Hate Crimes and Homos - a revealing perspective


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SAN FRANCISCO, California (AP) -- Prosecutors said Thursday they want to limit the use of "gay panic" defenses -- where defendants claim their crimes were justified because of fear or anger over their victims' sexual orientation.

An interesting headline, not necessarily in and of itself, but the fact that the court-room reality it portrays so greatly contradicts a strongly held cultural myth about the idea of hate-crimes. The fact that the “Gay panic” defense is real, and actually played should, I think, call into question the validity of our fear over being accused of hate-crimes (at least ones directed toward homosexuals). Many white-men especially seem to express that they feel that if they so much as speak-negatively about a minority that they’ll be accused of a hate-crime, forgetting that in order to be accused of a hate-crime there must first be a crime involved.

Many states don’t include homosexuals in anti-discriminatory legislation anyhow, so more often than not it’s simply a non-issue. Perhaps some comfort can be taken in the knowledge that you can still go before a judge and say “Your honor, it turned out she was a dude, and so like. . . what was I supposed to do, you know?" and it might just get you somewhere.
Many homosexuals try to change the appearance of there gender in hopes of fooling heterosexuals into sexual activity.

This is a behaviour that hetrosexuals do not practice.
Mystech said:
Many white-men especially seem to express that they feel that if they so much as speak-negatively about a minority that they’ll be accused of a hate-crime, forgetting that in order to be accused of a hate-crime there must first be a crime involved.
You can't be accused of a hate crime, perhaps, but you can be accused of "hate speech," which is a newly invented crime. Even if it's not a crime that's prosecuted in your area, it's an issue that the HR departments of all large companies take seriously. More seriously in many cases than being drunk on the job. You say the wrong thing, or simply be misunderstood, at the office, and you can be out of a job in the morning.
D'ster said:
Many homosexuals try to change the appearance of there gender in hopes of fooling heterosexuals into sexual activity.

This is a behaviour that hetrosexuals do not practice.
Got any evidence for this assertion? Certainly, the several homsexuals that I know do not do this, and i have not heard of any actually doing it, although there seem to be some websites devoted to allegedly "fooling' straight guys by using she-males, although I cant see what the attraction is and they are likely staged.
Oh if only we could go back to the days when you could beat fags to death and be applauded! Now dem homoseckshalls have equal rights so we can't single em out no more after a nighta drinkin and kill us one er two queers. Maybe the haters here longing for beating gay men to death would appreciate Iran & Saudi Arabia. It's completely legal to kill as many fags as you can find. Public executions of homos are regular, most are teens. Gotta love it!!! Fred needs you! www.godhatesfags.com
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People in England still do this quite regularly. Also you can be beaten to a pulp for refusing someone a fag (cigarette in english before you phobes go into lock/kill mode), daring to ask someone to pick up litter, walking on the footpath (sidewalk) and god help you if you appear before a group of three or more people and lock eyes.....
Murder is criminal behaviour of the lowest order, no matter what the provocation - with the exception of self defense in a life threatening situation. Defending yourself with "rage due to an embarassing situation" is unacceptable and should legally be disbarred as an argument.

Genji, if that wasn't sarcasm, you're a jacka$$.
Enterprise-D said:
Murder is criminal behaviour of the lowest order, no matter what the provocation - with the exception of self defense in a life threatening situation. Defending yourself with "rage due to an embarassing situation" is unacceptable and should legally be disbarred as an argument.

Genji, if that wasn't sarcasm, you're a jacka$$.
I was responding to the gaybashers here on this board and in this thread lamenting the fact it's illegal to set out and hunt a certain type of person because you dislike their sexual persuasion. I've seen what that hate can do to a person and their families and friends. If violence against gays is something being encouraged by some social fascists here then I, as a gay man, will respond accordingly.
sniffy said:
there's a lot of bashers generally on this forum
It's unfortunately common about everywhere. It brings out the worst in people. I'll admit though I have my targets: Rightists, zionists, fascists, child molesters and religious fundamentalists.
Bowser said:
You would think that the charge of aggravated murder would suffice.
The difference is someone seeking out a TYPE of person to attack or kill. Not for money, nothing random about it, just targeting a small minority with violence because of who they are. If I planned to seek out conservatives to assault I am committing a 2nd crime. Stalking a particular part of town looking for this particular type of person, patronizing bars, establishments in hopes of drawing the victim away to beat or kill is more than regular premeditation. Looking for blacks to attack was a huge American past time for many years, now Hispanics and muslims are targets. Randomly assaulting someone is not the same as mapping out and planning to select a certain type of person for violence or death.
D'ster said:
Many homosexuals try to change the appearance of there gender in hopes of fooling heterosexuals into sexual activity.

This is a behaviour that hetrosexuals do not practice.

well once it gets down to it you can tell if a person is a boy or girl.
Genji said:
The difference is someone seeking out a TYPE of person to attack or kill. Not for money, nothing random about it, just targeting a small minority with violence because of who they are. If I planned to seek out conservatives to assault I am committing a 2nd crime. Stalking a particular part of town looking for this particular type of person, patronizing bars, establishments in hopes of drawing the victim away to beat or kill is more than regular premeditation. Looking for blacks to attack was a huge American past time for many years, now Hispanics and muslims are targets. Randomly assaulting someone is not the same as mapping out and planning to select a certain type of person for violence or death.

How many instances of "hate crimes" are nothing more than happenstance? Two opposing views meeting by coincidence and their interaction leads to conflict. I cannot condone violence there, but I find it troubling that we are exposing ourselves to the prospect that ideas or beliefs are punishable.
If some guy wants to hide the fact that he is male (Dude Looks Like A Lady) in hopes of attracting other males for sexual activity's.

That dude that looks like a lady needs a beat down.
D'ster said:
If some guy wants to hide the fact that he is male (Dude Looks Like A Lady) in hopes of attracting other males for sexual activity's.

That dude that looks like a lady needs a beat down.

I'm guessing you're not saying that from a "Christian" perspective, are you?