Has Science proved the REAL date of the apocalypse? If so, then its not anytime soon

"I would suggest you read the Bible first for the facts."
that may just be the funniest thing i have ever read on sciforums

imagine2005, can you prove anything you said?

"We know God knows the REAL end date, but do you really think such a loving father, almighty supreme being would be rude enough to book it on a day when Joe gets his acting career kicked off"
wait, is this the loving father that turned the residents of Sodom and Gomora into salt? and sent animals to eat a mans children to punish the man?
"I would suggest you read the Bible first for the facts."
that may just be the funniest thing i have ever read on sciforums

I thought that too, but it's a close second.

There may be multiple universes, but it doesn't say so in the bible so I don't think so
alain said:
"I would suggest you read the Bible first for the facts."
that may just be the funniest thing i have ever read on sciforums

imagine2005, can you prove anything you said?

"We know God knows the REAL end date, but do you really think such a loving father, almighty supreme being would be rude enough to book it on a day when Joe gets his acting career kicked off"
wait, is this the loving father that turned the residents of Sodom and Gomora into salt? and sent animals to eat a mans children to punish the man?

Correction: Only one resident of Sodom was turned to salt. If you read the bible you will be able to confirm this. :D

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I am still waiting for you to post either
a) Evidence to support your contention that the majority of people think the end of the world is near.
b) A retraction of your opening paragraph of your opening post.
c) A thank you for a salutary lesson in the correct use of language.
I shall be happy to accept any or all of these, but I should prefer not to wait to long.
the fact remains that there is much truth that there's a great majority of people out there who think everything's coming to an end soon because of all that's happening right now.

If we don't include religious nutters bleating from soapboxess on street corners, who else?
There are people other than Christians that think the human race is heading to some transformative point in the near future. It could be that Christians place special emphasis and concern on revelations, not necessarily because it's the word of God, but because they sense something that even secular people can sense; that time seems to be accelerating, that technology is outpacing the capacity for biology to integrate it in a sustainable way, that climate and weather might react to our meddling in an unpredictable way. Scientists have a concept called the technological singularity. While speculations about the Big Bang and it's opposite are far from certain, it is interesting that the human mind is the most complexly structured matter yet known. Human society is also far from sustainable in it's present form, and most species only exist as a species for a limited time. I don't think people will be around to experience the end of the universe, but something else like a superintelligent robot might. It could be that this intelligence will become the God of our mythology. Who says causes must always precede effects? Maybe God won't exist until we create it.

"Let an ultraintelligent machine be defined as a machine that can far surpass all the intellectual activities of any man however clever. Since the design of machines is one of these intellectual activities, an ultraintelligent machine could design even better machines; there would then unquestionably be an 'intelligence explosion,' and the intelligence of man would be left far behind. Thus the first ultraintelligent machine is the last invention that man need ever make."'
I. J. Good
Well science and religion see the world (the universe) in the same basic frame: the universe (and the God) came into being at the Big Bang;

St. Augustine claimed that <i> "The world was made not in time, but simultaneously with time."</i> - In other words, the origin of the universe-what we now call the big bang-was not simply the sudden appearance of matter in an eternally preexisting void, but the coming into being of time itself. Time began with the cosmic origin. There was no "before," no endless ocean of time for a god, or a physical process, to wear itself out in infinite preparation.

Paul Davies (a scientific perspective):

<i> Remarkably, modern science has arrived at more or less the same conclusion as Augustine, based on what we now know about the nature of space, time, and gravitation. It was Albert Einstein who taught us that time and space are not merely an immutable arena in which the great cosmic drama is acted out, but are part of the cast-part of the physical universe. As physical entities, time and space can change- suffer distortions-as a result of gravitational processes. Gravitational theory predicts that under the extreme conditions that prevailed in the early universe, space and time may have been so distorted that there existed a boundary, or "singularity," at which the distortion of space-time was infinite, and therefore through which space and time cannot have continued. Thus, physics predicts that time was indeed bounded in the past as Augustine claimed. It did not stretch back for all eternity.</i>

he concludes:

<i> The lesson of quantum physics is this: Something that "just happens" need not actually violate the laws of physics. The abrupt and uncaused appearance of something can occur within the scope of scientific law, once quantum laws have been taken into account. Nature apparently has the capacity for genuine spontaneity.</i>

