hallucinagenics and migraines headaches. please please help

By ignoring the good advice you've been given, sidestepping questions specific to your original post, and pretending ignorance of how to use the Internet to find answers to your purported dilemma, just for starters.

Edited. You're on ignore.
I saw the doctor. My intentions are to hear the advice of as many people possible so I can try something that they don't offer medically because nothing they've ever given me reduces the amount of migraines I have per week. And only help alleviate some of the time. I'm not asking for anybody to say yea do it. I'm asking for a knowledgeable experienced personal story. Of which either is about that person or someone that they kno. Real life educated answer.
Any drug you take can have potential side effects.

We do not know what causes your migraines. So asking people to recommend hallucinogenics to alleviate the symptoms of your migraines carry inherent dangers. For example, you may be allergic to something someone recommends. It may cause you further issues because of any medication you may be taking. It could even make your migraines worse. This is just the tip of the iceberg of why what you are doing is wrong and dangerous.

What you should be doing is trying to figure out is the cause of your migraines. And for that, you need to see a specialist. For example, have you had scans done, checked for any potential allergies, had your eyes checked, ears checked, had your sinuses checked, looked at what you are eating and other environmental impacts which could affect your health, such as where you live and what is in your home? From there, a treatment plan can be put into place to treat it. Masking the pain using potentially dangerous drugs that are recommended to you by complete strangers on the internet could end up making it much worse.

Asking people online for which drugs you could take is dangerous. Not to mention it dips into issues of legality, since some could be recommending or suggesting something that is illegal.

You asked for a real life educated answer and you have been given such answers.
Why do you suspect trolling? Just because its the first post? I agree it seems suspicious, but a specific question at least.
well, there are a lot of reasons to assume this, but the important thing is that there are no studies that conclusively prove cannabis is an effective treatment for migraines... i also tend to get suspicious of anyone presenting requests to justify using hallucinogens for purposes that are not conclusively proven... but that is based solely on past historical experience with users, medicine as well as treatments for migraines (which i regularly suffer)

Cannabis has very little evidence supporting its use as a migraine remedy,
There are practically no studies on medical marijuana for migraines. Therefore there is no concrete scientific evidence on marijuana’s effectiveness, the proper dosage or the best method to ingest it.
and if it helps at all, it is most likely due to the relaxation effects or anti-nausea and that would be it
IMHO - the risks are too great


I've been a forum administrator since 2007. I've seen almost every sort of scam on the streets as well as online. He fits the mold too well.

Or, you can just chalk it up to my experiences with hallucinogens...
I am in TOTAL agreement here regarding the comments
especially given my own personal historical experiences

I would try either mushys or love as my helper. I like the idea of the natural route. But it seems that there are more sites pertaining to love and migraines than mushys and migraines (they seem more for cluster headaches) I'm hoping to achieve some type of relief from the pain When I have a migraine that seems to be un tameable and I'm also looking for some spacing between the ones I get. I'd be happy with just one or the other. Preferably the latter. Cuz like I said. Tripping is scary..
first off - medical advice is best given by medical professionals, not internet forums (unless directly tied to a medical site... but i've never seen ANY licensed professional, or a professional certified and working under a license like a Paramedic, diagnose or treat without a history, full makeup and more info that what you presented)

secondly - if you are looking for a more natural route, you would be talking about feverfew, not hallucinogens (see: http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-suppl...ngredientId=933&activeIngredientName=FEVERFEW
http://migraine.com/migraine-treatment/natural-remedies/feverfew/ )

Third - for a migraine sufferer, you seem more coached than legit. By that i mean your answers are far too vague and only topically describe the situation, so unless you are willing to expound on your migraine problem and go into detail (which will also determine which type/subtype of migraine you are tending to suffer from) then there is no point going any further.

fourth - For a migraine sufferer, you are not very well versed in the more common approaches to relief, which are many. (at least, you've yet to describe any relief treatments tried in the past which will narrow down a great deal of information and best further your current and future advice for treatments)

fifth - no, not Jack. Just because Cannabis is helpful for other issues that include pain doesn't mean it is an effective pain killer. Nor does it being a natural substance mean it is healthy or good for you. That truly depends on a number of factors, from how you react to it (and it's ingredients), what your source is (are there additives you are reacting to or is it medically pure, a BIG difference) to the cause as well as genetics.

