seem to visit while sleeping, and it seems to develop over time like I'm seeing it's history.
I already have a nice house. I think it's strange to have more than one dream about the same non-existant place. It's not a dream like a wish, just a place that I seem to visit while sleeping, and it seems to develop over time like I'm seeing it's history.

I've repeatedly experienced several non-existent dream places and they also change over time. The most recent one that seems to be getting alot of dream time is an ocean-side house in the Bay Area with a very asthetically satisfying bedroom.

Other reoccurances in dreams can be people, geographies, other life forms, etc... all of which don't exist in real life.
par·a·nor·mal Audio Help /ˌpærəˈnɔrməl/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[par-uh-nawr-muhl] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–adjective of or pertaining to the claimed occurrence of an event or perception without scientific explanation, as psychokinesis, extrasensory perception, or other purportedly supernatural phenomena.

I'll issue some paranormal words and anyone is welcome to provide objective evidence for them: ESP, telekensis, pyrokensis, remote viewing, werewolves, vampires, God, angels, demons, devils, souls, and ghosts.

Hmmm we have had a similar conversaton before on 'the pyramid-stargate' story..

Pinocchio..so you have people who see/have something unexplainable happen which does give way to the mind filling in the gaps....
The other side is you can test/research/delve into a an anomoly and come up with a logical/simple/physical account as to what was witnessed. This puts an end to the 'Paranormal' and becomes a mere triviality with an 'Actual Cause' or 'Effect' with physical explainable conclusion....
Spontaneous combustion,
Sleep paralysis,
Air expelled from corpses,
Shooting stars,
have all been classed as paranormal at some point, doesn't mean it doesn't exist we just can't explain it or know enough to give an accepted rational explanation....
I am skeptical though I looked at the 'RANDI' challenge and noted that nobody have even passed the peliminary interview.
A little different

I have been reading the posts out hear. I have been experiencing what you are describing for years. But here recently things have changed. Please don't think I am crazy. Now when I am home alone I feel like the same prescence I experience at night when trying to sleep is in my home during the day when I am awake. The feelings are the strongest when I am in the shower, but I do feel the prescence most any time I am home alone. It has gotten to be so strong that I actually don't like to take a shower unless someone is home with me. I have even been reading up on paranoid schitzophrania (hope I spelled that right) thinking maybe there is something seriously wrong with me...can anyone help or does anyone else have these feelings.
Hello...im someone who has little knowledge of sleep paralysis and the things that occur in sleep. But im putting this post up to help a friend of mine.

He recently confessed to me that he feels a strange/bad presence next to him while he sleeps. He says that he's been feeling it for years, since he was a child. He says that it doesnt happen everynight but when it does he feels it strongly through out his sleep...at times he feels like he's paralized and cant move. He thinks its a "demon" but im out to find a more scientific explanation for him.

I'm asking anyone with knowledge in this realm of science for a hypothesis about why/how they think this happens to him

pleeease contact me.


it's probably a demon. and to my knowledge, there is no scientific explanation of that.
I have suffered from this since I was a kid I believe it is sleep paralysis where the body is asleep but your mind is awake and has ventured off,But I also believe maybe it's the work of demonic forces,As a kid I experienced a presence in my room and was scared I then seen a black shadow come towards me and slap my belly I screamed out loud and saw the shadow leave the room,Over the years I would be lying in bed and would feel like I am being strangled and just last night me and my partner where lying in bed and my partner mentioned(this was my dreamy state) that my ex gf would appear and talk to me, next thing I was being strangled and had Spanish womens voices all around me and felt like my roof was caving in I was tapping my partner like crazy and trying to scream out but couldn't scream eventually the strangling the stopped and I cuddled my girlfriend and told her what had happened,My girlfriend told me she was in the same state of mind she was awake but was dreaming, her dream was that my house was filled with people and people where walking in and out of my room,She also felt me tapping her and I was rolling around on my bed trying to breath?Sleep paralysis or work of demons or the dead?All I know is sometimes it can get pretty freaky which makes me think it's more than just sleeping paralysis or some sort of sleeping disorder
Well nothing can be done about the superstitious nonsense. I'd get an MRI done on my brain if I was having this shit happen. Possibly a slow bleed in the brain, or tumor, or chemical problem.

