Handicapped hunters

Ok, first off all hunters kill prize examples of other species, so I'm not entirely so sure why it's such a tragedy when a guy in a wheelchair does it
Yeah it sucks when any hunter gets a prize example, but when its a gimp in a wheelchair, its just really insulting, like some kind of sick joke. Its like we're mocking the animal kingdom. I just imagine a mother holding down a chicken and saying "hit it on the head johnny" and then laughing a sick maniacal laugh as her baby clumsily hits it on the head.
I didn't want to go there but female hunters piss me off as well. Hunters generally piss me off. I got cousins that hunt wild boar with dogs and a knife and although I think its cruel I can't really complain as thats an old relationship, the boars have a good chance of escape and the really tough ones do escape. Its all in order at least.
I can't believe in america they hunt things like bears and wolves and mountain lions ??? wtf? Those things aren't supposed to be hunted. I've even seen aligator hunting on espn. These guys walking along and then they say "oh look there's one there", and an alligators just basking in the sun about 100 metres away, so they stop and set up a stand to place a rifle on and meanwhile the gator's just sitting there, has no idea they are even there, and then they shoot it! and they cheer and are like "whoo she's a beauty aint she?". How is that anything other than senseless slaughter? For a first world country america's nuts with its hunting laws or should I say lack there of.
I am against all hunting, other than like bushmen of the kalahari or something like that. But getting a child or gimp or woman or obese elderly man to shoot some animal just seems distasteful to me, like really pushing the limits, like only the sickest fetishist could handle watching that happen. I think if aliens visitted we'd need to hang our heads in shame, simply for the fact that handicapped hunting is practiced. We'd have to be like "aaahhh, hehe, we didn't think anyone was watching, umm yeah we got a little nuts there I'll admit that :redfaced: we aren't like this usually I swear".
Has anyone seen that music video where the fat ugly guy keeps going to the pet store to buy birds and mice and kittens and puppies just so he can throw them off a building(he bandages the birds wings shut) just because he's fat and ugly and bitter? Its animated, and obscure and most people probably haven't seen it. The wierd thing is, it never resolves with justice being done on the guy, it just ends with him sitting on the edge of the building looking out to the horizon after he'd thrown a heap of animals to their death. I think it leaves a powerfully bad taste in your mouth and I think that was the intention. It shows just what degree of flagrantly abhorent behaviour societies like ours allow. Its all tacitly related to handicapped hunting, same blatantly 'wrong' vibe to it.
I really have to wonder about people that are "fine" with handicapped hunting. This isn't about the rights of handicapped people, which is what I think you guys are having trouble with, this is about looking at those pictures and having the natural human reaction. Don't let preconcieved "rules" about your beliefs when it comes to human rights cloud your judgement. Honestly and unbiasedly look at the pictures and find the honest natural instinctual reaction it causes in the organism that is you.
If it isn't anger, disgust and uneasiness, I'm worried about you.
But I'm not allowed to kill the guy in the wheelchair, thats the problem. Thats the glitch in the system. This damn shit called law fucks up the natural balance. Within our own species survival of the species should be occuring. Its not supposed to be species vs species. No other species is ganging up to take on the world. The species are in harmony with eachother. Within a species should be conflict making sure only the best individuals survive.

No one's stopping you.
Mystech said:
Despite what you may think that you know about evolution, it doesn't require that we all try to live up to some sort of idiotic and arbitrarily chosen ideal of the perfect caveman.

That is really the heart of the flaw with Dr. Lou's ideas on evolution. What he wants is a rough and tough selection process that can make great cavemen out of us. The level of the caveman is far beneath us. Through teamwork the environment around us is under our control. The animals around us are under our control. We don't need to run for our lives and stalk through the bushes and sniff out nuts and grubs like some sort of naked primitive. When he sees people who are in almost no capacity going to be able to do that, live up to the caveman challenge, he goes loony, because he likes cavemen apparently. In a homoerotic way? Perhaps, but that is only speculation on my part.

In an earlier post he expresses that bears and mountain lions are not "meant" to be hunted. At once he seems to declare that men should be tested by natural selection like the rest of the animals, yet he cannot use his prowess to contend with the animals? Why should those predators not be hunted, in your strange model of natural selection, Lou? Would it not be an abomination to selection if we were to knowingly spare a creature from some kind of wrath or other? Is it because no other animal does it? Is that your real problem? You don't want humans to do things that other animals haven’t already paved the way for first?

Humans have an advanced and social evolutionary architecture. And despite your assertions many other mammals, primates included, care for wounded and sickly individuals in their communities. Making less traditionally able individuals into pariahs is apparently not a necessary goal in our selection architecture.
Asguard said:
even CARING for the child doesnt matter anymore as sociaty will take it away if you cant

Yikes if only this was the case! If this is how it works in Australia then you need to send some of your administrators over to Florida, they literally loose children in their custody over there.
Dr Lou Natic said:
I didn't want to go there but female hunters piss me off as well. Hunters generally piss me off. I got cousins that hunt wild boar with dogs and a knife and although I think its cruel I can't really complain as thats an old relationship, the boars have a good chance of escape and the really tough ones do escape. Its all in order at least.

