Have you any personal experience with the paranormal?

ever have a paranormal experiance?

like ghosts, ufo's, chupacabra, sasquatch, telekinisis, MIB, cattle mutalations, candy man....
I've posted one story a million times here, check the other threads *around* that have this same general subject.

But a friend told me he saw a light in the sky do the usual flying around really fast and impossible aerial maneuvers before disapearing.
i've seen alot of things, like seeing my dog walk dowm the hallway, and disappear, then heard her bark, i've seen orbs, and felt presences. My radio goes up and down on it's own, and things happen in my kitchen for no reason. Is that haunted?
ive seen ghost on a few occasions, in my home i have seen a man and a woman that stand in the doorway with there one arm around the other. all they do is smile, after awhile they turn around start to walk away and then just vanish
We have ghosts and spirits pop in all the time. Such is the lot of a wife of an out of work parapsychologist from Duke U. He has a sign will bust ghosts for food.;) Hats off to TheErk on channeling Jim Morrison.:D
{spirt will evoke what YoU manifest out of you }

0f course i have ,,

the scariest in dreams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I saw, with my own eyes, a shaman (for lack of suitable word) in the mystical hills of matopos in Zimbabwe who could summon lizards to eat out of his hand. They came in their hundreds. he mutters a strange, uninteligible "language" he says they know. He was black but had blue eyes, as you'd only find on caucasians; any person who has been there will tell you this he does this daily. There was intrigue abound in Africa this was not the only unreal thing I witnessed but to stay within the borders of (worldly) sanity & keep peple in countenance I'll urge you rather to look yourself.
wont tell so as to inspire... ?
sales for air travel?

sounds a bit dondgey on the end of such a an event.

but im sure you meant it in a honest way?

did he give you any advice?
stuff like that?

or did you just play the brain dead tourist and through him a dollar coin as you passed by?

groove on all :)
I don't believe in seeing the future so didn't ask anything in that direction but he showed me many plants ( hehe) used for healing & (rainmaking) ceremonies & stuff like that. He was an interesting guy with lots to say without bewlsh*t. World wise & down to earth as most people would imagine Ayahausca sessions & demented rambling but none of that - an ordinary bloke who genuinely seems to know something we all don't - kinda like being privy to a cosmic joke no-one else knows.
ANY *para*normal things...

My own *rather small and limited I must admit*ability of telekinesis...
And some psi-ball making...

But I do know 2 other things...

A father of a friend, he's in his 70's, was very skeptical and close minded...
He did see some UFO, although, he believed it was...
Our friend told that he didn't believe itt, by hearing it on the radio, tv or from the news papers or articles...

Clearly skeptical about it...

So one night he seen some light in the sky racing trough it, probably rather bright and all...
But he forgot to take a picture, and I know myself he wouldn't even joke about it...

UFO's, I'm skeptical...
Extra terestrial life, I believe in...

The other thing I know is that there was a sighting in The Hague...
About 6 light spots rapidly go in some pattern flashing over the clouds... *uhhhm, UNDER even ;)*

I did see it myself...
Whit that friend and my parents...
The moment I've seen those sports, I said that it wasn't one...

My brother seen in and told it the next day on his work...
Ironically, he heard later that day that 500 people from The Hague called in because of a UFO sighting...

For me it wasn't unidentifyable...
It where big spot light, such as they used to spot airplanes in WWII...

The spots where so big at that hight that IF it would be an UFO, you could clearly be hearing it...
What I figured, you have to be deaf to believe itt for real *but I geuss not*...

Second, the light was so clear on the clouds, that it would ratherly be projected on the bottom side, then through the top...
Third, the parrets of the lights smashing eachother, well, if it where 6 independant UFO's they'd all crash 20 times...
or the size of the light would change if they evaded eachother...

On the other hand, it could be a bigger ship whit multiple lights, but even then you would notice the sky getting darker *although it was night...

I geuss I'm to much into detail whit that...
It's an impulse whit that kind of things...
I just know what it is or how it is...

BTW, I appeared to be a promotional light show for a batman thingy or something...
Always grown up seeing spirits.

I can get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, and see someone standing on the stairs watching me. It's the norm, so it don't bother me. Lived for 18 months on top of a war burial site, that bothered me.

One of my friend's whose partner died 18 years ago still communicate with him, talking and showing up. When he brought the house he is currently in, everyone saw him standing outside the house, looking in through the window, smiling. I communicate with him as well.

Seen ufo's and such all my life. Have even had instances where many people around me have seen them. Have been on camps where people around me have been abducted. But if you want to hear more about peoples experiences with ufo's and abductions, go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AlienExperiences/ Some of the experiences there that people have had will send chills down your spine.
I have had two occasions of witnessing UFO's and I not telling what I have seen weird. like balls of light, and shadow people..naa..
Originally posted by Adam
Have you ever seen, heard, or felt, et cetera, with your physical senses, anything which you can not explain?

