Hate Crime Laws are Stupid

I should be more selfish and only try to protect the laws of freedom that I use,

Ah, I see Max, you don't want to indulge in bigotry, but you altruistically want to protect the 'rights' of others to be a bigot and oppress people if they choose to do so?

That's a really weak argument Max, it really is. Why does anybody need to reserve the right to be a bigot?
It's only slightly limited for practical reasons, where your speech would cause direct harm, as if you commanded your dog to attack someone. In most other ways it is not limited.

Slightly limited? Not really, you cannot shout 'Fire!' when there is none and expect to get away with that if you cause panic for no reason.

You cannot tell lies about people, and not expect to get sued.

You cannot threaten people, and use 'freedom of speech' as a defense.

You cannot disclose all information you may know, as you may be bound by secrecy and privacy laws.

We are not debating freedom of speech here, because you don't have it. We are debating how much limitation you accept, and whether anybody requires the freedom to be a bigot.
Slightly limited? Not really, you cannot shout 'Fire!' when there is none and expect to get away with that if you cause panic for no reason.

You cannot tell lies about people, and not expect to get sued.

You cannot threaten people, and use 'freedom of speech' as a defense.

You cannot disclose all information you may know, as you may be bound by secrecy and privacy laws.

We are not debating freedom of speech here, because you don't have it. We are debating how much limitation you accept, and whether anybody requires the freedom to be a bigot.

strange, when i argued this about a cartoon of mohumad with a bomb in his turban everyone jumped on it, tying to argue freedom of speach was all powerful rather than just a means to an end. Ie free political speach is nessary for democrasy but freedom to be an asshole isnt, freedom to lie isnt that smokes are good for your health isnt, freedom to say the dahli lahma is a terrorist because its fun isnt, freedom to yell "fire" because you find the people running around ammusing isnt, ect
We are not debating freedom of speech here, because you don't have it. We are debating how much limitation you accept, ...

So you just want to whittle away at the freedoms, limitiing them in any and every way that you wish, but you still want to call it "freedom"? What other freedoms are you wanting to whittle away at?

... and whether anybody requires the freedom to be a bigot.

"...requires..."? No one "requires" any freedoms, but we all sort of like them, so we try to keep them.

Bigots? Sure, why shouldn't bigot have the normal freedoms that other have? Bigots are just people who don't like other groups of people because of some particular physical trait. What's wrong with that? Bigots are people too, ain't they? Hey, can we limit other people just by how they think about things? Like, can we limit the freedoms of, say, Catholics or Muslims? If we don't like what they think, ....? Isn't that what you're doing, Phlog?

I mean, look at you, Phlog, you're obviously prejudiced against bigots. Should you be allowed to oppress others because you don't like something about them? Yet here you are, doing everything you can to convince others to limit the freedoms of a group of peope that you don't like. What's the deal, Phlog?

Now remember, Phlog, don't make the IL-logical assumption that being a bigot necessarily means violent assault or murder or such. Bigotry is simply the emotional like or dislike of some group. Assault is assault. Murder is murder. Those are not the same!

Baron Max
Ah, I see Max, you don't want to indulge in bigotry, but you altruistically want to protect the 'rights' of others to be a bigot and oppress people if they choose to do so?

Phlog, you're badly mistaken! Being a bigot does not mean that one is also oppressing people. Bigotry is an emotional state, sorta' like "love" except a little bit opposite of "love". Oppression is a physical act against another or another group of people. Bigotry and oppression are NOT the same. Please get that through your thick skull, okay?

That's a really weak argument Max, it really is. Why does anybody need to reserve the right to be a bigot?

Because bigots are people, too.

Hey, Phlog, have you noticed that your bigotry against bigots has now overflowed into the realm of "oppression"? You don't just dislike bigots, you want to take away their rights as American/British citizens. See? Not only are you a bigot, but you've taken it even further ...you want to oppress them too!

