Have you any personal experience with the paranormal?

hey there ppl! im glad im not the only person out there that has problems with the paranormal. I once had touch lamps in my room and they would go on and off beginning at 6:00am every morning. After about a couple weeks of that, it began to freak me out so i unplugged them. About a week ago i plugged a different touch lamp in and it did the same thing. It now has inspired me to study parapsychology when i begin college. Any ideas where i can attend college?? let me know -k-
Hi Tracy, welcome to sciforums.

I am not convinced it is paranormal. It's very possible there is an intermitten short in the power supply or a soldering blob in the circuit board or cold soldering joint or something. BTW, this is the 2nd time I have to type this message because my computer just rebooted itself and caused me to lose the message. I guess that's paranormal too.

What would really be considered paranormal is if the lamp turns on by itself even though it is unplugged. That would be something.
heyya all :)

just a little juncster position...

para... (some latin thingey i guess)
normal... (ummmmmmmm)

perception is the definition of the minds ability to not be biggoted!

who is trying to be "normal" and who is trying to be
is more the key to this thread as to allot of others!


innate knoledge...
thought transference/intereafence/control
collective mind tapping...
talking to "god"
shape shifting
astral traveling
time travel
are all some things that some people call normal!!!
the para part is for the skeptics! not the believers :D
if ya get my point :)
maybe you should start another thread that will not attract the crazzy "destructive" ones! :)

groove on all :)
The house i grew up in was about a hundred years old and from the time i was a child there were always strange noises in this house. One recurring noise especially was the sound of a womans footsteps running up and down the stairs. I would usually hear this when I was in my room, one of the walls of which adjoined the enclosed stairwell from the front porch to the second floor. Also lights would go on or off at peculiar times, often when you were talking with someone about the noises. There was also at times a feeling of not being alone in the house even when there was no one else there, as well as a feeling of goosebumps or "coldspots" that didnt seem to have a fixed location.
As I got older and wondered more and more about what exactly was going on I did some reasearch and found a book that recommended talking to the "entity" or what ever to encourage it to make itself more evident. I did this.
The results were pretty interesting. As I attempted to communicate with what ever it was I eventually got the feeling that they (turned out to be more than one) were following me around the house, which was ok, they werent really threatening. The only problem with this was that if I would suddenly reverse my course (for instance halfway up the stairs I would remember something I'd forgotten downstairs) I would run through a coldspot and all the hairs on my neck and arms would stand up :)
I might have thought that I was imagining all of this except that other people experienced it too. I had friends over about once a week to play poker or sometimes people would come over to just hang out, the entities would make themselves scarce when I had company, they were a little shy. We played poker/hung out in an upstairs living room, with a darkened hallway just outside its door. Ocaisionally while I had company a shadow would move in the hallway that looked for all the world like something sticking its head around the doorjamb to see what was going on. Someone would ocaisionally notice this and say, "Whats that?" if I thought they were open minded enough for the explanation I'd tell them, otherwise I would just say, "What? What are you talking about?". This hallway was a favorite place of theirs and sometimes you could hear the floorboards there creak as if someone were walking across them. Also in just the right light, not completely dark but not very much light, you could see them. THeir appearance was as if they were clouds of tiny pinpoint lights of various blue-puple-green colors with some yellow points, the were very faint and too much or too little light would ruin the chance to catch them.
The impression I had of these things was that they were a man and woman, I dont know exactly what they were really though, I dont think they were living or concious in the way we are, on the other hand I dont think they were spirits of the dead either :) They were strange in the sense that they were outside conventional experience, but they were in no way sinister, in fact I felt some affection for them, sort of like I've felt for pets that I've owned. After the house sold I worried about them a little and hoped that they would settle in ok with the new family. I actually thought about going back and checking on them, but couldnt think of a good way to explain to the new owners what I wanted to do there :)
My personal theory is that they were impressions that former occupants of the house had left on it somehow.
I did live in a house after that where there was a noticable stationary cold spot that had a decidely sinister feel to it that other people noticed too. I didnt want to know any more about that so didnt investigate. Every other place Ive lived seemd pretty clean.

Being more of a rationalist than not, Im still conflicted about this, what exactly it was etc. I guess that sometimes life experience presents you with things for which your views make no provision.

