Have you even read the bible?

Have you read the bible cover to cover?

  • Yes. I have a complete understanding of it

    Votes: 10 40.0%
  • No, and I don't care to. But I argue the subject anyway.

    Votes: 5 20.0%
  • Partially. I know enough to get by.

    Votes: 10 40.0%

  • Total voters
spider said:
I'm from a Jewish backround, and I think the NT is far superior morally and intellectually, except for the parts about Solomon, who values knowledge, and except for Revelations,
And Ecclesiastes, Ruth, and (for the poets) the lists of begats, one the one hand;

Paul's inveterate misogyny and prudishness in the letters, on the other.
glaucon said:
It is an entertaining piece of fiction. And no more.
A sufficiently entertaining work of fiction, one deep enough to entertain for real, occupies a position in human culture beyond which there is no "more".
A sufficiently entertaining work of fiction, one deep enough to entertain for real, occupies a position in human culture beyond which there is no "more".

How sad then for people who feel that way.
There is much more to be concerned with in this world than being entertained by 'culture'...
glaucon said:
There is much more to be concerned with in this world than being entertained by 'culture'...
None of it is any more profound than the best stories told by the best tellers.
I am often greeted by atheist who generally are little more than hecklers with no knowledge of the bible, God, or Jesus. Or at best, limited knowledge based on Tv, articles, classes etc..

I'd love to know who of the atheist members(here)have actually read the bible cover to cover, and fully understand the scriptures.


Sorry, not an atheist but not Christian either, but I have read the bible many many times, and still pick it up every once in a while to refresh my memory. I think it has some very good teachings and lessons but overall, I do disagree with most of it.
glaucon said:
So it's fiction that that represents the apex of profundity in human life???

Surely you jest.
You've got something in mind more profound than Shakespeare's plays, Homer's epics, the Bhagavad Gita?
Yes, I've read the Bible. As a once very devout Christian and as a former student at Christian schools how could I not? I actually have personally found many atheists tend to be quite versed on the Bible. .
I am often greeted by atheist who generally are little more than hecklers with no knowledge of the bible, God, or Jesus. Or at best, limited knowledge based on Tv, articles, classes etc..

I'm often greeted by Christians who have no knowledge of the bible, or at best limited knowledge based on word-of-mouth preaching, classes etc.

I'd love to know who of the atheist members(here)have actually read the bible cover to cover, and fully understand the scriptures.

I'd love to know who of the Christian members here have actually read the bible cover to cover, and fully understand the scriptures.
You've got something in mind more profound than Shakespeare's plays, Homer's epics, the Bhagavad Gita?

Yes. For example, a rainbow. And unlike your fiction, it has the added advantage of being real.

Artifice cannot be profound.
Bits and pieces, much the same as with Rand's Atlas Shrugged - I know enough to know I don't need to particularly concern myself with knowing all of it.
glaucon said:
Yes. For example, a rainbow. And unlike your fiction, it has the added advantage of being real.

Artifice cannot be profound.
Rainbows are about as profound as peacock feathers.

They're pretty. So are butterflies, oil slicks - natural, uncontrived oil slicks - etc.

Now if they are incorporated into a story - say of light waves from the sun, traveling at incredible speeds, different lengths of them, hitting ice or water, bending - etc etc

Narrative. The human way of knowing.
I am often greeted by atheist who generally are little more than hecklers with no knowledge of the bible, God, or Jesus. Or at best, limited knowledge based on Tv, articles, classes etc..

I'd love to know who of the atheist members(here)have actually read the bible cover to cover, and fully understand the scriptures.


HAH, you don't even know the half of it, most atheists i've met simply rebounded off christianity, and scale all theisms as christianity and gods as jesus, only two were once muslims, one is in booze to his ears and the other's an agnostic.
while i didn't read the bible, there's a lot i'd like to know about it.
HAH, you don't even know the half of it, most atheists i've met simply rebounded off christianity, and scale all theisms as christianity and gods as jesus, only two were once muslims, one is in booze to his ears and the other's an agnostic.
while i didn't read the bible, there's a lot i'd like to know about it.

Well, actually, yeah I do know the half of it. Some us are pretty brazen, and I always have my radar working for the moment someone says they'd like to know more. Won't shove down anyone's throat, but I won't back away when they're ready.
Well, actually, yeah I do know the half of it. Some us are pretty brazen, and I always have my radar working for the moment someone says they'd like to know more. Won't shove down anyone's throat, but I won't back away when they're ready.

now that's the spirit!:thumbsup:
please open a thread, or just mention here, proofs of christianity contained in the bible. if the evidence is too vast or complex, please give us the outlines, the categories, i wanna compare it to the quran. miracle wise.

i advise you, i will be very critical, proceed with caution. (don't be like me:D)
Narrative. The human way of knowing.

Alas, I have to disagree.
To me, there's little wondrous to be found in the fabrications of the mind.
It's observations however, are an entirely different thing..

what i understanded of christanity, that anything you do at life, and anything you make, you'll finally go to heaven, no punichments will there, if you maked many and very bad things
M*W: The more I read the NT, the more I believe it's a cover for an astrological calendar. The more I learn about it, the more of a myth it becomes.
I'm athiest and I've read the Bible cover to cover.

It's not really possible to say ANYONE understands it completely.

Take the 153 fish parable. How many people know that this refers to Archimedian symbol of fish and that the Pythagoreans use of 2 intersecting circles, one above, one below, with the circumference of one touching the center of the other had a mystical significance?

Not many.

Asking Jesus (aka: yourself) for forgiveness and granting it, is a powerful psychological tool, and is possibly why Christianity is such a successful religion. It's, its, redeeming factor :)
I'd love to know who of the atheist members(here)have actually read the bible cover to cover, and fully understand the scriptures.

I'm not an atheist but I find this statement a bit amusing...

'fully understand the scripture'- who's understanding? Yours or mine? Understanding is a subjective thing so I don't think you can argue that someone 'fully understand the scripture'.

Peace be unto you ;)
I'm not an atheist but I find this statement a bit amusing...

'fully understand the scripture'- who's understanding? Yours or mine? Understanding is a subjective thing so I don't think you can argue that someone 'fully understand the scripture'.

Peace be unto you ;)

Exactly! So why do they argue?