Baron Max
Phlog, you're badly mistaken! Being a bigot does not mean that one is also oppressing people.

It does if you organise rallies, defame people, deny them the same rights as you, and encourage people to harm them.

See Max, this isn't about freedom of speech, because you do not have that. It's about people being free to go about their business and not be verbally abused. How about that 'freedom', eh? Or don't you think people should have that freedom?
It does if you organise rallies, defame people, deny them the same rights as you, and encourage people to harm them.

Phlog, isn't that sort of what you've been talking about doing to bigots?! ...right here on this thread, isn't that how you've been talking ...to deny bigots their rights ...to defame the bigots ...encouraging people to hate them and help you deny them their rights? See?

You're doing to bigots what you claim that bigots are doing to others!

And it's so funny, so strange, so odd, ....that whenever the rights of bigots or racists come into play, people always make the leap from simple bigotry and racism to assault and murder and rape and mayhem and genocide and..... all those other horrible things.

Bigotry is simply disliking or hating some group of people for some reason. Racism is simply disliking or hating some group of people because of their physical differences or color of skin. Don't make it out to be assualt, murder or anything else like that.

See Max, this isn't about freedom of speech, because you do not have that. It's about people being free to go about their business and not be verbally abused. How about that 'freedom', eh? Or don't you think people should have that freedom?

Hmm, I don't know, Phlog. Is there a Constitutional amendment or something that makes that a freedom in the USA? And how would someone know what was "abusive" to someone else? If I call someone "gay", and he's gay, that's certainly not abuvise, is it? If I call someone "gay", and he's straight, that might be abusive to him, but it's not to the gay person, so......? Confusing, ain't it?

Baron Max
A pre-meditated crime is one that's planned out in advance. The crime in the hypothetical situation I gave wasn't planned out in advance, even though it would still be classified as a hate-crime.

Yes, that may not be pre-meditated your correct, depends on all of the variables. But, I agree that in your example I was in error to say pre-meditated.

And I agree that although not pre-meditated, it would be a hate crime for the reason he chose to attack the other. Of course if they were smart, they would not bring race into it at all. But then again, someone who attacks someone because of their race is unlikely to be very smart.
No, it's not that confusing

Baron Max said:

Is there a Constitutional amendment or something that makes that a freedom in the USA?

Amendment? It's the stated purpose of the Constitution:

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

(Boldface accent added)

And how would someone know what was "abusive" to someone else? If I call someone "gay", and he's gay, that's certainly not abuvise, is it? If I call someone "gay", and he's straight, that might be abusive to him, but it's not to the gay person, so......? Confusing, ain't it?

It's only confusing if you put effort into confusing yourself. Why are you calling the heterosexual gay? Because you think he's gay? No, that's no insult to an actual homosexual. Because you're insulting the heterosexual?

It's not really that hard to figure out, Max.

Well, for most people. This is, after all, the second time I've explained this in as many days.


Constitution of the United States of America. 1787. Legal Information Institute at Cornell University Law School. January 5, 2010. http://topics.law.cornell.edu/constitution
There is supposed to be equal protection under the law.

By supporting this makes someone a bigot? People here are too confused.
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

That means that someone can't hate someone else? That means that someone can't call someone else a nasty name? What does that mean to you, Tiassa, with regard to this issue (now) of freedom of speech.

It's not really that hard to figure out, Max.

And yet you still can't explain it. So, let me try to ask it again:

And it's so funny, so strange, so odd, ....that whenever the rights of bigots or racists come into play, people always make the leap from simple bigotry and racism to assault and murder and rape and mayhem and genocide and..... all those other horrible things.

Bigotry is simply disliking or hating some group of people for some reason. Racism is simply disliking or hating some group of people because of their physical differences or color of skin. Don't make it out to be assualt, murder or anything else like that.​

Would you like to try to explain that to us, Tiassa? And can you do it with just a few words and without your odd, strange, silly posting style? Just type the words, Tiassa, we'll pretend that you put in all the symbology as you usually do.