Ok. Thats mine. So now you guys think im delusional, right?
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I have. It happened last summer in July. I was traveling around europe with a student group of about 40 and we stopped in venice. When we got to our hotel we heard from one of our leaders that our hotel was something like 500 years old, and was once a monastery. I'm not sure if this is true or not, it didn't look much like a monastery, but then i'd never seen one before... Anyways, there were five people in my room. One kid got up to go brush his teeth, and when he walked under the light in the middle of the room, it went off. He walked into the bathroom and it turned back on. Just on a whim, he stepped back into the room, and it turned off. So someone jokingly said, "Flash once if you can hear me." And it flashed once. Now we were all getting a little weirded out. We tried telling it to flash a few more times and it did. We established that one flash would mean "yes" two "no". We were all pretty freaked out but we asked it questions. We started with things like, "Are you a ghost" "Did you come here to tell us something". Eventually, we had twelve people in the room, each time a new person came we asked the light to flash a certain number of times and it did. By asking yes and no questions, we got this information: The light "claimed" to be the spirit of a monk who died in the room we were in. He claimed that this was the first time he had tried to contact anyone. We asked how long it had to speak with us and it told us 20 minutes. The light told us that there is no "correct" religion, but there is a God. It said we were all going to hell, except one of us, but that we could change that by our actions in life. It said that it was waiting for us to ask a specific question, but as far as we know, we never asked the right one. It said that man will destroy himself by nuclear war. Now, just by chance ALL FOUR leaders stopped by to check on our room that night, they all saw it. Ours was the only room they all checked. One of them spoke arabic and asked in arabic "are you the devil?". The light flashed twice very quickly as if it were angry. We asked if he was religious and got a long, bright flash, a strong yes. The one leader who was spanish asked in spanish if the spirit spoke different languages, but at that instant, the light flickered and stayed on. Twenty minutes had gone by.

Some interesting facts: Everyone in the room (to begin with) said that before the experience they were either atheist or agnostic. A total of 13 people saw it, but one kid thought we were joking and left. I don't know much about the bible but werent there twelve disciples and one that left and was replaced?

I have a very difficult time convincing myself that this really happened. Before this event i was just about an atheist, now i am an agnostic. I still have great difficulty believing in god, but this experience makes me decidedly undecided as opposed to atheist. Being a scientific thinker and a skeptic all my life, i really have no idea what to make of this experience. The chances of the light randomly flickering in the correct responses to all our questions are practically zero.

I told my parents about it, but there was no way i could explain it well enough, they just said someone must have been playing a joke on us. To tell the truth, thats what i would have said if i hadnt been there. I still have trouble believing it, and i was there. However, it is because of this that i never tell anyone who claims to have seen something that they couldnt have seen it. If they jump to conclusions and say "oh it must have been an alien" or something i will correct them, but i will almost never say "No you couldnt have seen that."

:eek: :bugeye: :confused:

Personally i dont believe in the paranormal (though ghostbusters was awsome). But if your interested you should look into electro-magnetic tape recording. The thing about that is that you can hear things on the tape that was not sound. Something about the tape being changed by electro-magnetic interference (presumably ghosts) and you can hear voices and stuff...
I have one story I usually don't tell as soul, since it gets stares and sometimes people get uncomfotable.

When I was three, my family to a small Baptist Church which was here in San Antonio Texas. The reception hall of the church was in a small building away from the chapel. The upstairs of the building was almost never used, and was often unlit. More than once I would go upstairs in that building out of curiosity, and I always got an errie feeling.

I remember going upstairs, to find one of the classrooms was lit. I walked inside, to find a classroom of young boys and girls who were my age at play with blocks, Legos, busy boxes, exct. Their was an older lady watching over them. I asked "Can I come play too?" and she let me stay a while, but after a while she asked me to leave. I asked "why" and she said that I wasn't supposed to be there. I left, but I don't understand why I had to go. When I came back some time later, I couldn't find the room. I told my mom about it, but she said I was seeing things... and at the same time she would turn to some of the other people their and speak in whispers.

Another day, I found the same room one afternoon. Once again, it was lit and the rest of the area was dark. I walked in and asked again to come play, but she wouldn't let me stay again. I remember a man walking in, who did a few things and left. I didn't recognize him from the church. After a few more moments of the old woman talking to me (and me not recognizing what she was saying), I was told again to leave.