Ok so let me get this straight, Dr. lou. You claim that you both understand and appreciate evolution, however you are entirely against change and adaptation? How can this be? That's the definition of evolution, things fucking change! That means that we can't hold the humans of today to the same evolutionary standards to cavemen, the world just isn't the same! We wouldn't even survive if we were still adapted to the same environment that cavemen were, we'd probably have destroyed ourselves by now.

Evolution isn’t about conservatism, and it isn’t always about making an animal 100% more efficient at every task it used to be capable of. Fish lost their fins, and ability to remove oxygen from water, but gained feet and lungs. As far as fish go we’re pretty screwed, we’re slow clumsy swimmers, and I’ll be damned if I can metabolize plankton, so if we carry out your standards to the nth degree then the human race is already screwed.

Trying to say that a human is somehow less valuable as a human because he is a vast departure from our ancestors who lived in the dirt and needed to kill saber toothed cats to survive is just as ridiculous as saying a modern human is a failure as a fish. As our bodies have evolved so too has our intellect and our technology, we don’t need half so much that evolution has left us with, and we can do more than even a physical perfect caveman could have ever dreamed with it, that includes people in wheelchairs.
'Natural selection'? 'Evolution'? 'Survival of the fittest?'

Where is this thread going?

Posted are several pics of people utilizing equipment totaling in the k's of dollars to kill an animal that, in monetary measures, is worthless.

What the fuq does this have to do with 'Natural selection', 'Survival of the fittest' or 'Evolution'?

Fuq-U Dr.Lou! :m:
spuriousmonkey said:
I can answer that one:

Yes...he is a genius but incredibly stupid at the same time. And likes hunting as a hobby....----> nurses

Actualy Dr. Hawking isn't stupid at all. He just can't speak, walk or move due to his disease that he contracted. He has fathered 2 children that I know of and has been married over 20 years to the same woman. He is reguarded as one of the worlds greatest astrophysics scientists.
If he's so smart how come he can't talk without that machine?

And fireguy, and the rest, get fucked. You aren't going to "disprove" that handicapped hunters piss me off so give it up. The fact it doesn't piss you off just says something about you as far as I'm concerned.
cosmictraveler said:
Actualy Dr. Hawking isn't stupid at all. He just can't speak, walk or move due to his disease that he contracted. He has fathered 2 children that I know of and has been married over 20 years to the same woman. He is reguarded as one of the worlds greatest astrophysics scientists.

I'm not talking about his inability to speak. I'm talking about this idiotic notion in his head that because he is apperently an expert in astrophysics he also must be an expert on any other topic.

That is stupidity.
Dr Lou Natic said:
If he's so smart how come he can't talk without that machine?

You must be joking, right, or are you really that stupid to ask such a moronic question. He's contracted Lou Geherigs disease which slowly takes away all of the bodies functions. He can speak, but very softly and sometimes you can't understand what he is saying , hence the aid of a computer.
And fireguy, and the rest, get fucked. You aren't going to "disprove" that handicapped hunters piss me off so give it up.

Hey, I'm agreeing with you. :bugeye:

Albeit my previous post is a little vague but read it over again and think a little. Then you'll see my position is that there is no need for sport hunting and that anyone who uses the 'natural selection' or 'evolution' or 'survival of the fittest' argument to support it (sport hunting, which this thread is about) is arguing irrelevance.
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All humans are handycapped hunters until you take into account our ability to use tools. Why is a human hunter with more gear, less of a hunter? It's what we do. Would Lou rather trade in his brain for a faster pair of legs and some jaws that he can throttle the life out of bison with?
All humans are handycapped hunters until you take into account our ability to use tools

Hahahaha. We're not talking about 'hunters' here, this thread is about 'sportsmen'.
Tools they can make. I can make a spear, bow and arrows, a club and I can pick up a stone and throw it and I can run and jump etc etc. I am also intelligent (enough) and have the social skills to maintain a position in a social group... it is this package that makes me a competent human being. Its not some vague imaginary list of requirements I thought up, its not a matter of opinion, its breaking down what homo sapiens is. You could do the same with any animal. And you could take any animal and keep them all alive and allow all of them to breed and you'd have a bunch of incompetent organisms just like there is within the human species. That fat loser on the wheelchair isn't some genius super animal, I could take a paralysed flying fox and give it wheels and strap a glock to its little claw, we just chose to do it to people because we're specist.
Its an embarrassment and a joke. Except the mighty animals our little novelty experiments are gunning down don't think its very funny.
Dr Lou Natic said:
If he's so smart how come he can't talk without that machine?

And fireguy, and the rest, get fucked. You aren't going to "disprove" that handicapped hunters piss me off so give it up. The fact it doesn't piss you off just says something about you as far as I'm concerned.

Haha reminds me of a Chris Rock standup routine, "Oh you got your degree, but can you kick my ass?"

Intelligence hasn't got anything to do with why he can't talk. If you ever happen to get hit by a bus, or something, and become a quadriplegic I'll be sure to peg you in the face with a baseball and make fun of how bad you are at catching things :p
Did it ever occur to you that despite their handicaps they have the will to succeed. I'm sure many of them go to the equivalent of the bag your own deer amusement park, but some might even have the hunting skills to hunt you, Dr. Lou.