After reading up on new research into DMT, I suspect this substance has everything to do with "presence" feelings, dreams and terror nightmares. They might even have a way of controlling if you have too much of it nowadays.
I wouldn't call it suffering :), but yes I did and still do get the hypnopompic / paralysis combo from time to time. A few years back I was faked out by hypnopompia... I woke up (presumably paralyzed), saw a huge spider on my pillow, emoted some adrenalin into my system, and leaped out of bed. I'm usually pretty good about recognizing and enjoying the ride otherwise.

What you stated about the conscious brain "waking up" before the rest of the body (technically the rest of the brain responsible for the body's rest cycle) is quite correct. That's presumably why paralysis sets in. It's just another state humans can get into and evolution has done it's job by not wasting it and giving us all sorts of fun hallucinations while in it.

Your talking about lucid dreaming here aren't you? I wish I could control my dreams:bawl:
A most excellent thread, with some excellent responses.


Yes. I love this subject. Particularly since i have suffered from lucid dreaming and night tremors\terror\sleep paralysis since around 10-11th grade.

nietzschefan: Well nothing can be done about the superstitious nonsense. I'd get an MRI done on my brain if I was having this shit happen. Possibly a slow bleed in the brain, or tumor, or chemical problem.

After reading up on new research into DMT, I suspect this substance has everything to do with "presence" feelings, dreams and terror nightmares. They might even have a way of controlling if you have too much of it nowadays.

It isnt a pleasant experience at all and i doubt anything would show up on a brain scan after the fact. I am gonna do some more reading on it in awhile but i know most there is to know about them...according to present research. These thing are more common than peolp realize. I would like to see some statistics and it was not until the internet that i knew i was not the only one. But never heard of anyone i knew having them. For me i could count on one nearly every night and they happen just as you fall asleep. I have had things happen in my sleep that were amazing BUT it is terrifying, to a certain extent anyway. Just as an example: i could feel my head moving from left to right, vibrations inside of my body. Localized vibrations around the jaw area. AND no, no one was around. Luckily these things stopped happening. I just look at it like someone having migraines or cluster headaches that appear ans disappear on their own. Shouldnt make fun of peopel for having them though. There are similar to nightmares but more real and there is no story line or other people involved...at least not for myself. Hard to believe or understand but finally i began to learn i was kind of bringing them on myself.
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John I get them. I used to lucid dream so much in my teens I achieve mastery over the dream state 95% of the time, at which point it very quickly turn into a dream about very fast flying, or a wet dream :)

The other 5% is scary, but I mean wtf you wake up realize it's a dream - so what. I used to not be able to sleep that night (esp after a "spider attack" dream so I know exactly what you are talking about), esp when you are certain there is something right next to your bed but you just can't see it.

I had one the other night, and now in my 30s I can just laugh it off, I was asleep again inside 5min.
Hello...im someone who has little knowledge of sleep paralysis and the things that occur in sleep. But im putting this post up to help a friend of mine.

He recently confessed to me that he feels a strange/bad presence next to him while he sleeps. He says that he's been feeling it for years, since he was a child. He says that it doesnt happen everynight but when it does he feels it strongly through out his sleep...at times he feels like he's paralized and cant move. He thinks its a "demon" but im out to find a more scientific explanation for him.

I'm asking anyone with knowledge in this realm of science for a hypothesis about why/how they think this happens to him

pleeease contact me.


1)Get a new bed and new pillows.
2)Place the bed in a different location in the room. Try not to place the bed "directly between" the door and a window.