Have you any personal experience with the paranormal?


§Þ@ç€ MØnk€¥
Registered Senior Member
Have you ever seen, heard, or felt, et cetera, with your physical senses, anything which you can not explain? For example, have you seen a ghost, right there before your eyes?
One night when I was walking pass a cemetery I saw this guy in black standing in the shadows of a tree. It was weird, I walked quickly out of there pretending not to see anything.
I was attacked by demonic forces.


I am a demonic force! I guess everyone who has read my posts has had an encounter. I can't say I attacked Fox though.

:D :D :D :p :p :p :eek:
Re: Adam

Originally posted by FoxMulder
I was attacked by demonic forces. :(

I once thought that all the posts of this sorry idiot were aimed at converting all to Christianity. I've been proven wrong...

And yes, FoxMulder, we know you're possessed with demonic forces trying to sell us on Christianity ;)
When I was twelve, in the middle of winter we had this killer storm where I live, the power was out for a day or two, and I had no school for a week. At the beginning, in the middle of the night, through my window came a bright blue light, I don't know for how long, but needless to say I was scared shitless, and ran upstairs to my parent's room, proclaiming that I would not return. I may have been half asleep but I seriously doubt it, after all back then I got pretty scared by giant snowstorms, power outages, and the etcetera. I am not joking and I swear that that is the truth.

Hope this was what you were aiming for, Adam. It doesn't appear as if too many other people are taking the thread seriously.

And to fox: Wow! Where have ya been, man? I haven't seen you...in awhile! It's great to have yet another bonkered person on the sciforums, once again!
Polly: My room is a mess and demonic forces drank all my beer. And I start a new job tomorrow, so I'm nervous.

Lucky thing they drank all my beer, I suppose.

How've you been?
I've been checking my handy dandy wire cutter again and again because at the moment I lack a job or any prospect of getting one. I have a wire cutter because, as you'll see under "Ethics in Strategy Games II" in intelligence and machines, avatar and I are afraid that bots in various shooting games are going to take over the world. Our last defense THE WIRECUTTER!!!
avatar and I are afraid that bots in various shooting games are going to take over the world. Our last defense THE WIRECUTTER!!!


*Backs slowly away from Pollux*
Back ontopic! I know how tempting it is with FoxM. and his demonic forces.

It is no excuse though. Back ontopic.

If not, your posts will be edited or deleted!
No, I cant say that I have. Once when I was little, I was walking to my bedroom and as I passed my moms room, I saw the outline of a person through her window. There was an orange light behind him and he was just standing there facing our window:eek: Anyhoo, I concluded it was someone standing on the neighbors deck when their back porch was on. Must of been a pervert or something(?)

Oh, and I have seen these starlike things in the sky like 11/12 times throughout my life. They get bright sometimes, if not they just move across the sky slowly before fading out. I have concluded that those are satellites(?)

Who knows though.....:bugeye:

Adam / i used to ride motor cycles with a gang of others, it was on a funny night everything seemed to be going wrong, you know it was one of those days, my mate and i were with two other friends, and decided to go to for a long ride, we had decided to ride into the sun, and when it had gone down then find out were we where, it all seemed to go right until we were coming home two of us had a smahh up, i walked away, but my friend did not, he died two weeks later in hospital, when his bike was off the road he would ride with me he had a habit of putting his thumbs just on the inside of my belt, anyway three weeks after his death i was riding on my own on a stormy night, and i felt his thumbs on the inside of my belt, it scared the hell out of me i stoped but the feeling went as soon as i did, after that i never felt it again.

do the starlike things follow a straight course or zigzag?

I REALLY wanna see a UFO. If they exist. It's at the top of my list. I will never desist. So please throw no fits.:D:D

They are almost always in a straight line. Once though, I looked straight up (see, I always look at the sky) and I seen something like a star, it got really bright, moved a tiny bit to the left, and then disappeared. It was really trippy. And no, I was not stoned.:) And then, it was day time once. And I was watching this old plane fly by (I live by 3 small airports and an Air Force base) and I seen a little tiny white thing above the plane. Well the plane kept going and this little thing was floating in the sky. It wasnt a bird - too high, and it couldnt of been a baloon or a bag - too high up. Anyhoo, I watched this thing for over an hour before finally I couldnt see it anymore. REally trippy. And I wasnt stoned that time either. I dont know what it could of been. And I have witnessess too. Everything thinks Im crazy until they see one with me. Ive had 4 other friends see these things too. Very trippy like.

Does anyone know if you can see satellites sometimes?
heyya all


There was an orange light behind him and he was just standing there facing our window

this was real!
it was an encounter!
so now you know!
-if you wish to realy know the truth... it is out there,
and if you look without shouting too loud...
you will find it!

and I seen a little tiny white thing above the plane
these i think... are sentry things(robot censors)
that are used around top secret instilations for security!
HOW COOL would that be to have your own private drink tray floating in mid air :D

since you live near by...
im sure you will see more things if you keep an open mind!(secure..!.. but open!!!)

groove on