Has Science proved the REAL date of the apocalypse? If so, then its not anytime soon

i'm...uhhh...i'm one of those nuts pointing to the myan calendar and screaming. i honestly think that the end is niegh, however...

i'm fairly certain that the "end" is the end of civilation as we know it and most of humanity, as so many others here have stated.
the mayan calenders say shit about an end. the end is a new beginning. a transformation. a circle.

why would the world "end". ridiculous. that's what people have been saying for thousands of years. nothing has happened. i bet humanity will last for many thousand years, and in the end, we might be the ones who put an end to it, just like the people who lived before us did
Imagine2005 said:
Hi everyone. Before I get into this, let me just mention that I believe there is a God and that he uses Science to work his magic and to logically prove his existence. Therefore, Religion and Science are one. I hope this helps to explain the consideration of the thoughts/beliefs that I am about to present to you and where they are coming from.

Here we are thinking the world is going to end really soon, like in our lifetime, between now and 2100 A.D.

Isaac Newton the genius that founded physics and co-invented calculus was also a Christian believer and a bible scholar. {voted the greatest scientist of all time by the scientific community}

Isaac Newton predicted Apocalypse in 2060

Isaac Newton, one of the greatest scientific minds in human history,
spend 50 years calculating the date of the end of the world. Through
some 4,500 pages of analysis, Newton concluded that Judgement Day will
fall in the year 2060.

"Sir Isaac Newton, Britain's greatest scientist, predicted
the date of the end of the world - and it is only 57 years

"Newton, who was also a theologian and alchemist,
predicted that the Second Coming of Christ would follow
plagues and war and would precede a 1,000-year reign
by the saints on earth..."[1]

Unless Newton was wrong, we are now witnessing the End-Times and there
will soon be a series of wars and natural disasters, according to
original documents from Newton's research recently released by the
Hebrew National Library.

"Armageddon is just 57 years away, by the calculations
of Britain's most famous scientist".[2]

Newton is most famous for his great achievements in science, but his
involvement with secret societies is also well documented. It is
widely known that Newton was a student of prophecy and an initiate in
the ancient mysteries.


[1] Daily Telegraph (UK), "Newton set 2060 for end of world", 22
February 2003.
[ http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2003/02/22/newt22.xml

[2] Reuters, "End of the World Is Nigh, Says Long-Dead Scientist",
24February 2003.
[ http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?storyID=2277289 ]


"The Insider" - Conspiracy Theory News
[ http://www.theinsider.org ]

Manuel, Frank. The Religion of Isaac Newton.
Manuel, Frank E. The Religion of Isaac Newton . Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1974. ISBN 0-19-826640-5.

"About the time of the End, a body of men will be raised up who will turn their attention to the prophecies, and insist on their literal interpretation in the midst of much clamor and opposition."
--Sir Isaac Newton
ghost7584]Isaac Newton the genius that founded physics and co-invented calculus was also a Christian believer and a bible scholar. {voted the greatest scientist of all time by the scientific community}
M*W: I wouldn't go so far as to call Sir Isaac Newton a "bible scholar," because he knew of the Church's lies and cover-ups. He was a genius, however.
ghost7584: Isaac Newton predicted Apocalypse in 2060

Isaac Newton, one of the greatest scientific minds in human history, spend 50 years calculating the date of the end of the world. Through some 4,500 pages of analysis, Newton concluded that Judgement Day will fall in the year 2060.

"Sir Isaac Newton, Britain's greatest scientist, predicted
the date of the end of the world - and it is only 57 years

"Newton, who was also a theologian and alchemist,
predicted that the Second Coming of Christ would follow
plagues and war and would precede a 1,000-year reign
by the saints on earth..."[1]

Unless Newton was wrong, we are now witnessing the End-Times and there will soon be a series of wars and natural disasters, according to original documents from Newton's research recently released by the Hebrew National Library.

"Armageddon is just 57 years away, by the calculations
of Britain's most famous scientist".[2]

Newton is most famous for his great achievements in science, but his
involvement with secret societies is also well documented. It is
widely known that Newton was a student of prophecy and an initiate in
the ancient mysteries.


[1] Daily Telegraph (UK), "Newton set 2060 for end of world", 22
February 2003.
[ http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2003/02/22/newt22.xml

[2] Reuters, "End of the World Is Nigh, Says Long-Dead Scientist",
24February 2003.
[ http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?storyID=2277289 ]


"The Insider" - Conspiracy Theory News
[ http://www.theinsider.org ]

Manuel, Frank. The Religion of Isaac Newton.
Manuel, Frank E. The Religion of Isaac Newton . Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1974. ISBN 0-19-826640-5.

"About the time of the End, a body of men will be raised up who will turn their attention to the prophecies, and insist on their literal interpretation in the midst of much clamor and opposition."
--Sir Isaac Newton[/QUOTE]
M*W: Although these references may be good resources, Sir Isaac Newton was quite familiar with the topic, and the topic he professed was NOT christianity!!!

Get your facts straight!
2060 eh? I really dodged a bullet there! That is just a few years past my life expectancy!

God bless Isaac.
c7ityi_ said:
the mayan calenders say shit about an end. the end is a new beginning. a transformation. a circle.

well, it does suspiciously stop in 2011...doesn't it?
perfectblue said:
well, it does suspiciously stop in 2011...doesn't it?
Whether or not it is "suspicious" is the question.

The Maya were Astronomers.
It could be seen as the end of an "age" or "era" (cosmologically speaking).
It could be the date they expected an asteroid to strike Central/South America.
It could simply be a cyclical stellar calendar, and we do not understand what cycle they were referring to that starts again at that point in time.