The house that my mom and sisters live in is currently haunted. It was a Civil War house and I think there was a family whose sons went off to war. One came back wounded and died in the house. That is one. There might have been a little girl later on, but I'm not sure of the time period. I have seen both. The man was in his mid-twenties and frankly, scared the shit out of me when I first saw him. The front door of my mom's house is in a hallway. In front of you when you enter is the back stairway up to my old room. To your right is the living room, which was actually part of the barn. To the left is the kitchen and from there, you can get to the rest of the house. One night, about 9 o'clock, I was getting something from the bottom of the back stairway (I never used it), when I heard a voice in my right ear say, "Hey". I turned to see if it was my brother, but what I actually saw was a figure in an old shirt walking towards the living room and fade away. I freaked out and didn't sleep for the night. That was my first encounter with the man. One other time, I was in my room and I glanced out of the corner of my eye and saw him leaning against the wall with his arm while he looked out the window. I kind of froze, but I didn't turn my head. He looked towards me and his eyes were pure white. All of my encounters happened inside or near the vicinity of my bedroom, which was always cold. A sign that spirits are near. The little girl, I saw only once, but it gave me the weirdest feeling. Again, I was upstairs and I was walking down the hall towards my room. From the hallway, there is one room you go through and then you hit my old bedroom. I was in this connecting room and saw a little girl about the height of my littlest sister, holding a doll to herself. For some reason she also looked at me and then went behind the chimney that goes up through the center of the room. I went around the same way, but there was nothing there. I even turned on the light and looked in the closet. The look she gave me was as if she were playing a game with someone. Like I said, really strange. Both my sisters have seen the girl at least once, but nothing of the man. My brother didn't even know about any of this until he just came over and read this. I should also mention the windows. All the windows in my bedroom (there were four) had a strange streak across them that never washed off. I lived in this house for three years and slept in that room for all of them.
Dancing balls of light are supposedly clouds of ionized gas, ie lightning balls.
The same density(or less) as air they seem to 'dance' along with the wind pretty much as a plastic bag will in a strong breeze.
Yes, i dont know about FoxMulder's experience, but i just wanted to share mine with you, ive seen a demon with my own eyes, 2 of my friends seen it, and i cought it photos

i went to God after i had this experience......the demon haunted me, i had a curse on me, or my family......i went to Jesus Christ

what have i seen? MANY things

one night i was lying on my couch in my basement, hid from any windows on the roof while i was watching tv, lights came across the roof and then i felt breathin in my face,
the next morning, 6 am, i came into the bathroom, ready to have a shower....i heard a noise outside. then a BANG on the side of my house.....sounded like a cinder block hit the side of my house, when we left, (i lived at home at the time) me and my mom and my bro got in the van and from the side of the house where the bang came from, a ball of golden yellow light about the size of a basketball came from that corner of the house and went across the front of my house and flew up towards the sky....i was praying in my room and my friend walked in and he seen that same ball of light and he pointed at it and said "THERE IT IS, THERE IT IS"......out of fear i didnt look because i just knew he seen it, he described exactly the ball of light, and i hadnt told him the story of the ball of light......i was in a chatroom talking to a devil worshipper(had 666 beside his name and i was talking to him about it) and we got to some controversy over satan, and a red light appeared on my hand......i told him about it, and he told me "satan likes me".....at this time i didnt know he was a devil worshipper......then he tried to convert me.....he had no doubt i seen a red light......

now, when i prayed to God for forgiveness and had no doubt in my heart that i was forgiven......Jesus Christ sent the holy spirit into me, i just expected to be forgiven, but the holy spirit hit me like a ton of bricks

John 15:26 But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:

its so obvious that it is a testimony.....it felt like heaven on earth, its like a giant wave of joy but its a spirit, that happened a year an a half ago, and to this day the spirit is still here, the spirit is my guarentee that im saved at the redemption according to ephesians 1:13 -14
i dont want to be a nuisense, but i was a former atheist.......i know with all my heart that heaven and hell is real, and that Jesus is the way to eternal life

God loves you, he wishes that none perish, theres devils and demons all around us that we cant see, im dont know everything, but this is knowledge

what God said to Israel in Ezekial

Eze 33:11 Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?

he loves you and knows you more then anyone, you just have to repent and you will know the truth
as Jesus said

8:31 Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;
8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

he said "know".....if you speak to any truely genuine Christians, ask them how they know

Jesus also said

John 7:17 If any man will do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself.

this is real...if youve ever prayed with faith, no doubt in your heart of what was prayed for, youve seen an answered prayer

Mat 17:20 And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.

anyone who doesnt have a bible



ask me anything......i will tell you more of the story, or you can share ya own

ive seen thousands of things of the supernatural, and most of them came from prayer

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

much love to all of you