The last time I saw the room, I walked in and wanted so to come play! The old woman sat me down and told me to look at the other children. "Do you know that these boys and girls are all dead?" I was too young to really understand what she was saying, so I shook my head. She looked at me and said "Your not supposed to be here. Now, get out!" This time, she walked me to the door, and closed it behind me. I never saw them again.
My most Paranormal Experience

have one story I usually don't tell as soul, since it gets stares and sometimes people get uncomfotable.

When I was three, my family to a small Baptist Church which was here in San Antonio Texas. The reception hall of the church was in a small building away from the chapel. The upstairs of the building was almost never used, and was often unlit. More than once I would go upstairs in that building out of curiosity, and I always got an errie feeling.

I remember going upstairs, to find one of the classrooms was lit. I walked inside, to find a classroom of young boys and girls who were my age at play with blocks, Legos, busy boxes, exct. Their was an older lady watching over them. I asked "Can I come play too?" and she let me stay a while, but after a while she asked me to leave. I asked "why" and she said that I wasn't supposed to be there. I left, but I don't understand why I had to go. When I came back some time later, I couldn't find the room. I told my mom about it, but she said I was seeing things... and at the same time she would turn to some of the other people their and speak in whispers.

Another day, I found the same room one afternoon. Once again, it was lit and the rest of the area was dark. I walked in and asked again to come play, but she wouldn't let me stay again. I remember a man walking in, who did a few things and left. I didn't recognize him from the church. After a few more moments of the old woman talking to me (and me not recognizing what she was saying), I was told again to leave.

The last time I saw the room, I walked in and wanted so to come play! The old woman sat me down and told me to look at the other children. "Do you know that these boys and girls are all dead?" I was too young to really understand what she was saying, so I shook my head. She looked at me and said "Your not supposed to be here. Now, get out!" This time, she walked me to the door, and closed it behind me. I never saw them again.

Being a child, I may not have grasped everything. I have these memories, they may be altered who knows. All I know is that every time I drive past the abandoned church building, I still get an errie feeling... like I'm being watched, or maybe warned?

interesting story, but i dont know if i believe you. i say this only because its the first time ive ever heard of a dead person saying, "look, im dead okay. dont talk to me." but, it is san antonio. place is pretty old.


thats pretty mindboggling. did you ask the monk what heaven and hell were like? or why he could only stay for 20 minutes?


did your ghost friends ever walk in on you while you were having sex? (serious question) and do ghosts even have sex drives? (you said they were a couple?)
You have entered the twilight zone, where normal things don't happen...very often

My most paranormal experience was when I was 10 and I was in a car driving through a country lane. A car came up right behind us and started flashing its lights (it was during the day) and honking its horn. My mum got really nervous abot this car and she couldn't pull over to let it pass as it was a one lane road. I looked back again, and it had gone. There wasn't any other roads nearby for miles and the lane was enclosed by hedges. It had just disappeared....
During a heavy winter storm a few years ago I awoke in the near absolute darkness to see a bright, blue light streaming in through my small windows. I was terrified and ran upstairs to my parents room. It was only like, three years ago, but I was really fucking scared, and fairly certain that I was awake. It was during a power outage and my room is on the side of the house that does not face the road, soooooo, your guess is as good as mine as to what it was that caused me to see the light.
Im not sure if its anything exiting but I keep thinking I see someone , like a shadow sometimes out the corner of my eyes but its not there when I look but the image is stuck in my mind. I SEE DEAD PEOPLE.. lol . I once had the wierdest of all dreams very wierd cuz it affected my body. I dreamt I was out infront of my old house and it was dark, i was with someone i dont know and we were kicking around a big red ball. Then I notice 2 little girls ... I forgot what they were doing. But then all of a sudden I was on the ground and someone was on top of me like a shadow... having sex with me, this is different from a wet dream cuz in wet dream your in the mood for it , but i wasnt when this happend, anyway the shadow merged with my i became it and it became me. When first the shadow appeared I kinda woke up I believe , but i couldnt wake up all the way. So while it was have sex/merging with me I was feeling vibes through my body. After it was over I woke up. Maybe it was a succubus....?
When I think about the dream , it wasnt scary, the only scary part was the scene we were in.