Baron Max
There is supposed to be equal protection under the law. By supporting this makes someone a bigot? People here are too confused.

Well, as far as I know, and so far no one has made claim to it, there's no law against hating someone because of their physical appearance or whatever. I think bigotry means just that .....hating someone because, say, they're black or yellow or Muslim. I know of no law that makes hating someone illegal.

Many people here are trying to make the ...idiotic... connection between hate, an emotion, and action against a person. Bigotry is NOT action! Assault is assault, whether its done against a black or not. Murder is murder regardless of color, religion, etc.

Baron Max

Baron Max said:

That means that someone can't hate someone else? That means that someone can't call someone else a nasty name? What does that mean to you, Tiassa, with regard to this issue (now) of freedom of speech.

Why is it, Max, that whenever someone answers one of your arguments, you change the subject and keep pressing?

As to your stupid questions, the answers are pretty simple:

• No.
• No.​

Any real questions, Max?

And yet you still can't explain it. So, let me try to ask it again ....

What is your question? Would I like to explain what, your faulty definitions?

Many people here are trying to make the ...idiotic... connection between hate, an emotion, and action against a person. Bigotry is NOT action! Assault is assault, whether its done against a black or not. Murder is murder regardless of color, religion, etc.

Motive and culpability, Max. You might want to try addressing the point sometime.

Your argument is racist because it focuses on the ethnicity of a victim, and not the motive of the perpetrator.

Plenty of people make bad decisions, Max. Understanding why is part of understanding what has happened.

Compare two car thefts:

• A sixteen year old girl "borrows" her mother's car without permission, and picks up two friends. She then slides the car into the ditch, requiring a tow truck. The tow truck driver discovers that she does not have a valid license, and calls the police. The police call the mother, who affirms that she did not give her daughter permission to take the car. All three teens are charged with stealing the car.

• The police track a stolen car to a suspected professional car thief and arrest him, charging him with the theft.​

They both stole cars. By your logic, the dumb-assed teenager is no different from the professional criminal.

Now, would you give each defendant the same sentence? Why? The professional criminal is much more dangerous to society, and has a much higher potential for repeating his offense than the teenager who "borrowed" her mother's car. And the two friends whose "crimes" were believing their friend (A) had a license and not a learning permit, and (B) had permission to use the car. Send them all away with the hardened criminals? After all, a stolen car is a stolen car, right?

Those for whom the criminal justice system is something more than a societal instrument for vengeance see little purpose in treating the iditotic teenager and the professional criminal the same. Equal treatment before the law, to consider an earlier argument of yours—

"It seems to me that 'one-size-fits-all' is exactly the way the Constitution intended. And it also seems to me that anything else, like singling out races or religions, etc, as special in accordance with the law, then that's wrong and discriminatory."​

—includes an assessment of one's potential for recidivism and danger to the community.

And as I've noted before, we have different standards for other crimes, and those standards often examine motives.

So my question to you, and any other critic of hate crimes, is why bigotry is the one motive we should not be allowed to consider in charging and sentencing people. Your prior explanation, focusing on the ethnicity of the perpetrator, doesn't work; a white Christian beating up a Jewish man for being Jewish would be treated the same as a black Muslim beating up a Jewish man for being Jewish. As far as I can tell, you're simply arguing to get bigots special rights under the law.

I suppose one possible solution to the conundrum would be to invoke one of the few allowable double-jeopardy circumstances under the Constitution. Convict a person at the state level for the assault, and then again at the federal level for the civil rights violation.

But it's simpler and more efficient to simply laugh at these ultimately stupid campaigns on behalf of bigotry and leave the bigots to their delusions.
... So my question to you, and any other critic of hate crimes, is why bigotry is the one motive we should not be allowed to consider in charging and sentencing people. ...

....LOL!! I knew something was wrong! ...LOL!

