He feels a "presence" while asleep????


Registered Member
Hello...im someone who has little knowledge of sleep paralysis and the things that occur in sleep. But im putting this post up to help a friend of mine.

He recently confessed to me that he feels a strange/bad presence next to him while he sleeps. He says that he's been feeling it for years, since he was a child. He says that it doesnt happen everynight but when it does he feels it strongly through out his sleep...at times he feels like he's paralized and cant move. He thinks its a "demon" but im out to find a more scientific explanation for him.

I'm asking anyone with knowledge in this realm of science for a hypothesis about why/how they think this happens to him

pleeease contact me.

i have a non-scientific explanation: He's right. Science can't tell us everything, after all
the paralysis sounds like the end-trails of an OBE (out of body experience). it is basically a state one achieves vibrationally when they wish to astral travel or explore different realms of consciousness. it is extremely common, most people don't have any idea what it is, they will wake from sleep and be paralyzed many many times throughout their lives, and never think anything of it. my guess on the presence your friend feels is of some entity or spirit trying to communicate. if your friend truly doesn't like it, tell him to tell the spirit to go away, and that he isn't ready yet, or just to leave him alone. i have to say, i think if it were 'evil' it wouldn't just be hangin' around...i have felt presence in rooms and while i was asleep, i used to be very afraid of paralysis and beings, but i got used to it, and realize now that the beings weren't evil, just a different type of energy than i was used to being around.

basically, tell your friend not to worry, and if he doesn't want anything or anyone bothering him, to just tell it to go away, sounds to me like it is actually someone looking after him...also, if he wakes up paralyzed again, tell him to concentrate on moving his pinky finger. he will be right back to feeling and mobility in a couple seconds.


Hi, the 'experiences' your friend is having are probably
hypnogogic hallucinations. It's not uncommon for people
who experience sleep paralysis to also experience this.
Severe Anxiety. People who experience this often feel 'possessed' when it is in fact just plain old Anxiety. Night time is a time when a person on his own will go into overdrive and start to think and worry.

Hope this helps.
Ok, listen up, Neanderthals, especially you, Man_Of_Jade.

Sleep paralysis is something that is pretty common, it even happens to me now and again. It is not uncommon to be frightened and convinced of a “presence” in the room with you, as you are only half awake when sleep paralysis occurs, but aware of the fact that you are helpless and vulnerable.

Want more information? A simple web search was all you had to do, but since you are so lazy I went ahead with it on my own.


This just in, for all minds still living in the dark ages: There are no such things as deamons, get over it.

Honestly, sometimes I think that you people acctualy beleive that when there is something you dont' understand, you automaticaly think that the most bizar explanation that you can pull out of your ass MUST be the answer.
Mystech why do you feel the need to bash people that believe in this stuff? you think it helps things if you call people neanderthals? if you want respect and for someone to listen to your side of things and maybe even consider them, i suggest being respectful to others and listening to them in return. just an idea.

here's my 2 cents worth of suggestion, the presence might also be a sound. i've heard that a certain sound/frequency that can't (or almost can't) be heard by people, can induce a sense of presence, make you think there's someone else in the room with you. for example a fan or something.. i'm no expert by any means though, just what i've heard or read from the net.

Neanderthals? You either didn't read my post or didn't
comprehend it. I am not stating a 'belief'. I am stating a fact.

-Ugachaka uga uga
(sigh) Mystech, please try to be more pleasant. I am NOT randomly "pulling things out of my ass". I am making suggestions based on what i believe and have experienced. Im sure there is a more civil way to resolve your difference in belief than just slapping a webpage on the forum and saying it knows all, and then call me a neanderthal. Really, who is acting more like a neanderthol in this case;)
My thoughts are almost exactly like Enigma’s and Bebelina is right too.

Mystech, I saw demons in the corner of my ceiling during an OBE, huddled there like bats.

I like spookz’s link, where the choices in sleep paralysis are Shut the Gate and Walk Away or Walk Thru the Gate. A friend told me about his vibrations and I suggested it was an invitation. He said, “That’s just how it felt!”
Mystech may be right here.Sleep Paralysis is quite common in many people.
Your friend might be having Hallucinations.I think he should seriously think about Consulting a psychiatrist...and i am serious about this.

As you are aware that i am also able to do Astral Projections.As i explained before,this is the plane where all the Mind matter or collective consiousness has been there.So it could be possible that either there was(at some earlier time) a painting existed at that place where you had OBE in the real world,Or it could simply be thoughts of other people in the Physical world About the Devil in that area.


"This just in, for all minds still living in the dark ages: There are no such things as deamons, get over it.

Honestly, sometimes I think that you people acctualy beleive that when there is something you dont' understand, you automaticaly think that the most bizar explanation that you can pull out of your ass MUST be the answer."


How do you know this?

I think many people use the word 'demon' to describe something that they cannot explain which they associate with negativity, or causes negative results in their lives..... ie, self destructive practices by a loved one.

So in essence we ALL have demons..... Even if the word demon seems ignorant, trivial, or elementary. I think the ability to recognize a "demon" is the first step in ridding your life of it.