another point - there are medications out there that are far, FAR more effective than cannabis that are regularly prescribed. (take Zolmitriptan in its various prescriptions, from rapidly dissolving tablets and nasal spray to ...)
historically, migraine sufferers will go to very great lengths to find a treatment that is effective, but using an addictive substance that may well be the cause rather than the solution is normally the problem of the user/addict set, not someone who truly needs effective help

let me clarify that last point: THC / cannabis may well be the cause due to not only your physical reactions to certain chemicals in the substance, but also to the addiction part of it, which will manifest most often in headaches (or migraines), back pain and general malaise, exacerbation of existing pains or issues as well as much, much more. This is typical of certain types of addictive substances, from alcohol and opiates to cannabis. Plus, there is the SOURCE to consider. Unless you are using medically grown etc and getting it from a medical supply/hospital/etc, then you do NOT know what is in your stuff

For the record, i have no personal use experience with weed other than watching every one of my family members use it (which lead a full 2/3 of them into migraines as well as other exacerbating problems from use)
However, i do have a tiny bit of medical experience as well as experience with Migraines

Like i pointed out above, the BEST ADVICE so far has been BELLS and to go get MEDICAL ADVICE, which i will post again here:
If you wish to treat your migraines, please go and see a doctor.
Especially if you are suffering from migraines that many times a week.

There is NO substitute for physical examinations, blood work or other relevant and necessary tests
NO! The Internet is for Porn! (and sharing pictures of cats!)

what about ponies?
and 4 chan?

oh, right
you covered 4chan with porn and cats

Internet was created by CIA to spy on everyone.
its actually more the NSA than CIA
CIA charter allows it to use interwebz to track, but it mostly uses NSA for the whole sheebang of spying on everyone...
I want to know if any hallucinogens will help me for my situation. I am a little on the fence about taking this approach. Truthfully hallucinating is really quiet scary. However,I am a chronic sufferer of migraine headaches. Cannabis helps spacing them out from 1 to 5 a week to 0 to 3 a week. Recently things have been on the upper side of the scale. And it's debilitating . I try everything. Sometimes it helps. Sometimes I'm in the shower for 6 hours vomiting until I can manage to get into bed. I am willing to give it a go if I can get a little more advice from knowledgeable and experienced people as well. Please help
The word migraine has come to encompass a large and sometimes unrelated group of headache/conditions.

The following is from personal experience circa 1987-1988....

If you are experiencing clasical migraine phenomia that includes a variety of sensory and perceptual distortions, it may involve how your body metabolizes tyrosine, an amino acid Which normally leads to the epinephrine/dopamine neurotransmitters in the brain. If this is the case there is a way to check, simply limit or preferably eliminate tyrosine from your diet for a week or two. If I remember correctly things like aged cheese, chocolate, peanuts, almonds and red wines, should be avoided..., there may be others I just don't recall. However, if the problem is tyrosine metabolism in a week or two you should notice some reduction in the frequency and intensity of the headaches. And there is a possible solution!

When I was diagnosed with clasical migraine phenomia by a neurologist and discovered that by reducing the foods listed did help. I researched tyrosine metabolism and discovered that in addition to limiting foods high in tyrosine, large doses of the amino acid phenylalanine (I think that is the spelling) suppresses tyrosine metabolism... And over a period of about 6 months to a year I eliminated recurrence of my migraines. If you use any energy drinks check the ingredient list as some include tyrosine.

NOTE, if you find that eliminating or reducing foods high in tyrosine helps...., and just reducing or eliminating tyrosine does not help enough, you should consult a doctor about using phenylalanine to supress tyrosine metabolism. Phenylalanine in sufficient doses to be effective, can interfere with sleep patterns and other body chemistries.