Well if the nature "<i>has the capacity for genuine spontaneity.</i>" then some apocalyptic end falls within the scope of future events.
The "end" will happen long after we're all dead and buried, and won't affect us one fucking bit. It'll probably happen the way nearly EVERY major mass-extinction has happened: meteor. Smacky-dacky boom-boom, motherfucker.
you really think theres a meteorite around that we couldnt deal with??
i mean, we're gonna have a lot of warning, get a rocket up into space and blow it up
I wouldn't have thought it would be that easy. They can be so big, (the foremost experts on astronomy are currently spending time arguing over whether one is a planet or not - so much so that they've actually 'banned' the word planet).
Hmm. If it seems like a difficult task right now, maybe that's because we are not in danger now. Perhaps if we're faced with the possability of billions dieing or even the extinction of the human race, we could throw everything at it. Trillions of dollars and a few bangs. Surely that would sort it... surely...
alain said:
you really think theres a meteorite around that we couldnt deal with?? i mean, we're gonna have a lot of warning, get a rocket up into space and blow it up

:) Me thinks you over estimate mans abilities in detection and interception. Maybe you have been watching to many sci-fi shows. Oh about space defense they are trying to set one up but they have not even Got the detection system set up properly yet.

Have a look Here at this government site and take note of the projects name.. LOL

Revelation 8
10 Then the third angel sounded: And a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. 11 The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters became wormwood, and many men died from the water, because it was made bitter.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
KennyJC said:
Hmm. If it seems like a difficult task right now, maybe that's because we are not in danger now. Perhaps if we're faced with the possability of billions dieing or even the extinction of the human race, we could throw everything at it. Trillions of dollars and a few bangs. Surely that would sort it... surely...

Not if the world has just been through a devastating global war.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
Not if the world has just been through a devastating global war.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Yes, good point. Please abandon your religion so that the world is that bit of a safer place.
Revelation 8
10 Then the third angel sounded: And a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. 11 The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters became wormwood, and many men died from the water, because it was made bitter.

Might I add that if a "star" did indeed fall from space and crash land on earth, that would be that. It wouldn't 'fall' on a third of the rivers, or indeed leave people still alive, (as it states in Revelations), and nor would those that did, die from 'bitter water'. What we have there is ancient ignorance at it's finest.
SnakeLord said:
Might I add that if a "star" did indeed fall from space and crash land on earth, that would be that. It wouldn't 'fall' on a third of the rivers, or indeed leave people still alive, (as it states in Revelations), and nor would those that did, die from 'bitter water'. What we have there is ancient ignorance at it's finest.

Common sense tells people what a falling star is. Where is your common sense? I suppose the old saying is true:

The one thing we know about common sense is that it is not all that common.

All Praise The Ancient Of Day
KennyJC said:
Yes, good point. Please abandon your religion so that the world is that bit of a safer place.

:) My Messiah tells me to love my enemies and do good to those that hate me. ;) If everyone accepted the teachings of My Messiah the world would be a much safer place.

But i know from prophecy that the vast majority will not accept my Messiah so I am sorry to say the world is headed for destruction. It’s just a matter of time.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I think the universe will exist for hundreds of millions of years.

The human race however, different story!, at a push i give us a couple of hundred years.

The only things on earth that should be worried about the sun blowing up or galaxys colliding is cockroaches, we won't be here.
GodlessEvil said:
I think the universe will exist for hundreds of millions of years.

The human race however, different story!, at a push i give us a couple of hundred years.

The only things on earth that should be worried about the sun blowing up or galaxys colliding is cockroaches, we won't be here.

Of course humans left to their own devices will destroy themselves probably a lot sooner than a couple of hundred years. A lot of people realize this. But some don't. With the growth of knowledge has come the growth of our destructive capacity, but human beings are still the faulty vain savages they where long ago. The end result of this is just a matter of time.

All Praise The Ancient Of Day
The human race however, different story!, at a push i give us a couple of hundred years.

Of course humans left to their own devices will destroy themselves probably a lot sooner than a couple of hundred years.


Humans have survived dramatic challenges to our environment before without the aid of technology. I'm pretty sure we will surive global warming and potential nuclear war. Even if it means millions/billions die. We could be around a lot longer than you think.