I do agree that so many people tend to just leave it at that. Meaning, they have been spoon fed to just accept the demons to be among us and that some greater being is fighting against them for you.... Maybe, they should take the next step towards confronting such a problem in their lives and the lives of those they love.

"the kingdom of GOD is inside of us, and all around us...."

Well, yeah, Mr. hat, we COULD go around just redefining words as we like, and then plugging them into our old arguments so that they make sense and we don't look as though we said something very stupid, but that's called pathetic backtracking, or a sort of deceitful way of grasping at straws.

Less excuses more thinking.
You people do know the "X-Files" did an episode on this very subject.

All joking aside though, I myself have had many of these occurances. They are usually not any fun at all.
I will attempt to descibe my thoughts/feeling durring one of these - sleep paralisis episodes.

It starts usually with hearing some noise, just as I'm falling asleep. I sense something out of the ordinary and attempt to turn my head in the direction of the noise, but guess what?
My head won't move. This has been happening to me since childhood, and now I recognise whats happening, and know to start fighting it right away. There is a feeling of a presense in the room with you, sometimes right next to you... and a panic starts your heart beating faster and faster when you realise your paralized and can't move. Also (see if anyone else has noticed this) there is a feeling of almost a narcotic effect calling you to just relax and let go...it would be so much easier to let the feeling take you...back to sleep, but I can't because there also is this knowing (for lack of a better word) that if I don't fight it until I break free and can move again, I will die.
I have always fought it and always broke free of it's hold on me.
Like I said, not much fun...
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I had a very similar experience a few nights ago for the first time.
Sometimes during the paralysis, I’d hear a knock. Then wake up and wonder if I dreamt that knock or if it was somebody in the hall really knocking on my door.
Then a few nights ago, I really heard messed up stuff while paralyzed.
Somebody wasn’t only banging on my door, but I could hear keys/lock pick opening it, and possibly people coming in and walking around my apt.
I couldn’t move or wake up.
I knew it wasn’t real, but I was still afraid.
Finally, I got myself to wake up.
It's a pretty new thing for me, and I think I understrand what triggered it.
I'm working on preventing it from happening again.

About your "bats"...This is how they are descibed as looking sometimes. Let me tell you a story ...

(From a message titled "The Greatest Battle Ever Fought" preached Mar 11, 1962, by William Branham in Jeffersonville, Ind.)