It could be most anything, but without any indication that they believed in this specific doomsday, the one thing I don't think it is, is suspicious.
Besides all that...
What if they DID think the world is going to end on December 21st, 2011?
What makes anyone think they were right?
Look through history and you will find many more well-documented cases of doomsdays come and gone.
If the Maya could see the future, their calendar would not have been created through 2011, it would have ended about 100 years ago, when the missionaries came, scattered them, burned all their texts, made their religious practices illegal and essentially wiped the people and culture from the face of the earth.
Why not fear some other arbitrary date someone selected, rather than one that no one seems to know if anyone actually even believed was going to be THE day?

All that said, I have been considering taking a vacation to New Zealand or Australia the last two weeks of December, 2011.
As I said, they were exceptional Astronomers, and I'd rather not be in this hemisphere if and when the meteor strikes. :D
Why do you think you would be any safer in NZ or Australia? Or better off? If such a cataclysmic event did occur ( and i believe it will ) then maybe the living will envy the ones who died in the impact zone. And there is no indication that the impact will be in the northern hemisphere any way. It could strike anywhere.

When you think of the law of averages if the last big one hit in the northern hemisphere on the tip of the Yucatan peninsula then the next one should hit somewhere in the southern hemisphere lol .

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I was kidding, but there really is no reason to think it would hit in the Sothern Hemisphere simply because the last one hit in the Northern.

If they were as exceptional as is purported in astronomy, they would know the exact date, time and trajectory of the impact, so they should know where it should hit.
They should know the approximate size as well.
Perhaps they predicted a small impact that will just wipe out life in the Americas.
Australia is about as far away from the Americas as you can get. :D

And there is no way I would envy the ones who died in the impact, by the way.
Well if the sky is darkness and you can no longer enjoy the sun. If the temperature is hovering somewhere around minus 20 and if you are starving to death because all the food has run out. Maybe then you will envy the dead.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
Well if the sky is darkness and you can no longer enjoy the sun. If the temperature is hovering somewhere around minus 20 and if you are starving to death because all the food has run out. Maybe then you will envy the dead.

I would rather suffer alive until I die than simply die and have no chance of surviving.
If the suffering is too much to survive, then I will die anyway. If it is not, I will survive it and possibly experience a whole new world and environment.
If you would rather die than risk pain and suffering, you might as well commit suicide right now, because you risk pain and suffering every day, and each day you live makes it more likely you will experience it.
I don't fear life.

Besides, why would anyone want to pass up the opportunity to witness such an event?
one_raven said:
Besides, why would anyone want to pass up the opportunity to witness such an event?

witness? witness the distruction of mankind? or see the spectacular fireworks that will happen shrotly before the distruction of mankind? either way you're what i like to refer to as a 'rubbernecker'. same kind of guy who's too busy to pull over as my ambulance is trying to get by. someone who's so concerned with the appeal of human tragedy to them that they don't notice that they're in the way.

it's people like you that make me want a tank for an ambulance.

ok, i lie, i just really want a tank. :D
perfectblue said:

perfectblue said:
witness the distruction of mankind?
If I was still alive, mankind would not be destroyed, just seriously (and possibly mortally) injured.
I would be witnessing the potential destruction of modern life, current government systems, much of technology and I could have to opportunity to witness man at his absolute best and worst in his emergence from this devastation.
You would prefer to die instead?

perfectblue said:
or see the spectacular fireworks that will happen shrotly before the distruction of mankind?
That would be nest to see too.:p

perfectblue said:
either way you're what i like to refer to as a 'rubbernecker'. same kind of guy who's too busy to pull over as my ambulance is trying to get by. someone who's so concerned with the appeal of human tragedy to them that they don't notice that they're in the way.
Nah. I am always hyper aware of emrgency vehicles and being out of their way.
In fact, if I see someone driving up the shoulder in a traffic jam, I will pull out halfway in front of them to make them get back in line and keep the shoulder free.
I am an activist for your cause!
You're welcome!
That said, yes I am entirely and eternally captured by the appeal of human tragedy, as I am with human triumph.
I am just captivated by human emotional capacity.

perfectblue said:
it's people like you that make me want a tank for an ambulance.
Not me.
That guy who was driving up the shoulder.

perfectblue said:
ok, i lie, i just really want a tank. :D
I don't blame you! :D
tanks are cool! that being said...

i wasn't attacking you, merely questioning your stance. i'd be there, pointing at the blast, watching from the sideline too. the way you worded all that makes me think of the end of 'fight club'. thanks for the lesson in semantics btw, there with the whole distruction/maiming of humanity thing. punk.

no, i wouldn't want to die. that's cheating - that's the easy way out. i wanna rebuild. and thank you for being the guy not in my way when i'm doing 70 in the rain in my truck...grumble...sorry, had a bad day at work. taking it out on you.
one_raven said:
I would rather suffer alive until I die than simply die and have no chance of surviving.
If the suffering is too much to survive, then I will die anyway. If it is not, I will survive it and possibly experience a whole new world and environment.
If you would rather die than risk pain and suffering, you might as well commit suicide right now, because you risk pain and suffering every day, and each day you live makes it more likely you will experience it.
I don't fear life.

Besides, why would anyone want to pass up the opportunity to witness such an event?

:) You should know suicide is not an option for me. And it would be a very spectacular sight but only viewed on the other side of the world via satellite. I doubt anyone on the ground close enough to see it would survive. I accept pain and suffering as part of life. but that still does not make me look forward to it. LOL

All Praise The Ancient Of Days