thnx Bye
heyya all:)
cool, storys! :)
how old were you at the time?
i think children have abilities to merge to other realms but lack the ability to control the situation so maybe you were in a different dimensional shift and the lady told you the kids were dead so as to confuse you!
Pollux V...
so you been marked?
got some weird dreams that seem too real???
take control!
dont agree to do anything you dont want!
this could be your ability to see other dimensions with the greater definition of your perripheral vision!
LOOK TO THE SIDE OF IT... and study the image in your mind...
rather than trying to stare strait at it!
this should help but dont get paranoid!!!
-one thing i have seen...
a women dissapear in a gas explosion...
she was devoured by the flames and there was no trace of her yet it took years before i could come to terms with what happened...
i first saw her screaming to me and anyone else beacause a building was on fire and some people were inside and she was sreaming
"you have to help them"!
and some other stuff...
for about 1 minute...
but my inner voice said wait!
and so i waited for a minute...
and then a huge gas explosion went off and a ball of flames 15-20 feet high(5 meters) came out of the building and i raised my arm to cover my eyes as i looked away and then when i looked back she was gone!
never to be seen again!
but i was soo concerned about the people in the building i forgot about the women who had been standing there until about 5 years later!

peace light
truth love
Seeing other dimension =) nice. I'm wondering what kind of dimension Im seeing? Are those dots I am seeing fairies hehehe that would be cool, cuz I see fairie looking people in my chakras at times , well not all my chakras I see 3 , from lower part of body to middle to head. And they all look very.... hmmm , sexy, and very intriguing I would guess lol. I remember seeing one thats has like green hair with brown stuff looks like roots as clothes, I see a golden haired 1 with an amulet on forehead with gold armor or something, and a purple one with purple hair , and designs on the face with armor type clothing too and all have wings. I think I'm imagining them probably lol.
But I'm been trying to figure out the dots I've been seeing . I see a lot of yellow, orange and green, and I see purple not as much but black is new to me.
did your ghost friends ever walk in on you while you were having sex? (serious question) and do ghosts even have sex drives? (you said they were a couple?)

Wow. I never thought about that but I dont remember that ever noticing that happening. I slept in a room at the end of the hall I mentioned and seem to remember them coming in at times but not when I had company there, but I usually noticed them mostly in their movement, and when I had company in my bedroom I was usually pretty focused :) I do recall having the feeling at times that they were there after sex but I usually didnt mention it since it freaked some people out (and I usually wanted her to come back :) )
Since I did notice them there after though, I suppose they might have been there during. Actually after thinking about it I can almost certainly say that they werent there during sex, I got to feel that i knew them, they were always together, I think they would have considered it rude to intrude on a friends intimate life. (wouldnt you?)

As far as them having sex drives, I'm not really sure they were ever really human, or that if they were they werent really concious in the way we think of it or that they had independent motives to seek something like sexual gratification.
My personal theory is that they were some kind of impression that former occupants had left on the house. A sort of spiritual/ emotional impression left on the space that the house enclosed in somewhat the same way that light leaves an impression on photographic film (terrible example but the best I can come up with). Also another metaphor that comes to mind is the dust devil, when wind conditions are right they can last for minutes at a time. They did seem to exhibit a kind of empathic attraction to human beings, maybe some emotional/psychic energy was needed in the space in the house to refresh their presence, like you need wind for a dust devil.
Anyway all this theory is just wild speculation, I dont really know much about them (yet on another level I feel I knew them well), their was nothing really quantifiable about their presence, nothing you could measure. If I hadnt verified my impressions with others who visited the house and if
people who had no knowledge or hint of them hadnt noticed oddities in this house I would be tempted to deny my own experience and pretend that I had just imagined this or that it was all just a trick of perception of somekind. Im still conflicted by what I experienced in that house and have no really good explanation for it.

only impressions on a house? not even ghosts? strange...but you say they were sentient beings? i dont know, they were probably ghosts that only came out when other people were around. sentient "impressions" seems to odd a concept....

you still seem really interested in them. i would go visit them if i were you.
Paranormal or not. In my new apartment ...things move....by themselves. Especially an old teddybear seems to have become particularly animate.
I think it has to do with my neighbour, an undertaker, a funeral arranger.