While not many doctors will know of the tyrosine connection to clasical migraine phenomia, you should consult a doctor about therapeutic use of Phenylalanine. Stay safe.
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What hallucinogens are you thinking of trying? I can't tell you I have experience with migraines but....
I think there was a old "House" (MD) episode where House used LSD to stop a chemically induced migraine. Not saying that would work, but it is the only reference that came to mind for me and I have had experience with debilitating clasical migraine phenomena.
The word migraine has come to encompass a large and sometimes unrelated group of headache/conditions.

The following is from personal experience circa 1987-1988....
NOTE, if you find that eliminating or reducing foods high in tyrosine helps...., and just reducing or eliminating tyrosine does not help enough, you should consult a doctor about using phenylalanine to supress tyrosine metabolism. Phenylalanine in sufficient doses to be effective, can interfere with sleep patterns and other body chemistries.

While not many doctors will know of the tyrosine connection to clasical migraine phenomia, you should consult a doctor about therapeutic use of Phenylalanine. Stay safe.

and you are correct... many doctors may not be well versed in modern Migraine medicine, which is why it is necessary for specialist help
the key and most important part of that is SPECIALIST MEDICAL HELP

there are also a lot of known triggers which can be avoided, from stress to environmental issues, depending on the individual
Sorry you suffer, OnlyMe
I think there was a old "House" (MD) episode where House used LSD to stop a chemically induced migraine. Not saying that would work, but it is the only reference that came to mind for me and I have had experience with debilitating clasical migraine phenomena.

I remember watching a documentary concerning a middle-aged run of the mill father who had a sudden onset of the so-called suicide migraine (I forgot the name of the disease/symptom). He was told by his doctor that magic mushrooms might help, and apparently they did for him.
I certainly don't advocate trying it out, but there may be some validity to claims that hallucinogenic compounds can alleviate debilitating migraines.
Ive never been one to join these forums. So excuse me for my informalities. I dont fully understand how this works without being a a troll. Or a chicken from my hometown. but its hard to really describe the migraine situation further than complete suffering. I'm sure I sound coached. Because everyone with migraines says the same thing. My migraines are extremely random. I avoid whatever I had the day and the day before one comes. Usually it's a sudden pain in my head which I try to ignore. Usually on one side of my head. The pain continues to imcrease. Making it so it's hard to see. Everything becomes blurry. And shakey. Covering my eyes laying still helps for some time. Till the nausea kicks in. Then it's vommiting. And hot showers. Hot shower helps while the waters hot. As soon as that's over it right back to misery Sometimes the doctor prescribed fiorocet does help. But sometimes it seems it makes it worse. Just like everything else. I've tried all natural remedies such as himilayian salt crystal and lemon. (Which doesn't work) and medical. As far as the cannabis goes. I stopped smoking for about a year which was right before I had to start seeing the doctor. I gave it about a month or two seeing as how quitting the herb causes headaches. And it just got worse and worse. So I started to smoke again. I've tried sumatriptan ( but you have to catch it before hand and I typically am not able to) klonopin , ect ect. I'm not asking for anyone to say yeah do it man! I'm just trying to see if anyone actually experienced this first hand because there are both positive and negative reports out there. Not saying I would take anybody advice. I'm more curious as to whether This approach can take away the days I loose laying with a pillow over my face trying to fall back to sleep so I don't throw up. Sorry if that was a bother trolling response. I do have difficulty conversating. My gf always yells at me for stay focused on one point only
Ive never been one to join these forums. So excuse me for my informalities. I dont fully understand how this works without being a a troll. Or a chicken from my hometown. but its hard to really describe the migraine situation further than complete suffering. I'm sure I sound coached. Because everyone with migraines says the same thing. My migraines are extremely random. I avoid whatever I had the day and the day before one comes. Usually it's a sudden pain in my head which I try to ignore. Usually on one side of my head. The pain continues to imcrease. Making it so it's hard to see. Everything becomes blurry. And shakey. Covering my eyes laying still helps for some time. Till the nausea kicks in. Then it's vommiting. And hot showers. Hot shower helps while the waters hot. As soon as that's over it right back to misery Sometimes the doctor prescribed fiorocet does help. But sometimes it seems it makes it worse. Just like everything else. I've tried all natural remedies such as himilayian salt crystal and lemon. (Which doesn't work) and medical. As far as the cannabis goes. I stopped smoking for about a year which was right before I had to start seeing the doctor. I gave it about a month or two seeing as how quitting the herb causes headaches. And it just got worse and worse. So I started to smoke again. I've tried sumatriptan ( but you have to catch it before hand and I typically am not able to) klonopin , ect ect. I'm not asking for anyone to say yeah do it man! I'm just trying to see if anyone actually experienced this first hand because there are both positive and negative reports out there. Not saying I would take anybody advice. I'm more curious as to whether This approach can take away the days I loose laying with a pillow over my face trying to fall back to sleep so I don't throw up. Sorry if that was a bother trolling response. I do have difficulty conversating. My gf always yells at me for stay focused on one point only
If you are having sensory disruption try eliminating tyrosine..., and you will need to give it week or two to know.
Or a chicken from my hometown.