Tiassa, we're no longer talking about that subject ...that one's been over for several days now. ...LOL! Seems you did a lot of typing for nothing.

Go back and begin reading where the topic changed to one of "Freedom of Speech". I'm sure you'll catch up quickly.

Baron Max
Did you miss something? Like your own post?

Baron Max said:

Tiassa, we're no longer talking about that subject ...that one's been over for several days now. ...LOL! Seems you did a lot of typing for nothing.

Wow. So, you mean when I respnded to your argument that—

"Many people here are trying to make the ...idiotic... connection between hate, an emotion, and action against a person. Bigotry is NOT action! Assault is assault, whether its done against a black or not. Murder is murder regardless of color, religion, etc."​

—I was actually supposed to be talking about freedom of speech?

Oh, my. I should be embarrassed, but for some reason I'm not.
Phlog, isn't that sort of what you've been talking about doing to bigots?! ...right here on this thread, isn't that how you've been talking ...to deny bigots their rights ...to defame the bigots ...encouraging people to hate them and help you deny them their rights? See?

Max, do you think you are being clever here? I'll clue you in, you aren't. You are stuffing yet another straw man with fallacies. We accept that certain behaviours are unacceptable. We deny people their liberty for indulging in them. By your logic we shouldn't imprison people who kidnap people, as we'd be guilty of doing what they do. That clearly is bogus logic Max, and you are being rather childish.

Don't make it out to be assualt, murder or anything else like that.

I said threatening to harm people. I gave you an example; Fred Phelps saying 'God hates Fags' is one thing, and while despicable, is more tolerable than him, holding a placard that says 'Kill all Fags'.

Max, if you were ever treated differently, abused, or denied something others take for granted, because of an irrational reason, how would you feel?

Hmm, I don't know, Phlog. Is there a Constitutional amendment or something that makes that a freedom in the USA?

Max, do you seriously think the Founding Fathers framed the constitution in such a way as to protect racists and bigots?
.... We accept that certain behaviours are unacceptable. We deny people their liberty for indulging in them. ...

Who is this "we", Kemo Sabe? And as importantly, do you speak for all of them?

.... I said threatening to harm people. I gave you an example; .....

That's fine, and I agree. But don't keep extending that "threatening" (and outright encouragement to do harm) issue onto all bigots and racists, etc. Bigots and racists have just as much right as you do to the freedom of speech.

.... Max, if you were ever treated differently, abused, or denied something others take for granted, because of an irrational reason, how would you feel?

How would I feel? Oh, I'd go whinning and crying to Mommy to make it all better again and make all those nasty people to leave me alone! I sure wouldn't want to take any responsibility for my own welfare, ..surely not!!

If I lived in a place where people hated me, for whatever reason, I'd leave that place. Why would anyone want to stay in a place where he was hated and ridiculed and verbally abused and whatever-short-of-violence?

Either that, or I'd go get all my guns and go back and blow 'em all to hell!!

Tell me, Phlog, if you go to a party and find that everyone there doesn't like you, won't talk to you, express hatred of you, .....would you go to the US Supreme Court to secure an injunction or something to force those same people to accept you at their parties, or would you simply leave the party? ....... Oh, or go crying to Mommy?

Max, do you seriously think the Founding Fathers framed the constitution in such a way as to protect racists and bigots?

While the founders were discussing and arguing about the Constitution, they all had black slaves bringing them hot coffee and tea and cookies. So, ...you tell me, Phlog, just what the founding fathers thought about the issue of racists and bigots? :D

Baron Max
Who is this "we", Kemo Sabe? And as importantly, do you speak for all of them?

'We' as in society, Max. Are you saying we shouldn't jail kidnappers?

While the founders were discussing and arguing about the Constitution, they all had black slaves bringing them hot coffee and tea

Interesting angle, but not answering my question; "Did the Founding Fathers frame the constitution in such a way as to protect racists and bigots?"