have you ever got that feeling....

I have that too, feels weird!! :D

I think you just basically self-hypnotized yourself, but maybe i'm wrong. You zoom out on everything else and it feels that way. Like a feeling of "losing yourself" :D
you sure schitzophraenia is not a disease? I thought is was a mental disease, or maybe that was mental illness. Anyway, ive been reading things on sociopathy, psychopathy, psychosis and I think im pretty sure im not any of these... phew!

There are so many htings it could be, so many symptoms are alike, how the hell are you ever suppose to diognose your condition????
Agent, Adam, Chosen,

Does it happen only when you are falling asleep? Could you describe it a bit more, with environmental circumstances and such?

you think there is something wrong with me? you think I shoudl see a doctor?

Only if it happens to you all the time. Otherwise, like Xev said, it shouldn't be a problem. ;)

Not autistic, Agent. You would not be here. You're just weird like me. I do that too.

Isn't Bill Gates Autistic?
Originally posted by Agent@5
you sure schitzophraenia is not a disease? I thought is was a mental disease, or maybe that was mental illness. Anyway, ive been reading things on sociopathy, psychopathy, psychosis and I think im pretty sure im not any of these... phew!

There are so many htings it could be, so many symptoms are alike, how the hell are you ever suppose to diognose your condition????

*pulls out clipboard*

Yep, definitely schizophrenic. :p

On a more serious note...

When psychology students start studying Abnormal Psychology, they often panic a bit while reading. "Hey, I've got that. I've got that too!" This is natural. Everyone has quirks about them that resemble symptoms of disorders.

In order for something to be diagnosed as a disorder, these quirks have to be so huge that you can no longer live a normal life, have a normal job, continue relationship, etc. or to the point where you are seriously hindering others' lives. This is the major defining criteria because for most disorders, it's not so black and white.
Originally posted by Xenu
Agent, Adam, Chosen,

Does it happen only when you are falling asleep? Could you describe it a bit more, with environmental circumstances and such?


Well it could attribute to maybe a little heat. But I just think you are putting yourself in a "trance mode." It happens to me right before I fall asleep, feel like "losing myself" - I'm sure it's nothing serious.
Originally posted by Xenu
Agent, Adam, Chosen,

Does it happen only when you are falling asleep? Could you describe it a bit more, with environmental circumstances and such?


um maybe when im stressed, just before I sleep. When I look up at the ceiling.... but say im sitting here right now and a want to get the feeling, I kinda stare and focus away from things, then at that point my heart rate starts geeting faster. Its like, okay you know the feeling when you look at a 3D magic image, its a little like that, would you agree Adam?

It occurs sometimes when I wake up, doesn't matter if it's light or dark. Disorietnation, messed up spacial awareness, and a weird feeling like the lower half of my body is on backwards and stuff like that. The gravity thing is sort of like I suspect for a moment that I might be sleeping against a wall in some odd orientation. Very weird.
I got similar things, never really worried me though,

my hands feel like dead lumps twice their normal size- that might have something to do with circulation though.

Sometimes my mouth feels like it's filled with candyfloss that's in the process of solidifying.
i actually thought Elbaz was referring to Cool skill:
Cool skill:

dont recall ever having had a feeling like that. mayb its bcos i sleep on the floor. i remember all of my dreams tho. sometimes i wake up frozen. i try 2 scream and all that comes out is a faint mumble. sometimes a person next to me can push me while im mumbling. that sends me to full consciousness. sometimes i just need more air so i try 2 breath harder. that works as well. despite these unhappy moments of discomfort, i remain thankful for my life.

and in response i thought Elbaz posted:

Nope. It sounds like you might be experiencing some form of Schitzophrenia( which there are many ). Or you could even be suicidal. I'm no psychologist, but from what I understand, that's a bad sign. Seriously, thhough, if you feel this way often then do something.

i dunno and i dont care : its irrelevant.
Re: me w.e.

Originally posted by cool skill
sometimes i wake up frozen. i try 2 scream and all that comes out is a faint mumble. sometimes a person next to me can push me while im mumbling. that sends me to full consciousness. sometimes i just need more air so i try 2 breath harder. that works as well. despite these unhappy moments of discomfort, i remain thankful for my life. :)

This is called sleep paralysis. When you go into REM sleep (dreaming sleep), your brain paralyzes the rest of your body, basically so you don't act out your dreams. In sleep paralysis this paralyzing function is not turned off when you wake up. So you lie there awake but paradoxically still partially sleeping. You will wake up if someone nudges you or says your name, anything that is meaningful to your brain, just like when you sleep normally. This is a not to uncommon thing to have, and as far as I know, nothing to worry about.