So I had a little girl here one time. The lady may be setting here now; her name was Nellie Sanders. One of the first times I ever seen a devil cast out. (We lived... Now, if I can just get the place in--it'd be just about three blocks up here, beyond the graveyard.) Now, I'd just become a preacher, and I was preaching right here on this corner with a tent meeting. And that little girl was one of the best dancers. She went to high school down here. And her and Lee Horn (and many of you here in town know Lee Horn down here, runs the pool room in there.)--so they, her and Lee Horn, was the best dancers there was in the country. He's Catholic himself; 'course, religion didn't mean nothing to them. So then (Nellie and them), so she was a great dancer and he was too, and they had this here dance called the "black bottom" and "jitterbugs" and all them things; and she was--them two was the best in the country.
One day she staggered in up here (one night) to the meeting. There she fell down at the altar, little Nellie; bless her heart. She just laid there at the altar; she raised up her head, and she cried and the tears run down her cheeks, she said, "Billy..." (She knew me.) She said, "I want to be saved so bad."
I said, "Nellie, you can be saved; Jesus already saved you, girl. You have to accept it now upon the basis of His Word." And she stayed there, and she cried, and she prayed, and she told God she'd never listen to the things of the world again. All at once a lovely, sweet peace come over her soul. She raised up from there shouting and praising God, glorifying God.
And about six or eight months after that, she was coming down Spring Street one night (Now just a young girl, she was just in her teen-age, about eighteen years old.), and she come to me, and she said, "Hope..." (That was my wife, the one that's gone on.) She said, "I wished I looked like Hope and Irene." She said, "You know, they never did get out in the world." Said, "The world puts a mark on you." Said, "I got a rough look." Said, "Now, I quit wearing makeup and stuff, but I look so rough. Even my cast of my face," she said, "I look rough." She said, "They look so innocent and tender." Said, "I wish I'd have never done that."
I said, "Nellie, the Blood of Jesus Christ cleanses from all sin, Honey. Go on, believe it."
Wayne Bledsoe (many of you know him here, a bosom friend of mine years and years), he was a drinker, and be come up here with my brother Edward. And he got drunk down here in the street, and I picked him up, 'cause cops was going to get him. And I brought him up here; and I was a preacher and lived up here at my mama and papa's way 'fore I was married. And I took him, put him in the bed in there; I sleep--slept on the Duofold. There's a big bunch of Branhams, you know (ten of us), and so we had about four rooms, and we had to kinda double up a little. So I had an old Duofold I slept on, and I pulled it out like this and--and put Wayne to bed with me, drunk. Had to pack him in the house and lay him down. And I was laying there, I said, "Wayne, aren't you ashamed of yourself and like that?"
He, "Uh, duh, Billy, don't talk to me like that." You know? [Brother Branham imitates a drunk speaking--Ed.] I put my hand over and I said, "I'm going to pray for you, Wayne. God bless you."
And I'd been saved about, oh, I guess about, maybe a year. And so then all at once a--a cab, slammed the door outside, and somebody knocked on the door hard, "Brother Bill. Brother Bill." [Brother Branham knocks on pulpit--Ed.]
I thought, "My goodness, somebody must be dying." I jumped up to the door, grabbed my old thing there, throwed it around my pajamas like this, and covered Wayne up, and run to the door. It sounded just like a woman. I opened the door, and this young girl standing at the door, she said, "Oh, can I come in?"
I said, "Come in," and I turned the lights on and...
Now, she was just crying like that, and she said, "Oh, Bill--Billy, I'm--I'm--I'm gone, I'm gone."
I said, "What's the matter, Nellie? You got a--got a heart attack?"
She said, "No." She said, "Brother Bill, I was coming down Spring Street." She said, "Honest, Brother Bill, honest, Brother Bill, I didn't mean no harm; I didn't mean no harm."
I said, "What's the matter?" I thought, "What am I going to do with her now?" See? I didn't know what to do. I was just a young fellow, and I thought...
Said, "Oh, Brother Bill," said, "I'm just--I'm just--I'm just all to pieces."
I said, "Now, quieten down, sis. Tell me all about it."
And she said, "Well," she said, "I was coming down the street, and the Redmen's Hall..." (And they used to have Saturday night dances there.) And she said, "I had some stuff; I was going home to make me a dress." And she said, "I heard that music," and she said, "you know," said, "I stopped just a minute," and said, "It kept getting better. So I thought, 'You know, it won't hurt if I stand right here.'"
That's where she made her mistake, stopped for a moment.
She just listened, said, "Well, I'm going to think." Said, "Oh Lord, You know I love You though." said, "You know I love You, Lord, but I can sure remember the time when Lee and I used to win all the--the cups and so forth." Said, "My, I remember that old music used to attract me; it don't now." Oh, oh. Oh, oh, you think it don't; it's already got you right there. That's just as good as he wants right there. See?
How many ever knowed Nellie Sanders? Well, I guess a whole lot of you did. Yeah, sure. So they--there was a--there was said... She said, "Well, do you know what?" said, "Maybe if I walk up on the steps up there," said, "maybe I'll be able to testify to some of them." See, you're right on the devil's ground. Stay out of it. Shun the very appearance of evil.
But she walked up to the top of the steps and stood there a few minutes, and the first thing you know, she was in some boy's arms out on the floor. Then she come to herself, and she was standing there crying and going on, said, "Oh, I'm lost now for good."
I--I thought, "Well, I don't know too much about the Bible, but I believe Jesus said this: 'In My Name they shall cast out devils.'" Now... And Wayne had done sobered up a little bit and was setting there watching it. See? So I said, "Now, devil, I don't know who you are, but I'm telling you now, this is my sister, and you ain't got no business with her, holding her. She didn't mean to do that; she just stopped for a minute." (That's where she made her mistake though.) I said, "But you're going to have to come out of here. You hear me?" And so help me (God will at the judgment bar know), that screen door begin to opening and shutting by itself: pumpity, plumpity, there at the door, ka-plump, ka-plump, ka-plump. I thought... And she said, "Bill, looky there, looky there."
And I said, "Yeah. What is that?"
She said, "I don't know."
I said, "Neither do I." And the door go pumpity, pump, ti-pump, shutting like that, I thought, "What's the matter here? What's the matter?" And I looked again like that, and I said, "Leave her, Satan. In Jesus' Name come out of her." When I said that, it looked like a great big bat, about this long, rose up from behind her, with long hair hanging down out of its wings and off of its feet like that; it's going, "Whrrrrrrr," started right towards me, just as hard as it come. I said, "Oh, Lord God, the Blood of Jesus Christ protect me from that."
And Wayne jumped up in the bed, looked; and here it was like a big shadow, circled around, and went over, and went down behind the bed. Out of the bed went Wayne, in the next room as hard as he could.
So we--I got Nellie and took her home, and come back, and I couldn't... Mom went in there and shook the sheets and everything; there wasn't nothing in that bed. What was it? A devil went out of her. What happened? She stopped for a moment. That's all.
Don't stop at all. God sinks His Word in your heart, just take that Sword and start chopping and cutting. Hallelujah. "I ain't got time to wait for nothing else. I just crossed over; I haven't got time to even settle down."

(From para. 8 of a message titled "Waters of Separation" preached June 6,1955 by William Branham in Macon, Geogia)
- "Many times you see them in different forms. Here recently I seen one coming from a woman, that looked like a bat with great big hairs hanging under its legs, and so forth, its wings come right out, right straight up. They're evil spirits. And many times it's someone looking ever so beautiful on the outside, could only look on the inside and see what that is. We're dominated by spirit".