OK. I apologize for accusing you of trolling. As a true troll, you'd have wondered how I know you're from Key West.

Please take the good advice you've been given, and best luck with ameliorating your problem. You might have some good come out of using illegal drugs, but no one here, (and I hope elsewhere), will recommend anything of the sort.

I used to have migraines as well, but not for many years. I can't put any specifics forward, but I'm pretty sure diet and emotional pressures had something to do with it.

As to diet, take a good hard look at what you eat. Do you cook, or just grab what's convenient? Fresh vegetables and fruit in plenty, not so much meat, and consider which grains and starches you eat.

Start keeping a detailed journal of what you ate, how you may have been stressed, how much sleep you got, etc. After a few weeks you might have enough data to come to some hypothesis you can use to solve the problem.

And stay away from those damned chickens!
A friend of mine has had migraines for years. He eats better than anyone I know, and exercises daily. He refused to take medication for the longest time. About 6 months ago, he was prescribed something for the headaches. He states an 80% improvement. It has been the only thing to help. I dont have the specifics on what he was prescribed, but i could find out if anyone wants to know.
and you are correct... many doctors may not be well versed in modern Migraine medicine, which is why it is necessary for specialist help
the key and most important part of that is SPECIALIST MEDICAL HELP

there are also a lot of known triggers which can be avoided, from stress to environmental issues, depending on the individual
Sorry you suffer, OnlyMe
I have not had migraines in maybe 20 years. Once the cause (in my case) was determined, a treatment plan that included a phenylalanine supplement, stopped the headaches. After 6 months or a year (don't remember for sure) I stopped the supplements and have had no reoccurrence. I do watch myself when it comes to over indulging in any foods or treats high in tyrosine.

As an aside tyrosine is normally metabolized similar to phenylalanine, as part of the epinephrine/dopamine cycle. It can get side tracked such that it ends up metabolized into a vaso constrictor. Phenylalanine in large doses suppresses tyrosine metabolism (That was a one line jewel I found in a 1958 medical text, when reading about tyrosine). Many migraine medicines include vaso dilators. That just treats the secondary cause, not the root of the problem. The phenylalanine supplement, over time, seems to reset the way tyrosine is metabolized. By the way prior to understanding the problem I did use to binge on just the sorts of things on the list — peanuts, almonds and chocolate. All things in moderation..., is definitely a wise decision.

But the phenylalanine dosage needed should not be taken without a doctor's supervision, as it can also play havoc with other neurotransmitter balances and even be dangerous for some individuals.
I occasionally get migraines with severe sensitivity to light/sound and, once in a while, visual... well, I don't want to call them hallucinations but, maybe artifacts?

I've found turning the lights out, taking some basic OTC migraine relief medicine, laying on the bed, and meditating for an hour or so tends to remove the worst of the symptoms.... I know it probably isn't that simple for most, but worth a try perhaps?
Brings a thought. Do you use hot chilis in your diet? Try it and let us know...
Hot chili is good for many things that pain a person, but as best I know the only way they would help for a migraine, is if they were hot enough that nothing else mattered.

Yes I eat hot chili, but not for headaches.