I wonder if you are lying there awake, if you pretend as if someone you know is in the room and calling out to you to wake up, if you would actually snap out of it. A lot of the times an imagined experience for the brain is the same as a real experience. Couldn't hurt to try at least.

um maybe when im stressed, just before I sleep. When I look up at the ceiling.... but say im sitting here right now and a want to get the feeling, I kinda stare and focus away from things, then at that point my heart rate starts geeting faster. Its like, okay you know the feeling when you look at a 3D magic image, its a little like that, would you agree Adam?
It occurs sometimes when I wake up, doesn't matter if it's light or dark. Disorietnation, messed up spacial awareness, and a weird feeling like the lower half of my body is on backwards and stuff like that. The gravity thing is sort of like I suspect for a moment that I might be sleeping against a wall in some odd orientation. Very weird.

I'm no doctor but I'm guessing that these are what's called hypnagogic hallucinations. This occurs at the onset and offset to sleep. It's usually accompanied with sleep paralysis (as talked about above) but not always. Basically what is happening is parts of your brain responsible for dreaming are kicking in early or not kicking off, making you have dream-like symptoms while awake. Again nothing to worry about as far as I know, just need to learn to live with it.

I'm wondering if the onset sleep type is from sleep deprivation, because REM doesn't usually appear later in the sleep cycle, unless the person is REM deprived. I also wonder if the meaningful stimuli thing (see sleep paralysis above) would work with this too, even if isn't accompanied with sleep paralysis.

Agent, it's odd that you can conjure them when you are awake, maybe you are so used to it, you can turn on these brain processes. Do they ever happen spontaneously, without your control, when you are awake?

Originally posted by Xenu


Do they ever happen spontaneously, without your control, when you are awake?


umm yeah, as I say, when I am just about to go to sleep... I would say it happens 2-3 times every six months.
Do they ever happen spontaneously, without your control, when you are awake?


I'm sorry, what I meant was if they happened without control, when you are awake, other than when you are going to sleep or awakening from sleep? For example in the middle of the day, while you are doing an activity, do these spontaneously occur?

my goof,
Originally posted by Xenu

I'm sorry, what I meant was if they happened without control, when you are awake, other than when you are going to sleep or awakening from sleep? For example in the middle of the day, while you are doing an activity, do these spontaneously occur?

my goof,

hehehheheh yeah, um no not very regualrly.... does that make a difference? what is it? am i crazy !!!!! :p

What about the converse??
You ever get the feeling that everything is just a little too close???

Please don't worry, your experience before falling asleep does not mean that you are crazy.

You might have also noticed that you occasionally "jump", or feel as if you suddenly have lost your balance, just as you are falling asleep. This happens to me nearly every other night and appears to be quite common in people.

I occasionally have a much worse experience, one that I've "suffered" with my entire life. As I'm falling asleep, my mind sometimes remains awake while my body becomes paralyzed. I invariably panic when I sense it is happening. I fight to regain control. Sometimes I tell myself, "If only I can move a finger, then the control will spread to the rest of my body." It requires all of my concentration to agonizingly regain control of my body. Once I do regain control, I'm usually hesitant to go back to sleep because it usually happens several times in the same night. My wife has long known that when I make any noise at all, or when my body shakes, that she's to immediately waken me.

I used to suspect that this problem stemmed from my unhappy childhood. My abusive father would often wake me with a punch or a kick. I learned to sleep with "one eye open" as a child, and as a result I had problems sleeping, and with sleep-walking, for a number of years afterwards.

From what I've read on the subject, I now think that both my problem and the more common problem of loss of equilibrium, results merely from some of our normal functions turning down, or going off-line for the night. My problem appears to be that my systems go off-line in the wrong order.

Sleep makes for a fascinating subject. I remember a Chinese friend once told me that when he was in the Red Army, they were occasionally made to march all night. He said that some of the soldiers could actually sleep while marching. I thought that was pretty cool.

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hehehheheh yeah, um no not very regualrly.... does that make a difference? what is it? am i crazy !!!!!

No you are not going crazy. My reasoning is that if it only happens going into and out of sleep, then it's a sleep "problem". It'd probably be the hypnagogic hallucinations that I described earlier. If it happens regularily in the day then it probably isn't a sleeping problem, it's something else. From what you've described I'm leaning toward the former.

I would look up hypnagogic hallucinations on the net and see if any of that fits you. Remember these hallucinations can entail other senses, such as feeling and balance; they also aren't necessarily paired with sleep paralysis either, as some sources you find might say.

The main point for you doesn't seem to be harm, since you have lived with it for a number of years I'm guessing. The main point is comfort. Go to a doctor and get yourself checked out. See if their are any specialists in sleeping functions. Sometimes a person just needs piece of mind.
dont take medical advice over the internet. consult a doctor. wait a minute, that was medical advice i think. oops.